"Little girl, I'm so polite to you, brother Feng. Is my butt itching?" He Feng stares at eyes, pretends to say angrily.

"Hee hee, there's no itching. And even if it itches, brother Feng, you must be reluctant to hit me, right? " Xia Menglu is close to He Feng, embracing his arm and spreading Jiao's way.

"Well, of course I don't want to fight." He Feng raised his palm, "because I want to touch it more..."

"Ah! You hate playing hooligans, brother Feng Xia Menglu's pretty face suddenly became ruddy.

"Ha ha, don't worry. It's in the company. I'll kiss you a few times at most. I won't mess with you."

Seeing Xia Menglu's embarrassment, he Feng said with a laugh.

Of course, he won't mess around. Xia Menglu is still a little crepe. If you really want to push her down, you can't push her in the company. Even if there is fire in the body, it is to find Yang Ying big sister to vent.

"Brother Feng, there's another thing, I told you, don't be angry..." Xia Menglu suddenly timid way.

"Well, why am I angry with you? You, brother Feng, I'm a generous man. I'm sure I won't get angry with girls casually. Just say it. "

"I... I gave my brother the 200000 I took today." Xia Menglu lowered her head for fear that he Feng would be angry. "That bastard is too cheeky. If I don't give it to him, he can kneel down and beg me. I couldn't beat him, so I gave him the money. "

"200000? Is that enough? You have millions on you. Now your brother needs financial support to do experiments and research. Why do you have to support one or two million? "

He Feng frowned.


Xia Menglu thought he Feng was angry, but he Feng didn't think that she gave less.

"Brother Feng, you, you are not angry?" Xia Menglu looks at He Feng in surprise.

Her brother is just a student. It's a good thing to do experiments and research. However, in order to do experiments, she has to spend hundreds of thousands of money. Xia Menglu thinks it's too outrageous. Before is also by the summer to deceive, did not resist, just lost the money to that little bastard.

Then, when she got the money, she just slipped away for fear that she would regret it and take it back.

To tell you the truth, Xia Menglu really regretted it afterwards, but summer had already left, and even her mobile phone was turned off directly. In desperation, Xia Menglu had to return to the company, worried, because she felt that she had done something wrong, so once he Feng returned to the company, she found he Feng and apologized to him Feng.

"Why am I angry? I don't think you've done anything wrong. Xiaotian, I don't think he's a jerk. On the contrary, I think he's a very thoughtful and courageous young man. Lulu, you're a little conservative. You have to improve it. "

He Feng said to Xia Menglu: "at this time, Xiaotian needs our support most. We should not only support him financially, but also give him full support mentally. Let him know that he is right to do it. Now that he has done it, he has to do it with all his strength instead of flinching. How can he do it best?"

"Ah? And give him full support? "

Xia Menglu opens her mouth.

"Sure, if he asks you for money later, you have to give more, don't give so little, let him do it well." He Feng nodded with a smile.

This time, Ling Weiyu is certain, he Feng really supports summer, not joking.

It seems that I am a little conservative.

But no wonder she grew up in the countryside, not to mention experimenting with tens of millions of yuan, even spending a few yuan, she would feel a little distressed.

"Brother Feng, why don't you give Xiao Tian the rest of the money? Don't we agree to take it to the welfare home? " Xia Menglu said.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that the welfare home doesn't need your money."

Hearing that Xia Menglu mentioned the welfare home, he Feng remembered that Ling Weiyu had made 40 million yuan and said, "there is no shortage of money in the welfare home now. I have a friend who grew up in a welfare home, and he wants to help the welfare home. Now, she has 40 million. From now on, the welfare home will not be short of money. The money in your hand, you can trust Xiaotian to do research. "

"40 million? So much? " Xia Menglu was surprised.


He Feng didn't explain too much, just said: "if you have time tomorrow, let's have a meal with Xiao Tian. By the way, let's know what robot he studied. Hehe, I'm also very interested in this new technology. "

"Well, I've already told Xiao Tian that he would like to have dinner with your brother-in-law and get in touch with him." Xia Menglu said with a smile: "after all, his brother-in-law is so powerful. He not only makes money, but also has great Kung Fu. He looks so mysterious..."

He Feng suddenly stares up his eyes, "mysterious? Lulu, I'm not mysterious at all, OK! If you think I'm mysterious, we'll go to your house tonight. You tell Zou Rong not to go home for the night. At that time, I'll take off my clothes and give you a slow study, so that you can know that I'm no different from ordinary people. The biggest difference may be that I'm much bigger than the average person. "

"Much bigger than the average person?"

At first, Xia Menglu did not quite understand the meaning of He Feng's sentence.

