"You mean, the hidden forces are trafficking in drugs, and then deliberately provoking the relationship between the major gangs in the underground world of Jiangbin city?" Zhang Xingguo vaguely smelled a big conspiracy, "then you say, what is the purpose of their doing this?"

Before Canglang answered, Chen Jian sneered, "is the purpose not clear enough? Of course, it's to let us fight each other. They'll take advantage of it. When we've had a good fight, they'll do it again. It's easy to unify the underground world of Jiangbin city. At that time, if they want to sell drugs, they will not have to hide. Once the scale is enlarged, even if the government wants to manage it, it will be very difficult. "

"They not only sell drugs, but also challenge the authority of the Wolf Gang, so we can't let them continue to develop in the underground world of Jiangbin city." Zhang Xingguo said.

"Brother Zhang, let's leave this matter to you. You can arrange someone to contact Baiyun gang and poisonous scorpion Gang, and let them join us in the investigation. We must find out the hidden tumor and then wipe it out." Chen Jian said coldly.

"OK, I'll get in touch with them."

Zhang Xingguo nodded, "boss, do you want to tell them about the change of the leader of the Wolf Gang?"

"Well, just say hello to them." Chen Jian's casual way.

"All right!" Zhang Xingguo thought about it and said, "there's another thing about He Feng. He Feng's previous provocations against the Wolf Gang have seriously damaged the prestige of the Wolf Gang, so Lin Ye orders us to get rid of him Feng. Now Lin Ye is dead, what shall we do with He Feng? "

"This Lin Ye is really stupid. If he had been a little clever, he would not have died today." There is a sneer on Chen Jian's mouth.

Zhang Xingguo obviously did not understand the meaning of Chen Jian's words, just looked at him in doubt.

Chen Jian said, "brother Zhang, do you know who was going out to answer the phone just now?"

"The man just now?"

Zhang Xingguo subconsciously looked out of the door, "isn't that man your subordinate?"

"My men?" Chen Jian smiles and says, "he's not my man. On the contrary, I'm his man."

"What? Then he... "

Chen Jian's words made Zhang Xingguo and Zheng Qian and others behind him stare and even breathe coldly.

Chen Jian's strength is so strong that he is willing to be someone else's subordinate?

Who is this man? It turns out that Chen Jian and other experts can be my younger brother.

"He is He Feng you just said!"

Chen Jian doesn't hide it. After all, there are many conflicts between the Wolf Gang and he Feng. In order to avoid further misunderstanding and causing trouble in the future, it's better to open up and make it clear now.

"Is He Feng? So, what's going on here? "

"Isn't he Feng the enemy of our Wolf Gang? How can Chen Jian be his younger brother?"

When people heard Chen Jian's words, they were filled with shock and doubt.

They remember Lin Ye said before that he Feng's strength is at most equal to that of a general warrior who has cultivated his sense of Qi. Lin Ye can easily kill him.

Now, Chen Jian, who killed Lin Ye easily, becomes He Feng's younger brother. Isn't that a big contrast?

"Why don't you believe it?"

Seeing people's faces, Chen Jian said with a smile.

"Boss, because Lin Ye told us before that he Feng's strength is not so good. He Feng is just an ordinary horizontal practitioner. It seems that he hasn't even reached the level of physical training. How can he become your boss?"

Zhang Xingguo raised the doubts of the public.

"Who says brother Feng is a martial arts practitioner? Did he ever tell you that himself? "

Chen Jian light smile, but in order not to expose He Feng too much information, he did not continue to say, "in a word, about brother Feng, you don't want to suspect, don't want to find him trouble. If I see him later, I'll be more respectful than I am. Do you know all about that? "

"All right!"

"I see!"

Although Zhang Xingguo and others are still curious about He Feng, Chen Jian doesn't want to say much. They don't ask much. They all nod at the moment.

At this time, he Feng is outside, then Wang Xiangyun's phone.

"Hello, daughter-in-law, what can I do for you?" He Feng came to the door and asked.

Wang Xiangyun worried voice came, "He Feng, Xiaoyu is injured, do you have time to come to the hospital now?"

"Is Xiaoyu hurt? Which hospital are you in? " He Feng asked.

