When he Feng came back to the Department, many people looked at him.

No way, he Feng's prestige in the financial department is too high now. He Feng will attract people's attention wherever he goes.

Of course, we will not have any suspicion, purely out of curiosity and respect for him.

However, if he Feng and Yang Ying come in together, there will be no secret discussion.

"Lulu, did your brother get back to you?"

He Feng goes to Xia Menglu and asks in a low voice.

Xia Menglu shook her head. "Not yet. I think he has class this morning. He has to be a little late."

"That's OK. You can tell me when he replies. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry."

He Feng nodded and said with a smile, "don't work too hard. Pay attention to rest."

"OK, I see!" Xia Menglu said with a sweet smile.

Back to the office, he Feng some aftertaste just that more than an hour of fighting, the heart is also happy.

"The financial department is really worth it. It not only found a pure, beautiful and sexy girlfriend, but also found such an excellent py." He Feng turns on the computer and laughs while playing games.


Honey Chinese is a rare novel website in Jiangbin City, focusing on original content. It has more than 100 contract authors.

If there are authors, of course, there must be editors who manage them.

Ling Weiyu is a male editor of honey Chinese.

It's rare for girls to be male editors. It's estimated that Ling Weiyu, a beautiful male editor, is the only one in the whole network.

As a result, as soon as she entered the honey Chinese website, she became a flower of the website. Many single men pursued her, but most of them were defeated. Even a young male editor with a high face and a suite in Jiangbin city failed to invite Ling Weiyu for a meal.

Therefore, there is a popular saying on the website, who can invite Ling Weiyu to a restaurant for a meal alone, that has a great probability to catch up with Ling Weiyu.

As a result, Liu Bi, one of Ling Weiyu's pursuers, the editor in chief of male frequency, tried his best to invite Ling Weiyu out for a meal and a movie.

Although has not been able to achieve!

Today, he finally has a way.

Liu Bi's dress today is very formal, and his hair is quite tidy. He looks very energetic, as if he is much more handsome than usual.

"Xiaoyu, have you finished your work in the morning?"

He went straight to Ling Weiyu and sat down on a stool, as if he knew Ling Weiyu very well.

Ling Weiyu took a look at Liu Bi and said faintly: "this morning, I mainly talked with the author yetingfeng and asked him to revise all the excessive words. Fortunately, there are not many words in his new book, so it's not difficult to revise it. It's finished in the morning. "

Ling Weiyu has been following the manuscript for the author yetingfeng. Although he asked him to enlarge the scale, the author did not follow the editor's advice. He was just telling a magnificent and exciting story. He did not increase the scale to cater to the readers.

Relying on pure stories, yetingfeng's new book, as soon as it was put on the shelves for charging, rushed to the top ten of the subscription list.

Although there are only a few hundred signed works on the website, each one is excellent, and its competitiveness is no less than that of some big websites. As soon as the new books of yetingfeng were put on the shelves for charging, they rushed to the top ten of the total subscription list, which shows the strength of yetingfeng.

Such an author, she naturally is to protect!

"Revise the manuscript?"

Liu Bi frowned and said, "where is it useful to revise now? Night listening to the wind that book, because the results are too conspicuous, now not only a group of people in our website are staring at, even many people outside the station, are all staring at this book. If he doesn't take this book off the shelves, it's easy for our website to have an accident. "

"Well, according to your opinion, this book must be taken off the shelves?"

Ling Weiyu's brow tightened at once.

"It's not that you have to get off the shelf, otherwise how can you not get off the shelf so far? In fact, the editor in chief had planned to seal this book for a long time, but I know that you value this book very much, so I pressed it for you. However, I'm not sure how long I can hold on to the editor in chief. Alas Liu Bi sighed, as if very hard.

"Thank you, brother Liu!"

For this matter, Ling Weiyu has also heard of his colleagues, so he knows that Liu Bi is not lying.

Of course, Liu Bi may have exaggerated the seriousness of the matter.

"It's OK, as long as Xiaoyu can produce one or two great writers, I'll work harder." Liu Bi waved his hand and said: "however, we have to have a detailed talk about how to deal with this author in the end. After a while, I'll make a reservation in the hotel outside. Let's talk about it in detail

"All right!"

Although reluctant, Ling Weiyu agreed.

He knew that Liu Bi must have taken the author's book as an excuse to coerce her to have dinner together.

"OK, keep busy. We'll go out in a moment."

Face to face got Ling Weiyu's answer, Liu Bi heart not to mention more happy, more proud.

After all, so many people in the company have pursued Ling Weiyu, but they have never had a meal with a beautiful woman.

And now, he did it!

Seeing Liu Bi leave, Ling Weiyu picks up a document and walks to the editor in chief's office.

This scene was naturally seen by Liu Bi.

"Do you want to see the editor in chief's attitude? Hey, isn't the editor in chief's attitude my attitude? "

Liu's pen raised a radian on the corner of his mouth.

Although he is only a male editor in chief, he is one level lower than the chief editor.

