"Yes! Because the Baiyun Gang always wanted to unify the underground world of Jiangbin City, but they thought that the scorpion gang was much weaker than the Wolf Gang, so they wanted to take the scorpion Gang first. In the past year, Baiyun gang has assassinated Ji Xinyu at least three times, but each time, Ji Gang has solved it. And the strength that Ji Gang shows, it is a bright Jin Gu Wu person

Canglang said with a smile: "when I first found out that Ji Gang was an ancient warrior, it was because a friend of my traffic police team showed me a video. It was the scene of Ji gang killing people. At that time, I spent a lot of money to buy this video. The two time I found it later was because I placed an eye liner beside Ji Gang, who told me by the informant.

"Oh, even in the eyes of the scorpion, you can put your eyes on it." He Feng looked at the Cang Lang in astonishment. "In the vicinity of Ji Gang, he put an eyeliner in his eyes, and there must be your eye liner in the white cloud gang."

"To be ashamed, Baiyun gang does have my eyeliner. By the way, one of my subordinates you saw before, a Bing, was a hall leader of Baiyun gang. "

Cang Lang said with a smile: "ah Bing has a lot of talent in intelligence. Under his operation, Baiyun gang has no secret for me. Among the Baiyun Gang, there is also a team of killers trained secretly. There are only about ten killers in this team, but they haven't been out yet. By the way, a few days ago, I heard a Bing say that the boss of Baiyun Gang is far away from Tianhai and is already considering whether to arrange these killers to assassinate Ji Xinyu. After all, they failed in previous ordinary assassinations. "

"The other day?"

He Feng suddenly remembered that the night he bought jade in antique street last week, Ji Xinyu was assassinated by two killers and almost killed by a high explosive grenade.

At that time, she was saved by herself.

It seems that those two killers should be the killers arranged by Baiyun gang. I just don't know if Ji Xinyu has found out.

"According to you, the strength of the Baiyun gang and the scorpion Gang should be similar, right? In the early Ming Dynasty, there were two gangs of Gu Wu. Although the white cloud gang has a killer, the scorpion gang has people who are good at concealed weapons and marksmanship. " He Feng said.

"On the surface, it is. But I think the Baiyun Gang is still stronger, and much stronger. "

Canglang's face suddenly appeared a dignified color, "because, as far as I know, the boss of Baiyun Gang is far away from Tianhai. They are not three brothers, but four brothers."

"Four brothers?"

Hearing this, he Feng was also surprised.

He also knows a little about the Baiyun gang. Their leader and two deputy leaders are three brothers. They are called Li Tianhai, Li Tianjiang and Li Tianhe.

Among them, the eldest is an ancient warrior who has cultivated his inner strength.

His two younger brothers, however, seem to have cultivated a sense of Qi.

This is not a secret in the underground world of Jiangbin city.

But now Canglang told him that they were not three brothers, but four brothers.

"Yes, they are not three brothers, but four brothers. Below the three brothers of Li Tianhai, there is a younger brother whose name I don't know, but his strength is much stronger than that of Li Tianhai. However, he did not stay in Jiangbin city or even in China. Instead, he was abroad and came back at most once or twice a year. But every time I come back, I will bring them some ammunition. "

He Feng eyebrows pick, "do you know what his brother is doing abroad?"

"I'm not sure about that, but I heard it's like being a mercenary." Canglang road.


He Feng murmured, did not care too much.

Not all of them are very strong when they work as mercenaries abroad. At least most of them are of Mingjin level.

The mercenaries of Mingjin level can't really threaten the killers brought by meteor, so they can't hurt the women around him.

In that case, he doesn't have to care too much.

"What about the film group? How much do you know about the film crew? " He Feng continued to ask.

He is quite curious about the most mysterious film group, one of the four major forces in Jiangbin city.

"Shadow group..."

Canglang is also a little embarrassed, "brother Feng, the film group is really too mysterious. However, there is no doubt that the film group is powerful. As far as I know, there are at least six ancient warriors in the film group. But I don't know their specific accomplishments. Some people say it was in the early Ming Dynasty, others say it was in the middle of Ming Dynasty, and even in the late Ming Dynasty. In addition, no one knows their headquarters. Every member in it is quite mysterious. However, they often come out to take orders. They have taken lists as small as one million and as large as one hundred million. And none of the lists they received failed. "

"Well! In this way, the film group is really mysterious... "

He Feng nodded, but he didn't pay much attention.

There are killer organizations in many places, but generally speaking, these killer organizations are profit-making organizations. They have no idea of unifying the underground world for the purpose of making money.

Therefore, he Feng is also too lazy to pay attention to the film group, as long as the film group does not come to provoke him.

"By the way, I heard that the Lu family in Jiangbin city seems to be different, too? Do you know anything about the Lu family? " He Feng asked casually.

