"To Guangming group? Their debts don't seem easy to collect, do they Xia Menglu worried.

"It's OK. As long as brother Feng comes out, there will be no debt that can't be collected. If they give money obediently, it's OK. If they still don't give it all the time, it's not only money, but also interest. It's 150 million. Interest alone, at least several million. "

He Feng skimmed his lips and then asked Xia Menglu to sort out the information about the debts of Guangming group.

After finishing sorting out the information, he left Yuncheng group with Xia Menglu and drove to Guangming group.

Guangming group is located in the most prosperous financial street in Jiangbin City, the company is in Tiandi building.

The whole Tiandi building is more than 100 stories high, while Guangming group occupies more than 10 stories.

According to the information collected by Xia Menglu, the chairman's office of Guangming group is on the 128th floor.

After parking in the underground garage of the building, the two men entered the elevator and prepared to go directly to the 128th floor.

"Why? Brother Feng, there is no button on 128 floors in this elevator. There are only 127 and 129 floors. What shall we do? " Xia Menglu said.

"Let's go to the 127th floor first, and then go up." He Feng's casual way.

He estimated that the leaders of Guangming group, like Yuncheng group, have special elevators, which can directly reach 128 floors, while ordinary employees who want to go to 128 floors have to go to 127 or 129 floors first.

"All right!"

Immediately, Xia Menglu pressed 127 layers.

The speed of the elevator in Tiandi building is much faster than that of the ordinary elevator, but it is very stable, and it will not give people the sense of weightlessness due to the imbalance of the center of gravity. Moreover, because the elevator is made of tempered glass, when you take the elevator, you can also enjoy the scenery outside the building.

When the elevator went up more than 100 floors, they could almost see the beautiful scenery of Jiangbin city.

"Brother Feng, I heard that the foreign debts of Guangming group are not easy to collect."

At this time, a little nervous Xia Menglu approached He Feng and said in a low voice: "there have been rumors on the Internet. There were several people who went to Guangming group to collect debts, but they never left after they came in. But this bright group has nothing. So brother Feng, let's be careful for a while. "

"Lulu, don't worry. If brother Feng is here, it will be OK." He Feng said with a smile: "if Guangming group is smart and pays back the money directly, then we won't embarrass them. If they play any tricks, we should not only let them pay back, but also let them pay the penalty. By the way, there seems to be a lot of liquidated damages, right

Xia Menglu nodded and said: "according to the agreement at that time, they have already delayed the time limit of this debt, and they are going to pay us 50 million as liquidated damages. However, liquidated damages are generally just a statement limiting both parties. As long as there is no excessive breach of contract, there will be no liquidated damages. After all, collecting liquidated damages is tantamount to tearing the skin. "

"Tut Tut, 50 million... I hope that Xu Hongjie will tear up his face with us later. After all, that's 50 million... "

He Feng licked his lips.

Ding Dong

At this time, the door of the elevator opens.

"Brother Feng, here we are." Xia Menglu reminds a way.

"Well, let's go!"

He Feng and Xia Menglu get out of the elevator side by side, then go to the stairway and come to the 128th floor.

"Hello, two. What can I do for you?"

Just on the 128th floor, a sexy beauty standing at the front desk saw he Feng and Xia Menglu two strangers coming, and immediately welcomed them, showing a professional smile.

"Beauty, I'm looking for Xu Hongjie. Where is he?"

He Feng asked directly.

"To Mr. Xu?"

Hearing he Feng report Xu Hongjie's name directly, the front desk was surprised, but still maintained a smile on his face, "do you have an appointment?"

"Do you need an appointment to find Xu Hongjie?" He Feng curled his lips, "what about looking for Xu Tianyin? I remember that Xu Tianyin seems to be the chairman of your Guangming group, right? I'll go straight to him. "

"I'm sorry, our chairman often goes on business and seldom stays in the company. General affairs are handled by Mr. Xu."

The front desk girl's meaning is very simple. She tells He Feng that most people can't see our chairman. "As for Mr. Xu, if you don't make an appointment, there's no way. Come back when you get the appointment. "

"I'll go. Your company breaks a lot of rules."

He Feng rolled his eyes, "well, now you call Xu Hongjie and tell him that I came to collect his debt on behalf of Yuncheng group. By the way, if he doesn't want to see me, say my name is He Feng. If he doesn't see me, I'll have to find him some other way

"Cloud City Group? "Debt collection?"

Smell speech, the front desk beauty immediately understand, "OK, then you go to the lounge to sit for a while, I now contact the Secretary of General Xu."

"All right, then hurry up a little bit."

He Feng nodded, followed the front desk to the lounge.

And the beauty of the front desk is to return to the front desk and dial the landline of Xu Hongjie's office.


After a while, a middle-aged man's voice came from the phone.

"Hello, Secretary Yu, a man named He Feng has just come to the company to collect debts on behalf of Yuncheng group. Do you want to see him?" The beauty at the front desk asked.

