"Lu Yanhua?"

When summer heard the sound, he also looked at Lu Yanhua. At the same time, he saw Yue Qing, who was cuddled by Lu Yanhua and kept eating tofu. His face suddenly became very ugly. "Lu Yanhua, I'm not familiar with you. Please take this woman away!"

Although his voice is quite calm, let alone He Feng, even Xia Menglu can clearly feel the excitement of summer, as well as the anger and humiliation deliberately suppressed.

"Xiaotian, what's the matter?" Xia Menglu can't help asking.

"Oh, he Feng? Are you here, too? "

When Lu Yanhua heard Xia Menglu's voice, he looked at her, then at He Feng, and said with a smile, "it seems that it's really a coincidence to come out for a meal today, not only to meet my former rival, but also to meet your old friend."

"Please pay a little attention to what you say. You and I are not friends." He Feng light way.

"Not a friend?"

The smile on Lu Yanhua's face stagnated, a chill flashed in his eyes, and his voice raised a little bit: "my brother said before that he wanted to accept you as his younger brother. I don't know how you think about it?"

Lu Yanhua deliberately amplified the sound. Naturally, many people in the hotel looked at it curiously.

Most of the people who eat in Shinian hotel are students from Jiangbin University.

Lu Yanhua, as the younger brother of Lu Yanhua, the president of Jiangbin University, naturally everyone knows him.

Now as soon as he said this, he immediately shocked everyone on the field.

"Who is that loser young man? I'm so lucky that he was taken in by Lu Yanhua."

"What did Lu Yanhua like? Don't you hear what Lu Yanhua said? It's his brother Lu Weihua who wants to take him as his younger brother. Tut Tut, Lu Weihua, that's the first son of Jiangbin University. If he can be his younger brother, his future development is absolutely limitless. "

"Paralyzed, how can such good luck not fall on me? How can I be better than that loser? "

At this moment, many people look at He Feng's eyes, and even show envy and hatred.

"Your brother wants me to be his younger brother?"

He Feng chuckled, "who's your brother? Why didn't I know you had a brother? Is it your father or your mother's illegitimate son out there? "


As soon as the words came out, the whole hotel became quiet.

Everyone looks at He Feng like a monster!

This guy is too brave, isn't he? How dare you say that to the master of the Lu family?

"He Feng, what the hell are you talking about?"

Sure enough, Lu Yanhua's face immediately changed and glared at He Feng, hoping to eat the bastard.

To tell you the truth, if he didn't know he Feng's skill, he could not help but rush up to teach him a lesson.

"Brother in law, you..."

Sitting in the opposite summer is also a face of tension.

How can my cheap brother-in-law be so impulsive?

You know, it's not ordinary people who stand in front of them now. It's the prince of lujialufeng group in Jiangbin city.

Besides owning Lufeng group, Lu family also has a mayor.

Now he Feng said these words, is not to humiliate the Lu family? This is tantamount to provoking the whole Lu family!

Why is he?

"Don't you understand me? Are you deaf? " He Feng light looking at Lu Yanhua, "if you are deaf, go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible, don't talk to me here. Anyway, you can't understand what I say. "

Wen Yan, Lu Yanhua's fists have been pinched up, there is a kind of impulse to rush up to fight with He Feng regardless of everything.

But thinking of Lu Weihua's advice to him after the car race two days ago, he was patient.

After taking a deep breath, he said with a smile, "your mouth is as smelly as ever, but since you always have this attitude, you have to be prepared."

"Are you threatening me?" He Feng looks at Lu Yanhua in surprise.

He thought that under his own humiliation, the other party could not help but attack him, so that he had a legitimate reason to teach him a lesson.

But he didn't want to. Lu Yanhua actually put up with it.

It's a bit out of his expectation!

"Threatening you? No, no, no, I never threaten people. You just know what you want. Well, I hope you won't come and beg to be our Lu family in the future... "

Lu Yanhua raised a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth and coldly spat out three words, "a dog!"

"Lu Yanhua, what do you say?"

Hearing Lu Yanhua's words, he Feng kept calm, but he couldn't sit down in the summer opposite him. He stood up and pointed to Lu Yanhua angrily.

"Summer, I talk with He Feng, it's not your turn to tell me what to do!"

Lu Yanhua glanced coldly at Xia er. Then, regardless of the people around him who were watching them, he suddenly put a tone on Yue Qing's lips and said arrogantly, "still, I robbed your woman and played with your woman. You are angry. If you're still upset, do you want me to tell you something about this woman's skills in bed? "

"What are you talking about, asshole?"

Summer gnashes her teeth and stares at Lu Yanhua.

