"You, what did you say?"

Qinhuai heard he Feng's words, the whole person was stunned for a few seconds.

"Just go to your brother's office and have a look." He Feng turned his eyes.

Qinhuai couldn't stand any longer. He turned around and went back. After two steps, he ran.

He is very clear that the two vice ministers must not be allowed to enter Qin Ying's office. If they go in and see Qin Ying's physical condition, Qin Ying's position as head of personnel department will be in danger.

Watching Qinhuai leave, he Feng also turns around, ready to leave.

Not far away, the front desk sister Liu langang just heard the two people's conversation, and now she is also a little flustered.

"Is minister Qin really forced to retreat by the two vice ministers?"

See he Feng to leave, Liu Lan do not know where the courage, suddenly stopped he Feng, "Minister He, you... You want to go?"

"Of course, your personnel department is in such a mess. I'll come back another day." He Feng shrugged.

He came to Qin Ying just to know about the personnel changes in the company, but Qin Ying can't do it alone. Even if he changes his vice minister, he can also provide him with information.

"Minister He, if vice minister Yan and vice minister Qi were allowed into minister Qin's office, Minister Qin might not be a minister. You, can you stop both of them from going in? " Liu Lan asked tentatively.

"Why should I stop it? It's a matter of the personnel department. It doesn't have much to do with me, does it? " He Feng is surprised to see Liu Lan, did not expect that the other party is quite brave, the fight between their ministers, she a small front desk, actually dare to intervene.

"It really doesn't matter much. I just think minister Qin is really good, although he is not very good and strict with us. But I know in my heart that only with his character can I do a better job. Our personnel department needs a minister like him. " Liu Lan said.

"Well? It seems that Qin Ying's position in your heart is not low? " He Feng is curious.

"Of course, he is usually very strict with us, but in fact, we all respect him in our hearts." Liu Landao.

"All right! In that case, I'll go and see the excitement. "

He Feng grinned.

"I'll take you!" Liu Lan immediately went to the front to lead the way.


At this time, outside the minister's office, three people were standing outside, and one of them kept knocking on the door.

"Are you not in, Minister? There is an important document that needs your approval. " It was Zhang Xin, a 26-year-old young man who had just left university.

Knowing that Qin Ying's lumbar disc herniation was very serious, Zhang Xinxin had an idea. He thinks that with Qin Ying, his future may not be very good. So he took refuge with Vice Minister Yan Ling very decisively, and then let Yan Ling United think that Vice Minister Qi Quan came to the door to make trouble when Qin Ying was ill.

As soon as the door of Qin Ying's office opens, he appears in front of the two vice ministers in a seriously ill posture to see how he can hide this.

At that time, the two vice ministers will certainly have hope to let Qin win step down.

"Minister, I know you are inside. Would you please open the door? This document is really important. " Zhang Xin continued to knock on the door.

In the office, Qin Ying has been lying on the bed of rest. If he doesn't lie down, his lumbar vertebrae will be too uncomfortable.

As for the knock on the door outside, he heard it in his ears and was annoyed.

Fortunately, the door was locked by him. It can't be opened without a key.

And the key, only he and his brother Qinhuai have.

"Minister, if you don't answer me, you won't be in the office. I found your office key in the morning, so I'll open the door with the key first. Don't blame me

At this time, a new voice came from the door.

Hearing this, Qin Ying's face changed slightly.

How did Zhang Xin find his key?

He quickly took out the key in his pocket, but there was no key to the office door.

In his heart, there was a strong premonition.

At this time, he can only comfort himself in his heart. Zhang Xin is his assistant and will certainly not harm himself. He should not tell outsiders about his serious lumbar disc herniation.

"Zhang Xin, what are you doing?"

A burst of drink, suddenly came outside the door.

"Is Qinhuai coming? Didn't he go downstairs to buy medicine? " Qin Ying was surprised to hear the sound.

"Come on, you stop him. I'll open the door."

Outside the door, Zhang Xin heard Qinhuai's voice, and saw that Qinhuai was running towards him quickly. He quickly said to Yanling and Qiquan.


"Stop him for a while. It's OK."

Neither of them paid much attention to Qinhuai.

Bang bang!

However, when Qinhuai approached them, he seemed to be a fierce tiger, carrying a strong momentum of terror and crushing them.

"Fast, fast, you can open the door!"

At the same time, Zhang Xin has taken out the key, inserted it into the keyhole, and directly unscrewed it.

The door of the office was pushed open.

Zhang Xin is going to push it all away!


However, Qinhuai has arrived, a heavy kick in his body, he was kicked to fly out.

Through the crack of the door, Qin Huai can see that Qin Ying is lying on the soft couch in pain.

He didn't want to, he quickly took the door with him, pulled out the key and stuffed it into his pocket.

"Qinhuai, what are you doing?"

"Qinhuai, are you going too far? How could you hit us? "

Yan Ling and Qi Quan stood up and criticized Qin Huai severely.

"Vice Minister Qin, what do you mean? Why do you do it to us? " Zhang Xin also stood up with a look of pain.

At the same time, he was also very angry. Just a little bit, he could open the door of the office, but he didn't want to arrive at the critical moment.

