After buying vegetables, he Feng followed Gong Wei and drove to her home.

When she gets home, Gong Wei helps to wash the dishes. Naturally, the chef is He Feng.

"Weiwei, you should have red wine at home, right?"

After several dishes are ready, he Feng sits on the table and looks at Gong Wei with a bad smile.

"Yes, yes, but didn't you drive? Driving and drinking? "

"Don't you know how much brother Feng drinks? What's a little red wine? "

He Feng said with a smile, "besides, we'll have a good time tonight. Of course, we have to drink some red wine to help us have fun."

"All right!"

Gong Wei can't beat He Feng, so she has to open the wine cabinet and take out a bottle of rare red wine and two goblets. One person poured one.

"I don't drink as much as you. You can't drink me." Gong Wei warned.

"Wei Wei's wife, you can rest assured, how can I be willing to irrigate you."

He Feng said with a smile.

Of course, it's impossible to drink wine, but it's OK to drink a little more.

"That's about it!" Gong Wei nodded with satisfaction, "let's go first..."

Although this is not the first time to have a meal with He Feng alone, Gong Wei still cherishes the opportunity to have a meal with him Feng.

After drinking a mouthful of red wine, Gong Wei tasted the Salmon Fried by He Feng, and praised: "He Feng, where did you learn your cooking skills? Why do you cook a simple piece of salmon so delicious?"

She is also good at cooking. Salmon, a highly nutritious dish, is often eaten, but she has never eaten anything as delicious as he Feng.

"Is it delicious?"

He Feng said casually, "I think the other dishes are better than salmon."

Gong Wei rolled a white eye, "praise you a, you still PA se get up!"

"Hey, hey, who asked brother Feng to cook delicious food?" He Feng said with a laugh: "you may not know that all the women who eat the food I cook can't escape from me in the end."

Gong Wei smiles, "is that right? Why don't you take yunyun down? "


He Feng immediately speechless, this is to expose a person scar simply.

"It seems that it's really hard for you to handle it by yourself. Don't worry. Take your time. I'll help you later and try to take her down as soon as possible. " Gong Wei comforted with a smile, and then timely opened the topic, "today, Zhuzhu has gone to the company to report, do you know this?"


He Feng took a look at Gong Wei and found that the woman looked calm, so he said casually, "well, I know."

"And she didn't look for you?" Gong Wei took another salmon and continued to ask.

"I did, but I didn't say anything." He Feng said calmly.

"Is it?"

Gong Wei suddenly looks at He Feng. "Is the relationship between you and Zhu very close?"

"What... What do you mean?"

He Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth.

He was certain that when a woman suddenly asked this question, she was definitely not asking casually, but putting it clearly was questioning.

Needless to say, it must have been Gong Wei that Ning Caizhu went to her office this morning.

It seems that there are not only Qinhuai people from the personnel department, but also Gong Wei people in the finance department. They even told Gong Wei about this kind of thing.

"It's OK. I'll just ask." Who knows, Gong Wei said here, suddenly stopped the topic, said: "but after bamboo in the company, you have to try to take care of it. She is now in the Publicity Department of the company, but the work of the publicity department is not so good. Moreover, the ability of the Minister of the propaganda department is not very strong. "

"Well? Why didn't you continue to press questions? " He Feng was surprised. He thought Gong Wei would continue to ask, and finally forced him to stay away from Ning Caizhu.

But don't want to, the woman unexpectedly stopped the topic at the critical moment.

What's the meaning of this?

Is it hard for a woman to acquiesce in his continuous development with Ning Caizhu?

"I'm talking to you. Are you listening?"

Gong Wei has no good spirit of stare He Feng one eye, "even if I am talking with you beauty, you also don't so distracted ah, at least my appearance is not bad?"

"Er, I'm not distracted..." He Feng quickly explained, "I'm just thinking, why is the Minister of the propaganda department not competent? Since his ability is not strong, why should Wang Xiangyun promote him? "

"There's nothing we can do about it. In the first two months, the former director of the Propaganda Department was poached by another company with high salary, and he couldn't find a more suitable person in a short time, so he had to replace him and become an acting Minister first."

Gong Wei said helplessly.

"Well! If so, now that the company has the ability, it can consider replacing people. " He Feng said with a smile.

"Well, yunyun thought about it, but she didn't know much about publicity, so she left it to me. I'm also looking for someone more capable to take his place Gong Wei said.

"You have a good relationship with Zhu Zhu. Can you directly let Zhu Zhu be the head of the publicity department so that she doesn't need me or you to take care of her?" He Feng said with a smile.

"Let Zhuzhu be the head of the propaganda department?"

Gong Wei raised her eyebrows and immediately shook her head and said, "I've thought about it, but bamboo is still a lot worse. First of all, although she used to be a reporter and good at publicity and copywriting, it was the first time for her to do publicity in an industrial company, and her experience was a little worse. Of course, one of the most important reasons is that she has less publicity means and channels. And these things, have to rely on contacts and resources. But people and resources are accumulated by time. "

"Well, let's wait until she gets familiar with the work at hand."

He Feng nodded and didn't say much. He touched the cup with Ning Caizhu again, drank a sip of wine and continued to ask, "have you increased your workload since you become vice president?"

"More than some..."

