"You should be a place for killing people, aren't you?" He Feng looked around. "Behind the wallpaper, there are copper walls and iron walls. Even this door is made of mixed metal. The lock inside is the latest military E-class lock. Even the most powerful locksmith can't open it for three days and three nights. Even if you can't kill me, I'll be trapped here. No wonder Xu Hongjie has the confidence to do it to me. "

Hear he Feng calmly say these words, Lin Feng is tiny a Leng.

This guy, knowing that he is doomed, why can he keep such a calm state?

"Lin Feng, don't talk nonsense with him, just shoot him and kill him."

At this time, the miniature earphone in Lin Feng's ear made Xu Hongjie's almost roaring voice.

"Brothers, shoot!"

As soon as Lin Feng's hand turned over, the eagle of the desert appeared. He Feng was about to shoot.

Behind him, another man with a desert eagle and the nine men with stun guns were also ready to shoot.

"Shoot? Do you think I'll give you a chance? "

He Feng's mouth raised a touch of cold radian, body shape is about to burst out for the first time, these people will be killed.

"Ah! Brother Feng, be careful... "

At this time, Xia Menglu, standing behind him, suddenly gives out a scream of panic. Then he Feng feels a beautiful shadow and is about to run in front of him and block him behind him.

Xia Menglu is ready to use her body to help he Feng block the bullet when he Feng is in danger.

"Damn it

He Feng did not expect that Xia Menglu would make such a move, but his speed is still very fast, the first time he turned around and put his arms around Xia Menglu's delicate body, so as not to let the latter really come in front of him.

Xia Menglu is just an ordinary person. If she is really shot, the consequences will be serious.


At this time, the gun rang out, the fastest action of Lin Feng has already shot.


Bullet accurate from He Feng back into, blood instantly dyed his shirt red.

And a few others pulled the trigger.

"Shit! Brother Feng has won the lottery

He Feng clenched his teeth, his face was a little ugly, but the action at his feet was not slow. In an instant, he held the figure of Xia Menglu and disappeared in the same place.

Bang Bang

At the same time, the sound of gunfire rang out one after another, which was very shocking in the open and closed room.

"Well? What about people? "

However, when the gunfire stopped, the cold smile on Lin Feng's face was frozen, because he found that the bodies of He Feng and Xia Menglu had disappeared under their eyes.

"Behind you, he Feng behind you!"

The miniature earphone in the ear, spreads out Xu Hongjie that frightened roar sound.

Lin Feng smell speech, face big change, quickly look back, and the gun action is faster, will shoot behind.

However, although his action is fast, the other party's action is faster than him.


With the sound of breaking the wind, Lin Feng only felt that there was a shadow flashing in front of him.


The next moment, there was a sharp pain in his back, which made him faint directly.

"Be careful, everyone!" I don't know who suddenly yelled.

"Oh, is it useful to be careful?"

He Feng, standing behind Lin Feng, smiles coldly. Then he holds the desert eagle and shoots at the top of his head. The bullet goes directly into the camera.

And then


Like a ghost, he rushed into the crowd in an instant.

Bang Bang

A dull sound, one after another.

In just a few seconds, the remaining ten people were knocked down and fainted.

In the private discussion room, it became quiet.

"Brother Feng, you... You've been shot. There's a lot of blood on your back. I'll call the police and call an ambulance."

Xia Menglu is nervous and worried, and her eyes are full of crystal clear.

"Don't worry. The blood has stopped. Nothing will happen."

He Feng smile, relaxed way: "now, let's continue to collect debt, don't let Xu Hongjie escape."

"You've been so badly hurt, why don't we stop collecting debts? Besides, didn't you just say the place was locked? How can we get out? Let's call the police directly. "

With that, Xia Menglu took out her mobile phone and prepared to call the police.

Can take out the mobile phone, open the mobile phone screen, her face changed again, "Maple brother, there is no signal inside."

"Normal, it must be because I broke the camera just now. Xu Hongjie worried that we would call the police for help, so he turned on the signal shield, which would trap us here."

"Well, what now? You just said that this is an E-class lock. Even the most powerful locksmith needs at least three days and three nights to open the lock. Then we are going to be trapped here? "

Xia Menglu is more and more nervous and afraid, and her face is full of remorse, "and you've been shot. If you don't get treatment in time, it will be more serious. It's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be in such a hurry to collect the debt, and you wouldn't be in such a danger. "

"Lulu, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. In fact, even if we don't come to Guangming group to collect debts, Xu Hongjie will not let me go. You may not know that before we met, I had offended Xu Hongjie. "

He Feng touched Xia Menglu's hair and said affectionately: "in addition, even if you are really trapped here, it doesn't matter. In this way, can't we just be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks? I'm very satisfied that we can't live on the same day, but we can die on the same day. "

Smell speech, Xia Menglu gradually calm down, looking at He Feng's eyes reveal a touch of tenderness.

But soon, she seemed to think of something and immediately shook her head: "no, I can't be so selfish. Brother Feng, you don't belong to me alone. If you have any problems, Mr. Gong and Mr. Yuan will certainly be sad. Mr. Wang will also be very sad. Besides, brother Feng, you have to find your parents. You can't have an accident. It's all my fault. It's all my fault... "

With that, Xia Menglu began to blame herself again, and her eyes were full of tears.

