After he Feng returned to his room, he took out his mobile phone and made a call to Chen Jian.

"Brother Feng, have you left Jiangshan KTV?" The phone was soon connected. Chen Jian asked suspiciously.

"Well, I'll leave when I have something to do. How are things going with you?"

"It has been basically dealt with properly. Zhang Xinguo, they are all very knowledgeable and directly let me be the leader of the Wolf Gang. Oh, yes, because there were some contradictions between Fengge and the Wolf Gang before. In order to resolve this contradiction and avoid any misunderstanding in the future, I told them that Fengge is my big brother. But I told them not to let it out

"It's OK. Just say it."

He Feng doesn't care about it.

"Brother Feng, there is one more thing I want to report to you. In recent days, the Wolf Gang and the white cloud Gang have successively killed people above the level of the hall leader. Therefore, we suspect that a mysterious force is trying to stir up the relationship among the major gangs in the underground world of Jiangbin City, trying to get several major forces into a scuffle, so that they can reap the benefits of fishing. "

Chen Jian solemnly reported: "in addition, Canglang seems to be very capable in intelligence. He has collected a piece of information that even the Wolf Gang doesn't know. He said that this force is not only mysterious, but also drug trafficking and selling, but none of its members or outsiders knows about it. "

"Drug trafficking?"

Smell speech, he Feng's pupil suddenly shrunk up, flashed the dense cold awn.

What he hates most is drug trafficking.

Why did the kingdom of China become weak? Apart from being closed to the outside world, it was because there were too many drugs that the country and its people became weaker and weaker, and finally they were bullied by the aggressors.

"Chen Jian, listen carefully. In any case, we should find out these drug traffickers. Let me know as soon as you have substantive information. I'm going to remove this cancer myself. " He Feng said coldly.

"Brother Feng, don't worry. I've asked Zhang Xingguo to supervise this matter in person. I'll let you know as soon as I have news." Chen Jianlian is busy.

"Well!" He Feng nodded, "you let Canglang come to Yuncheng group tomorrow morning to find me, I want to talk to him."

"OK, brother Feng, I'll tell Canglang in a moment." Chen Jiandao.

Hung up the phone, he Feng eyebrows slightly raised, eyes deep.

Originally, he thought that the water in the underground world of Jiangbin city was not so deep, but now it seems that the situation is not as simple as he thought.

First it was a suspected ancient warrior of the Japanese state, and then it was a mysterious drug trafficking force

"It's not very simple, but only if it's not simple can I bring up my interest!" He Feng raised a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Immediately, he went into the bathroom and began to take a bath. After taking a bath, he lay down on the wide bay window and read the novel.

However, to his dismay, the novel has not been updated.

"Well? What happened? The guy listening to the wind at night didn't update? "

He Feng is a little puzzled, but he doesn't think much about it. After all, the author is a human being and has his own private affairs to deal with. It's normal to break up for a day or two.

However, he Feng only read night listening to the wind of a person's book, since the other party cut more, he also put away the mobile phone, and then sit down, directly into the cultivation state.

Of course, while practicing, his spiritual power is released.

Under the cover of his mental power, let alone a living man entering the villa, even if a mosquito enters the villa, he can clearly feel it.

At about eleven o'clock in the evening, a man finally entered the villa.

However, they are not assassins, but war maniacs.

As soon as the war maniac came back, Wang Xiangyun was soon caught up by Wang Mei.

"Dong Dong..."

The door was knocked twice, and immediately Wang Xiangyun pushed the door open and came in.

"Daughter in law, ready to go to bed?" He Feng asked with a smile.

"You haven't slept yet?" Wang Xiangyun frowned.

He Feng didn't sleep. She always felt uncomfortable. After all, there were only two of them in the room.

"My uncle didn't come back. How dare I sleep?"

He Feng rolled his eyes, "but since you're here, it's time to go to bed, and you have to get up early tomorrow to send your aunt to them?"

Wang Xiangyun nodded, "just now my uncle has told me that he has discussed with the military side. At five o'clock in the morning, we will send them to Jiangbin city military area, and there will directly arrange three helicopters to send them back to nanjinshi military area."

"Well, with helicopters, there's basically no more danger."

He Feng nodded.

In China, it is different from abroad. If you are abroad, even if you get on a helicopter, there may be danger.

But in China, air control is very strict. As long as the helicopters of war maniac and Wang Mei are in the sky, no one dares to deal with them. If the other side still dares to drive a helicopter to the sky to pursue and kill, the cliff will be beaten into a sieve. After all, in the sky, it's a competition for firepower.

Of course, except those who are in the true Qi State and ancient martial arts

Because the ancient warrior in the true Qi state can mobilize the energy of heaven and earth to fight against Qi.

