"Elder sister, forget it. I'm fine. Don't let my brother-in-law provoke that person."

Fortunately, summer still know some of Lu Yanhua's identity, look to He Feng exhort: "brother-in-law, just that person, you don't provoke him again. He's not something that ordinary people like us can afford. "

"Xiaotian, what's the origin of that man?"

Xia Menglu asked suspiciously.

"Sister, do you know Lufeng group?" Summer asked.

"Of course, I know Lufeng group. It's a very famous company in Jiangbin City, with a market value of more than 15 billion yuan, which is enough to rank in the top five or even the top three in Jiangbin city."

Xia Menglu thought for a moment and said, "what's more, this Lufeng group seems to have a political background? I don't know if it's true or not! "

"Of course, it's true. The political background of this Lufeng group is the mayor of Jiangbin city." Summer whispers.

"Mayor? Lu Xi Xian Xia Menglu was surprised. She suddenly thought of something and said in surprise: "I remember the boss of Lufeng group seems to be Lu Yuan? The mayor of Jiangbin city is also surnamed Lu, so between them... "

"Yes, Lu Yuan, the boss of Lufeng group, and Lu Xixian, the mayor of Jiangbin City, are brothers." Summer dignified way: "and just that Lu Yanhua, he is Lu Yuan's only son, that is, the nephew of Mayor Lu Xixian!"

"What, what..."

When Xia Menglu heard this, her face turned white and her eyes were full of fear.

She now finally understand why the last time the car, the other side are to He Feng hands, he Feng did not teach them.

At that time, she had been sitting in the car and didn't know much about the whole thing. Now it seems that the reason why he Feng kept his hand at that time was that the other side was too big.

Thanks to her just now still clamoring, want to let he Feng to teach each other.

"Brother Feng, yes, I'm sorry..." Xia Menglu said apologetically.

If because of oneself, and will he Feng into the pit of fire, she don't mention will be more guilty.

"Lulu, why do you apologize to me? You didn't do anything wrong! "

"That Lu Yanhua is so big, but I just wanted you to teach him a lesson. I'm not harming you!"

"That's why?"

He Feng grinned and said: "Lu Yanhua really should be taught a lesson, but you can rest assured that I will be a little more secretive and will not let people suspect me. His background is not small, but I have all kinds of ways to deal with him. "

"Brother Feng, forget it. Anyway, Xiaotian hasn't been hurt." Xia Menglu quickly dissuades, after all, the other party's origin is really too big, and behind it is the mayor of Jiangbin city. She doesn't want such a little thing to cause Hefeng great trouble.

"All right, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to provoke me." He Feng shrugged, and then looked at the summer with a smile, "Xiaotian really didn't get much hurt, but Xiaotian's inner trauma should not be small?"

He can see at a glance that this woman has really done a lot of harm to summer.

It is precisely because of the injury, so the summer just take this opportunity, deliberately drink more, hope to be able to drunk themselves.

"I did feel hurt before, but after seeing the woman's face, I put it down."

Summer said with a bitter smile: "once, I did pay a lot for that woman. Even, I go out to borrow usury, but also most of the reason is because of her. But now that it's all over, I don't want to mention it any more. In a word, although her existence has brought me great harm, it has also brought me greater motivation. I believe that now I have been reborn. From now on, I will focus on scientific research and strive to realize the value of my life. "

"Oh, I didn't expect you to see through all this so soon."

He Feng looked at summer in surprise.

It seems that although this guy is young, he has a very good mentality.

"Come on, I'll take care of you. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, just ask me or your brother-in-law. "

Xia Menglu is also happy to laugh.

Three people talk and laugh, and began to eat up.

"Du Du Du..."

When eating almost, he Feng's mobile phone vibrated.

Look at the caller ID, it's Canglang.

"Hello, Canglang!" He Feng pressed the answer button directly.

"Brother Feng, I've already made an appointment with Jiang Yin for you."

Canglang said with some doubts: "I don't know what's going on. As soon as Jiang Yin heard that I was the new deputy leader of the Wolf Gang, his attitude towards me was much better, just like he was treating provincial leaders. I asked him when he would have time to have a cup of coffee together, but he asked me when I would have time, according to my schedule. "

"Oh? So things are going well. " He Feng asked with a smile, "have you made an appointment?"

"I made an appointment with him at two o'clock in the afternoon. If it's not convenient for you at that time, I can contact him to change the time now." Canglang said.

He Feng looked at the time and found that it was almost one o'clock, so he asked, "which Cafe did you have an appointment with him? Well, you first add my wechat number, and then use wechat to send me the location of the coffee shop. My wechat number is my mobile phone number. I'll be there on time at two o'clock. "


Canglang readily agreed.

After hanging up, he Feng's mobile wechat sent a verification message, which was Canglang's friend application.