"In the first people's Hospital of Jiangbin City, the emergency department on the first floor." Wang Xiangyun worried.

"Well, you wait for me there first. Don't worry. I'll be there soon."

He Feng can feel the woman's deep worry and panic. After comforting, he hangs up.

He didn't bother to say hello to Chen Jian, so he left Jiangshan KTV directly, and then used his body method to rush to the first people's Hospital as soon as possible.

If you drive, it takes more than half an hour to get to the first people's Hospital from Jiangshan KTV.

It took him less than ten minutes to cast his body.

When he came to the front door of the hospital, he found that there were several military vehicles parked here, and there were two rows of soldiers with live ammunition standing outside.

"What's the matter?"

He Feng see this scene, in the heart more confused, it seems that Xiaoyu injured things is not so simple, unexpectedly is to make war crazy directly called soldiers.

Although their guard is not very strict, everyone who goes in and out of the emergency department will be examined by their eyes.

He Feng did not stop, speed up the pace into the emergency department.

Just to the emergency department, he Feng will see in an operating room anxiously waiting for Wang Xiangyun and war crazy and Wang Mei.

The war maniac's face was dignified, Wang Mei's face was tense, tears were still hanging around her eyes, and Wang Xiangyun's face was worried.

In addition to the three of them, there were several soldiers headed by Jiang Shang.

"Hello, brother Hefeng

Jiang Shang saw he Feng and said hello, respectfully.

Obviously, the strength he Feng showed in the military region yesterday has completely conquered him.

He Feng nodded politely to Jiang Shang, then went to Wang Xiangyun and others, "what happened?"

"Today, I took my aunt and them shopping. When they passed a public bathroom, my aunt and Xiaoyu went to the bathroom. My uncle and I were waiting outside. But at this time, an assassin suddenly appeared to assassinate her aunt. Xiaoyu was injured by the assassin in order to protect her aunt. "

"Assassin? Or assassinate my aunt? "

Hearing this, he Feng is more confused.

Why does the assassin want to assassinate Wang Mei? Isn't Wang Mei an ordinary person?

At this time, the war maniac said: "Xiao Feng, it's like this. Your aunt is not an ordinary person, but a scientific researcher. She has made good achievements. She has been assassinated twice in recent years, but there is no danger. This time, the other party's goal is also your aunt. Fortunately, Xiaoyu went to the bathroom at that time. The assassin started at the moment when your aunt left the bathroom, and Xiaoyu was not far away at that time, so he saved your aunt in time. However, the strength of the other side is too strong, Xiaoyu didn't make it until I arrived, so he was seriously injured by the other side. "

Smell speech, he Feng just suddenly, at the same time surprised to see Wang Mei one eye, did not expect this looks ordinary, even quite fashionable beautiful aunt, actually do scientific research.

No wonder Wang Xiangyun likes doing research so much. It seems that he learned from his aunt who has a very good relationship with her

These researchers who work for the country, especially those with high ability, are often the thorn in the eye of some other countries. They often send people to stare at them, assassinate them and cut them off whenever they have the opportunity.

He Feng had seen a lot about this situation abroad in the past, and even rescued two scientific researchers from China.

"But, I don't understand. This time we came to Jiangbin City, we made a very secret and temporary decision. No one knows the itinerary. How can someone assassinate us the next day?"

The war maniac was puzzled, "is it difficult to succeed? Is the assassin the local force of Jiangbin city? But it's not right. When I was fighting with the opponent, the move he used was the sabre technique of Japan. When he finally escaped, he also used Ninjutsu, which was obviously a warrior of Japan! How can there be Japanese masters hiding in Jiangbin city? "

"Uncle, let's not think about it yet." He Feng said: "is Xiaoyu's injury serious?"

Zhan Kuang said: "I directly know my identity, so the hospital directly arranged the most powerful surgeon to operate on Xiaoyu. Just now I have asked, Xiaoyu's injury is not serious, and he didn't hurt the key. He has excellent physique. After ten days and a half of cultivation, he can basically recover. "

"That's good!"

He Feng was relieved.

Originally, he was going to treat Zhan Yu with Qi. Since the injury was not serious, it saved him a lot.

