"True Qi?"

Zhan Yu was embarrassed. "Brother in law, I'd better think about how to cultivate my inner strength first."

The war maniac also nodded: "Xiao Feng, Xiao Yu's qualifications. I asked a super dragon tooth to show him before. His future achievements, at most, are estimated to be super dragon teeth. And with good luck, he even has no hope of becoming a great master of Huajin. Not to mention, he has become the legendary ancient warrior of the true Qi state. "

"Master Hua Jin?"

He Feng looked at Zhan Yu and nodded, "it's a pity..."

Zhan Yu was so old that she didn't even cultivate her inner strength. In the future, it's really too extravagant to transform her inner strength into real Qi.

But for ordinary people, it is a great honor to be a great master of Huajin.

Later, he Feng called Wang Xiangyun.

"Hello, daughter-in-law, where are you and your aunt now? I'll go to you with my uncle. " Waiting for the phone to get through, he Feng asked.

"My aunt and I are shopping in Yinlong shopping mall. Come here."

"Yinlong shopping mall, right? OK, I'll be there now. "

Hang up the phone, he Feng will drive towards the direction of the hidden dragon shopping mall.

"True Qi State? How could Xiao Feng suddenly talk about true Qi just now? "

But sitting on one side of the war crazy, the heart is very confused.

Ordinary ancient martial arts people can't tell the true Qi State casually.

After all, when it comes to Huajin, he is already a great master, and his status is extremely respected.

"No matter, I'll send a wechat to my elder brother first. If not, I'll call him in the evening."

Thinking of this, the war maniac took out his mobile phone, opened Wang Qing's dialog box and directly asked, "Wang Qing, what's the origin of He Feng?"

The tone is direct and the attitude is not very good.

In my heart, he didn't like this big brother very much, let alone respect him, and even despised him.

Because Wang Xiangyun zhanmengyin's mother came from a humble family and was just a salesgirl, the Wang family never accepted her and strongly opposed her marrying into the Wang family. However, Wang Qing failed to insist on it, which made Zhan Mengyin leave, and married Wang Dawei, an honest migrant worker, and finally gave birth to Wang Xiangyun.

But Zhan Mengyin's life was not good for a long time. A few years later, Wang Dawei was led astray by others, played gambling, and owed a huge debt. He was called to his home and was disabled. Because Zhan Mengyin was too beautiful, he was directly taken away by these people to pay the debt.

The Wang family didn't know what was going on. They learned the news, but they didn't pay attention to Zhan Mengyin. They just took Wang Xiangyun back to the Wang family and let him grow up in the Wang family.

At that time, Wang Qing had a new love and gave birth to a son.

For these, whether it is war maniac or Wang Xiangyun, always remember. It is precisely because of these things that Wang Xiangyun has no sense of belonging to the Wang family, and even has a slight hatred of Wang Qing. However, because the other party is indeed his own father, Wang Xiangyun is also quite helpless, but in reality, he has always kept a distance and rarely meets once a year.

Before long, Wang Qing's message came back.

"Why did you suddenly ask about He Feng? Are you in Jiangbin now? "

"Ha ha, you don't care about your daughter. I have to care about my niece. At that time, Xiaomei and I met Mengyin in Jiangbin City, and we recognize Mengyin very much. Now, even if Mengyin is no longer there, we are very concerned about yunyun, big and small things. Now you just need to tell me, what's the origin of He Feng? "

War crazy sneer back to this message in the past.

When Zhan Mengyin was taken away, they also looked for it, but the other party's reply was that when they wanted to strengthen Zhan Mengyin's shoulder, Zhan Mengyin fought to death, was killed alive by them, and then was thrown into the river.

After reporting to the police, the police tried their best to salvage it, but unfortunately they couldn't even find the bones.

This is to deepen the war maniac and Wang Mei heart of guilt, so more love Wang Xiangyun.

It was because of their persuasion and appeasement that Wang Xiangyun accepted the Wang family a little bit, and had a close relationship with Wang's grandmother.

This time, the war maniac waited for ten minutes before Wang Qing's reply came.

"Yanjing, he family. Keep it secret

The content of the reply is very simple, but after the war maniac saw it, he took a breath of air and said, "hiss..."

"What's the matter, uncle?"

On one side, he Feng, who was driving, couldn't help asking, "are you ok?"

"No, I'm fine..."

War crazy quickly asked, but looking at He Feng's eyes have changed, full of all kinds of shock.

At the first sight, he felt disgusted. He thought he was just a loser. He actually came from he's family in Yanjing.

You know, the he family is not an ordinary family, but one of the four royal families in Yanjing. Stamping one's foot can make the land of China tremble a few times, which is not comparable to the royal family.

It is precisely because the he family is too powerful and belongs to a real giant, so the war maniac has never dared to think about it.

And now, he finally understood!

"No wonder, no wonder his fighting power is so strong, his shooting skills are so fierce, and he knows the medical skills. It's because he comes from the he family!" A wry smile appeared on the corner of the war maniac's mouth. "It seems that yunyun can marry he Feng, but it's the Wang family's high climb!"