"He Feng, there's one thing I'm a little confused about. I want to ask you..." Wang Xiangyun asked suddenly.

"What's the matter, just ask."

"Isn't the world... At least in China, safe? How can there be fighting? China is engaged in scientific research, and Japan is also engaged in scientific research. It's just fair competition. Why do they want to assassinate their aunt? Isn't that necessary? "

Wang Xiangyun asked with some distress.

"Fair play?"

He Feng took a look at Wang Xiangyun.

After all, women's life from childhood to adulthood is so comfortable that they don't know what's going on in China and all over the world.

Because of its rapid rise, China has been targeted by many countries.

Even Wang Mei, who is not the top scientific researcher, will be assassinated whenever she has a chance.

"Daughter in law..."

"Uncle, they are not here. Just call me by my name."

Wang Xiangyun coldly interrupted He Feng.


He Feng hesitated, but when he thought of Wang Xiangyun's bad temper, he didn't bother to argue with her. "The reason why ordinary people see light everywhere is that where there is darkness, they are driven away by many brave soldiers with blood and life. For example, your aunt, she can be a researcher wholeheartedly, because all the dangers against her are resisted by the people who defend her. In order to resist this danger, God knows how much blood they have shed and how many lives they have lost. "

Hearing the speech, Wang Xiangyun could not help being silent.

For a moment, she suddenly said, "so our country needs to be stronger, right?"

He Feng looked at him in surprise and nodded, "yes! However, the strength of a country does not happen overnight, nor does it mean that if the economy or technology is strong, the country will be strong. If a country wants to be prosperous for a long time, it will ultimately depend on the strength of the people. Of course, economy and science and technology are the premise. Without these two guarantees, the people can not really become strong. "

"Economy and technology?" Wang Xiangyun murmured, no more said, "let's get up early tomorrow, I'll take a bath first, you go to bed quickly."

After packing his clothes, Wang Xiangyun went into the bathroom and closed the door.

"If the kingdom of China wants to become really powerful, it still depends on enough ancient warriors in the real Qi state. I just don't know how many ancient warriors there are in this country? "

He Feng is looking out of the window, slightly pondering: "however, these do not need me to care. What I need to care about... Is when I can capture Wang Xiangyun's heart and find my parents. "

Although anxious, he Feng will not force Wang Xiangyun.

Now it's more than 11 o'clock in the evening. He Feng will get up before 5 o'clock tomorrow morning. In order not to disturb Wang Xiangyun's sleep, he Feng lies down early and closes his eyes to sleep.

After a while, Wang Xiangyun, dressed in pajamas, walked out of the bathroom and saw he Feng fall asleep. Her face became slightly better, and then went to bed.

The next morning, Wang Xiangyun and he Feng got up early, washed up and had breakfast. They drove Zhan Kuang and Wang Mei to the military area, and then went directly to the company.

When they arrived at the company, they arrived at Yuncheng group at seven o'clock in the morning.

"Daughter in law, didn't you sleep well last night? You don't seem so energetic. "

In the elevator, he Feng looked at Wang Xiangyun and said.

Hearing he Feng's address to himself, Wang Xiangyun is too lazy to bother with him. "Fortunately, I'm not used to getting up so early."

"Why don't I massage your temples? So you can be energetic all day He Feng asked with a smile.

"Can you be energetic all day? You didn't lie to me, did you? " Wang Xiangyun obviously has some ideas.

"What can I do for you? Besides, don't you believe in my medical skills? " Hefeng road.

"Come to my office then."

Came to the office, Wang Xiangyun directly asked: "how do you want to massage?"? Just press it? "

"Of course, just sit down."


Wang Xiangyun doesn't talk nonsense either. He just sits down in his office chair.

He Feng went to Wang Xiangyun, put her finger on her temple, and rubbed it gently.

Soon, Wang Xiangyun felt a sense of coolness, pouring into her mind from her temple, which made her feel that her mind gradually became fresh, and her thinking was much clearer.

Real refreshing!

In less than three minutes, he Feng stopped massage, "daughter-in-law, how do you feel now?"

"I didn't expect that your massage technique is quite good, but it won't last for a short time, will it? Don't make me sleepy at noon. I have to continue my lunch break at that time. " Wang Xiangyun said.

"I'm kidding. Although I only gave you a massage for three minutes, you won't feel sleepy even if you don't sleep for three days and three nights."

He Feng just massaged Wang Xiangyun's meridians, but he used his mental energy to nourish her spirit.

For the next three days, Wang Xiangyun won't feel tired even if he doesn't sleep for a minute.


Hearing the speech, Wang Xiangyun was surprised.

So, can't I do research for three consecutive days?

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