"Little feather, I'll transfer money to you first."

Watching Jiang Yin go out, he Feng also picked up his mobile phone and transferred the 50 million yuan he had just received from Zheng Qian to Ling Weiyu.

After a while, Ling Weiyu's mobile phone vibrated.

She took out the Apple phone he Feng gave her and looked at it. Then she saw the 90 million deposit on the card, "brother Xiao Feng, the money has arrived!"

"To the account on the line, quickly take this site, so you can take a good breath."

He Feng said with a smile.

"Take a breath?" Ling Weiyu hasn't responded yet.

"Of course, you've been expelled from all those people. Shouldn't you say that?" He Feng is not angry way, "you can't tell me, you buy this website, purely to do a good job in network literature, no idea of vent?"


Ling Weiyu opened his mouth.

She really didn't want to vent her anger. Most of the reasons why she wanted to buy Chinanet were that she wanted to do well in online writing, not to vent her anger.

"I'll go. You're so kind. People bully you and fire you. You're not angry at all." He Feng is speechless.

Ling Weiyu vomited fragrant tongue, but did not know how to refute.

Of course, she was a little angry, but she didn't want to take it out.

"Xiaoyu, after the contract is signed, the first thing you do when you go to the website is to fire those two people who fired you. Do you hear me He Feng said in an imperative tone.

"Just drive it off?"

Ling Weiyu hesitated: "however, they are all excellent male frequency editors. It's hard to find someone who can replace them if they quit them directly. Will it be very troublesome?"

"Brother Feng, it happens that I have a friend who works in Yuewen group. If necessary, I can ask him to recommend him. He should know some senior and reliable editors in the industry."

At this time, sitting opposite Canglang opened his mouth.

"OK, then if Xiaoyu needs it, you can ask your friend to recommend it." He Feng said and looked at Ling Weiyu, "did you hear that? Don't worry about it now? "

"Well, I know. When I go back, I'll take them both away!" Ling Weiyu said with a smile.

"That's about it!"

He Feng nodded with satisfaction.


At this time, Jiang Yin, who went out to make a phone call, returned to the box.

"Brother he Feng, Ms. Ling, I have already said hello to the company and asked them to draw up the equity transfer agreement as soon as possible and bring it here to sign for us. In about half an hour at most, they will arrive. "

Jiang Yin sits on the seat, looking at He Feng and Ling Weiyu on the opposite side and says: "half an hour, can you wait? If you can't wait, I'll send the contract to you for signature later. "

"I have nothing to do, brother Xiaofeng. How about you?" Ling Weiyu looks at He Feng.

"I didn't either..."

He Feng just opened his mouth, but his mobile phone on the desktop suddenly vibrated.

The caller ID above is yuan Yashi.

"Just a moment, I'll take a call first!"

He Feng picked up the phone, pressed the answer button, "Hello, sister yuan!"

"He Feng, are you still in the company now?" Yuan Yashi asked.

"I'm not in the company now. I'm dealing with something outside. What's the matter?"

"It's nothing. I just want to tell you that I've asked for leave with Wang Dong. Besides, I'm ready to complete all kinds of procedures for the car. Now I'm going to the alighting shop and sell the car." Yuan Yashi said, "if you don't have time, I'll go by myself. Anyway, it's not a trouble to sell a car."

"OK, in that case, you can go there first. If you have any questions, you can contact me again."

He Feng nodded, after all, he still has to delay at least half an hour.

After hanging up the phone, he Feng saw Ling Weiyu looking at himself and said with a smile: "a colleague in the company is going to sell the car. She was going to let me accompany her in the past, but I'm not free now, so she went by herself."

"Brother he Feng, do you have friends who want to sell cars?"

Jiang Yin said with a smile: "I remember that there seems to be a used car acquisition company under our company. If you ask your friend to drive the car to our company? So his car should sell at a good price. "

Jiang Yin now can say is a chance, want to send human feelings to He Feng, so can also bring the relationship between the two closer.

I can't help it. Now the competition among the three major martial arts schools has become more and more fierce. However, there are still some contradictions in their Zhengqi martial arts schools. Compared with the other two martial arts schools, they are really weaker. If he Feng can be brought to their side at this time, their Zhengqi martial arts school will certainly occupy a certain advantage in the future competition.

After all, he Feng's energy is too huge.

He is not only a strong horizontal practitioner himself, but also the husband of Wang Xiangyun, chairman of Yuncheng group.

Even the Wolf Gang, one of the four underground gangs in Jiangbin City, has an indistinct intimate relationship with He Feng.

"It's OK. She's just an ordinary car. The car shop was also introduced by her friends. The price should be fair to her."

He Feng saw through Jiang Yin's plan at a glance and waved his hand casually.

Now he is not very clear about the three major martial arts schools, so naturally he doesn't want to be involved so casually.

"All right!" Jiang Yin also no longer say, lest cause he Feng's antipathy.