But looking at He Feng's obscene smile, she immediately understood what he Feng meant by the size. Her pretty face turned red instantly, "brother Feng, you are so obscene!"

"Is it obscene? Now many middle school students have begun to study this thing, and we are all people who have entered the society. Do you even call me obscene? You are so pure He Feng curled his lips and said, "if we hadn't been in the company at the moment, I would like to give you a study now."


Even if two people have confirmed their relationship, he Feng suddenly plays such a big joke. For a while, she still can't stand it. He Feng makes her face red and ears dry, and she is at a loss.

"Brother Feng, there is something I want to tell you..."

The woman's brain is still very fast, quickly shifted the topic and said: "in the afternoon when I went to the hospital, I met yuan Dongzhu in the hospital."

"Sister yuan? What's she doing in the hospital? " He Feng asked.

"She, she seems to be hurt..." Xia Menglu said.

"Injured? What's going on? "

He Feng's eyebrows immediately wrinkled up, eyes are suddenly cold down.

"I don't know what's going on, but I'm not seriously injured. My face is red and swollen, and my clothes look messy." Xia Menglu hesitated and said, "brother Feng, don't let sister yuan know that I told you. She also specially told me not to tell you or anyone in the company. She said it was too embarrassing and she didn't want to trouble others."

"Well! I won't let her know! "

He Feng nodded and continued to ask, "what else did she say?"

"She didn't say anything, that is to say, she will take two more days off and come back to the company when her face is healed." Xia Menglu said.

"Yes, I see. Lulu, go out to work first. I'll call sister yuan to find out about her situation. " Hefeng road.

"Well, you can call sister yuan quickly."

Xia Menglu cleverly leaves he Feng's office. She also knows that he Feng has a good relationship with Yuan Yashi.

As soon as Xia Menglu leaves, he Feng takes out his mobile phone and dials the phone to Yuan Yashi. His heart is quite worried. Because meteor they came to the company to find him in the morning, and Yuan Yashi left the company shortly after she went to work, so meteor could not arrange a killer to protect her.

Up to now, he Feng doesn't know what happened to Yuan Yashi and what kind of situation women are in.

In addition to worry, he also had some remorse.

"Hello, the number you dialed is temporarily unanswered, please redial later..."

About a minute later, a system tone came out of the phone.

"Well? This big sister doesn't answer the phone? It's not very obedient, is it? Hum, when you come back, you must educate her well. You can't be so shameless to your younger brother just because you are a sister. "

He Feng doesn't give up so easily.

If you don't answer yuan Yashi's phone once, call twice.

If you don't answer twice, just three times

It's a big deal, charging and playing.

Anyway, brother Feng is bored now, nothing to do!

So, he Feng very decisive plug in the charger, continue to call Yuan Yashi there.


I thought it would take at least a few dozen calls for yuan Yashi to answer, but I didn't want to get through, so the call was answered.

"Er... Sister yuan, don't you answer my phone? Why is it so fast this time? " He Feng asked in surprise.

"Who said I didn't answer your phone? Oh, you just hit one? I didn't hear that. I slept at home at noon and just took a bath. " Yuan Yashi explained.

"I went to take a bath..."

He Feng touched his nose and continued to ask, "I heard a friend working in the hospital say today that you went to the hospital today and were injured? What's the situation? Who bullied you? "

"You still have friends in the hospital?" Yuan Yashi asked.

"That's necessary. Before I delivered express, I knew a lot of people. Almost every unit knew people."

He Feng said with a smile.

"All right!"

Yuan Yashi no longer asks. In fact, she can guess that Xia Menglu told he Feng, but it's nothing. Xia Menglu must have been out of concern for her, and just told he Feng about her being injured in the hospital.

For this, she has long expected, after all, Xia Menglu heart only he Feng.

"It's nothing. It's all family chores. But if I don't fight, I can handle it. " Yuan Yashi didn't seem to want to ask he Feng to help, so she refused.

"Your household chores?"

He Feng pondered and said, "is it the people of Yuan Cui's family who come to trouble you?"

"How do you know?" Yuan Yashi was surprised. She thought he Feng couldn't guess what she didn't say.

"What's so hard about that? Yuan Cui died yesterday. His family must come to Jiangbin city. What yuan Cui usually says to his family must be more about you. So now that he's dead and his family has come to Jiangbin City, they will definitely come to you directly. But... "

At this point, he Feng's tone gradually colder down, "Yuan Cui's family is too much, as expected, what kind of son, what kind of parents. Hum, I dare to touch you and hurt you. Sister yuan, how do you want me to teach them? Do you want them to be like yuan Cui? "

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