Niu Ren naturally doesn't have an opinion. He obediently stands beside him. He's just a little curious. He Feng doesn't know what Zhang Yin's account is. Is it a bank account?

He really guessed right. What he Feng wants to check is Zhang Yin's bank account.

Although his computer equipment is not very good, but check an ordinary person's bank account or no problem.

Of course, not everyone's account can be checked by him. Such rich people as Wang Xiangyun and song Yan, who have more than 100 million assets, must be VIP customers of the bank. Their accounts are encrypted, and it is impossible for outsiders to find them.

However, if the equipment is complete, and then find a secret location, let alone check their accounts, even if all their assets are transferred out, it is not too difficult for He Feng.

"Well? Zhang Yin's bank account is all right. There is no large amount of money. Is it cash? "

A moment later, he Feng frowned.

In his opinion, Zhang Yin must have collected a lot of money to help people do things and steal Gong Wei's information.

"Minister He, what's next?"

Niu Ren looks at his words and looks and knows that he Feng hasn't found anything substantial.

"Well, you can help me pay attention to the situation in the company. If he has any abnormal behavior, let me know as soon as possible."

He Feng looked at Niu Ren and said that he was too lazy to investigate the situation from Zhang Yin.

Fang Kan is really careful in his work. He can only do it slowly.

"All right!"

Although some disappointed, but Niu Ren has long been psychologically prepared, when even out of the office of He Feng.

Niu Rengang went out, a beautiful shadow came in again.

It's Xia Menglu!

"Lulu, did your brother fix a place? So let's go now? "

He Feng looks at Xia Menglu and asks.

They get off work at 12 o'clock in the morning, and it's still a few minutes to 12 o'clock, but he Feng is the head of the finance department. He leaves work a few minutes in advance, and no one will take care of him.

"Not yet. He didn't call me or send me a message. Then I called him, and his display was turned off, and I didn't return the message. " Xia Menglu is very helpless way: "this guy, the mobile phone is estimated to have no electricity, he did not pay attention to it."

"Young people, you must be a little careless."

He Feng said with a smile: "since there is no news from your brother, let's wait. If you're hungry, go to the supermarket downstairs and buy something to eat. "

"I'm a little hungry, but it's OK. I'm going to lose weight recently." Xia Menglu said with a smile.

"Who made you lose weight? You're not fat. Why do you want to lose weight? What if you cut off the places you shouldn't? Then you Fengge will be heartbroken! "

He Feng immediately said in a tone of command: "from now on, you are not allowed to lose weight. And you have to eat as much as you can. Do you hear me

"Ah? More to eat? You'll get fat if you eat any more! "

Xia Menglu's pathetic way.

"It's OK to be fat. Anyway, brother Feng won't dislike you!"

He Feng said with a smile: "in particular, if some places are fat, brother Feng will prefer it."

"Brother Feng, you are too bad to bully me."

Xia Menglu doesn't know what he Feng means, and her face turns red.

"Is that bullying you? Do you think brother Feng is too easy to talk these two days? No, since you said I was bullying you, I must bully you. "

With that, he Feng embraces Xia Menglu's slender waist.

With a little effort, the woman's delicate and plump body entered his arms.

Then, he Feng lowers his head, and his lips fall overbearing on Xia Menglu's fragrant lips.


Xia Menglu suddenly stares big eyes, obviously did not expect he Feng even dare to do so in the office.

This is too bold!

He Feng can't manage so much. Anyway, almost everyone in the company knows that Xia Menglu is his girlfriend.

In that case, what else could he be afraid of? Isn't it natural for a boyfriend to kiss his girlfriend?

Dong Dong!

Just then, the door of the office was knocked.

"Brother Feng, someone's coming!"

Hearing the sound of knocking on the door, Xia Menglu is startled and quickly pushes He Feng open, for fear that the door will be suddenly opened and people will see he Feng kissing himself.

"Damn, who's looking for brother Feng at this time?"

He Feng was not so depressed.

Although he has established a relationship with Xia Menglu, he hasn't kiss her seriously.

I had a chance, but I didn't want to be interrupted at the beginning.

"Come in!" He Feng releases Xia Menglu and goes back to his desk, shouting in an unhappy tone.


The door of the office was pushed open and a beautiful image came in.

"He Feng, you..."

It's Gong Wei who comes in. Gong Weigang wants to say something, but suddenly he sees Xia Menglu standing beside him. He is surprised and says, "Lulu, are you here too?"

Looking at Xia Menglu's bashful face and evasion in her eyes, Gong Wei seems to understand something and says apologetically, "what, did I disturb your good things? Or shall I go out first? "

Then she turned and left.

"No, it's not. Mr. Gong, you have misunderstood that he Feng and I are not doing that kind of thing. "

Xia Menglu in the heart a flustered, hastily open mouth explanation way.

But he Feng can't manage so much. He grabs Gong Wei's wrist and makes a little effort.


Gong Wei exclaimed in a low voice and poured her whole body into He Feng's arms.

"Wife Wei Wei, are you jealous when you see me making out with Lulu? Why don't I make out with you now? So you don't have to be jealous. " With that, he Feng is about to bow his head and kiss Gong Wei in his arms.

