The personnel department is just two floors below the finance department. He Feng didn't take the elevator, so he took the stairs directly.

"Hello, Minister He. What can I do for you?" Just arrived at the personnel department, a young girl standing at the front desk came over.

"Why, do you know me?" He Feng surprised smile way, oneself now in company's fame already so big? Even the front desk girl in the personnel department can recognize herself at a glance.

"That's necessary. Minister He, you are the leader of the company, and I'm the front desk. If you don't know me, my minister will fire me."

Front desk sister to see he Feng so approachable, but also played a joke, at the same time also slightly stand quite expected Hun.

Yuncheng group is a large listed company, and the front desk can be said to be the face of each company. Therefore, the recruitment of the front desk is quite strict. Every front desk should not only be knowledgeable and reasonable, but also have good appearance and figure.

Therefore, he Feng was even more interested when she was a Hun. He couldn't help joking: "it's OK. If your minister fired you, you can come to our department. Our finance department is short of staff now. "

"Really? But I'm not very good at your work in the finance department. " My sister worried.

"Ha ha, you are beautiful. That's your capital." He Feng winked at his sister.

"No! Compared with Minister He's girlfriend Lulu, I don't know how much worse she is. "

At the thought of Xia Menglu's beauty, the front desk girl felt a little ashamed.

Not that she is not beautiful enough, but that Xia Menglu is so beautiful.

Not only that, Xia Menglu has a devil like figure proportion, which makes people feel speechless.

"Cluck, but Lulu can't compare with you in some aspects. Such as openness... "He Feng's eyes fell in front of his sister.

Anyway, it's cheap for nothing. I don't want it.

"Minister He, you are good or bad. You are staring at people..."

The female front desk looks coy.

"Liu Lan, what are you doing?"

Just at this time, a very dissatisfied light cheering sounded, a nearly 30-year-old man came over, his body naturally exuded a sense of superior.

Seeing the man, the front desk girl named Liu Lan, her face changed slightly. She quickly put away her smile and explained nervously: "Vice Minister Qin, I'm not doing anything..."

"Well! Let me see you don't work seriously in the future, then you can leave. Anyway, with your beauty, it's not difficult to find a job. And we now Cloud City Group, there will be no shortage of people, even if it is just a front desk. "

Qinhuai hummed softly.

"I'll never do that again!"

Liu Lan quickly assured the road.

Although her beauty is good, the treatment of Yuncheng group is better. Moreover, she says that she is an employee of Yuncheng group, and she has a lot of face. Even some local tyrants come to hook up with her because she is an employee of Yuncheng group.

"I hope so!"

Qin Huai just took back his eyes, and then walked to the elevator. It seemed that there was something urgent.

As for He Feng standing at the front desk, he didn't even look at it.

This scene, let he Feng some uncomfortable.

When the other party saw him clearly, they must know his identity, but they directly regarded him as the air and didn't say hello. How much they didn't pay attention to themselves?

"Vice Minister Qin, why do you leave in such a hurry?" He Feng leans on the front desk and asks with a smile.

See he Feng initiative, Qinhuai also not good to leave, had to stop, but the attitude is very cold, "Minister He, what can I do for you?"

"Nothing. It's purely out of concern for colleagues." He Feng shrugged.

"Oh! Thank you very much! But we don't know each other. I don't need your attention. "

Qinhuai light way: "in addition, also hope minister he don't harass our department colleagues."

"Harassment? Is it harassment for me to chat like this? "

"It's not harassment, so what is harassment?"

Qin Huai sneered: "is it hard to get a woman to your office, and then come out in rags, that's harassment?"


He Feng eyebrows slightly pick, this Qinhuai said is not rather bamboo?

Suddenly, he remembered one thing, that is, Ning Caizhu had told him before that a vice minister of Personnel Department invited him to dinner.

Now it seems that the vice minister is Qinhuai.

No wonder this guy's attitude towards himself is so impolite. It's because he's jealous.

As for the fact that he harassed Ning Caizhu, he thought it was an employee in the finance department who had a better relationship with him, so he told him.

However, Ning Caizhu was his appointed girlfriend. He knew him first. What's the matter with him? He doesn't even have the qualification to be jealous, OK?

"Women are brought to the office by me, and then they are brought out in untidy clothes, which is not harassment. This can only show that he Feng is very feminine and has great ability. "

He Feng said with a smile: "unlike you, you are obviously single, and you can't even get a new female employee. A man like you is destined to be alone all his life. Even if I really find a female companion in the future, it must be crooked melon cracking dates, and I can't go on stage. "


Qinhuai is so angry that he Feng can't speak. This guy is too poisonous. In this respect, he is not his opponent at all.

Liu Lan, the front desk girl, looks at He Feng with adoration. Minister he is so arrogant that she dares to speak to Vice Minister Qin in this way.

The whole company, it is estimated that he dares to say so?

Of course, although she worships He Feng, she doesn't dare to be too obvious, so that Qinhuai won't let her go.

"He Feng, I admit I can't tell you. However, this is our personnel department. If you have nothing important to do, please leave. You are not welcome in our personnel department. "

Qin huaisen said coldly.