"Debt collection? I can't see you

At this time, Xu Hongjie's office, a middle-aged man is answering the phone, his tone is indifferent, "tell them, Mr. Xu has a lot of meetings to open today, no time to see them."

Yu Song has long had rich experience in dealing with these debt collectors.

"However, he said his name was he Feng. If Mr. Xu refused to see him, he said he would find Mr. Xu in other ways." Front desk beauty way.

"He Feng? Hum, you let him go. At the same time, he warned him that if he used other ways to find Mr. Xu, we would also use other ways to ask him to leave. At that time, he would be the only one who would suffer. Hum, it's all my uncle who is in debt now. He came to us to collect the debt, but he didn't know how to pretend to be a grandson. What a fool. "

Yu Song said with a sneer, ready to hang up the phone.


But at this time, sitting not far away, Xu Hongjie looked up at him and said, "what's your name just now?"

Hearing Xu Hongjie's voice, Yu Song immediately replied: "Mr. Xu, the front desk said that the person's name is He Feng."

"He Feng?"

Xu Hongjie eyelid jump, "which he Feng? What are you doing here? "

"He said he came to collect debts on behalf of Yuncheng group!"

Yu Song respectfully said: "however, this person's attitude seems to be quite arrogant. I'll just let the front desk drive him away. If he still dares to come, I'll let the security guard deal with him. "

With that, Yu Song is about to hang up.

"Don't hang up!"

But Xu Hongjie suddenly stood up and his face became rather ugly.

That bastard first went to Cao Peng to collect his debts, but now he comes to collect his debts. Does he want to help collect all the debts of Yuncheng group?

I have collected more than 20 million yuan from Cao Peng before. Are you not satisfied?

Do you really want to tear your skin completely?

"Give me the phone!"

Xu Hongjie goes to Yu Song.

Yu Song was surprised and thought to himself that he Feng was someone who would make Mr. Xu care so much. However, he respectfully handed the phone to Xu Hongjie.

"I'm Xu Hongjie!"

Xu Hongjie said to the phone.

"Xu, president Xu..." the voice of the front desk girl became a lot nervous.

"You stay at the front desk first, don't go to find he Feng. If he comes to you for inquiry, you can tell him that I'm in a meeting now and you haven't contacted me. After I finish the meeting, I'll contact you. Do you understand? " Xu Hongjie said.

"OK, I see!" Front desk beauty way.

Hung up the phone, Xu Hongjie's face was rather gloomy.

"Mr. Xu, this He Feng is..." Yu Song asked suspiciously.

Hearing the name He Feng, he just feels a little familiar, but he remembers that there is no such person in the top management of Yuncheng group, right?

Moreover, even if he is the high-level of Cloud City Group, Mr. Xu doesn't have to care so much, does he?

"Do you know who took the debt from Cao Peng before?" Xu Hongjie's light way.

"Cao Peng... Is this He Feng?"

"That's him!"


Yu Song took a cold breath, "the death of Cao Peng..."

"I'm not sure if he Feng did it, but nine times out of ten, it should be him."

Xu Hongjie's face is very ugly.

Before he asked Zhou Yin to deal with He Feng, but later Zhou Yin didn't even answer his phone, and he didn't know why. Then, he got the news that Cao Peng was killed in the hotel.

He's not sure if it's because of He Feng, but he thinks it has something to do with He Feng.

"Well, what now? Why don't I go to the head of the security department, Lin Feng? " Yu Song asked.

"Well, you call Lin Feng and ask him to come quickly." Xu Hongjie nodded, then went back to his seat and lit a cigarette.

Yu Song is quickly out of the mobile phone, to Linfeng there made a call.

Before long, a young man with a big physique and a cold face came to Xu Hongjie's office.

"Mr. Xu, are you looking for me?" Lin Feng asked.

"Lin Feng, there is a debt collector. I need you to help me deal with it."

Xu Hongjie put out the cigarette end and stood up with a sense of obliteration in his eyes.

"Have you dealt with it?" Lin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

Xu Hongjie said these three words, he is very clear about the meaning.

In the past, there were several debt collectors who, after many lessons, failed to achieve any effect and went all out to collect debts.

In the end, Xu Hongjie will let Lin Feng deal with it when he gets bored.

This "treatment" naturally means that the other party will disappear in this world forever.

At the beginning, Lin Feng didn't want to kill people, but every time Xu Hongjie gave him a reward, he was shocked. He even looked forward to the appearance of a new debt collector, so that he could earn a lot of extra money.

"This time, let your men go out. The person you are going to deal with this time is tough and very skilled. You have to do your best, or you may turn over yourself. "

Lin Feng reminded: "in addition to all the people, your stun guns should also be used. In addition... "

While talking, Xu Hongjie went to his desk, opened the drawer, and found a desert eagle from inside, "I have this gun, you can also use it. The gun I gave you also needs to be used. You can't underestimate the enemy. Do you understand? "

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