"He Feng, what are you doing?"

Gong Wei is also startled by He Feng's action. She quickly resists He Feng's chest and doesn't let him kiss her.

She didn't expect that he Feng would be so bold and dare to play with herself in the company.

Besides, there is a Xia Menglu standing next to him.

"I'm not doing anything. I'm just kissing you? We love each other so much. Is it OK to kiss each other? " He Feng's helpless way.

"Love, you..."

Gong Wei looks at Xia Menglu next to her and finds that there is no surprise on Xia Menglu's face. She suddenly understands that he Feng must have something to do with her and tells Xia Menglu.

"He Feng, how did you tell us about us? You're not afraid to hear it? I don't know how to explain it to her then. " Gong Wei has no good spirit of stare He Feng one eye.

"Mr. Gong, don't worry. I won't let anyone know about you and brother Feng." Xia Menglu is busy.

"Lulu, I'm just afraid of something. It's not that I don't believe you." Gong Wei knew that Xia Menglu had misunderstood, so she quickly explained, and then glared at He Feng, "it's all your fault! I thought nobody knew about us. "

"Lulu knows it's nothing. You can still be sisters with lulu in the future." He Feng said with a smile.

"Hum, if you dare to bully any of us in the future, Lulu and I will join hands to deal with you." Gong Wei hummed.

"If the two ladies can join hands to deal with me, I'll be very happy."

He Feng said with an evil smile: "otherwise, let's find a luxury hotel to open a room tonight? I'll give you a chance to join hands! "

"You, you die!"

Gong Wei and Xia Menglu's face suddenly red up, Gong Wei is directly in He Feng's waist heavy pinch.

"Oh, I'll go, Wei Wei's wife, you're playing sneak attack!" He Feng showed his teeth in pain.

"You dare to tease us like this in the future..."

Gong Wei pushes He Feng away directly. "I knew that I was teasing us. I haven't seen you so teasing yunyun."

"Wang Xiangyun, where does she have you? It's interesting to flirt with you!" He Feng said with a smile.

"Why, there was no harvest last night?" Gong Wei asked.

"Cough, there's no way. Who let brother Feng be too upright?"

Hearing Gong Wei ask such a question, he Feng is embarrassed.

Gong Wei feels funny in her heart, but she has already guessed that Wang Xiangyun is not so easy to win.

In order not to make He Feng too embarrassed, she changed the topic and asked, "do you want to have lunch together at noon?"

"I'm afraid not at noon today. Lulu's brother knows about us and says he wants to invite me to dinner." He Feng thought about it.

"Lulu's brother?"

Gong Wei was surprised. She didn't expect that Xia Menglu and he Feng even knew about her brother.

She did not think much, just nodded, "OK, in that case, I'll go to yunyun and eat with sister yuan."

"Wei Wei's wife, how about... Let's eat together tonight? When we get off work late, let's go shopping together, and then go to your house to cook and eat? " He Feng suggested.

"To my house?"

Thinking of last time, Gong Wei can't help blushing.

This big hooligan said that he didn't have a good idea when he went to his home to cook.


"OK, I'll wait for you in the garage after work."

Although Gong Wei is a little shy, she still agrees. Then she looks at Xia Menglu, "Lulu, if anything happens in the company in the future, please come to me at any time. If he Feng bullies you, he has to find me. I'll teach him a lesson for you. "

"Yes, Mr. Gong."

"It's also called general manager Gong. I'll call it sister Weiwei in the future."

"Well! Vivian

Xia Menglu also smiles sweetly. She can feel Gong Wei's kindness to her.

Gong Wei can't help it, but he Feng's relationship with Xia Menglu has come to this stage, and she can't help it.

Moreover, she has a good impression of Xia Menglu. She feels that such a pure and kind girl is qualified to be He Feng's woman.

"Then I'll go first!"

With that, Gong Wei turns around and goes out of He Feng's office.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

Gong Wei just left, he Feng's mobile phone vibrated.

After looking at the caller ID, it was Wang Xiangyun who called him.

"Hello, daughter-in-law, what's the matter?" He Feng pressed the answer button directly.

Hearing he Feng's address, Wang Xiangyun was silent for a moment, then said indifferently: "come to my office!"

As soon as the voice dropped, the phone was hung up.

"Damn, please let me go to your office. Don't be polite. I'm your subordinate now!" He Feng's heart is not very refreshing, and this woman doesn't pay attention to Feng brother.

However, Wang Xiangyun called him in person, and he didn't want to go, otherwise the woman would be angry.

"Brother Feng, Wang Dong called you. What can I do for you?"

Xia Menglu inquires.

"Well, it should be something. She asked me to go to her office to see her."

He Feng did not hide, nodded and said: "Lulu, I think it's better. It happens that your brother has not answered your letter, so you should wait in the company for a while. When he answers your letter and makes a reservation, let's set out to find him. What do you think? "

"Well, I'll let you know when he gets in touch with me." Xia Menglu nodded cleverly, "you go to Wang Dong's office as soon as possible. She has been waiting for a long time."

"OK, I'll go first."

He Feng immediately went out of the office to find Wang Xiangyun.

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