"Lu Jia? Brother Feng even knows that Lu's family is different? "

Canglang looked at He Feng in surprise and said, "this Lu family is really unusual. Lu Xiong, the third brother of the Lu family, is a teacher of Jiangbin University. Second, Lu Xixian, is the mayor of Jiangbin city. Lu Yuan is the chairman of Lufeng group. In principle, their family will not produce ancient warriors. But as far as I know, Lu Zhonghua, one of the four young men in Jiangbin City, is an ancient warrior who has cultivated his inner strength. Besides, I heard that he was not an ordinary ancient warrior in the early Ming Dynasty. So I think the Lu family may not be as simple as it seems. "

He Feng looked at Canglang's eyes, more and more appreciated.

This wave, in the field of intelligence collection, is really capable of knowing so much secret information.

"Canglang, you said before, you want to follow me?" He Feng asked directly.

"Yes, brother Feng, please give me a chance." Canglang looks forward to He Feng.

"I can give you a chance. But what I want to tell you is that if you follow me, I can't guarantee you how much you will achieve in the future. However, you may be in great danger in the future. It's dangerous enough to blow you away. " He Feng said with a smile.

"The ashes fly away..."

Cang Lang's eyes couldn't help shrinking.

But just silent for less than three seconds, he firmly said: "brother Feng, since I choose to follow you, no matter whether it's glory in the future, looking down on life. I will not regret it if I am in a desperate situation. "

He Feng nodded, "in that case, from now on, you will follow Chen Jian. Chen Jian can be said to be my first younger brother after I returned to China. It's just that the guy is not as ambitious as you. He's all about practicing martial arts. So you have to deal with a lot of things. "

"Thank you, brother Feng!"

Canglang nodded excitedly, "I'll go to find Chen Jian in a moment!"

"Besides, I have a task for you."

He Feng said: "in Jiangbin City, there is a novel website called honey Chinese. It's just an ordinary novel website, but it also has a boss. I need you to help me find out the identity of this boss in the shortest possible time. "

"Brother Feng, don't worry. I will finish it as soon as possible." The waves nodded heavily.

This is the first thing he Feng told him. Of course, he won't be vague.

"Well, go ahead and let me know if you have any news." Hefeng road.

Waiting for Canglang to leave, he Feng takes out his mobile phone and calls Chen Jian, telling him that he has accepted Canglang, asking Chen Jian to arrange Canglang as the deputy leader of the Wolf Gang.

He Feng doesn't know much about Canglang, but he still believes in his vision.

This wave, in the field of intelligence collection, has a unique ability. He wants to do something big, but he can't meet anyone who is really qualified to make him surrender.

And now, he Feng appeared, immediately let Canglang heart, want to follow He Feng, good break out some achievements.

Although he Feng only wants to keep a low profile, he often can't keep a low profile if he wants to. Therefore, in Jiangbin city and even in the underground world of China, he had better have a talker.

Chen Jian was originally a more suitable candidate, but Chen Jian's mind is all about cultivation, and Canglang is a person who can toss and have ability. He is willing to support him.

Of course, before that, he would contact Canglang several times, at least to know more about it.

"Honey Chinese network..." He Feng pondered, "with the ability of Canglang, should be able to quickly investigate the identity of the boss behind this website?"

"Dong Dong Dong..."

Just thinking about it, the door of the office rang again.

"Come in!" He Feng opens his mouth.

The door was pushed open and Xia Menglu came in from the outside.

"Lulu, what's the matter?" He Feng asked.

"Brother Feng, I asked Xiaotian just now. He has nothing to do at noon today. Are you busy at noon? If you have nothing to do at noon, why don't I ask him out for lunch? "

Xia Menglu hesitated and said: "if you have other things, you can do it another day."

He Feng can feel the expectation in women's eyes, immediately nodded: "OK, let's eat together at noon today."

"Well, I'll call Xiaotian in a moment and ask him not to eat at school at noon." Xia Menglu's face was obviously happy and satisfied with the smile, "that maple brother you first busy, I also went out to work."

Said, Xia Menglu turned to go, seems to be able to have a meal with He Feng, has been very satisfied.


He Feng stopped Xia Menglu and said, "it happens that I have nothing to do this morning. Shall we go to collect the debt?"

"Debt collection?"

Xia Menglu a Leng, beautiful eyes in which there is a wisp of surprise flashed, "of course I have no problem, see maple brother you busy."

For her, as long as she can have more time with He Feng, that is satisfaction, but she is afraid he Feng too many things, so even if she wants to He Feng, it is not good to take the initiative to mention.

"I have nothing to do now. Let's go and drive your car. My car is not in the company."

He Feng's car was left at Lianyi hotel yesterday, but it hasn't come here yet.

"Which company shall we go to today to collect debts? Do you want me to make an appointment? " Asked Xia Menglu.

"Of course, you don't need to make an appointment. If you say hello to them in advance, it will give them time to slip away."

He Feng thought about it and said, "Guangming group owes us the most debt, with a total of 150 million yuan. Let's go to Guangming group."

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