However, he is still the number one God of honey Chinese.

His book, in the website's sales list, ranks first. The daily sales alone exceed 10000 yuan.

However, the contract of his bookmark is not a share, but a buyout, and the price is quite low. The monthly contribution fee is only twenty or thirty thousand.

You can get 20 or 30 thousand, but the book can sell 300 thousand a month on the website, not including sales in other reading channels.

Thus, how much profit does this book bring to the website every month?

The dual status of editor in chief of male frequency and the number one God makes him a very high position in the mind of the editor in chief. Even the editor in chief has to treat him with courtesy.

Otherwise, once let Liu pen upset, outside do not know how many websites are willing to offer him a high price contract.

"Dong Dong..."

Ling Weiyu comes to the editor in chief's office and knocks on the door.

"Come in, please The editor in chief's serious voice rang out.

Ling Weiyu pushed the door open and went in. "Mr. Yang, I want to explain to you something about listening to the wind at night. The author's book has no content. A few words that are a little excessive have been revised. This..."

"Xiaoyu, I know what you mean."

Before she finished, editor in chief Yang Chengji interrupted her, "I've read the author's book, and it's very good. I hope I can even surpass Xiao Liu's book in the future. However, his book has been targeted by many websites outside. If we don't take it off the shelves, they may report it jointly. At that time, not only individual authors will have an accident, but our whole website will have huge risks. Do you know what I mean, Xiaoyu? "

"So the author's book is bound to be closed?"

"I'm not sure yet. I'm coordinating with Xiao Liu. Xiao Liu, in particular, has contacted many websites in the past two days. He is also a gift giver and a diner, just to keep this book. "

Yang Cheng said with a smile: "Xiao Yu, Xiao Liu is really affectionate to you. He is willing to do so much for you."

Smell speech, Ling Weiyu beautiful eyes micro Zhang.

Obviously, she did not expect that Liu Bi had helped her so much.

However, at the thought of Liu Bi's love for herself, she felt great pressure in her heart.

"OK, I see. Thank Mr. Yang. I'll go out first." Ling Weiyu also dare not accept Yang Cheng's words, turned out of Yang Cheng's office.

Looking at Ling Weiyu's back, Yang Cheng tut sighed: "tut Tut, it's really beautiful. It's such a good figure. It's really cheap for Liu Bi."

For Ling Weiyu, Yang Cheng actually has an idea, but Liu Bi has made it clear to him that he wants to chase Ling Weiyu and ask Yang Cheng to help.

If Liu Bi were just an ordinary editor in chief, Yang Cheng would not give face. But Liu Bi is still the number one God of the website. He can make a lot of money for the website, and Yang Cheng doesn't want to rob women with him.

Anyway, as long as you have money, what women can't play outside?

Although Ling Weiyu is beautiful and sexy, some of the better clubs will surely find this kind of beauty.

Not far away, Liu Bi saw Ling Weiyu walk out of Yang Cheng's office, with a smile on his lips.

"Hey, do you think it's useful to find Yang Chenggong? Yang Cheng dare not speak ill of me. Next, you are waiting to be my Liu Bi's woman


Dong Dong, Dong Dong

He Feng didn't know how long he played the game. Suddenly, the door of the office was knocked.

"Come in!" He Feng head also does not lift of say.

The door was pushed open and a man in security came in.

It's a vice captain of the security department, Niu Ren!

"Minister He, the matter you asked me to investigate seems to be a bit tricky!"

Niu Ren went to He Feng, his face dignified said: "that night, I investigated the security guard one by one, only found a problem in one security guard."

"Oh? What's the problem? " He Feng asked while playing the game.

"Zhang Yin is missing!" Niu Ren said: "I asked his family that he had disappeared since he was on duty in the company that night. Up to now, his family has not heard from him. Yesterday, Zhang Yin's family went to the police to report to the police, but it's not so easy to get further information. Because if Fang Kan had done this, he would not have left any trace. "

"Zhang Yin? Do you have any information about him? "

He Feng also realized the seriousness of the problem, so he forced out of the game and decided to have a detailed understanding.

"Yes, it's all here." Niu Ren took out a piece of paper and handed it to He Feng. "Also, I just saw that Fang Kan has come to work normally in the company."

"Coming to work? Will he not take care of his son Fang Wen? " He Feng quite some surprised say.

"I don't know what's going on, but Fang Wen can't come."

"Hey, of course not!"

He Feng sneered.

He knows quite well about Fang Wen. Now Fang Wen has become blind. He can't see clearly. Naturally, he can't come back to work.

However, since Fang Wen has become blind and Fang Kan is still working in the company, it is estimated that there is something wrong with him, otherwise he would not have come to the company for no reason.

He Feng doesn't think how dedicated Fang Kan is!

Fortunately, now with the arrival of meteor and others, he doesn't have to worry so much.

"You wait for me for a moment. I'll check Zhang Yin's account."

He Feng looked at Zhang Yin's information and told Niu Ren.

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