"Brother, how did you come out?"

Qinhuai see Qin win, immediately worried.

"Minister, you are not feeling well."

"Minister, you seem to be in great pain. Shall I drive you to the hospital now?"

When Yan Ling and Qi Quan saw Qin Ying's state, they were shocked and more happy.

Of course, this happy mood, they did not show too obvious, the face emerged, just pure concern.

"Just take me to the hospital. It won't be long before I get off work."

Qin Ying looked indifferent and said to Qin Huai, "little brother, go to the drugstore below and buy me some painkillers. After using painkillers, I went to see Wang Dong with the two vice ministers. "

"Brother, you..."

"I've just thought it over. My physical condition is really not suitable for such a high-intensity work. In that case, I might as well unload the burden and let the capable do it. "

Qin Ying shook his head.

"But don't you say that none of our three vice ministers can bear the burden?" Qin Huai doubts a way.

Wen Yan, Yan Ling and Qi Quan are all sarcastic.

Does Qin Ying look down on them too much? Do you really think that when you become a minister, you are the only one in the company who can do a good job as a minister?

"Whether you can shoulder the burden or not, I think with the ability of Dong Wang, we can solve the problem properly. Before, I didn't want to let Wang Dong know, but I just didn't want to make her trouble. "

Qin Ying said with a smile.

There was nothing in his mind to worry about.

Because he knows very well that no matter how hard Yan Ling and Qi Quan calculate and how well Zhang Xin grasp the opportunity, Yan Ling and Zhang Xin will not be able to take over his position.

Wang Xiangyun has known for a long time that Qin Ying is the only person in the whole personnel department who has enough ability to be the head of the personnel department.

At the beginning, he didn't want to leave the company and let Wang Xiangyun replace him because there were so many things in the company that it was not time to replace him.

Some time ago, when his body began to hurt more and more severely, the company began to go downhill again. It can be said that the company has encountered an unprecedented low since its establishment.

At this time, he is more unlikely to leave!

Now, the development of the company is gradually stable, and there is no problem with the capital. Even if he leaves, Wang Xiangyun has enough capital to hire a qualified person to replace him.

"Since the minister said so, vice minister Qin... Oh no, Zhang Xin, I'll leave it to you to buy painkillers." Yan Ling looks at Zhang Xin, a vice leader's attitude of giving orders to employees.

Besides Qin Ying, he is the most senior vice minister of the personnel department. Therefore, in his view, if Qin Ying is to step down, it is most likely that he will be the one who comes to power.

"Yes, I'm going."

Zhang Xin nodded and bowed. He was going to buy painkillers.

As for Qin Ying, he didn't pay any more attention.

"Oh, it's quite lively here!"

At this time, the two figures came this way.

A man and a woman!

It was the young man walking in front who spoke.

"He Feng?"

Seeing the man talking, several people on the field couldn't help frowning.

Qin Ying asked, "He Feng, what are you doing in our personnel department?"

To He Feng, he still has some don't like to see, naturally don't welcome he Feng.

In particular, it's time for the people under their personnel department to fight for power and profit, and he doesn't want to let he Feng see jokes.

"Your personnel department is so busy now, I can't even come here to see it?" He Feng grinned.


Qin Ying's face was more ugly, and the color of pain on his face was more obvious. Subconsciously, he rubbed his waist.

This asshole is really irritating.

"Zhang Xin, Minister Qin's waist is too painful. Why don't you go and buy him some painkillers as soon as possible?"

He urged the way with severe displeasure.

"All right!" Zhang Xin said he was going to leave.

He Feng waved his hand and said, "don't buy painkillers. It's useless to buy painkillers. Now you'd better go back to the office and lie down. I'll give you a massage. It won't hurt any more."

"You massage?"

Yan Ling sneered: "even if you have an operation, you won't be able to get much better for such a serious lumbar disc herniation. Do you feel no pain after a massage? Do you think you are a God? "

Although he Feng's medical skills are powerful, there are not many people who know about him. Among these people, Yan Ling is definitely not included.

"I'm talking to minister Qin. When is your turn to interrupt?" He Feng coldly glanced at Yan Ling.

"What did you say?" Yan Ling see he Feng so don't give his face, look not from gloomy down.

Even if you are the director of finance department, I am also the deputy director of personnel department, right? And I'm going to be promoted to minister soon. I'm no lower than you.

And even the leaders of the company, such as Wang Xiangyun and Gong Wei, would not be so rude when talking to him.

"Don't you understand me? Are you deaf or stupid? "

He Feng looked at Yan Ling like an idiot. "Don't stay here any longer. Get out of the way, so that brother Feng won't drive you away."


He Feng's overbearing attitude stunned Qin Ying and Qin Huai.

They have long known that he Feng is not easy to get along with, but they didn't expect that he Feng was so overbearing that even the Minister of personnel didn't pay any attention to him.

However, thinking of the end of Zhou Heng's talk with Fang Kan of the security department, they suddenly realized.

Zhou Heng is driven away by He Feng, and Fang Kan's son is blind. Compared with them, he Feng's attitude towards strict orders is gentle.

"He Feng, don't go too far!" Yan Ling's face was so gloomy that he was dripping water.


However, as soon as he spoke, he Feng slapped him in the past and directly flew him out.

"To face, not to face, to smoke!"