"Why do you think I'm doing this to you?"

Qin Huai snorted, "this is my brother's office. Who allowed you to open it privately? With my brother's consent? "

"We want to enter the office of minister Qin purely out of concern for him. A few minutes ago, he was still in the office, but now he has locked the door. No one answers the phone call and no one answers the knock. What if something happens to him and something happens inside? " Yan Ling said lightly.

"Yes, we all care about minister Qin well, but you don't know his good heart. How can you be such a man? Hum, I really don't know how you became Vice Minister. It seems that our minister Qin would occasionally avoid the virtuous and kiss him. " Qi Quan snorted.

"You don't have to tell me about my brother. If you are really dissatisfied with my brother, you can go directly to Mr. Wang. I believe that Mr. Wang will make a clear investigation. " Qin Huai's expressionless way.

"Thank you, vice minister Qin, for reminding me that I will definitely give Dong Wang feedback on some things."

Yan Ling stared at Qin Huai and said, "but now, I have more important things to explain to minister Qin first. You'd better open the door quickly."

"Sorry, this is my brother's office. I have no right to open the door."

Qin Huai shrugged and said, "besides, my brother is not in the office at all!"

"Qinhuai, you are lying! Minister Qin is in there! "

At this time, Zhang Xin, Qin Ying's assistant, jumped up, pointed to the door of the office and said, "I saw it with my own eyes before. Minister Qin was in it. What's more, his body can't bear the high-intensity work. Serious lumbar disc herniation, this disease is very terrible, and eventually can even lead to cancer

Zhang Xin didn't mean to exaggerate.

If lumbar disc herniation is serious, it will definitely cause visceral lesions, stimulate various toxins in the body, thus forming a new disease.

Finally become incurable cancer, it is not impossible!

"Zhang Xin, you..."

Qin Huai's face suddenly gloomy down, did not expect Zhang Xinhui directly tore the face to talk with him.

"What's the matter, vice minister Qin? Did I say something wrong? Dare you say minister Qin didn't have lumbar disc herniation? Is his lumbar disc herniation serious? "

Zhang Xin is not afraid to tear his face. He has already been exposed. Even if he doesn't tear his face, Qin Ying and Qin Huai brothers will certainly kick him out of the company.

It's better to tear the skin now.

As long as you help one of Yan Ling or Qi Quan to become a minister, you can't do without his benefits.

In the future, maybe he can still sit in the positions of Yan Ling and Qi Quan, and even hope to win Qin's current position.

"Damn it

Qinhuai's teeth are creaking. He wants to press Zhang Xin on the ground and beat him up.

"Ha ha, although my brother has a little lumbar disc herniation, many sedentary workers have this kind of physical problems, right?"

Qinhuai voice cold said: "if a little bit of lumbar disc herniation, will be cancer, then the world is not all cancer patients?"

"Others are not serious, but minister Qin is serious. His lumbar disc herniation has been a history for many years, and now it has affected the viscera. Once it hurts, you must have painkillers. Now, he is afraid that he is suffering from inhuman pain, right? Vice Minister Qin, I don't know if you have bought painkillers in such a short time? "

Zhang Xinwei said with a smile.

"My brother's lumbar disc herniation doesn't need painkillers at all." Qin Huai argued.

At this time, he certainly can't admit Qin Ying's physical condition.

Once admitted, it will be very difficult for Qin Ying to be a minister again.

"In that case, why don't you let us open the door and have a look?" Zhang Xin said with a smile, "don't tell me that minister Qin is not in the office."

"My brother, he..."

"If minister Qin is not in the office, or if he is in the office, he is in good health. Well, I'd like to submit my resignation letter immediately. "

Zhang Xin stares at Qin Huai and says that he is dead.

"Good! Lao Qi and I can testify to this. If Zhang Xin is delaying us all, he won't have to come to work tomorrow. " Order a stern nod.

"Vice Minister Qin, open the door. It will soon be known which is right or wrong. " Qi Quan is the same way.

Staring at the three people in front of him, Qin Huai's fist was pulled tightly.

He couldn't see it. The three men made it clear that they wanted to pull his brother off the stage.

Although the position of head of personnel department is not rich, the hidden wealth, such as human resources, is far more valuable than the position of head of finance department.

What's more, in the future, the candidates for vice president or director of the company will basically come from the personnel department.

How can they miss such an opportunity?

"Vice Minister Qin, if you don't open the door. Well, now I have to ask Mr. Wang to move. At that time, Wang Dong was startled. I'm afraid the scene will be even worse. " The harsh voice gradually cooled down.

For Qinhuai, he is not happy now, Qinhuai just shot, but let him feel bad for a while.

He has decided that whether he or Qi Quan is in Qin Ying's present position, he should find a way to get Qin Huai away.

"Wang Dong..."

Hearing this, Qin Huai's heart sank.

If Wang Dong knew about it, his brother Qin Ying would have no chance at all.


If the door of the office is opened, I'm afraid his brother can't do it in this position any more.


At the time of Qinhuai dilemma, the closed door in front of them was suddenly opened.

A man with a pale face and occasionally wrinkled eyebrows, who appeared to be in pain, came out of the room.

It's Qin Ying, the head of the finance department.

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