"Uncle, don't blame Xiaoyu. He just wants her to have a western meal." He Feng advised.

"Yes, uncle, but unfortunately, I have a big conflict with song Yan now. It's impossible to ask him for help any more."

Wang Xiangyun also said: "moreover, even if he is willing to help, it's useless. Although song Shiqun is the owner of Yinlong shopping mall, many of the stores in this mall are world-class brands. If song Shiqun can let them enter the shopping mall, it will cost nine cows and two tigers. However, song Shiqun collects rent and some sales commission from his store at most. If he wants to arrange guests to eat in a restaurant anytime and anywhere, he has a bit of extravagance. The restaurant will certainly not give him such face. "

Wang Mei saw that Wang Xiangyun said it was so troublesome. She immediately waved her hand and said, "forget it. We can't eat today. It's the same for us to eat in two days. We'll make an appointment when we get back. We'll eat again when the appointment is successful."

"Aunt, I'm sorry..." Wang Xiangyun also apologized. She also wanted to let her aunt eat in the post restaurant, but there was nothing she could do.

"It's nothing. It's just a meal. I don't want to apologize." Wang Mei quickly said: "let's change a family to eat the same!"

"That... Daughter-in-law, maybe I can take you to the post restaurant."

At this time, he Feng spoke slowly.

"Well? Will you take us to dinner? "

Wang Xiangyun surprised to see he Feng one eye, eyebrow tiny wrinkly, "how do you take?"

"I know the boss of the post restaurant. I'll call him now and ask him to arrange it."

"Do you know the boss of the post restaurant?"

Wang Xiangyun was shocked.

The boss of the post restaurant, who is a world-class boss, is said to be the first chef of the country. Even if the president of the country wants to eat a meal he cooks, it depends on whether he has time. How high is the status of such big men?

But now, he Feng said he knew the big man!

Well, even if you know this man, he won't arrange a meal for you, will he? Do you think you are the number one leader of China?

"Well, I'm quite familiar with him. I'll call him first and make sure."

He Feng took out his cell phone and dialed Bryce's cell phone number.

Last time he had dinner with Ning Caizhu and Xu Fei, Bryce gave him a gold-plated business card. Although he didn't know where he had lost it, he remembered the number in his head.

See he Feng so simply dial the phone, Wang Xiangyun several people although confused, but still patiently waiting.

"Hello, are you..."

Soon, the phone was connected, inside Bryce that is not very skilled in Chinese.

"Hello, Bryce, I'm He Feng!" He Feng also said hello with a smile.

"You are the Dragon..." hearing he Feng's voice, Bryce immediately got excited.

"Mr. Bryce, I'd like to go to your restaurant with my daughter-in-law and my daughter-in-law's relatives. But I heard my daughter-in-law say that you need to make an appointment to eat in your restaurant. It will take two days to eat, right? "

He Feng interrupted Bryce.

If he shouts "Dragon Emperor" again and let the war maniac hear it, it won't be very good.

After all, the war maniac is a leader of the Dragon Guard. He may be able to find out the identity of the Dragon Emperor. If he finds out, it won't do him any good.

"Dear Mr. He Feng, if you can have dinner with your wife and your relatives, it will be a great honor for our restaurant."

Bryce's voice was a little excited. "Just come, I'll arrange a seat for you as soon as possible."

"OK, I'm outside Yinlong shopping mall now. I'll be at your restaurant in about five minutes." He Feng said with a smile.

"Five minutes?"

Bryce was stunned. He Feng didn't expect to be so fast. "It should be more difficult to get a vacancy in five minutes. Now I'll arrange someone to make an empty room. What do you think?"

"I don't mind. We just need a place to eat. The rest doesn't matter." He Feng said with a smile, "first of all, let's see you later."

"OK, see you later. Hang up first..." said Bryce.

"Well, goodbye!"

He Feng hung up directly.

On the other side of the line, Bryce, who is studying "Chicken Soup for the soul" in the post restaurant, listens to the busy tone on his mobile phone and yells, "come in, all of you!"

As his voice rang out, a group of chefs from outside came in one after another.

"Dear Mr. Bryce, what can I do for you?" Asked a chef.

"I'll give you five minutes and set up a vacant room for me at once. I have a most distinguished guest coming to dinner. Do you understand? " Bryce said, staring at several people.

"OK, we'll set it up right now!"

The chefs were surprised, so they all stepped back and arranged the room.

Bryce took off his dirty cook's clothes and put on his expensive suit. He took several people in charge of the store and went outside the restaurant to wait for He Feng.

