"I'm 10. What are you?" Zhang Qiang put his cards on the table.

"I'm eight."

"I'm J."

"I'm Q."

He Feng looked at everyone's card, also put his own up, "my is k, that" big deal lose a set! " He Feng smiles indifferently.

Then, five people started to play chips... Ten yuan each.

Although there is no ceiling, there is a bottom line for chips to drink and bet. The minimum is no less than 10 yuan, which is slightly larger than what they played before.

After putting the chips, he Feng started to play cards.

Soon, everyone caught three cards, but no one looked at them.

Of course, except he Feng, people around him didn't see it clearly, because his movements were too fast, let alone ordinary people. Even ordinary people with inner strength and ancient martial arts couldn't see his movements clearly.

After looking at the cards in his hand, he Feng's face began to smile.

But this is just the beginning, we can not lose momentum, so sitting on the right side of He Feng Li Duojin is very straightforward to follow a hundred down.

Zhang Qiang and others followed one after another.

After a lap, no one looked at the cards.

"Two hundred!" He Feng smiles and continues to lose money.

"I'll follow you!"

Li Duojin did not hesitate to lose two hundred.

"Let me see the cards!"

Hu Yue on the right of Li Duojin took a look at the card, and then threw it to the table in distress.

At the moment when he raised his hand to lose the card, he Feng seemed to glance at it casually, but he kept the card firmly in his mind.

"I'll see the cards, too!" Su Xiong also opened the card to see, and then followed the card to the table.

"Well, I'll give you two hundred." Zhang Qiang is not polite to smash two hundred down.

"Five hundred!"

He Feng with a smile, continue to lose money bet.

Now less than two people, the more likely he is to win. After all, Li Duojin and Zhang Qiang have never seen a card.

Li Duojin saw he Feng's disorganized loss of money, frowned slightly, and then took a look at the card.

Seeing the face of the card, he hesitated for a moment, then picked up a thousand and threw it up, "I'll follow you!"

If he doesn't look at the cards, he only needs to bet with 500, which can't be lower than he Feng's. But if you look at the cards and follow them again, it will double.

Seeing this, Zhang Qiang pondered a little. Without looking at the cards, he continued to throw 500.

"A thousand!" He Feng didn't want to, so he lost a thousand.


Everyone took a breath when they saw the scene.

This guy's too big, isn't he? He didn't even look at the cards, so he wasn't afraid that he didn't even have a card, and then he lost badly?

"Well, I'll show you the cards!"

Li Duojin snorted coldly, smashed 2000 yuan, and then reached for He Feng's card.

This is also the rule, if he saw the card, and he Feng did not see the card, then he just need to put double the money, you can see he Feng's card.

He Feng picked up the card, his heart is quite disdainful, because he felt he Feng certainly will not have any good card.

But when he saw he Feng's card, his face was shocked.

This damned bastard, just at the beginning, he has decided to abandon the card directly if he has no match.

"Well?" After seeing the card, Zhang Qiang's face couldn't help but smile. The radian on the corner of his mouth was very obvious.

"A thousand, right?"

Zhang Qiang laughs, then draws two thousand from the table, "I play with you, don't look at your cards!"

"Why don't you look at the cards? Is it hard, this guy's card is not small? "

He Feng is quite a little surprised, and then, he slightly narrowed his eyes, mouth gently jumped out of the two words, "God move!"

In an instant, an invisible energy came out of his mind.

The next moment, except for him and Xia Menglu standing beside him, everyone seems to be lost, and their eyes are a little confused.

Then, he Feng quickly turned his head and looked at the cards on Yanzhang's strong hand.

"Brother Feng!"

Xia Menglu sees he Feng's action and calls her.

Actually swaggering to see other people's cards, this is obviously a foul.

"Lulu, don't yell. It's OK."

He Feng back to Xia Menglu smile, and then seriously do a good job.

At this time, Zhang Qiang and others had just come back to their senses and had a look in their eyes. It seemed that they did not have any influence in just a few seconds.

"He Feng, do you want to keep betting? Don't you think so? "

Zhang Qiang provocative looking at He Feng, want to let he Feng continue to bet.

