For He Feng, the easiest and most direct way to teach people is to let them disappear from the world.

In his opinion, people like yuan Cui don't need to live in this world any more. It's a waste of food, land and other people. It's better to disappear as soon as possible.

"So you really killed yuan Cui? You, how did you kill him? "

Yuan Yashi was shocked by He Feng's words.

Even her voice was trembling at this moment.

For He Feng, there is no difference between killing people and trampling on an ant. The number of people who died in his hands is long gone.

But for yuan Yashi, killing people is a crime. It's a terrible thing that he doesn't dare to think about.

And now, it happened right in front of her eyes, and the killer was a man who gradually entered her heart.

"Sister yuan, I really killed yuan Cui!"

He Feng has no intention of concealing yuan Yashi.

When Gu Chong was infiltrated into yuan Cui's body, he wanted to confess his murder to Yuan Yashi.

"If you don't kill yuan Cui, he won't give up. Even if he can't deal with me, he will try to hurt you or your family. I don't want to kill him now. Do I have to wait for him to do harm to you or your family before dealing with him? Or let the police bring him to justice? "

He Feng shook his head and said: "I don't want to wait until the injury is caused, and then try to save it. I think you know more about people like Yuan Jie and Yuan Cui than I do. For example, if I didn't show up in time that night, how would you be hurt by him? What do you think you will do after being hurt by him? "

Hearing he Feng's words, Yuan Yashi also remembered that night when she worked overtime. At that time, she brought Wang Xiangyun outside, but she didn't want yuan Cui to stay outside the company.

In the middle of the night, there was no one in the company, and the security guard on the night shift didn't know where to go to sleep secretly.

If he Feng had not appeared in time, she would have been ruined by Yuan Cui.

Once that happens, she doesn't know whether she has the courage to continue to live in this world.

And if he left the world, what would he do? What about her aging parents?

Not only her, but also the whole family behind her will be destroyed by Yuan Cui.

"Sister yuan, do you understand? That's why I want to get rid of Yuan Cui. I will not allow yuan Cui to do harm to you. Anyone who tries to harm you, I will not let him go! Before I did not appear in your side, you have suffered so much. Now, with me by your side, your whole world will only be beautiful. "

He Feng said with a smile.

But the simple words, but let the phone opposite yuan Yashi, completely stunned.

This usually looks careless, and also married man, unexpectedly will say this kind of words to himself.

But inexplicably, Yuan Yashi's heart was violently turbulent.

That man, at this moment, completely went into her heart, completely captured her.


"He Feng, you, you say this to me, what about Wang Dong?"

Yuan Yashi said in a low voice.

He Feng really occupies a place in her heart, but there is a barrier, but she is very difficult to step past.

That's Wang Xiangyun!

"There's nothing to worry about. I'll marry you all at that time." He Feng said with a smile.

It seems careless, but in fact, it is also testing yuan Yashi's reaction.

He also wants to see what kind of attitude the elder sister has towards herself now.

"Do you really dare to think that besides marrying me and Wang Dong, do you want to marry Lulu together?" Yuan Yashi said in a bad mood.

"That's necessary. Oh, besides you two, there's Vivian." He Feng won't forget Gong Wei.

Besides Gong Wei, there is Ning Caizhu

"Vivian? You two... "

Yuan Yashi was surprised, "it seems that your speed is quite fast, even Weiwei is so fast that you can handle it."

"Hey hey, you don't see who it is. Even you can handle sister yuan, let alone Wei Wei?" He Feng said with a smile.

"Did you take care of me? I didn't promise you! " Yuan Yashi said, "if there's nothing wrong, I'll hang up. I have to deal with some work."

"Hang up? So you're letting me deal with this on my own? OK, I'll find out yuan Cui's parents now, and then solve them, so that we can get rid of them once and for all. " He Feng said.

"He Feng, you... Don't think about killing people directly. It's against the law to kill people. What's more, when their son died, he must be very sad. It's reasonable to vent on me. I don't blame them much. " Yuan Yashi felt that he Feng was deliberately making angry remarks. He could not help but advised: "let me deal with this matter. It won't be a big problem."

"Who says it's not a big problem? You've been beaten, which seems to me to be a big problem He Feng hummed: "or, sister yuan, please tell me the story first, so that I can think about it a little bit and forgive them a little bit."

