"Brother Xiaofeng, since you say it's a piece of jade, shall we make an offer?" Ling Weiyu thought and asked.

Anyway, it's 500 yuan. If you lose it, you'll lose it. As long as you can make Xiaofeng have a good time, she's happy.

"Of course we have to bid!"

He Feng didn't want to, raised his hand and cried: "I'll pay 500 yuan!"

"Five hundred? The gentleman offered five hundred. Is there anything else to increase the price? " As soon as the person in charge saw that someone was bidding, he was a little relieved, and then continued: "because the starting price of this stone is less than 10000 yuan, if the bidding can not exceed 10000 yuan in one minute, the bidding of this auction item will end in two minutes at most, no matter how much the final bidding is, even if it is only a few hundred yuan. Therefore, those who want to increase the price have to hurry up. "

"Cut, idiot will increase the price. I won't even take an ordinary stone. "

"That's to say, 500 yuan is also money. It's almost my living expenses for one month in school."

"This auction is really boring. I thought I could have more insight. I didn't expect that I would cheat us with such fake things and never come again."

"Yes, when we are fools, only that fool will pay for an ordinary stone. However, the girl around the fool is very beautiful, compared with Jiang Xinyan, the first flower of our school. "


Some people with strong curiosity are looking at He Feng and discussing He Feng and his best beauty Ling Weiyu by the way.

But more people didn't even look at He Feng, and they didn't have the slightest interest.

As for the bid, there is no one.

Ten seconds passed

"Ten seconds has passed, since no one has bid again, it can only show that this black stone is predestined with that brother."

The person in charge looked at He Feng and said: "brother, please come up to receive the goods!"

Immediately, there is a person came to He Feng's front, leading He Feng on stage to receive goods.

The purpose of receiving goods is to pay money.

After all, the auction is not held in a closed place, but in an open way. If you suddenly don't want something, then you slip away and can't find it, isn't it a mess?

"Feather, let's go there together." He Feng pulls up Ling Weiyu to say.


Ling Weiyu nodded and followed He Feng.

And in He Feng they go to pay to receive goods during, the person in charge here began a new round of auction, did not wait for their meaning.

He Feng looked at this round of auction items, also lazy to pay attention to, just some ordinary things, he did not have much interest.

"Hello, sir. Would you like to pay in cash or not?"

He Feng and Ling Weiyu come to the side of the stage. An old man in charge of delivery comes to them with a black stone and asks indifferently.

In the old man's view, he Feng and Ling Weiyu are just ordinary working class, and their attitude is naturally much colder.


He Feng took out his mobile phone and transferred it to the other party.

"Well, now this stone is yours."

The old man gave the black stone to He Feng, with a sneer on his face, and turned to leave.

"Teacher Fu, I want to ask you something. If I want to solve this jade, can you help me solve it here?" He Feng stopped the old man.

"You want to untie this stone?"

The old man hears he Feng's words, not from a Leng, then the color of sneer on the face is more thick, "how, do you still think it has jade?"

Around also many people heard he Feng's words, a look at his eyes are like looking at an idiot.

"No wonder it costs 500 yuan to buy an ordinary stone. It turns out that there is something wrong with the brain."

"Hey, I thought he bought this stone because he wanted to brag about it. He thought there was jade in it."

"If there is jade in it, will it be his turn? He doesn't pee. He's just a poor loser. "

"Alas, it's a pity that the beautiful woman around him actually followed this kind of goods."

The voice of these people is not small, not only he Feng heard, even Ling Weiyu also heard, which makes her face not very good-looking, what these people say is too ugly.

"Brother Xiaofeng, let's play in another place. It's not interesting here." Ling Weiyu pulls He Feng to say.

"Well, I said that I would take you to earn 20 million yuan tonight. How can I leave now?"

He Feng can not do, the opportunity to make money in front of him, of course, he will not leave so.

"But I think these people talk too hard." Ling Weiyu said in a low voice.

"It's all right. They talk hard. Just think they're farting. Don't worry about it." He Feng doesn't matter.

"Pooh! All right Ling Weiyu see he Feng don't want to go, also no longer say, she is mainly afraid he Feng heart will not be happy, this bad they come out to play interest.

