"Xiaoyu, why did you call Wang Xiangyun his sister-in-law? You haven't been in touch with her, have you? " He Feng rolled his eyes.

"What's your sister-in-law's name? Anyway, brother Xiaofeng, you are married to her, and you have to have children with her. Sooner or later, I will call her sister-in-law. "

Ling Weiyu said with a smile: "it seems that my sister-in-law is really rich. A new car without a license plate is a Porsche palamella."

"Why, feather, do you know Pamela?" He Feng is quite curious. It's hard for people who don't know much about cars to recognize palamella. At most, they know a Porsche.

"That's necessary. Don't forget my work. I'm an editor of Internet articles. Almost every internet article has various sports cars. If you read too much, you will naturally find a way to understand them." Ling Weiyu said.

"All right!"

He Feng nodded, "however, the car I'm driving now is not Wang Xiangyun's mother-in-law's. It was... It was borrowed by a colleague of mine. "

"Ask your colleague to borrow it?"

"Yes, I'll take feather with me tonight. You can't take a taxi, can you? So I had to borrow my friend's car. " Hefeng road.

"Poof! Brother Xiaofeng, I don't mind this. It doesn't matter if I take a taxi. " Ling Weiyu said with a smile.

"That's no good. This evening is the first time we've been out in so many years. I must pay a little attention to it."

He Feng serious way: "if make our family small feather not happy, don't go out with me to play, then I don't regret to die?"? Feather, don't you forget our bet

"Of course you won't forget. If you don't make 20 million today, make me a meal. If you make it, I'll make it for you. But now it's ten o'clock. You don't have time, do you? "

At the beginning, Ling Weiyu thought he Feng had some hope that he could make 20 million yuan today.

But now it's ten o'clock in the evening, and they are just starting. How can he earn so much?

"What time? It's two hours before the end of today, isn't it? That's quite enough. "

Although the mouth said so, but he Feng is still a little worried.

What if it's bad luck?

But fortunately, even if he didn't earn 20 million today, he just made a meal for Ling Weiyu, but it would make him feel less face.

"Cluck, OK, I'll see what you do in the next two hours." Ling Weiyu covers her mouth and says with a smile, but it doesn't matter in her heart. The purpose of her coming out with He Feng is not to see how he Feng loses, but to come out with He Feng for fun.

"Brother Xiaofeng, are there many rich people in my sister-in-law's company? This palamella, at least a million? " Ling Weiyu asked curiously.

"Xiaoyu, my colleague was not very rich before. She just made a lot of money these two days because of her good luck. Now, she has millions left in her hand, and she is going to use all the money for charity. "

He Feng is going to give Ling Weiyu a preventive injection first, "but she has no other reliable channels to do charity. So I gave her a suggestion to help our Jule welfare home. What do you think? "


When Ling Weiyu heard the speech, he was surprised, "who is this man? I've just made a sum of money and I'm going to take it out for charity. Is my heart too kind? "

"Ha ha, she is really kind, just like you. I'll introduce you two later." He Feng said with a smile.

"Well, well, I'm looking forward to meeting this man now. With her help, the children's lives will certainly improve a lot. "

Ling Weiyu's heart is both joyful and expectant.

"Even without her help, the children's life will be very good. My big brother has come back and helped you earn 20 million today. Do you think the children will have a hard time?" He Feng curled his lips and said.

"Yes, brother Xiaofeng is the best. You can help me earn 20 million today. When you come back to the welfare home for dinner, I'll let aunt yuan have a rest. I'll cook for you myself, OK?"

"That won't do. In that case, you won't make it for me alone."

He Fengli said: "I have to go to your house. You can make a meal for me."

"To my house?"

"Why, as a brother, I can't go to my sister's house for a meal?"

"Yes, I can, but my house is shared with others. I have to say hello to my roommate first, or I will take someone back suddenly. If she meets me, it will be inconvenient."


He Feng eyebrow a pick, "male female of?"

He knows very well that in today's society, many houses are shared by men and women. This phenomenon is too common.

"Poof! What are you thinking about? Women, of course. "

Ling Weiyu is amused by He Feng.

"That's good!" He Feng just laughed.

They talked and laughed. About 15 minutes later, they came to Tongxi town.

"Xiaoyu, antique street is in this ancient town. Let's go in." He Feng said.