He Feng put his palm on his clothes and wiped it. Then he looked at Qi Quan and Zhang Xin, "you two, you two, are you rolling by yourself, and you want to be the same as him?"

"I'll... Let's go by ourselves!"

Two people see he Feng strong posture, where dare to provoke him, although in the heart surprised angry incomparable, but still quickly came forward to help up the strict order, quickly left.

"He Feng, you... Your style is too overbearing. No matter how much Mr. Wang attaches importance to you, it's hard for you to become the real core of the company. "

Qin Ying said indifferently.

He said that the core high-level, at least his senior minister, walking in the business world, can represent the face of Cloud City Group.

In his opinion, he Feng is obviously much worse.

"I don't want to be a high-level person who is not a core person."

He Feng rolled a white eye to say.

Naturally, he doesn't want to be a high-level person, because no matter how high-level he is, he is certainly not as high as Wang Xiangyun. In the end, he still has to obey Wang Xiangyun's orders. Even if he becomes the president, it's meaningless.

Qin Ying is not interested in chatting with He Feng. Anyway, he thinks that with Wang Xiangyun's ability to use his talents, he Feng will not become the real core of Yuncheng group.

So he asked casually, "what's the matter with you coming to me this time? If there's nothing important, we'll talk about it later. Now, I guess I'll go to see Wang again. "

"Why are you still looking for Wang Xiangyun? Don't you have a pain in your back? "

"Of course it hurts! But a few of them will definitely go to Wang Dong. When Dong Wang knows about me, she will definitely come to my office in person. Her time is much more precious than mine. It's a waste of her time. I'd better go to her myself. "

"I'll go! Your waist is aching like this, and you are afraid to delay Wang Xiangyun's meeting? "

He Feng helplessly shook his head, Qin Ying really put all his mind on safeguarding the interests of the company.

No wonder at the meeting last week, when Wang Xiangyun proposed to let he Feng be the Minister of finance, Qin Ying was the first to stand up against it.

"My waist often hurts. I've been used to it for a long time. I can bear it a little, but it's OK."

At this point, Qin Ying suddenly looked at He Feng and said, "He Feng, although I don't have much contact with you and you have a lot of bad deeds in the company, I have an intuition that you won't damage the interests of the company. So, I hope you can keep it up and live up to the trust of Wang Dong. "

"Er... So you still have a little support for me. I thought you strongly opposed my becoming finance minister."

He Feng was quite surprised.

Can hear Qin win next words, he a little want to vomit blood.

"Don't get me wrong. I have a little support for you because I have too much trust in Wang Dong."

Qin Ying said to Qin Huai, "little brother, help me to find Wang Dong. I'll take the initiative to confess to Wang Dong."

"All right!" Knowing Qin Ying's character, Qin Huai didn't dissuade him. He just sighed and went forward to help Qin Ying.

"I said, you'd better not toss about. You'd better go to the bed inside and lie down. I'll treat your lumbar vertebrae for you." He Feng turned his eyes.

Once again, he Feng said that he wanted to treat Qin Ying's lumbar vertebrae. Finally, Qin Huai couldn't help asking, "He Feng, can you really cure my brother's lumbar vertebrae?"

"Little brother, do you really believe him?"

Qin Ying glared at Qin Huai and urged him to say, "OK, don't delay any more. Help me to find Wang Dong quickly."


Qin Huai hesitated.

"Damn, is the credibility of brother Feng so low?"

He Feng is very depressed, "minister Qin, you don't trust me so much, it makes me sad, you know? I don't think so. Let's make a bet. If I cure your lumbar vertebrae, how about you do me a favor? "

"What do you want me to do for you?" Qin Ying asked.

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal. I just want you to help me investigate the personnel changes of the company in recent days." Hefeng road.

"It's not a big deal!"

Qin Ying nods and checks the personnel changes. It's just a little busy. He doesn't even need to show up. Qin Huai can help with the investigation.


He heard clearly just now. He Feng didn't mean to relieve the pain of his lumbar vertebrae, but directly said to cure his lumbar vertebrae.

"You just said, you are to cure my lumbar vertebra?" Qin Huai stares at He Feng and asks.

"Of course!"

He Feng added, "it's a radical cure! There will be no recurrence from now on. Even if I have a relapse, I will lose! "

"How is that possible? Lumbar disc herniation is not a serious disease, but it can not be cured. At most, it can only be adjusted, even if it is operated. If you don't pay attention later, it's easy to relapse. "

Qinhuai did not believe he Feng's words.

He has been suffering from lumbar disc herniation for a long time. He went to several major hospitals in Jiangbin City, and even to Nanjin City, the provincial capital, to have a look. The doctors of the hospital told him that the disease could not be cured.

But now he Feng is so determined to tell him, is a radical cure, and will not relapse.

It's not bullshit. What is it?

"Hospitals can't cure the disease, which only shows that their medical skills are not good, and their medical equipment is not advanced enough. I told you that I can cure the disease because I have confidence in my medical skills. "

He Feng shrugged and said: "anyway, I've given you the chance. It's your own business whether you can cure it or not."

"Brother, it won't take long anyway. You can have a try." Qinhuai some nervous looking at Qin win, afraid of Qin win and refused.

He is very clear that his big brother is stubborn.

Qin Ying frowned, but looking at Qin Huai's eager and caring eyes, he couldn't bear to refuse.

So, he looked at He Feng and asked, "if you can't cure my lumbar vertebra, what's the bet?"

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