"In that case, why don't I pay for it? How about buying some villas directly? " He Feng said: "anyway, you also know that your brother Xiaofeng is very rich. Even if you buy a few villas, it won't be a little bit of pressure for me."

"Brother Xiaofeng, can you use your money freely in China?" Ling Weiyu asked curiously.

If he Feng's money can be used freely, can he become the richest man in China every minute?

"Well... It's a little bit of trouble. If I take my previous bank card to withdraw money, the top management of China may know about it immediately." He Feng pondered and said: "however, I can also find friends to transfer money to me."

"In that case, let's wait a little longer. I'll see how much it costs to buy honey Chinese. Anyway, aunt yuan and the children are not so worried. After all, they have been here for so many years. " Ling Weiyu said with his head down.

At this moment, she had another idea in her mind.

Jule welfare home is the home of she and he Feng.

The people in the welfare home are her and he Feng's family.

So, even if she wants to move the welfare home and buy some villas, she hopes that the money is earned by her and he Feng.

"Well, yes!" He Feng nodded and said nothing more.

About 20 minutes later, the car stopped outside a coffee shop.

Just get off soon, a man then walked toward his side to come over, respectful way: "Maple elder brother is good!"

"Are you Canglang's man?" He Feng looked at each other.

"Yes, brother Feng. I'm brother Lang's subordinate. My name is a Bing." Ah Bing nodded, "brother Lang is in the upstairs box with Jiang Dong now. Please follow me."


He Feng leads Ling Weiyu and follows ah Bing.

"Brother Feng, I really know Jiang Dong?" Ling Weiyu asked in doubt.

She didn't remember what she knew about the great man Jiang Dong, so she was really curious.

"Hey, you'll know in a moment."

He Feng grinned and continued to be mysterious.

Ling Weiyu rolled his eyes, but he didn't continue to ask.

"Dong Dong..."

Before long, the two men came to the outside of the box, and ah Bing went to knock on the door.

"Come in, please The sound of the waves came from inside.

Ah Bing opened the door and said, "brother Lang, brother Feng is coming!"

In the box, Canglang is sitting face to face with Jiang Yin, with a cup of coffee in front of them.

"Brother Feng!"

Canglang stood up for the first time and said, "Jiang Dong has come, but he still doesn't know that you are looking for him."

"Why, Mr. Jiang? Is it him? "

With the door opened, Ling Weiyu finally saw the figure sitting inside.

Now she realized that the so-called Jiang Dong had met him in antique street last time.

She still remembers that Jiang Dong spent 40 million yuan to buy a diamond jade the size of a fist. The money is still on her card.

"Are you... The brother?"

At this time, Jiang Yin also saw he Feng, suddenly surprised to open his mouth.

At that time, in order to buy diamond jade, he spent 40 million, but he was very clear. At that time, he Feng not only sold a diamond jade to him, but also sold a human feeling to him. After all, he Feng didn't need to sell diamond jade to him at that time. He just sold it to Ni Hong, and the price might be higher. Selling it to him will offend Ni Hong and the Qingfeng martial arts school behind her.


After taking jingangyu back, Jiang Yin finds his elder brother, Jiang Kuangdao, the curator of Zhengqi martial arts school, and shows him jingangyu.

"It's worth 40 million yuan to buy this diamond jade. Even if the price is doubled, there will be no loss. "

This is his elder brother Jiang Kuangdao's comment when he saw the diamond jade.

Just because of this, Jiang Yin knows how much he owes him.

However, he Feng didn't even leave a contact information at that time. Jiang Yin couldn't find out He Feng's identity at all. He couldn't even return the favor.

I thought it might be hard to see he Feng again in my life.

But don't want to, haven't had a few days, he Feng suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Don't worry, Mr. Jiang!" He Feng looked at Jiang Yin with a smile and said, "let's introduce myself first. My name is He Feng and I work in Yuncheng group."

"He Feng? So you are He Feng... "

Hearing the name, Jiang Yin's face was even more shocked.

"Yes, why do you sound like I have a great reputation?" He Feng surprised way.

"Keke, brother Hefeng, you are really famous. At least, I hear your name mentioned by a few friends almost every day. "

Jiang Yin looks at Ling Weiyu standing beside he Feng and doesn't say anything about the relationship between He Feng and Wang Xiangyun.

However, what makes him more curious is the relationship between He Feng and the Wolf Gang.

Canglang, as the vice leader of the Wolf Gang, is respectful to He Feng, which can also explain some problems.

"Well, then I'm a little famous." He Feng touched his nose and laughed.

"Brother he Feng, please come inside first. Let's sit down and talk."

Jiang Yin makes a gesture of invitation to He Feng.

He Feng nodded, went into the box and ordered two cups of coffee.

"Jiang Dong, let me introduce you again. This is my sister, Ling Weiyu, who works in literature. " He Feng pointed to one side of Ling Weiyu.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Ling!"

Although he Feng calls Ling Weiyu his sister, Jiang Yin doesn't think so.

As the chairman of zhongyun group, he has some ability to see people.