"Brother Xiaofeng, have I delayed your good work?" Ling Weiyu asked weakly.

"What nonsense? I'm not in a hurry."

He Feng white her one eye, own good thing have so easy to delay?

In order not to let Ling Weiyu keep asking about yuan Yashi, he directly turned to Jiang Yin and said, "Jiang Yin, how is your Zhengqi martial arts school developing now? There should be a lot of apprentices, right

Hearing he Feng's question about the martial arts school, Jiang Yin immediately came to his heart and said, "brother he Feng, although there are three martial arts schools in Jiangbin City, Zhengqi martial arts school is the fastest growing and most stable one, and the number of apprentices recruited every year is also considerable. For example, at the beginning of this year, we have recruited hundreds of people. "

"Only a hundred people?"

He Feng eyebrows a pick, "that your martial arts school also can't make much money a year!"

Jiang Yin couldn't help being embarrassed, "well, the martial arts school really can't make money! It is estimated that only the real Wulin sects can make money by teaching martial arts. It is said that if you want to join those Wulin sects, you will get 100 million yuan for the entrance fee alone. "

"The entrance fee will be 100 million?"

"Yes! After all, among those martial arts sects, there are real martial arts masters. It is estimated that there are even great masters of Huajin. " Jiang Yin said solemnly: "moreover, if you want to enter the Wulin sect, you have to have acquaintances to introduce you. You can't get in with money. In addition, in addition to being rich, you have to cultivate your inner strength before you can go in. "

"The recruitment conditions are quite high!" He Feng light way, did not expect that the requirements of the Chinese sect to recruit ancient martial arts is still very high.

"Although the conditions are high, the efficiency seems to be good. I've heard from some people in the ancient martial arts circles that anyone who can enter the Wulin school will eventually break through to the dark force. Some people with extremely high talent can still aspire to become great masters. "

Jiang Yin's face is full of yearning.

Its terrible degree is shocking.

"So, the sects of China are quite rich..." He Feng squinted.

He had also made an investigation into the major forces of China before. However, the forces of China were too mysterious and the water inside was quite deep. He did not find anything substantial.

It's because of those rare masters hidden in China!

"I don't know if the sects in China are rich or not..."

Jiang Yin's face is embarrassed. He's an ordinary warrior who doesn't even have a sense of Qi. He's not qualified to talk about the big sects of China. Even his brother doesn't know that.

"However, the three major martial arts schools in Jiangbin city are really powerful. They are deeply rooted in Jiangbin city and have complicated relationships. Because when we recruit apprentices, we don't recruit anyone. At least we have to have a certain social status. " Jiang Yin continued.

"So the power of your three martial arts schools is much stronger than that of the four gangs in the underground world of Jiangbin city?" He Feng said with a smile.

"Of course not!" Jiang Yin shook his head. "The four forces in the underground world have the purest purpose, which is to make money. On the surface, the three major martial arts schools seem to be making money, but in fact, we are all operating each other's network, hoping to get more powerful. "

At this point, Jiang Yin looked at the waves and said with a smile: "Zhengqi martial arts school and Qingfeng martial arts school are not strong because of their short development time. As for Tengfei martial arts school, their purpose of development has been deviated for a long time. They all want to make money. Otherwise, Tengfei martial arts school must be the most powerful of the three martial arts schools. But Rao is so. If you compare them, the three major martial arts schools are really stronger than those forces in the underground world. "

"What's the best way?" He Feng asks curiously.

"Although not many of our three major martial arts schools have cultivated their inner strength, not a few of them have cultivated their sense of Qi." Jiang Yin confidently said: "in addition, it's the conflict between forces. As long as the strength is not strong enough to kill each other, it's all a war of attrition, that is, a war of money. And the wealth of our three major martial arts schools is really beyond the power of the underground world. "

Hearing this, Canglang nodded, "what Dong Jiang said is reasonable. The three martial arts schools are really rich, and there are huge chaebol groups behind them. But the three martial arts schools... There should be a lot of hot weapons, right

Jiang Yin looked at Canglang in surprise. "Deputy leader of Canglang, I didn't expect that your intelligence network is so powerful, even the three major martial arts schools have hot weapons."

The three major martial arts schools have been keen on the spread of martial arts, so outsiders only think that they are good at Kung Fu, and they don't know that they also have a lot of hot weapons.

After all, although they are good at boxing, they are only compared with ordinary people.

In front of the hot weapons, their Kung Fu is at most a bit of fancy boxing and embroidered legs, and they don't have any resistance.

"Ha ha, I have some intelligence skills in Canglang. When it comes to Kung Fu and military deployment, I'm useless." Canglang smiles modestly.

A few people chatted and time passed slowly.

About twenty minutes later, Jiang Yin's mobile phone rang.

"They're coming. I'll go out and bring them." Jiang Yin answers the phone and stands up.

"All right!"

He Feng nodded.

Jiang Yin walked out of the door quickly. In less than two minutes, he took two people into the box.

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