"Actually, it's nothing. They just want me to lose some money." Yuan Yashi hesitated and said.

"How much?"

"OK, that's 300000."

"Three hundred thousand is not much, but do you have so much money?"


Yuan Yashi was slightly silent for a while, and then said, "I'm going to sell the car, and then I'll ask Weiwei to borrow some. It's not difficult to collect 300000."

"Bang! The car was given to you by Wang Xiangyun. If you sell it, how can you explain to her? " He Feng sneered, "their family is really a piss. First, Yuan Cui took a million from you. Now that he is dead, his parents come to ask you for 300000. Besides, I hit you! "

"It's OK. Anyway, now that the company has resumed operation, my income will be raised soon. Before long, I will be full of blood again Yuan Yashi said with ease.

"No, I just can't swallow it. If you are beaten, they should compensate you. Why should you compensate them? " He Feng hummed coldly: "elder sister yuan, you can tell me where they are now. I'll go to talk with them. You can rest assured that since you don't want me to get rid of them, I will definitely deal with them lightly. But this tone, I will help you out! "

Seeing he Feng care so much about himself, Yuan Yashi is deeply moved.

She can feel that men really think for themselves.

"They are no longer in Jiangbin city. They went back to Yuanjia village in the morning. I drove them to the railway station." Yuan Yashi said.

"Already gone?" He Feng a Leng, "that when do you return home?"? Then I'll go with you and teach them a lesson. "

"It's no use. They gave me an ultimatum, saying that if I didn't transfer the money to their account within three days, I would go to the village to publicize and speak ill of me. At that time, things will be more troublesome, my family will be ridiculed. He Feng, let's just forget it and take the money to solve the problem. Think of it as sympathizing with them

"Sister yuan, you are just too kind, so it's easy to be bullied by these rubbish."

He Feng sighed: "do you think that if they take the 300000, they will really expose it? If you think about it, Yuan Cui should have known that with the urine of his family, he took 300000 yuan from you today. Maybe after a while, he asked you for 400000 yuan or 500000 yuan? What will you do then? "

"This, this should not?"

"I'm sure it will!"

He Feng said in an unquestionable way: "well, let me handle the matter. Don't call them for the money. In the past two days, we'll make time to go to Yuanjia village and solve the problem thoroughly. "

"To Yuanjia village? "The two of us together?" Yuan Yashi was surprised.

"Of course! If I want to marry you in the future, I must see your parents. "

He Feng said seriously: "well, it's settled. You have a good rest today and come to the company tomorrow to deal with the work at hand. The day after tomorrow at the latest, we'll set out for Yuanjia village. "


"Sister yuan, I have something else to do. I'll hang up first."

He Feng doesn't give yuan Yashi the chance to refuse and hangs up directly.

"Hum, dare to do something to my sister yuan, wait for brother Feng!" He Feng said, squinting.

Before today, he might not want to go to Yuanjia village so early. After all, the underground world of Jiangbin city is too chaotic, and he has not yet controlled it.

But now with meteor and others, he is quite relieved. At least the underground forces in Jiangbin city are hard to do harm to the people around him.

As for the inside of Yuncheng group

"There's only one left! This Fang Kan, my son's eyes have been blinded by me, so I must want to kill me immediately. Not only me, but also Wang Xiangyun. However, he didn't seem to hate us and came to work as usual. There must be some purpose in this. "

Although Fang Kan's cover up is good, no one else in the company is aware of anything abnormal.

But he Feng is very determined, this square Kan certainly does not mean well.

After thinking about it, he Feng takes out his mobile phone and dials Niu Ren's phone.

"Niu Ren, what's the situation over there?" He Feng asked directly.

"It's all right!"

Niu Renhui reported: "however, I feel that something is not right, because Fang Kan is a little too normal, and he works more seriously than before. Just now, he trained the security guards of our security department."

"So the company has been doing well lately?"

"I'm not sure about other departments, but the security department is normal and there are no personnel changes."

"Yes, I see."

He Feng said, ready to hang up the phone.

At this time, Niu Ren added: "Minister He, if you want to investigate the company's personnel changes, you'd better go to the personnel department."

"Personnel department?" He Feng said, "OK, I'll contact the personnel department now."

After hanging up the phone, he Feng didn't think much about it. He went out of the office and went to the office area of the personnel department.

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