It's just that there are Japanese soldiers hiding in Jiangbin City, which he can't bear. What he hates most is the Japanese. After all, the war decades ago did great harm to the friendship between the two countries.

In particular, he Feng couldn't bear that the Japanese warrior was still assassinating important scientific researchers in China.


At this time, the door of the operating room was opened, and a middle-aged doctor in a white coat came out.

"How is my son, doctor?" Wang Mei immediately went up and asked.

The war crazy and others also looked at him nervously.

The middle-aged doctor comforted: "you don't have to worry, everyone. The injured person's condition has stabilized. However, because he lost a lot of blood and was weak, he is now in a coma. It is estimated that he will wake up tomorrow morning. When he has a rest for two or three days, he can walk normally

"It's OK!"

Wang Mei and others were relieved.

"Xiaomei, since Xiaoyu is OK, go home with He Feng and yunyun to have a rest. Xiaoyu is here. I'll keep watch. I'll go back to rest later. "

The war maniac looked at Wang Mei and said, "this evening, you will talk to yunyun about the past. Tomorrow, I will send you back to Nanjin city first."


Wang Mei also knows that it's time to go back to Nanjin City, the capital of Jiangshu province. Nanjin city is heavily guarded. She is quite safe at home or in a scientific research institute, but she is still worried about Zhan Yu's injury.

"Xiaoyu, don't worry. I'll let Jiang Shang lead the special forces to stay and protect him. They are equipped with weapons. Even if they are dark ancient warriors, they can't hurt Xiaoyu. Besides, the target is you, not Xiaoyu. If you stay here, you will be in danger. If you leave, the enemy will have no target, and Xiaoyu will be OK. " War crazy way.

"Well, I'll go back with them first." Wang Mei's helpless way, but also not sad, after all, this kind of thing is not the first experience.

"Xiao Feng, please protect your aunt all the way. However, the other side failed once and should not start again. "

War crazy told the road, let he Feng escort Wang Mei, he is very relieved, after all, he Feng's strength is much stronger than he.

"Uncle, don't worry. If the other party dares to assassinate my aunt again, I will make him never come back." Hefeng road.

"Well, I believe in your strength." Zhan laughed wildly.

Then, he Feng, Wang Xiangyun and Wang Mei leave the hospital in Wang Xiangyun's car and return to Xinghui villa.

After returning home, Wang Xiangyun worried to He Feng asked: "he... Husband, tonight, the killer will not come again to assassinate his aunt?"

Before, she only knew that her aunt was engaged in scientific research, but she didn't know that someone would assassinate her because of her work. Now she is a little afraid.

"Daughter in law, don't worry. I'm at home. As long as the assassin dares to come near our house, I'll find out for the first time. You, don't worry about going to bed with your aunt. " He Feng said with a smile, going directly to the sofa in the living room, ready to turn on the TV.

"Xiao Feng, do you mean that even if the assassin doesn't start, just close to the villa, you can detect it?" Wang Mei asked in surprise.

"Yes, aunt!"

"In that case, you can go upstairs with yunyun. I'll sleep downstairs alone first." Wang Mei said immediately.


He Feng a Leng, have to see to Wang Xiang cloud, he can't dare to promise to come down.

"Aunt, you are going back to Nanjin city tomorrow. We don't know when we will meet next time. Let me sleep with you tonight."

Wang Xiangyun hugged Wang Mei's arm and said, "I haven't slept with my aunt for a long time."

Wang Mei pushed Wang Xiangyun away and said impolitely, "sleeping together is not good. Now you have a husband. But if you have something to say to your aunt, let's talk while watching TV. "

"Ah? However, they want you to sleep with them... "Wang Xiangyun said.

"Ha ha, take your man."

Wang Xiangyun said, straight to his room, "I went to take a bath!"

Watching Wang Mei enter the room, Wang Xiangyun looks depressed, then looks at He Feng, but he doesn't know what to say.

"Daughter in law, for a while... You can chat with your aunt while watching TV. I'll go upstairs first."

He Feng touched his nose and said with a smile: "don't worry, I'll sleep in the floating window tonight."

Then he went to the second floor.

Wang Xiangyun's face just slightly eased a little bit, "hum, count your wit!"

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