He can see at a glance that Ling Weiyu's eyes are full of love when looking at He Feng. This is not a simple relationship between brother and sister. But since he Feng didn't point to break, he certainly won't say more.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang!" Ling Weiyu also said hello politely.

"Brother he Feng, I don't know why you came to me this time." Jiang Yin inquired curiously.

"Jiang Dong..."

Jiang Yin suddenly interrupted: "brother he Feng, I'm older than you. Don't call me Jiang Dong. If you look up to me, call me brother Jiang. What do you think? "

When he said that, he also wanted to bring the relationship between the two sides closer.

After all, he Feng's various identities and terrible force are enough for him to win over.

"All right!"

He Feng shrugged, indifferent way: "brother Jiang, I heard that you have a subsidiary, called honey Chinese net?"

"Honey Chinese net?"

Jiang Yin was stunned. He Feng suddenly asked such a question, but he nodded and said, "yes, I did buy this novel website. Ha ha, I'm afraid it will make the He Feng brothers laugh. The reason why I bought this website is because I like reading novels. I'm even going to try to write a novel or two when I have time

He Feng drinks the latte served by the waiter. He is not interested in what Jiang Yin says.

When Jiang Yin's voice dropped, he continued to ask, "brother Jiang, is your website wholly owned by you?"

"Well, it's wholly owned by me. After all, it only cost less than 50 million at that time." Jiang Yin nodded without concealing.

"What's the valuation of this website now? According to the normal market situation, how much do you want to sell? " He Feng inquired.

"Brother he Feng, are you interested in this website?"

Jiang Yin said with a smile: "this website does not help the strategic layout of China Cloud group at all. Sometimes it even distracts my energy and creates little profit every year. If you like this website, I'll give it to you directly. Anyway, I didn't pay much for it. "

Although it cost 50 million to buy it, for Jiang Yin, the money was nothing.

The key is that if he Feng can make good use of the money and build a good relationship with him, he will spend 50 million, even if it is 100 million, he will think it is worth it.

What's more, the diamond jade he bought in his hands before cost him 40 or 50 million less.

"Brother Jiang, I don't want to tell you that my sister really likes your website. Because, ah, she's working on your website right now, but she's just a little editor. "

He Feng grinned, "so, I thought about buying this website in the name of my sister. As for the matter of giving it directly to me, you will be told again, as if I have no money to buy it. "

"Of course I didn't mean that. I..."

"Brother Jiang, why don't you call the financial department of your company and ask them to estimate the value of this website."

He Feng said with a smile: "don't feel that if you don't send me the website, I won't read your favor. If you are willing to sell this website to me, it will give me face. "

Jiang Yin a face of helpless color, "He Feng brother, I this novel website really not how much money.". How about this? I bought it for 50 million, and I'll sell it to you for 50 million now. How about that? "

"Little feather, what do you think?"

He Feng doesn't matter. Although Jiang Yin does it to woo him, why don't he accept it since the other party has sent him benefits?

It's a matter of tens of millions.

Tens of millions is not much, but for him now, it is not a small number.

"Brother Xiaofeng, how much money do you have there that you can use?" Ling Weiyu suddenly approaches he Feng and whispers in He Feng's ear.

"Fifty million!" He Feng whispered back.

"So much..."

Ling Weiyu opened his mouth in surprise, but soon calmed down, looked at Jiang Yin and said, "Hello, Jiang Dong, I'm an editor of the male frequency editing group of honey Chinese net. Although I'm not a senior manager, I've asked my friends about the market of some websites. As far as I know, if an investor wants to buy the current honeydew Chinese network, it will cost at least 100 million yuan. "

Jiang Yin see Ling Weiyu said so seriously, know this human relationship is can't send, at the moment had to smile: "a hundred million words, seems to be almost the same."

Jiang Yin really doesn't know much about the valuation of an ordinary subsidiary.

If the value is too high, the following people will report detailed data to Jiang Yin regularly.

Since there is no regular report, it can only show that the value of this honey Chinese network is not so great.

"Mr. Jiang, we know each other. I'm also learning how to bargain with people in business. Honey Chinese net is worth 100 million yuan. You give me a 10% discount and I'll give you 90 million yuan. Can you sell this website to me?"

Ling Weiyu said with a smile.

"Ten percent off?"

Jiang Yin's face was even more bitter when he heard the speech.

I can't help it. It's not much cheaper to sell to He Feng at this price.

However, he can also see that he Feng seems to be in charge of this matter, but in fact Ling Weiyu should be in charge.

Since the girl doesn't want to buy it cheaply, it's really hard for him to give away.

"OK, 10% off."

Since people can not send out, Jiang Yin no longer forced, readily agreed to come down, "Ms. Ling, when do you plan to sign the equity transfer agreement?"

Ling Weiyu thought about it and said, "I hope the sooner the better!"

"Brother Jiang, it's better to run into the sun than choose a day. If it's convenient for you now, it's better to sign now."

He Feng waved his hand.

"Of course, it's convenient for me. There should be no problem between the legal department and the financial department. I'll go out now and call the financial department and ask them to make arrangements."

With that, Jiang Yin stood up and went out to make a phone call.

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