He Feng saw through Wang Xiangyun's idea at a glance, and immediately stood up and said: "of course it's true, but people are flesh and blood after all. If you really don't sleep for three days and three nights, after three days, you will be very tired even if you sleep for three days and three nights. So you can't mess with your daily routine. "

"I thought you were so good that you had to sleep." Wang Xiangyun turned his lips. He was really happy in vain.

"In fact, I have a way for you to do research 24 hours a day without getting tired." He Feng grinned.

"What can I do?"

Wang Xiangyun asked curiously.

"Follow me and Practice for only one year." Hefeng road.

"Do you want to practice

Wang Xiangyun refused even if he didn't want to, "go and do something!"


Smell speech, he Feng mouth corner smoked.

Isn't it too straightforward to refuse?

If it spreads to the underground world, it will certainly make many people tongue tied.

God knows how many people want to practice Kung Fu with He Feng. Some billionaires even bid a billion yuan a day for He Feng to instruct them. However, he Feng has never specially taught a person to practice Kung Fu. At most, he occasionally instructs his brothers around him.

Now, he offered to teach Wang Xiangyun to practice martial arts, but he was refused so simply, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

"Daughter in law, don't you like practicing martial arts?" He Feng can't help asking.

"Of course!"

Wang Xiangyun nodded, "it's boring to practice. If you want me to practice, it's better to kill me. If I would like to practice, I would have practiced before when I was in the Wang family. You should know that there are many ancient warriors in the Wang family. "

Born in the Wang family, she knows something about the ancient martial arts.

"All right!"

He Feng this just suddenly.

Since Wang Xiangyun didn't like practicing, he didn't want to ask any more questions. He went straight to the door and said, "OK, I'll go first. You can work."

Watching He Feng leave, Wang Xiangyun says, "do you practice Kung Fu for a year? Let me be an ancient warrior in the early Ming Dynasty at most in one year? Even Wang Qing can't surpass it. What's the point? I might as well concentrate on my experiment. As long as I successfully develop that thing, my final achievement will surely surpass Wang Qing! "

Her goal in life is to surpass her father, Wang Qing.

Then, she is qualified enough to tell Wang Qing what a wrong decision he made to abandon her and her mother.

Do experimental research, there is hope to achieve this goal.

In her opinion, practicing kung fu is obviously not good. At least, one year is not enough.

As the head of the Wang family, Wang Qing's accomplishments are not low.


He Feng returned to his office, did not play games, but entered the cultivation state.

Now he can clearly feel that he seems to be able to break through to the middle stage of true Qi at any time, so he will not miss the time of cultivation.

Although he is very powerful now, he is only at the bottom of the tianbang. There are not many real Qi guwu people, including tomahawks, who want to challenge him and squeeze him out of the list.

And the fight between the true Qi State, life and death may be in a moment, not strong enough to support, is likely to hang up in an instant.

Therefore, the more powerful He Feng is now, the more he Feng will continue to improve his strength, so as not to lose his life in the future.

"Dong Dong..."

Practice to almost nine o'clock, he Feng office door was knocked.

He Feng stopped practicing and frowned. His accomplishments seem to break through at any time, but it seems very difficult to make a real breakthrough.

In the true Qi State, it's very difficult to really improve a little cultivation.

"Come in!" He Feng opens his mouth.


The door of the office was pushed open and Yuan Yashi came in.

Now yuan Yashi is wearing a wine red professional dress, which highlights her graceful posture.

Especially before Hungary, it was even more eye-catching.

Today, however, her cheeks are a bit of a habit, because the foundation is relatively heavy.

"Sister yuan, does your face still hurt?"

Although the woman's face has a thick foundation, he still can see a trace of red, which is obviously a handprint.

He knew that in addition to the slap marks on his face, Yuan Yashi must have other injuries, otherwise yuan Yashi would not go to the hospital because of this injury on his face.

"It doesn't hurt for a long time. You can rest assured."

Yuan Yashi said as if nothing had happened, but feeling the man's sincere concern, her heart still fluctuated, "I thought, since I haven't been hurt, let's take some money to Yuan Cui's parents and expose this matter. Because I don't think they're going to make any more money after they've taken 300000 yuan? "

"I'll go! Sister yuan, you are so simple. They can give birth to the insatiable people like yuan Cui. How can they be better themselves? " He Feng had no choice but to help yuan's parents.

