Canglang this kind of outspoken words, let he Feng can't help a Leng.

Gong Wei, standing beside him, was also a little surprised.

They thought that Canglang wanted to talk about cooperation with He Feng, but now Canglang means to talk about cooperation. It's clear that Canglang wants to take refuge with him and become He Feng's younger brother.

The Canglang Gang, who has been working hard for a long time, says that he Feng is the one who wants to take refuge in him Feng.

You know, it's the second time that we've met. And the time of the two meetings is less than ten minutes

This is not only great courage, but also great wisdom.

"He Feng, or we won't have dinner together today. You can talk to the big brother of the big wave Gang first, and I'll go back by myself."

Gong Wei said.

Although she doesn't want he Feng to be the boss of a gangster, she doesn't want to interfere in He Feng's decision. She doesn't want he Feng to make any changes because of herself.

So, she decided not to get involved and let he Feng make his own decision.

"Thank you, sister-in-law..." Canglang looks at Gong Wei gratefully. He thinks Gong Wei is too understanding.

"Thank you. I haven't agreed yet."

He Feng rolled his eyes and said: "even if you want to talk to me, it can't affect the date between me and my woman. So, today's dinner, I will not go out with you to eat, I want to accompany my woman

He Feng this answer, let Canglang and Gong Wei are stunned.

It's not about small things, but about the whole underground world of Jiangbin city. He doesn't seem to care at all.

You know, if you become the king of the underground world of Jiangbin City, you will definitely be the local emperor of Jiangbin city. Many times speaking is more effective than the leaders of the municipal Party committee. It can be said that you can only cover the sky with one hand.

Even the leaders of the four gangs now, they all dream of becoming the underground king of Jiangbin City, right?

"He Feng, you..." Gong Wei wants to persuade he Feng again.

"Weiwei's wife, although I want to unify the underground world of Jiangbin City, it's not because I want to be the king of bullshit. I just don't want to be bothered by so many people in the future, or get into trouble with a little bit of trifles. "

He Feng interrupted Gong Wei, "however, compared with unifying Jiangbin underground world, I think it's more important to have dinner with you."

This simple sentence is not love words, but it is like a hammer into Gong Wei's heart, which makes her feel that her heart is rippling, and the whole person is a little dizzy.

My heart is full of endless sweetness.

As for the waves, they are stupid.

Is beauty really that important?

If you become the underground king of Jiangbin City, what kind of beauty can't catch up with?

"It seems that I still underestimate Mr. He Feng. No wonder he is not only my noble man, but also my guide. The person who can be my guide must not be an ordinary person.... "

Canglang looks at He Feng with different eyes.

However, he Feng did not pay much attention to the waves.

Although Canglang told him that he wanted to help him unify the underground world of Jiangbin city.


He Feng is not short of manpower now. Chen Jian has broken through to the early days of Mingjin. Later, he is fully qualified to be his spokesman in the underground world of Jiangbin city.

"Mr. He, I have a gift for you and Ms. Gong."

At this time, Canglang suddenly opened his mouth, and then opened his mouth to abing, who was following him.

Ah Bing immediately went to the back.

He Feng and Gong Wei are also waiting curiously. They are not in a hurry to leave. Anyway, it's still early.

Before long, a Bing brought his two little brothers over.

The two younger brothers, however, were carrying a sack of linen with a moving object in it.


When they got to Canglang's side, the two little brothers dropped the bag on the ground, and the objects inside suddenly gave out a dull hum, as if they were in pain.

"Open the bag!"

Canglang said.

A younger brother immediately came forward and untied the sack, revealing the "object" inside.

"This is... Xu Nian?"

Seeing the man in the sack, Gong Wei couldn't help but cover her lips and let out a cry of surprise.

It was Xu Nian who got the object out of the sack.

But at this time, Xu Nian's hands and feet were tied, and his mouth was stuffed with two smelly socks. He couldn't say a word, but he was black and blue, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Well! Wuwuwu... "

Seeing Gong Wei, Xu Nian hurriedly shows her the color of asking for help.

"What's going on?" He Feng asked.

He Feng knew that Xu Nian was in the sack when he first mentioned it. He just didn't quite understand what happened and why Canglang would take Xu Nian and give him as a gift.

Gong Wei also looks at Canglang and wants to know the situation.

"Mr. He, Ms. Gong, it's like this."

Canglang said calmly: "two days ago, one of my subordinates learned a news from the security team of junshanghai. Xu Nian was rejected because he confessed to Ms. Gong, and then he taught him a lesson. He was so hateful that he decided to take revenge. So I asked a Bing to send someone to watch him. Sure enough, today, he did. First, he hired a lock master at a high price, and then he used his identity as a property manager to cover up and pried open the door of Ms. Gong's house. Later, a camera was installed in Ms. Gong's home. In addition, he poured some liquid ecstasy into Ms. Gong's Cup... "

Listen to Canglang's words, Gong Wei's face is white, in the heart a burst of fear, fear.