He Feng said with a helpless smile: "Lulu, you are so simple that you know everything is for me, and you don't think about yourself. If something happens to you here, what will happen to your brother and your seriously ill mother?"

"They... They will also be very sad, especially my mother. Her illness will become more serious because she is too sad. Woo woo, I'm so sorry for them. "

Said, Xia Menglu this Ni son unexpectedly is to cover a face to cry.


Seeing this, he Feng finally couldn't help laughing.

"Brother Feng, why are you still laughing?"

Xia Menglu looks at He Feng doubtfully, but tears are still hanging on her pretty face, and her voice is choking.

"I don't laugh, do I cry with you?" He Feng said with a smile.

"But aren't we all going to be trapped?" Xia Menglu asked suspiciously, can't figure out how he Feng can still laugh at this time. It's reasonable that he Feng should not feel despair and sadness like her?


Who knows, he Feng just waves his hand and slaps Xia Menglu's ass.

"Ah! Brother Feng, why are you hitting me? " Xia Menglu is even more puzzled by the pain.

"Hum, who makes you have no confidence in brother Feng? I've told you so long ago that you should have confidence in brother Feng. But since the other party took out the gun at the beginning, you have no confidence in brother Feng. Can I not beat you? "

He Feng snorted, pretending to be angry: "you have to remember, no matter when, no matter what happened, you have to have 100% confidence in brother Feng."

Smell speech, Xia Menglu head melon seed a turn, is surprised way: "that maple elder brother, you mean, you can open this lock?"

"It's a lock, isn't it? What's wrong with opening it? "

"But don't you say it's a newly developed E-class military lock. Even the most powerful locksmith has to open it for three days and three nights?"

"Yes He Feng nodded, "but I didn't say I couldn't open it, did I?"

"Well, no!"

"It's over!"

He Feng face with a trace of satisfaction, "look good, maple brother to open this lock, ah, that is minute thing."

Say, he Feng picks up the desert eagle on the ground and shoots directly at the lock cylinder on the metal door.


The bullet wrapped in real gas suddenly burst out of the muzzle and into the lock cylinder.

"Lulu beauty, let's go!"

He Feng throws the pistol on the ground again, then goes forward and gently opens the door.

"Just opened it?"

Seeing this scene, Xia Menglu's mouth widened in surprise.

"I told you that I should have confidence in brother Feng. Now I can see brother Feng's ability?"

Seeing Xia Menglu's expression, he Feng is quite satisfied, "let's go, let's find Xu Hongjie."

"Brother Feng, why don't we go to the hospital first? You've got a bullet in your back

"What's the hurry? Brother Feng is in good health. A bullet can't hurt me. It's OK to go to the hospital later. Let's go to find Xu Hongjie first, so that he won't slip away." Hefeng road.

"Is it really OK?" Xia Menglu is still worried.

"It's itching again, isn't it? I have no confidence in brother Feng again! "

He Feng stares.

"All right! Let's hurry to find Xu Hongjie. "

Xia Menglu is afraid that he Feng will hit her little ass again, and her face turns red. She follows him Feng out of the room.

At this time, in Xu Hongjie's office.

"Is He Feng too fast? Even Lin Feng is not his opponent. "

Looking at the black screen on the computer, Xu Hongjie's face was hard to see.

"Mr. Xu, it will be OK. Even if Lin Feng and he Feng are not rivals, he Feng will be trapped in the secret discussion room. The lock of the secret discussion room is a newly developed military E-class lock. It's surrounded by copper walls and iron walls. No matter how powerful He Feng is, he Feng can't get out. " Yu Song comforted him.

"Can't you get out?"

Xu Hongjie frowned tightly. "If it's someone else, I don't think he can get out. But he Feng... No, I still don't think it's safe. We still have to make another plan. "

"Mr. Xu, he Feng, should not be so terrible?"

"Anyway, I just can't rest assured that I didn't see him die with my own eyes."

Xu Hongjie said: "however, he Feng is really a turtle in a jar now. If we have a gun team at this time, we can directly open the door of the secret discussion room and shoot as soon as we open the door, we can definitely beat He Feng into a sieve. "

"A gun team?" Yu Song was surprised, "where shall we get the gun team?"

"The underground people, of course. They must have guns."

"However, last time you went to Zhou Yin of the scorpion Gang, he didn't deal with He Feng?"

"Zhou Yin is not sure. That only shows that the scorpion Gang is too weak. After all, the scorpion Gang is just a new gang, and its weaknesses can be understood. This time, I went straight to the Wolf Gang. As the oldest force in the underground world of Jiangbin City, the Wolf Gang certainly doesn't lack guns. As long as I'm willing to pay, I don't believe it. They can't deal with He Feng for me. "

Xu Hongjie snorted, "it's a big deal. I'll spend an extra hundred million!"

"Another hundred million!" The corner of Yu Song's mouth is mercilessly smoked.

Sure enough, rich people think differently.

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