"I just came to Tongxi town during the day, and usually there are not many people. I didn't expect that the flow of people at night is even bigger than that during the day. Is that too strange?"

Two people went forward a little road, Ling Weiyu suddenly surprised said.

"Ha ha, for ordinary people, Tongxi town is just a very common ancient town. But for those who are slightly interested in antiques and jade, this is a well-known Antique Street, so in the evening, the flow of people will naturally increase. " He Feng said with a light smile: "moreover, the last time I went around, I found that there were expensive but also cheap things in the antique street, so even some ordinary office workers or workers would come to play when they were free at night."

"I see!"

Ling Weiyu nodded, "for antiques and gambling stones, I've seen them in many novels, and I don't know what they look like in real life."

"It's just like that, but it's different from the novels. There are a lot of people who know how to identify treasure in the novels. When gambling, most of them rely on real materials to win money. But in real life, maybe you get good things and you don't have the life to enjoy them. "

He Feng said with a smile: "this world is a world where the weak eat the law of the jungle and the strong are respected. Little feather, you should be aware of this? "

"Well! I've experienced what happened before. Brother Xiaofeng, when you save your uncles and aunts, you won't live the same life as before, will you Ling Weiyu looks at He Feng and asks.

"Life like that before..."

He Feng looked up at the distance with a touch of nostalgia in his eyes. "At that time, I was trying to improve my strength every day. At first, I was trying to make myself live, and then I was trying to make my brothers live. Now, my brothers have enough strength to protect themselves. So, as long as they don't need me, I just want to live the quiet life they have now. "

Looking at He Feng, Ling Weiyu suddenly doesn't know what to say.

This man has experienced too much over the years.

"Little feather, look at so many people in front of you, and guess what's interesting. Let's go and have a look first." He Feng suddenly pulls up Ling Weiyu and walks towards a crowd in front of him.

"Brother Xiaofeng..."

Suddenly by He Feng holding hands, Ling Weiyu's face can't help but spread a touch of red glow. It's not very clear in the dark night, but it also adds two points of beauty to her.

There are hundreds of people in this crowd, surrounded by a temporary platform, on which several people stand.

At this time, a middle-aged man standing in front of him was holding a fist sized black stone in his hand and said to the people below: "this stone, called Qianqiu stone, is said to have been stolen from the stock of Yanjing Museum by a robber. It was a stone that a senior official used to raise fish in a fish tank. Because it's just an ordinary stone, it has little practical value, only some collection value. The starting price is 500 yuan. If you are interested, you can make a quotation. The price increase should not be less than 100 yuan each time. "

After his voice fell, no one spoke for more than ten seconds.

It's because we all know that maybe it's just a black stone on the side of the road. As for what big robber stole from the Yanjing museum's stock, an ancient official who raised fish in a fish tank was basically made up. It might be OK to cheat a three-year-old. Normal people would hardly believe it.

Even if the origin of this black stone is true, no one is willing to buy it back for collection.

If you have average financial ability, you will feel that it's too brainy to buy an ordinary stone to go back to collect. It's better to pick up a similar stone by the roadside.

And the real rich

If you buy a few hundred yuan thing to collect, it's too shameful to show it to outsiders.

"Brother Xiaofeng, it's like an antique auction."

Ling Weiyu looked at it for a while, and at the same time listened to people's comments. He soon understood what was going on in front of him. "With your eyes, do you think the origin of that stone is true?"

"I don't know if it's true, but I think it's certainly valuable."

He Feng said with a smile.

"Is it worth a lot?"

Ling Weiyu was surprised, and then said in silence: "brother Xiaofeng, you are guessing. It seems that you alone think it is worth a lot. Look at these people around, no one is willing to bid."

"That's because they don't have a good eye on the treasure, they can't even see the most basic jade." He Feng shook his head and said.


Ling Weiyu opens his mouth and doesn't know how to refute He Feng.

There are so many people present, how many of them are good at gambling stones. They have a lot of experience. Even if they are not sure whether the black stone in the hands of the person in charge is a piece of jade, they can bid as long as they have a general guess.

After all, the starting price is only 500 yuan. Even ordinary college students can afford it.

But these people didn't even pay 500 yuan, which only shows one problem. In the eyes of all of them, this is just an ordinary stone.

Is it that brother Xiaofeng's vision is more accurate than that of all the people present?

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