Even he Feng has some lingering fear

Under his telepathy, he knew Canglang was not lying. After listening to Canglang's words, Xu Nian only had fear in his eyes.

So we can be sure that Canglang's words are true.

"It seems that brother Feng has become kind again in the past two months. He almost made a big mistake!"

If Canglang doesn't help staring at Gong Wei, if he hasn't arranged a killer to protect Gong Wei secretly

He didn't even dare to think about what would happen in the end.

Subconsciously, he hugged the woman's hand with a little force, and hugged the woman more tightly.

I'm a little scared!

More, it's killing.

"Mr. He, this Xu Nian is my gift to you. There is also the master who unlocks the lock. I have him watched. He doesn't know that Xu Nian has been arrested by me, so he doesn't want to escape. Moreover, even if he wants to escape at this time, he can't escape. "

Canglang said with a smile, "Mr. He, what do you want to do with these two people?"

"Now that you are ready to take refuge in me, do you still need to ask me such a low-level question?" He Feng chuckled.

Smell speech, Canglang heart a Lin, but also understand of nod, "I know!"

And Gong Wei hears he Feng's words, what also guessed faintly, not from pulled He Feng for a while, "He Feng, can this do not be too good?"

After all, it's murder. She still cares.

"Wei Wei, if you don't deal with this kind of person at one time, he will certainly continue to hurt you. At that time, I'm afraid it's too late to regret. " He Feng knows that Gong Wei can't accept killing herself for a while, and she still kills her because of her. He can't help touching her head. "Moreover, you shouldn't treat him as a human being and don't have any psychological burden."


"Weiwei, now I have gradually joined in the underground world competition of Jiangbin city. If I am so kind every time, do you know what kind of end I will end up with? Not only me, but all the people around me may not have a good result. So, you'd better get used to this kind of thing slowly... "

He Feng continued to comfort.

Gong Wei is a smart man. He believes that Gong Wei will not be sentimental in the end.

"All right!"

Gong Wei nods helplessly, but her expression is quite complicated.

"So... I'll take him down first?" Canglang asked.


He Feng should be a, charged: "things do clean, don't leave any trouble."

"Don't worry, Mr. He!" Canglang said with a smile, then nodded to a Bing.

Ah Bing immediately made people put Xu Nian, who was full of fear and began to shed tears and snot, back into the sack and carried him away.

Fortunately, they are now standing in a remote position, so no one is aware of their side.

"That... Canglang, right? As for dinner, I don't have time to go with you. But I'll come out later. Let's have a supper then. After supper, I'll take you to see the excitement. "

Before he Feng to Canglang or not too cold, after all, he is just a small gang boss.

But now that Canglang has caught Xu Nian, it shows that this guy has some abilities. He Feng doesn't mind contacting him more.

"OK, I'll wait for Mr. He's call."

Seeing he Feng take the initiative to invite, Canglang's face suddenly became excited and quickly took out his own business card, "I don't know if Mr. He has my phone, this is my business card..."

"Well! Let's go shopping first

He Feng shoves the business card into his pocket and then goes shopping with Gong Wei in his arms.

After he Feng and Gong Wei left, a Bing couldn't help but say: "brother Lang, let's take the initiative to take refuge with He Feng, but he doesn't seem to buy it very much? I think it's better for us to go to Baiyun gang or Wolf Gang than to go to him, right? No matter the Baiyun gang or the Wolf Gang, if they get our intelligence system and unify the underground world of Jiangbin City, it should not be difficult, right

"Ah Bing, you are still too narrow-minded."

Canglang shook his head and laughed, "even if we join the Wolf Gang or the white cloud Gang, they may not be able to unify the underground world of Jiangbin city. After all, although we are familiar with the underground world of Jiangbin City, we are also a dark group for that mysterious film group. In addition, even if the Baiyun gang or the Wolf Gang can deal with the film group and unify the underground world of Jiangbin city. But after unification? So what? Is it difficult for us to achieve our goal in Jiangbin city? "


Ah Bing was shocked.

It turns out that his boss doesn't just want to unify the underground world of Jiangbin city. He has ideas about the underground world of Jiangshu province.

It's no wonder that apart from collecting all kinds of information about Jiangbin city and all kinds of forces and figures in Jiangshu province, he won't let it go.

"But does he Feng have this ability?" A Bing asks curiously.

"I'm not sure whether he Feng has the ability. But, I have a kind of intuition, tonight, we can see he Feng's ability The road of Canglang expectation.


"Well! Not surprisingly, there will be a big event in the underground world of Jiangbin this evening! "


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