
Two hours later, they stopped.

"Wei Wei, are you tired?"

He Feng stroked the woman's hair and asked in a soft voice.

Gong Wei raised the lotus root arm and patted He Feng's strong chest, "you say, of course."

"Then lie down and I'll give you a massage to make sure you're not tired soon."

He Feng sat up with a smile.

"Can you massage?"

Gong Wei just casually said, did not expect he Feng really will.

"All right, try it."

Gong Wei said, lying flat on the sofa.

He Feng put his hand on Gong Wei's abdomen and stroked it gently.

"Eh, how do you feel like a stream of hot air has entered my body? He Feng, what is that? " Gong Wei asked in surprise.

Because, this heat, let her think of the martial arts TV often see things, but not sure, after all, they this is the real society, how can there be things in the martial arts world?

"Want to know what it is? Then you call my husband to listen to it first. " He Feng said with a smile.

Smell speech, Gong Wei subconsciously will refuse.

However, she was really a little curious about what the heat was.

Moreover, I have already had this kind of relationship with him. Is it necessary to care about a so-called address?

"Old... Husband." Gong Wei said astringently.

"What's it called? I didn't hear it clearly... "

He Feng deliberately raised his ears.


Gong Wei knew that he Feng was intentional, but she raised her voice a little bit, and her tone was much more gentle, "husband!"

"My wife is so good!"

He Feng lowered his head to kiss the woman's forehead, and then whispered: "remember the last time I treated those women's faces because of Duomei skin care products? At that time, you asked sister yuan how I cured their faces. I said that it was because I practiced Qi that I could cure their faces. At the time, you didn't believe it. "

"True Qi?"

Hearing he Feng mention these two words again, Gong Weimei's eyes widened, "are you really..."

"Yes, your husband and I really cultivate the true Qi, which is the true Qi in martial arts TV, but my true Qi is more mysterious and powerful than that in TV." He Feng grinned and said, "how about now, do you think your husband is very powerful?"

Hearing he Feng's confirmation, Gong Wei only feels that the whole person's world outlook is about to be overturned, and her eyes are full of all kinds of disbelief, "my God, is there really such a magical thing as" Zhenqi "in this world? Then aren't you a martial arts expert? "

"Of course, otherwise, how could your husband fight dozens of times alone? And you're not afraid of guns? Do you think that I really dare to confront those black forces with my passion? "

He Feng said with a smile.

Gong Wei realized that he Feng didn't pay attention to the so-called gangs because he was too powerful.

What if you have more gangsters? In He Feng's eyes, they are all mole ants.

"Are there many people in this world who have cultivated Qi just like you Gong Wei asks curiously.

He Feng said with a smile: "of course, there are not many ancient martial artists in this world. At the beginning, they did not cultivate Qi, but internal strength. The level of the inner strength of ancient martial arts can be divided into the clear strength, the dark strength, and the Hua strength. Finally, it is the true Qi state of ancient martial arts. There are only dozens of ancient warriors in the real Qi realm in the world. "

"Only a few dozen?" Gong Wei was a little surprised. "Is the true Qi state so difficult to cultivate and refine?"

"Do you think that when your husband's cultivation reaches the true Qi state when he is young, it means that the true Qi state is very good for cultivation?"

He Feng rolled his eyes. "You only know that your husband is an ancient warrior in the realm of true Qi, but you don't know how much suffering and life and death he has experienced when he reaches this realm. It can be said that from cultivating my inner strength to now, every time I improve my strength, every time I make a breakthrough, I'm almost on the edge of life and death. "

This kind of thing has long been nothing to him. After all, he has experienced too much, and now he can say it freely.

But Gong Wei heard his words, but her heart was shocked. She quickly held He Feng's hand and asked, "husband, I almost knew nothing about your past. Now I'm your woman, and I'm calling your husband. Can you tell me something about your past?"

Gong Wei is really curious about what happened to men before.

She wanted to know what the man had been through before.

"Well, since you want to know, I'll talk to you briefly..."

To Gong Wei, he Feng didn't hide too much. He told her life experience all these years.

Although many dangers were weakened by him, Gong Wei was still shocked.

It turns out that this man has been licking blood on the edge of the knife every day these years, passing death every day, worrying about the future every day

Besides, he has no relatives except some brothers and sisters.

If you think about yourself, although you are not rich, you have no worries about food and clothing since childhood. Your parents love you so much that every day is sunny

Compared with himself, he Feng's life is not ordinary suffering.

"Husband, I will try my best to love you in the future. And yunyun, I will try to help you catch her. If it doesn't work, I'll give her medicine for you, right? In short, make sure she gives you a baby, so your grandfather will tell you about your parents. "

Gong Wei looks at the man with a loving face.

"Pooh... How about the medicine? Thank you for thinking out what kind of woman yunyun is. Don't you know? If she's drugged, she'll hate me for the rest of her life. Even if she's pregnant with my baby, she won't be born. "

He Feng was amused by Gong Wei's words, shook his head and said: "don't think about the medicine. Anyway, there's still a lot of time. I'll try my best to catch up."

"Well! The main reason is that most of yunyun's thoughts are on her research. Otherwise, with your husband's great charm, it should not be difficult to catch her up. " Gong Wei has great confidence in He Feng.

"That's necessary. Your husband, I'm good at conquering you women. Hehe... "Hefeng said with a smile.

"Well! Do you believe that I won't allow you to touch another woman in the future? "

See he Feng proud, Gong Wei can't help staring at him said.

"OK, OK, stop beating, OK?" Gong Wei quickly surrendered.

He's really worried that women will restrict him in this aspect. He doesn't want to meet Xia Menglu and Ning Caizhu in the future, but also secretly.

"It's about the same..."

Gong Wei just laughed and said, "husband, let's take a bath. Otherwise, I'm afraid you will be noticed by yunyun when you go back at night. Her nose is very smart. She can't smell me on you."

"Er... It seems reasonable. You are too fragrant." He Feng nodded.


Later, Qin Feng took a rest at Gong Wei's home and inquired about Yin Xian's current location.

This Yin Xian is obviously seriously ill. According to the positioning on his mobile phone, he is lying in the intensive care unit of Nanjin City, and still in a coma, relying on drugs to maintain.

Originally, he Feng wanted to go to Nanjin city in person, but Gong Wei said that she would try to contact other senior executives of Jiangyue group first, and if it didn't work, she would go to Nanjin city again.

After saying goodbye to Gong Wei, he Feng goes downstairs and calls Chen Jian. After confirming that Chen Jian is still in Lianyi Hotel, he drives directly to the hotel.

However, before going to Lianyi Hotel, he also called Canglang and asked Canglang to go to Lianyi hotel.

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