Xu Hongjie ignored Yu Song, took out his mobile phone, quickly turned to a number and dialed it directly.

"Hello, Mr. Xu, what can I do for you?"

Before long, a middle-aged man's voice came out on the phone.

"Zheng Qian, I want to make a big deal with you." Xu Hongjie said.

"Oh, what's the big deal?" Zheng Qian asked with a smile.

"Now bring a team of at least ten guns and help me kill one. This man stays in a room, which is closed all around. When the door is opened, your gun team will shoot him directly and kill him. "

Xu Hongjie said: "this man's fighting strength is very strong, and his speed is also very fast, but he should not be an ancient martial artist who has cultivated his inner strength. Ten of you shoot at the same time. Isn't it hard to kill this man? "

"You mean this man has been trapped in a room by you, right?"

Zheng Qian asked.

"Of course!"

"First of all, what's the price?"

Zheng Qian's tone was a little more relaxed.

Although Xu Hongjie says that the opponent is powerful and fast in fighting, Xu Hongjie says that the opponent has been trapped, which means that even if he is strong, his strength is limited. It is estimated that he is just like Xu Hongjie. He is only a person who has cultivated his sense of Qi, not even a real ancient martial artist.

And just a person who has cultivated his sense of Qi, not to mention ten gunners, even two or three Gunners can easily kill each other.

"One hundred million!" Xu Hongjie said.


Rao took a breath with Zheng Qian's determination. His voice was a little excited. "Are you sure?"

Although Zheng Qian is the elite leader of the Wolf Gang, his income is not very high. He is only a few million a year.

Now Xu Hongjie is a hundred million, which makes him feel his heart beating rapidly.

"Of course! But it's only 100 million yuan. My allowance for one year is more than 100 million yuan. "

Xu Hongjie can feel Zheng Qian's excited mood, with a touch of cynicism in his eyes.

These gangs in the underground world seem to be very powerful, but they, the rich, don't pay much attention to them.

In particular, Guangming group, one of the biggest plutocrats in Jiangbin City, did not take the Wolf Gang seriously.

Behind their Guangming group, there are also close military organizations. It's just that they don't bother to use this kind of force because of this common trouble.

After all, for the big plutocrats like Guangming group with a market value of tens of billions, the problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

"Well, Mr. Xu is really forthright. In this case, I will take people to Guangming group now? "

Zheng Qian calmed down his emotion and asked urgently.

"OK, just call me when you get to the company."

With that, Xu hung up.

"Ding Ling Ling..."

At this time, the plane in front of him suddenly rang.

"Hello, what's the matter?" Yu Song went to answer the phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, a woman's anxious voice came out, "Secretary Yu, no, there is a man who is suspected to have been shot and has shed a lot of blood on his back. He just came out of a reception room, and he also took a woman with him. Now he is walking towards Mr. Xu's office."


Smelling speech, Yu Song's face changed greatly, full of the color of horror.

This woman was his confidant who stayed outside the private discussion room, just to report the situation to him in time.

The woman continued: "I just went into the reception room to have a look. I found that Lin Feng, the head of the security department, and a group of security guards were knocked unconscious."

"OK, I see!"

Yu Song took a deep breath, hung up the phone, then looked at Xu Hongjie and said, "Mr. Xu, he Feng came out of the private room. They were all knocked out by He Feng."

"Come out?" Xu Hongjie also exclaimed.

Just now he had an intuition that he Feng couldn't be trapped in the secret discussion room, but he never thought that he Feng would come out of the secret discussion room so soon.

"Mr. Xu, why don't we withdraw now?" Yu Song asks anxiously.


Xu Hongjie couldn't help squinting his eyes. After a little meditation, he sneered and said, "He Feng just hurt Lin Feng and others, which means that he doesn't dare to kill people. In that case, we don't have to withdraw. Because, once removed, then I want to get rid of He Feng, it will be more difficult. "

At the thought of He Feng's disgrace at Tang Wen's last time, which made it more difficult for him to pursue Tang Wen, he wanted to kill He Feng immediately.

Now he had a chance, and naturally he didn't want to let it go easily.

"But Mr. Xu, is it a little dangerous? After all, Lin Feng just took out his gun to kill him. " Yu Song worried.

"You also said that Lin Feng wanted to kill him, not me."

Xu Hongjie calmly said with a smile: "don't worry, just calm down for a while. Don't show any horseshoes. We won't have anything to do."

"What if Zheng Qian didn't get rid of He Feng?"

"If even Zheng qian can't get rid of He Feng, it can only show that he is very lucky today. However, it has nothing to do with us. As far as I know, he Feng has a huge conflict with the Wolf Gang. Isn't it normal for Zheng Qian to take someone to kill him? " Xu Hongjie a face of wisdom smile, "go, with me to meet He Feng!"

With that, he walked out of the office first, looking worried.


As soon as he opens the door of the office, Xu Hongjie sees he Feng talking and laughing with Xia Menglu. He can't help but smoke from the corner of his eye. Is it like a man who was shot in the back?

If he didn't see Lin Feng shooting He Feng in the back, he would not have thought that he Feng was a man who had been shot.

After he Feng, many people followed him to watch. But after seeing Xu Hongjie, they immediately returned to their office and locked the door.

They are all high-level members of Guangming group. They are clear about some of Xu Hongjie's methods. Naturally, they will not meddle.

"Oh, Mr. Xu, didn't you say you were going to meet me in the reception room? Why didn't you go? Instead, you arranged a group of people to fight with me? "

He Feng also saw Xu Hongjie. He immediately hugged Xia Menglu and walked quickly. He put his other hand around Xu Hongjie and walked to the latter's office. He looked familiar with Xu Hongjie.