Everyone looked at Zhang Qiang in surprise. It seemed that Zhang Qiang had caught a big card.

Although someone is standing behind Zhang Qiang, Zhang Qiang looks at the cards secretly in order not to let he Feng and Xia Menglu behind him see them. Only when he Feng looks at them intentionally can he see his cards.

"He... They, they didn't find that he Feng just saw Zhang Qiang's card?"

Xia Menglu is not interested in the size of Zhang Qiang's card at all. She is shocked that these people didn't find he Feng watching Zhang Qiang's card just now?

He Feng's action is so aboveboard, under everyone's eyelids to see.

But these people didn't seem to see it!

Is it difficult that these people have become blind in the last few seconds?

"OK, then I'll see the cards." He Feng light smile, and then picked up the card to see a look.

Then, with a disappointed face, he said: "Alas, I caught such a small card, just a pair of J's, isn't that bad luck?"

As he spoke, he threw the cards on the table.

Obviously abandoned!

"I'll wipe it, and I'll give it up? That's a pair of J's

"Day, what is this situation, even a pair of J have abandoned the card, he will not play ah?"

"What's really special is Shabi. This 99% is the card to win."

When people see he Feng grabbing such a big card, they all choose to abandon it. They are very puzzled and speechless. Looking at He Feng's eyes is like looking at an idiot.

At this moment, in their minds, he Feng will not play fried flowers.

"How can you admit it?"

Zhang Qiang is also stunned, he pondered that after Li Duojin saw the cards, they are not as big as he Feng's, so he Feng's card should be very big, how should he walk two laps with himself.

Even if you don't walk two laps, at least you have to open a card with yourself, right?

However, after he Feng learned that he had caught a pair of cards as big as J, he didn't choose to continue to bet and didn't open cards with him. Instead, he abandoned the cards directly.

This is really beyond his expectation!

"What's the matter? Isn't that normal? He who can bend and stretch is the real man. "

He Feng is very disdainful to say, "and, I have a hunch, your card is certainly not small, right? Do you really think I'm a fool? "


Zhang Qiang didn't know what to say for a moment, because his cards were really big.

"Brother Qiang, what cards have you caught? Let's have a look. "

"Yes, brother Qiang, have you really caught the big card? Now he was depressed. He caught a little shunzi himself. He wanted to finish the card, but Zhang Qiang didn't look at the card and bet 100 directly, because he felt that even if he didn't score 100, he Feng must have won 100. In addition, he just won several thousand, so he was a little more generous.

"Two thousand!"

What he didn't expect was that he Feng lost 2000 yuan as soon as he put it down. At the same time, he muttered: "I just lost nearly 2000 yuan. I have to win this one at a time."

"Two thousand? I'm not a grass

He Feng this money just put down, Zhang Qiang and others are completely surprised.

This guy, what do you want to play?

Don't he know that if a bet is 2000 yuan, he can't play several rounds with 8000 yuan?

"I said to you, don't be in a daze. If you don't dare to play, discard the cards. If you want to play, lose money."

He Feng see people in a daze, mouth urged the way.

"Ha ha, you didn't look at the cards. I don't believe that your luck will be as good as the first set, and you'll catch another pair."

Sitting on his right side, Li Duojin faintly smiles. Then he doesn't look at the cards, so he directly loses 2000.

Although he is not a local tyrant, he has a lot of money on hand. Even if he has an Audi A4, he still has more than 100000 yuan in savings. Even if he loses tens of thousands, he won't be too distressed.

What's more, he and Zhang Qiang have just discussed that no matter how they win or lose in the end, the four of them will share equally, and the four of them will cooperate with each other during the gold explosion, so it is almost impossible to lose.

Therefore, there is no pressure for him to drop the two thousand yuan.

"In that case, that's two thousand."

"I'll follow you, too!"

"Let's take a walk together."

Hu Yue, Su Xiong and Zhang Qiang all followed one after another, and one lost 2000 yuan.

"Two thousand more!"

He Feng kept silent and continued to lose two thousand.

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