Before long, he saw he Feng and Wang Xiangyun coming.

Seeing Wang Xiangyun beside he Feng, Bryce was not surprised. When he learned that he Feng was in Jiangbin City, he let people pay attention to his every move. Naturally, he knew that he Feng married Wang Xiangyun.

"Dear Mr. He Feng, Ms. Wang Xiangyun, and distinguished guests, welcome to our company."

Bryce took the initiative to go up, the attitude is extremely humble.

This scene, in the eyes of those customers around, almost startled their chin.

"My God! Isn't this Mr. Bryce? He's the founder of the post restaurant. How could he go out and welcome the young couple himself? "

"Yes, even if song Shiqun, the owner of Yinlong shopping mall, came, Mr. Bryce would not welcome him like this, would he? What is the origin of this couple? "

"I don't know. The man is a loser, but the woman is really beautiful. Tut Tut, it's much more beautiful than many female stars. Good cabbages are so darned by pigs! "

"Shh! Keep your voice down. They're not simple. Don't let them hear them, or they'll have bad luck. "

Although these people are curious, they are cautious in their words and deeds, and even their comments are very quiet.

Although Wang Xiangyun is one of the four beauties in Jiangbin City, not everyone in Jiangbin city can recognize her identity when they see her. Only some people with some identities can recognize her identity at a glance.

And now the customers here, just can not recognize the identity of Wang Xiangyun.

"Bryce came out to meet him himself?"

Looking at Bryce in front of him, Wang Xiangyun was completely shocked. He couldn't believe it.

Bryce not only came to meet him personally, but also had such a humble attitude, just like local government officials greeting Yan Jinglai's leaders.

"Does Bryce know that he Feng is a son of the he family in Yanjing, so his attitude towards him is so humble?"

At this moment, whether it was Wang Xiangyun or war maniac, the idea came out of his heart.

Apart from this possibility, they can't think of any other reason.

But is the face of the he family so big?

"Bryce, your business here is really good. Do you have a lot of turnover every day?"

Under the shocked gaze of Wang Xiangyun and others, he Feng not only didn't speak politely with Bryce, but directly stepped forward to hook up with his shoulder and asked casually.

Turnover, this problem is quite sensitive. It's estimated that even song Shiqun doesn't know the real turnover of puster restaurant, and doesn't dare to ask directly.

"This asshole, don't you talk through your head? Is he not afraid to annoy Bryce when he asks such a sensitive question so directly? I really think the identity of he family's children is so easy to use? "

Wang Xiangyun's face slightly changed, he Feng felt too impulsive.

But she soon found that when he Feng asked this question, Bryce not only didn't look angry, but directly replied: "Mr. He Feng, our turnover is very average. We usually look like millions of dollars smaller every day. But in the holidays, there are nearly 10 million turnover every day. On the whole, the monthly turnover is nearly 100 million. "

"I'll go, so many? I have read relevant reports before. How can I say that your monthly turnover is only 20 million? "

He Feng asked in surprise.

Wang Xiangyun is shocked to see Bryce, she did not expect that the monthly turnover of the restaurant was more than 100 million.

This is the shock of the world's top restaurants!

"Ha ha, 20 million is just the data on the book. After all, this money has to be divided into 10% to song Shiqun. Of course, I have to understate it. However, even if song Shiqun knows the real turnover of our restaurant, he can't help me. It's a big deal. I'll unite with other businesses to change a shopping mall. I don't know how many shopping malls in China are begging for us to come to the door, and they don't even draw us a cent. " Bryce said with a smile.

"Then your turnover of 100 million is terrible, isn't it? How much can you get for a meal? " He Feng still doesn't understand.

"Mr. He Feng, you will know after a meal."

Bryce made a "please" gesture to He Feng and Wang Xiangyun and others. As he walked, he said, "rich people in China, I can't figure it out. They come to my restaurant to eat. What they eat is not my cooking skills, but my reputation and the price of my products. When they order, they only order the most famous or expensive food

"How much do they get for a meal? Can't it be hundreds of thousands? " He Feng asked with a smile.

"It's normal for hundreds of thousands of people. Almost every day there will be one or two more than one million meals. There will be more holidays." Bryce road.


In this regard, he Feng mouth just spit out a word, in the heart some uncomfortable.

Now I don't know how many people in China can't even eat enough, and their clothes are not warm. When children go to school, they all eat steamed bread, radish and vegetables, and drink unhygienic well water. It costs millions of people to eat a meal.

It's a cancer!

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