How can he be happy!

This asshole, first of all, took the woman he liked, then molested the front desk girl of his department, and finally abused himself.

If he didn't know he Feng's Kung Fu, he would like to rush up and beat him. Anyway, he is also a taekwondo expert. It's easy to deal with one or two ordinary people.

"Who says I don't have important work? I'm here to see your minister. "

He Feng stressed: "it's minister Qin, not vice minister Qin. It's nothing to do with you. Goodbye... "

With that, he Feng will go directly into the work area of the personnel department, ready to walk around to look, also don't bother to ask the front desk sister.


Qinhuai's face suddenly changed, and he called out to him, "my brother is very busy now. I don't have time to see you. You can go quickly. When my brother is busy later, you can come back."

"Your brother? Oh! No wonder they are all surnamed Qin. So you are brothers. "

He Feng smiles, but continues to walk forward, and says, "I'll go to his office right now because I'm going to get off work later. Anyway, I've finished my work today. I'll just sit in his office and wait for him to finish his work. "

Qinhuai quickly walked in front of He Feng and stopped him. He said, "I'm also the Vice Minister of the personnel department. I have enough say in the personnel department. If you have anything, just tell me directly. You don't have to find my brother. He has a very important job to deal with and shouldn't be disturbed."

Although he was quite calm when he spoke, he Feng clearly found that there was a cold sweat on the guy's forehead.

Obviously, he was very nervous, as if he was afraid that something might be discovered by He Feng.

"Is it difficult? What is Qin Ying doing?"

Thinking of this, he Feng's mental power spreads around, looking for Qin Ying.

Before he took the post of finance minister, he had seen Qin Ying once. He was quite familiar with his breath, so he soon found Qin Ying.

However, to his surprise, Qin Ying seems to be in a bad state. He is massaging his waist and his face is full of pain.

He Feng a little check, it is found that Qin win's lumbar disc herniation is very serious, all to the point of surgery.

Lumbar disc herniation is a kind of disease, big or small, but it's hard to bear when it hurts, let alone concentrate on work.

Obviously, the lumbar disc herniation is very serious.

Qin Huai, it seems, is going to buy some painkillers for Qin Ying.

"Vice Minister Qin, do you know what I came to see minister Qin Ying for?" He Feng looks at Qin Huai and asks with a smile.

"If you have anything, just tell me."

Qinhuai is too lazy to ask so many questions.

Anyway, he won't let he Feng go to Qin Ying.

In the Ministry of personnel, Qin Ying is the only minister, but vice minister Qin Huai is not the only one.

The personnel department is also a very well paid department, especially the minister, who has a very high position in the company. Therefore, several vice ministers seem to respect Qin Ying on the surface, but in fact they all want to take away his position.

If Qin Ying's lumbar disc herniation is serious, it will be very difficult for him to stay in this position for a long time, and his future promotion will become extravagant.

"It's really hard to tell you about this."

He Feng approached Qin Huai and said in a low voice, "I came to see minister Qin Ying because I learned that he was suffering from lumbar disc herniation, so I came to see him."

"You, how do you know my brother has lumbar disc herniation?"

Qinhuai heard he Feng's words, only feel a tremor, but still try to keep calm.

"What's so surprising about this? I also know that your brother's lumbar disc herniation is more serious He Feng said with a smile: "can't it be that he is sick now, and the lumbar pain is unbearable, and then you go to the drugstore downstairs to buy pain relief stickers for him?"

Hearing the speech, Qin Huai couldn't help "clattering" in his heart.

How did he know that?

Is just that assistant told he Feng, and then he Feng just came to look for trouble?

If he Feng really knew about it, he would not be so easy to cheat again.

"He Feng, what do you want to do?"

Qin Huai asked with an ugly face.

"Ha ha, are you not going to stop me?" He Feng said with a smile.

"I just want to know, what are you doing with my brother? My brother doesn't seem to have offended you? "

Speaking of this, Qin Huai seemed to think of something and said, "is it because I invited Ning Caizhu to dinner before? If so, I can apologize to you. I didn't know that she had a relationship with you before. I can promise you that she will never appear in front of her again. Is that all right? "

"Well! It seems that you can clearly realize your mistake! "

He Feng looked at Qinhuai in surprise.

Qin Huai is still very smart. No wonder he can be a vice minister at a young age. I don't think it's entirely relying on Qin Ying's help. He certainly has good skills.

"But you think too much of me, don't you? I've come to your brother for revenge? " He Feng light way.

"What do you want to do with my brother?"

Qin Huai is still unwilling to give in. After all, this matter is related to his brother Qin Ying's future, so it should not be careless.

"I'm looking for your brother. Of course, there's something serious about my work. Get out of the way quickly." He Feng helplessly shook his head.

"I have said that if you have anything to do with your work, you can talk to me first." Qinhuai stubborn said.

"No way, right? Then don't regret it. "

He Feng chuckled, "if I guess correctly, now the other two vice ministers have arrived at your brother's office."

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