At this moment, not to mention he Feng just showed no less than his strength, even if he Feng showed the fighting power of super Longya, he would not be too shocked.

Because now among the younger generation of he family, master Hua Jin has appeared!

A few minutes later, the car stops outside the Yinlong shopping mall. He Feng calls Wang Xiangyun and tells them that he has arrived.

Wang Xiangyun and Wang Mei are waiting outside the shopping mall with big and small bags in their hands.

"Uncle, yunyun and aunt bought a lot of things. I'll go down and help them carry them."

He Feng hung up the phone, then said to the next war crazy.

"All right!" Zhan fan nodded and said to Zhan Yu, "Xiao Yu, let's go down and help. We're sitting in the car."

"Ah? Oh, good Zhan Yu was stunned. He immediately pushed the door open and got off. He was just a little surprised. What's the matter with dad?

Even if you need help, just let him get off the bus alone. Why do you want to get off the bus to help? He's an elder. Do you have to help him with such a small matter?

Is it too much to pay attention to this brother-in-law?

After getting out of the car, he Feng sees Wang Xiangyun and Wang Mei not far away. They are carrying all kinds of bags and coming to this side.

The three speeded up their pace and soon came to them.

"Aunt, give it to me."

He Feng rushed to pick up Wang Mei's bag.

And the war crazy is to pick up the bag in Wang Xiangyun's hand, at the same time to the war jade way: "Xiaoyu, don't you hurry to help Xiaofeng take it? What are you looking at? "

"Good, good!"

Zhan Yu wanted to help his father share a little, but he didn't expect that Zhan Kuang told him to help he Feng.

But he also dare not listen, stretch out a hand to divide the bag in He Feng's hand some come over.

Several people came to the car and stuffed everything into the trunk. What they couldn't do was to put it in the corner of the car.

Later, he Feng asked: "daughter-in-law, it's so late now, isn't it appropriate for us to go shopping again? How about a restaurant nearby? "

"What do you think, Auntie and uncle? Shall we find a restaurant nearby? " Wang Xiangyun looked at Wang Mei.

"I don't care. You like it. He Feng, in particular, is young now. He is in the critical period of practicing martial arts. He should eat something good. You can ask him what he wants to eat. " War crazy calm said.


Zhan Yu smokes at the corner of her mouth. What's the matter with dad?

It seems that his attitude towards his brother-in-law has changed a lot all of a sudden.

Although before because know he Feng's powerful strength, his attitude is much better, but also not so good!

Wang Xiangyun also has some doubts. He can't figure out how his uncle cares so much about He Feng.

But she didn't think much for a moment, just looked at He Feng, "He Feng, what do you want to eat?"

"I eat everything, mainly to see what my uncle and aunt want to eat." He Feng shrugged.

Wang Mei said, "I'm tired of eating Chinese food every day at home. Is there a western restaurant in this shopping mall? Let's have some Western food tonight. "

"Western restaurant?"

Wang Xiangyun frowned and said: "it seems that there is only one western restaurant in Yinlong shopping mall, called puster restaurant, which is enough to rank in the top three among Western restaurants in the world. It's very stylish. However, if you want to eat in this western restaurant, you need to make an appointment at least two days in advance. Especially now is the weekend, or meal, more impossible to have a vacancy

She also knows a lot about pust restaurant. After all, pust restaurant is the best western restaurant in Jiangbin city. She occasionally comes to eat, and every time she needs to make an appointment two days in advance.

This western restaurant is not something you can eat at any time if you have money. Even if you are a billionaire, you have to eat in another place.

The reason is very simple, because the owner of Yinlong shopping mall is an industry owned by song Shiqun, the richest man in Jiangbin city. The daily turnover of this shopping mall is at least 100 million yuan. If you engage in activities occasionally, you will get several hundred million yuan.

Such a calculation, your hundreds of millions of wealth, for the hidden dragon shopping mall, is really nothing, just a few days of turnover!

"No more seats?"

When Wang Mei heard Wang Xiangyun's words, she immediately felt some regret. "In this case, let's find a restaurant to eat, and we don't have to eat Western food."

"Eh, sister Yun, if I remember correctly, it seems that this Yinlong shopping mall is the property of song Shiqun, the richest man in Jiangbin city? And the richest man is not pursuing you. If you ask him to help, can we go to that western restaurant for dinner? " At this time, Zhan Yu suddenly said.


As soon as his words fell, the war maniac slapped him on the head, "Stinky boy, you like to ask for help, don't you? Ask for it yourself

"Ouch! Dad, what are you doing so hard that you're not afraid to make your son a brat? " Zhan Yu covers his head and says.

"Well, you are no better than Shabi now!" The war crazy glared at him and said.

If he Feng is not present, Zhan Yu can say that. Now he Feng is standing next to him. He even asks Wang Xiangyun to ask for help from the pursuer. Isn't he Feng upset?

Don't say he Feng is a child of he family, even if he Feng is just an ordinary person, war maniac will not allow it.

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