Seeing this, Xu Hongjie was just stunned for a second, and then followed him into the office. "Brother he Feng, I'm so sorry. I'm just finished. I'm going to meet you in the reception room. My Secretary Yu Song came to tell me that Lin Feng, the head of security department, sneaked into the reception room ahead of time when he Feng learned that you are powerful, I want to compete with you first. But I didn't think that he used a gun when he was competing with you. Don't worry. I'll let Yu Song call the police and arrest him. Such dangerous elements must be severely punished by law. "

"Mr. Xu is right. This kind of person really needs to be severely punished."

He Feng said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, you should know why I came to you?"

"Well, I heard the following people say that he Feng brothers collect debts on behalf of Cloud City Group, right?" Xu Hongjie asked with concern: "however, brother he Feng, you seem to have been shot? There's so much blood on your back. Why don't I send you to the hospital first, and then we can talk about debt collection after the injury is healed? "

"It's OK. It's a minor injury. It won't hurt much. Let's settle the debt first."

He Feng took the folder in Xia Menglu's hand and said: "here is the original cooperation agreement. Guangming group also owed us $152.68 million in debt of Yuncheng group. In addition, because of the delay of more than one month, he failed to pay this sum of money and had to pay another 50 million yuan as liquidated damages. Does Mr. Xu need to look at the agreement materials again? "

"Of course, you don't have to look at it. I signed this agreement with Yuncheng group. I know the content very well."

Xu Hongjie sighed and said: "brother Hefeng, you may not know that some time ago, we Guangming group encountered some difficulties in capital, so we can't deliver the money to you Yuncheng group as scheduled. But now, our financial problem has been solved. However, we will also pay liquidated damages. Well, you can have a rest in my office first. I'll go to the finance department to coordinate and ask them to prepare all the funds now. After the funds are ready, I'll take you to the finance department and transfer money to Yuncheng group in front of you, OK? "

"How much time will it take for Xu?"

He Feng asked with a smile: "can't you make me wait too long? As you know, I have a gunshot wound on my body now, so I have to finish my work as soon as possible so that I can go to the hospital for treatment in time. "

"Tut Tut, I really admire the He Feng brothers. They are so badly injured that they have to continue to work. This is definitely a top model worker."

Xu Hongjie exclaimed and gave a thumbs up to He Feng, "last time I met you, your medical skills already made me want to see. This time I meet you, I have raised my admiration for you. "

"Ha ha, it's just the duty." He Feng light smile, "Mr. Xu, you'd better answer my question first, I probably need to wait for how long?"

"Brother he Feng, don't worry. Now that you are injured, I won't let you wait here for too long."

Xu Hongjie promised: "half an hour, at most half an hour, I will let the finance department handle the accounts, and then transfer to Yuncheng group immediately. What do you think?"

"I have no problem. Since you've been talking for half an hour, I'll wait here for another half an hour." He Feng grinned, "Mr. Xu, you go to work. I'll just sit in your office and wait. Don't you mind?"

"Of course you don't mind. Why don't I ask my Secretary Yu Song to stay and entertain you?" Xu Hongjie's generous way.

"No, I'm not used to being entertained." He Feng casually waved his hand.

"All right! Yu Song, you can go to the finance department with me. I just need your help. " With a smile, Xu Hongjie takes Yu Song out of his office and heads for the finance department.

After leaving the office, Xu Hongjie's face was cold.

"He Feng's life is really big. He has been shot on his back and shed so much blood, but he looks like nothing happened. However, a bullet can't kill him, but if he is beaten into a sieve by a bullet, can he still live? "

Xu Hongjie's heart is full of intention to kill.

"Mr. Xu, he Feng, should be able to see that we want to kill him, but why does he dare to stay? In principle, shouldn't he try to leave at this time and then go to the hospital to take out the bullet and call the police? "

Yu Song asked suspiciously.

"I can't figure it out. But I think that since he still insists on coming to me to collect debts, his purpose should be to receive the debts of our company. " Xu Hongjie said indifferently: "to me, money is really nothing, just a number. But for some people, more than one hundred million is a number, but it is absolutely astronomical. Even if they fight for their lives, they will certainly receive the money. "

Smelling speech, Yu Song nodded thoughtfully, "I understand! This should be the gap between losers and local tyrants. "

"Well, you should learn more and follow me for a few years. After that, you can be a small boss outside." Xu Hongjie patted Yu Song on the shoulder, and then walked quickly to the finance department.

When he came to a separate office of the finance department, he took out his mobile phone and made another call to Zheng Qian.

"Mr. Xu, what's the matter?" Zheng Qian answered the phone soon.

"Master Zheng, I want to know how you are getting ready." Asked Xu Hongjie.

"Ha ha, you can rest assured that the efficiency here is not low. At this moment, I've already assembled good people, and the guys are all ready. I'm preparing the car downstairs, and I can get to your Guangming group in 20 minutes at most. "

"Well, call me when you get to our company."

Xu hung up the phone, raised a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and then said to Yu Song, "anyway, there's still 20 minutes left. It's boring for me to sit here alone. Please call Xiaoqing to accompany me."

"Xiaoqing? OK, I'll go right away! "

Yu Song nodded and walked out of the office.

In less than two minutes, a sexy woman in a white professional shirt entered the office and locked the door.

Then, she threw a wink at Xu Hongjie, who was sitting at her desk

"Don't delay. Take off your pants and lie down on your desk." Xu Hongjie is impatient. He doesn't have much time left. He must seize the time to vent the evil fire in his body.

"Oh, good..."

The woman was very clever, quickly took off the black tight bag skirt, and then directly lay on the desk.

At the same time, Xu Hongjie also took off his pants


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