"Don't you understand me? Are you deaf? "

Lu Yanhua looks at Xia Xia and repeats what he Feng has just said to him, "if you are deaf, go to the hospital earlier and don't talk to me here any more. Anyway, you can't understand what I say. "

After that, his face was even more elated. "After all, it seems that you haven't played with this woman, has it? I hear clear say, you just took her hand, even kiss did not kiss? Ha ha ha, I tell you, in fact, her Kung Fu in bed is very good, much more powerful than the women I used to play with. "

"Beast! I'll fight with you... "

Summer where still can listen to go down, directly rushed to Lu Yanhua.

However, Lu Yanhua has been practicing martial arts since he was a child. Although he has not cultivated his spirit, he is far from being able to deal with him in the summer.


Lu Yanhua casually kick out a foot, will be the summer to kick over on the ground.

"Xiaotian, are you ok?"

Xia Menglu rushed forward to help the summer.

"I, I'm ok..." summer shook his head, a face embarrassed.

Yue Qing was his girlfriend, but after talking with him for a while, he dumped him and became Lu Yanhua's woman.

Now, with this woman, Lu Yanhua humiliates him in front of so many people.

However, in front of Lu Yanhua, he was just like a three-year-old child, not someone else's opponent at all, which made him feel very humiliated.

"In summer, you'd better go away. If you have me in the future, don't have you again."

At this time, Yue Qing, as the party concerned, suddenly spoke with slight disdain in his voice, "you poor loser and research maniac are not qualified to be Yue Qing's woman. Only brother Yanhua is the one for me. Oh, by the way, in this open era, I took the initiative to take you to the hotel, but you didn't go. I think you should be incompetent instead of having no money, right? Ha ha, compared with brother Yanhua, you are really a scum. "

Yue Qing can see that Lu Yanhua has just been humiliated by He Feng. He feels that he has no face. Now he just wants to get back his face, so of course he helps to humiliate him.

"You are such a vicious woman that you even say such words. You are a woman's disgrace."

How can Xia Menglu allow Yue Qing to humiliate Xia? She refutes her.


If someone else said this to him, Yue Qing would definitely refute it.

But Xia Menglu, who says this to her, can easily kill her no matter her face or figure, which makes Yue Qing have no courage to refute.

Lu Yanhua looks at Xia Menglu, who is extremely beautiful and has outstanding temperament. Especially Xia Menglu, who is angry, has a unique flavor. Compared with Yue Qing at this time, she is too vulgar.

These two women are so different.

"Lulu, don't say that. In fact, she is not a woman's disgrace. After all, she is a woman anyway."

At this time, he Feng stood up and said carelessly: "it's just that she's a little out of shape. The Hungarian shop is big on one side and small on the other. It's of different sizes. She even put silicone in it. His face was even more so that he didn't know what it was like, so he almost didn't change his face. But overall, she does look like a woman. "

When Xia Menglu hears he Feng's words, she almost laughs.

But she is still very cooperate with He Feng, looking at Yue Qing seriously nodded, "well, really like a woman!"

"Plastic surgery? Silica gel? "

Standing beside Yue Qing, Lu Yanhua's face immediately became ugly.

The reason why he made Yue Qing his own woman at the beginning was that he thought Yue Qing looked good-looking, sexy and charming, and worked hard in bed, which made him feel very relaxed.

But if it's like he Feng's words, Yue Qing's plastic surgery and Feng Xiong's operation, it's really disgusting.

"Brother Yanhua, don't believe what they said. I didn't go to cold country for plastic surgery, and I didn't go to cold country for fengxiong operation. They are cheating you. They..."


Before Yueqing had finished speaking, Lu Yanhua slapped her face and directly drew out a bright red palm seal.

Although there is palmprint, there is still a white part.

"Don't let me see you again, paralyzed!"

Lu Yanhua glares at Yue Qing, then turns around and leaves.

He has no face to continue to stay, it is too humiliating.

However, because of this matter, he hated He Feng even more.

Two nights ago, because of the appearance of He Feng, he failed to avenge Ji Gang. Today, because of He Feng, he lost face in public.

"Hum, he Feng, you wait for me, I will play you to death slowly!"

Lu Yanhua walked out of the hotel with cold eyes.

Lu Yanhua has left, and Yue Qing has no face to stay as a joke. He also leaves quickly.

"Xiaotian, are you not hurt? If you get hurt, I'll let your brother-in-law teach that man a lesson! "

When Lu Yanhua and Yue Qing leave, Xia Menglu helps Xia Xia Xia sit down with an angry look on her face.

He Feng heard this, quite speechless.

Xia Menglu, who is a sister, seems to be very strict with summer, but now it seems that she really doesn't hurt her brother.

Xia Menglu usually tells him to be careful outside and not to provoke others all the time. But now, in order to help Xia Xia vent her anger, even Lu Yanhua, an enemy she doesn't know, has to teach him a lesson.

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