Gong Wei said with a bitter smile: "now yunyun is basically busy with her research every day, and she is very little in charge of the company's affairs. Even the hot sales of Duomei cosmetics, she doesn't have the heart to take charge of it. I am in charge of it all at once. Although I am a vice president now, it seems that I am doing the work and workload of the president."

"Why don't wang Xiangyun mention you to the president directly? At least it would be much better if there wasn't a "Vice" in front of it. " He Feng said: "does she feel that if you are promoted to the president, you will get a raise, and she is reluctant to give up the money?"

"Yunyun, how can you be so stingy? She just has her own consideration when she does things."

Gong Weibai glanced at He Feng. "She told me once before that she would definitely give me the position of president, but it's not the time yet. Because once I sit in her current position and become the president, my current position will be vacant, and I will definitely push someone up. As for who to push, she also has a candidate now, but it's not time yet. After all, my time as vice president was too short. But it doesn't matter. Although I'm only the vice president, no matter what I do now, people in the company treat me as the president. It doesn't make any difference. "

"All right! Since you don't care, it's up to you, as long as you are too hard. " He Feng shrugged, he is afraid of women.

"Hard work is not very hard, these jobs are not too difficult."

Speaking of this, Gong Wei suddenly frowned, "there's one thing that makes me feel very confused. He Feng, you're very capable. Can you help me check one thing?"

"Weiwei's wife, you want me to investigate the matter. Just give me a direct order. You even asked me if I could help you. It's obviously wrong. Let's get a drink from ourselves." He Feng said with a smile.

"If I'm punished, do you think I'm really bad at drinking? Hum

Gong Wei snorted. After drinking the wine in the glass, she said, "if you can't investigate this matter clearly, then I won't punish you for a drink."

He Feng poured the wine for Gong Wei and said with a smile: "well, first of all, you can't solve anything. You have to let me help you."

"It's about Yin Xian!"

Gong Wei said: "you should remember that at last week's classmate party, you gave Yin Xian too much, which led to his health problems. Now he should be treated in a hospital. Now we in Yuncheng group have an urgent need to find him, but I don't know which hospital he is in for treatment, and I can't even find his assistant. He Feng, do you have any idea? "

"Isn't it very simple?"

He Feng thought it was a big deal. It turned out that he was just looking for someone.

For a top hacker in the world, it's easier than eating and drinking.

"Very simple?" Gong Wei said, "you mean you can find him? I can tell you that if his condition is relatively serious, he should not be treated in the hospital of Jiangbin city under his condition. He may be transferred to Nanjin city or even Yanjing city for treatment. It is not easy to find him. "

"Wife Weiwei, don't worry. I'll tell you where he is in a moment. As for now, shall we have dinner first? "

He Feng said with a smile.


Gong Wei is speechless. It seems that he Feng hasn't taken it seriously.

While eating and chatting, he Feng gradually understood why Gong Wei was so eager to find Yin Xian. It turned out that because of the hot sales of Duomei skin care products, the products that were expected to take a month to sell almost the same were almost exhausted in just three or four days.

The most important oil raw materials for skin care products were purchased from Yin Xian's Jiangyue group.

Because the two sides have signed an agreement, Yuncheng group can't purchase from places other than Jiangyue group, otherwise it will violate the contract and need to pay liquidated damages.

The liquidated damages of such a large company are quite terrible, and the current cloud city group can't stand it at all.

According to the agreement, Jiangyue group only needs to be able to provide oil-based raw materials within one month. But now, the stock of Duomei skin care products is almost exhausted, let alone a month, even half a month, it can't wait.

After dinner, he Feng was going to wash the dishes by himself and let Gong Wei watch TV in the living room. But Gong Wei loves him so much that she won't let him do the dishes anyway. She rushes to wash the dishes.

As for He Feng, naturally, he is sitting in the living room watching TV and eating Gong Wei's snacks.

"Well? Are you stealing my snacks

Gong Weigang out of the kitchen, a look to see is eating snacks He Feng, immediately staring up the beautiful eyes.

Women, there are two things that men are absolutely not allowed to move.

1、 Her snacks.

2、 Her private money.

Therefore, now see he Feng actually eat their own snacks, Gong Wei on the spot will be angry.

"Wei Wei's wife, you're wrong. How can I steal your snacks?"

He Feng bit a duck tongue, "I this is aboveboard eat?"

"You, you're right? Stop eating and give it back to me. "

Seeing that he Feng actually ate his favorite duck tongue, and it was the last bag left, Gong Wei was about to snatch it.

"I'll go, Wei Wei's wife. You're not sensible. What's wrong with my husband eating his wife's snacks He Feng stares.

"Of course not. You can eat anything at home, but you can't eat my snacks." Gong Wei said strongly.

Smell speech, he Feng's eyes suddenly bright for a while, and then hand the remaining bags of duck tongue to Gong Wei, "OK, I'll give it back to you!"

While talking, his eyes have become hot, looking at the plump body, because of drinking red wine, and pretty face flushed, eyes are a little confused woman, he Feng just feel a little dry throat.

The evil fire, which was only released once this morning, rose again.

Gong Wei picked it up quickly and hummed: "hum! You can't... In the future! What are you doing? "

She had not finished her words, the whole person was knocked down by He Feng, and skillfully and domineering untied her shirt.

"Wife Weiwei, don't you say you can eat anything at home except your snacks? Now... I'm going to eat you. "

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