"Teacher Fu, you haven't answered my question. Do you have a master who can solve stones? If not, I'll go to other places and find someone else to help me

He Feng saw that the old man did not answer his words, so he asked again.

"Yes, there are, but we have to charge for stone removal here. If you untie a stone, you'll get a thousand dollars, no bargaining. " The old man said lightly.

"A thousand?"

He Feng thought, and took out his mobile phone again. "OK, I will transfer the money to you by Alipay. You can arrange a stone teacher for me."

As soon as the words came out, everyone was stunned.

This guy is really willing to take out 1000 yuan to solve the stone!

"Forget it, I've been seen, and I've come across a brain wreck."

"Yes, close to him, I'm a little worried about being infected."

"It's really boring. The auction is boring. The people who come to the auction are even more boring. It's better to go back to wash and sleep."

Originally, if someone was to remove the stone, there would be a group of people who could not help but be curious.

But now, few people are willing to stay to watch.

The few who stay are not looking at Jieshi, but at the beauties around He Feng

"Since you want to remove stones, I'll arrange a stone remover for you." The old man nodded.

When he Feng transferred his account, a stone remover came with the machine.

"Hello, do you want to cut or polish your stone?" The stone remover is a young man, looking at the black stone on He Feng's hand, his face is full of ridicule.

Although he is only an apprentice, he has solved many raw stones and seen more.

In his opinion, he Feng's stone is a very ordinary stone, which can't have any material in it.

As for what was stolen from the museum, a senior official used to raise fish

A fool will believe it!

Because of this, he was arranged as an apprentice to solve the stone.

"Just polish it, about two centimeters out. Two centimeters in, there is no need to grind, otherwise it will hurt the jade inside He Feng said with a smile, and then handed the black stone to understand the stone master.

"Well, you can watch it for two or three minutes."

The stone disintegrator took the stone and began to polish it.

And the people who watched him grind stones, except he Feng and Ling Weiyu, almost no one else.

Several onlookers nearby, no one looked at the grindstone, they were all staring at Ling Weiyu.

"Brother Xiaofeng, is there really jade in it?" Ling Weiyu is pulling He Feng, a little bird in person's shape, curious asked.

"Of course, if there is no jade, why should I buy it?" He Feng said with a smile.

"Yes? Then I'm looking forward to it. "

Ling Weiyu doesn't really believe it, but she doesn't care. What she really wants is to lean on He Feng and enjoy the quiet and interesting time with him Feng.


Almost half a minute later, the stone disintegrator, who had been careless, seemed to notice something and suddenly frowned.

"Master, is that enough? Next, be careful. " He Feng said with a smile.

"How can it be that this ordinary stone is really green?"

At this time, the stone remover looked at the light green light in front of him, and his heart was full of shock.

In his opinion, this is just an ordinary stone with poor quality, potholes and obvious waste.

But now, there is a touch of green.

"Maybe it's just an ordinary green stone, not jade."

The stone remover thought so in his heart, but he was more careful in his hand.

A few seconds later

"Damn, it's really jade!"

After confirming the suspicions in his heart, the Jieshi master couldn't help exclaiming.


Hearing the speech, the people around attracted their eyes to the stone under the machine.

The dazzling green light is very conspicuous in the dim night.

"No, it's green?"

"Isn't that an ordinary stone? How can it turn green?"

"Paralyzed, is that what we call a loser's counter attack?"

Everyone was shocked. They all took two steps to watch.

What happened here also attracted more people's attention. Everyone gathered here to watch the excitement. Anyway, the auction on the stage was not very wonderful.

"Well? It turned green? And look at the color, it should not be ordinary material

At this time, a middle-aged man stepped forward and said to the stone remover, "master, please stop polishing first!"

Jieshi was a little confused, but when he saw the man, he immediately stopped, "OK, Mr. Zhong."

He is the general manager of a company with tens of millions of assets. He often comes to Tongxi town to play with jade. He has seen it many times, so naturally he will lose face.

This clock Dong Fang only looked at He Feng and asked, "little brother, you can not solve this stone again, it is not how good jade material. How about I pay 100000 yuan to buy it before the results come out? You make a lot of money. "

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