After applying through friends, Canglang sent a location information.

In terms of location, it's about 20 kilometers away from him, but it's not far.

However, he Feng has to pick up Ling Weiyu.

"Xiaotian, I think you've had enough. I'll drive you back now."

He Feng stood up and said, at the same time, he pointed to the waiter and asked him to come and check out.

"Hey, hey, then I'll thank my brother-in-law."

Summer laughs.

"Lulu, you can drive back by yourself. These two days, you and Rongrong have a good consultation about the real estate situation in Jiangbin city. When I come back in two days, I'll take you to see the house. " He Feng looks at Xia Menglu again.

"Don't worry, I'll study it carefully." Xia Menglu nodded cleverly.

It is summer, hear he Feng this words, directly called up, "I depend on, brother-in-law, you this is to buy a house for my elder sister?"

"What do you mean I help your sister buy a house? It's your sister's own money. I'll take her to see it. "

He Feng doesn't want to talk too much about this topic. "You should work hard on your own. If you really succeed in metal research, you will have endless money in the future."

Smell speech, summer suddenly a face of heart.

But immediately he realized his gaffe, and quickly gave a dry cough, "cough, as we do research, talking about money is too vulgar."

He Feng rolled a white eye, too lazy to talk too much nonsense with him. After settling the account, he went out of the hotel directly.

"Brother in law, how can you drive Lexus? For a man like you, at least you have to drive a Ferrari or something? "

Summer saw he Feng walking to Lexus next to palamella, quite a little confused asked.

Lexus, the brand is really a little worse. It is second-line luxury, much worse than BBA.

"Xiaotian, your brother-in-law's car is not an ordinary Lexus. He can buy three or four of my palamellas. " Xia Menglu shook her head helplessly.

"Damn, how powerful is that? It turns out that my brother-in-law is a real person and doesn't show his face. "

Summer suddenly excited called up.

Only then did he realize that his brother-in-law was not an ox fork, but a very ox fork.

"Get in the car. I'll take you to school."

He Feng opened the doors on both sides through the car key.

Then, he told Xia Menglu, "Lulu, drive slowly. If you miss me these two days, please call me at any time."

"Well, brother Feng, you should be careful when you deal with things outside."

Xia Menglu said with some reluctance.

"Don't worry!"

He Feng nodded and directly sat in the driver's seat.

In summer, I also got into the co driver.

Jiangbin university is not far from Shinian hotel. After a crossroad, he Feng sent summer to the school gate.

After putting down the summer, he Feng drove straight to Jule welfare home.

Because he had already said hello to Ling Weiyu, when he came to the welfare home, Ling Weiyu had been waiting at the door.

"Eh, brother Xiaofeng, why did you change another car?"

When Ling Weiyu saw Lexus parking in front of him, he was still a little surprised, because he Feng didn't drive this car when he came to see her last time.

However, seeing that the driver was he Feng, she quickly got on the co driver.

He Feng started the car again and said with a smile: "Hey, your brother Xiao Feng has a good character. This car was given to me by others."

"Yes? Brother Xiaofeng, how many cars do you have now? Give me a ride? " Ling Weiyu joked.

"That makes sense. I'll transfer my car to your name later."

Who knows, he Feng is serious nod, "after all, no matter how to say, you are about to become a president, how can you do without a car?"

"What President?"

Ling Weiyu was stunned and immediately surprised: "you have found the boss behind honey Chinese net?"

He Feng just called her and didn't tell her what it was, just let her wait at the gate of the welfare home.

"Yes, a little bit. I'm sure I can help you with it soon." He Feng said with a smile, "little feather, don't be surprised when you see the boss later."

"What's so surprising? Do I know him? " Ling Weiyu is puzzled.

"You'll know later!"

He Feng remains mysterious.

Then, he Feng changed the topic, "aunt yuan, how are you these days?"

"What can I do for Aunt yuan? It's just taking care of those little kids every day! "

Ling Weiyu shrugged, "however, the area of our welfare home is really small. Aunt yuan often talks about it, saying that if only we could have a bigger house to live in."

"It's simple. You can buy this company and make a lot of money. Can't you buy a big house for Aunt yuan and the children?"

He Feng said with a smile: "as far as I know, in China, the copyright development of original content is more popular now, and even a novel can be developed into a large IP. If you sell it casually, it will be hundreds of billions. At that time, even if you buy some villas in Jiangbin city for Aunt yuan and the children, there will be no pressure."

"I'll go!"

Ling Weiyu rolled his eyes and said, "brother Xiaofeng, do you think selling copyright is as simple as selling cabbage? Honey Chinese is just a small website. Although the novels in it have some achievements and readership, we are totally blank in copyright development. It's too hard to sell copyright. "

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