"I think it must be hard for them to die after all. Let's give this money to him as a consolation to their injured hearts. After all, 300000 is a bit of pressure for me now, but it will only take a few months for me to be rich again. " Yuan Yashi's easy way.

"Do you really want to give them money?"

He Feng frowned.

Yuan Yashi can see that he Feng must be angry, but she still stubbornly nodded, "no matter what, their family did provide me to graduate from University, and the money for my brother's early treatment was also paid by their family. Now that Yuan Cui is dead, his family's savings have been spent by Yuan Cui. Their family is almost destitute. If I don't help them, I can't bear it. "

Hearing this, he Feng understood why yuan Yashi insisted on giving money to the other party.

This woman is just too kind.


"Sister yuan, they have helped you before, but this is not the reason why they can bully you. You want to help them with money, I have no objection, but... I can't bear what they did to you yesterday. Tomorrow, we will go to Yuanjia village together. We can give them a lot of 300000 yuan. But I'm going to give you the tone of their hand. "

He Feng's attitude is also quite firm.

The women he likes are beaten by others. If he can bear it, is he still a man?

"But... It's troublesome to go to Yuanjia village. Although there is a high-speed railway in our county, our village is not close to the county. After five hours of high-speed rail, we have to take a two-hour bus to the town, and then we have to take a taxi to Yuanjia village. It will take at least eight or nine hours to come down

Yuan Yashi's helpless way.

"It's all right. Anyway, I haven't had much important things recently. If you are busy, you should finish the work today and let's start early tomorrow He Feng doesn't matter.

"Then we don't have to be in such a hurry? After two months, when we are really free, let's go to Yuanjia village again. Isn't that ok? "

"Of course not! I didn't let you go to Yuanjia village yesterday and today, but I have already endured it. Tomorrow is my deadline. "

He Feng shook his head decisively, "I He Feng's woman was bullied, I have to help out, and in the shortest time."

"Are you really determined to go to the yuan family to find yuan Cui's parents?"

Yuan Yashi looks at He Feng helplessly.

She wanted to persuade the man not to go to Yuanjia village, but now it seems that it is difficult to persuade him not to go to Yuanjia village.

"Of course!" He Feng nodded and said, "Yuan Cui's parents hit you. Although they hit you, you are my woman. You don't know how painful and angry I was yesterday. So, of course, I have to go to them. "

Yuan Yashi said: "when did I become your woman?"

"Oh? Sister yuan, you don't admit it now, do you? Do you want me to put you in the right place now before you admit that you are my woman? "

He Feng immediately stood up and locked the door of the office. Then he picked up yuan Yashi with both hands and threw him directly into the bed.

"Ah! He Feng, what are you doing? This is in the company... "

Yuan Yashi suddenly exclaimed and was startled by He Feng's action.

This guy is too brave, isn't he? Now in the company, dare to do something to yourself?

"What are you afraid of in the company? When you helped me with your mouth that night, you were in the company, weren't you He Feng's mouth rises.

It has to be said that Yuan Yashi's figure is really excellent. Looking at the beautiful woman on the bed, he feels that the evil fire in his body has started to jump up and down.

Last night he and Wang Xiangyun were sleeping in the same room. Although he didn't think much about it, the unique fragrance of the woman in the room still made him very uncomfortable.

Now after Yuan Yashi enters his office, the fragrance that he brings also makes him feel a little confused.

As a result, just now being provoked by Yuan Yashi, he simply had no restraint and directly carried the woman to the bed.

"But at that time, it was night, and there was no one in the company. Wang Dong was also doing experiments downstairs. Now that everyone is at work, Wang Dong and Wei Wei are both in the company. If they find out, i... where can I have the face to see them again? "

Yuan Yashi looks at He Feng's pants and knows that there must be fire in a man's body and wants to vent it.

Immediately, she said weakly: "otherwise, I'll help you in the evening, OK? Let's go to the hotel and open a room. You can do whatever you want, OK

"Do whatever you want?"

Yuan Yashi doesn't know, but her words make the evil fire in He Feng's body more vigorous. She wants to eat the woman now.

"Sister yuan, but... I can't help it now." He Feng raised a bad smile on the corner of his mouth. "I'll tell you a secret. In fact, I know kung fu, and Kung Fu is very advanced. As long as I am willing, I can know the situation within 10 meters. No matter Wang Xiangyun or Wei Wei, as long as they are close to my office, I will be able to detect it for the first time. So, you can help me at ease... "

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