"Ah?" Canglang heard this question for the first time, and he didn't know how to answer it.

"Ha ha, do you think that if the Wolf Gang is strong enough and does not do harm to society, do you think China will destroy the Wolf Gang?" He Feng asked with a smile.

"Brother Feng, what you mean is that we don't need to bleach, we just need to let the Wolf Gang develop and grow?" Canglang has a startled face.

As long as the gangs in China have a little strength, they will try their best to bleach themselves.

For example, the Wolf Gang, the Baiyun gang and the poisonous scorpion Gang, after gaining a firm foothold, began to develop other industries and, as far as possible, separated themselves from the underground world.

But don't want to, now he Feng unexpectedly let them no longer bleach.

"Of course!"

He Feng a face of calm, "this world, no matter in which field, are strong for respect, big fist talent has the qualification to speak.". Therefore, the goal of the Wolf Gang is not to bleach, but to become stronger and stronger. "

"Growing stronger?"

Canglang looks at He Feng's eyes more and more shocked.

His goal is equally ambitious.

But now it seems that he Feng is totally different from what he thought

"Of course! Our goal is to be strong, so strong that no one can control us or check us. " He Feng said with a smile: "only become strong enough, we do not need to have any fear!"

"But if it becomes too powerful, will it cause fear from all sides?"

"If you have this worry, it means that you are more rational." He Feng looks at Canglang in surprise.

He thought that Canglang would be dazzled by his words!

"I'm just used to thinking about the hidden danger first, lest I don't know how to die in the end." Canglang felt his head a little embarrassed.

The reason why he has to consider the hidden danger is that he is too weak.

"Well, I'm glad you think so." He Feng nodded.


Canglang is completely stupid.

Ling Weiyu on one side is also blinking with long and thick eyelashes. He Feng's words are really crazy.

However, she looked at He Feng's eyes, but there was no reason to show the worship.

A man should be like brother Xiaofeng. On the surface, he is leisurely, but on the inside, he is angry.

"Well, I've given you the task, and you can just see the arrangements for the rest."

However, he Feng ignored Canglang's shocked look and said faintly: "Baiyun Gang seems to be very powerful, especially their boss is far away from Tianhai. He Feng is an ancient warrior with inner strength. When it comes time to deal with him, you should let Chen Jian get ready, and then tell me to rob him. That's about it."

"Brother Feng, do you really want to destroy the white cloud Gang directly? This is far from Tianhai, but he has a more powerful brother. If his brother really joined a mercenary corps and there was a strong mercenary organization behind it, we would be in big trouble in the future. "

Canglang's face is full of fear. He thinks he Feng's action is a little urgent. "Moreover, once we Wolf Gang show that we want to unify the underground world of Jiangbin City, we don't know what kind of attitude the three major martial arts schools and martial arts associations, especially the national level, will have."

"Canglang, are you too forward-looking, or am I too aggressive?"

He Feng light smile, "if you don't dare to do it, then I'll find Chen Jian to do it, let him wait for Jiangbin city underground world unified, then go to practice his kung fu."

Smell speech, Canglang face suddenly changed, quickly apologized, "brother Feng, I'm wrong, I'll finish what you ordered, reorganize the internal fighting force, and strive to destroy the Baiyun Gang as soon as possible."

"Well! In short, my goal is that in the future, no matter I or the people around me, I will not encounter any trouble in Jiangbin city. "

He Feng nodded.

He knew that Canglang was still worried. After all, Canglang was not used to seeing all kinds of world like him.

However, if he wants the Wolf Gang to unify the underground world of Jiangbin City, he'd better inform the government of Jiangbin City, so as not to make them nervous.

"Little feather, I will accompany you to honey Chinese net now?" He Feng looks at Ling Weiyu and says.

"Brother Xiaofeng, I'll go to the website by myself. I want to try to deal with it by myself."

Ling Weiyu has just thought about it clearly. She is going to solve it by herself, "if I can't handle it well, I'll come to you again."

"All right!"

He Feng knows that women want to temper themselves, so he doesn't say much anymore, "however, those two Shabi, you must fire them. Now that you are the boss, you have to look like a boss. "

"I won't be soft hearted when I know brother Feng."

Ling Weiyu nodded cleverly, "however, the money for the acquisition of honey Chinese network is 50 million from you, and I will get another share structure book at that time. Well, I'm not polite to you either. Although you pay a lot of money, I guess I'm in charge of most of the things on the website, so I won't give you more shares. How about one person and half of us? "

"Little feather, I..."

He Feng just opened his mouth and was interrupted by Ling Weiyu. "Brother Xiao Feng, if you don't want this share, no matter how much money the company makes, I'll give it back to you first, until it's enough for 50 million."

"OK, I'm afraid. Can't you? Half of the shares are half of the shares. You can just watch it. " He Feng shook his head with a bitter smile.

"Hee hee, that's about the same." Ling Weiyu said with a smile: "brother Xiaofeng, from now on, you are a big boss. Are you very happy?"

"I'm the boss, and you're the boss's wife."


Hearing these three words, Ling Weiyu's face suddenly turned red.

He Feng also realized that he had made a slip of the tongue and quickly opened up the topic, "little feather, after you fired them, if you need to recruit people, you can contact Canglang directly. Canglang, give Xiaoyu your contact information. "

"Oh, yes!"

Canglang quickly took out the business card from his pocket and handed it to Ling Weiyu, "sister-in-law, this is my business card..."


Ling Weiyu was completely stunned, and a blush rose on her cheek.

However, in her eyes, it is a sweet from the heart.

"I'll go, Canglang. What's your blind name?" He Feng is not very angry and goes to pat Canglang's head.

"Er... Brother Feng, if you don't call me sister-in-law, then I don't know how to call him!"

Canglang said innocently: "otherwise, I'll call her Miss Ling?"

"What do you say?"

"I think it's OK to call my sister-in-law..."

"Damn it

He Feng raised his hand, will continue to smoke waves.

"Brother Feng, I have something else to do. I'll withdraw first!"

But this time Canglang had already been psychologically prepared. As soon as he finished speaking, he slipped out of the box.

Suddenly, only he Feng and Ling Weiyu were left in the box.

"That, little feather, Canglang has drunk too much coffee and his brain is full of water. That's why he just started talking. You don't have to worry about it." He Feng said with a smile.

He didn't understand that Canglang, who was usually very serious, had just started to make such a low-level joke.

"I didn't care. I knew he was joking."

Ling Weiyu said with his head down.

"That's good!" He Feng was relieved. He was a little worried that Ling Weiyu would ignore him because he was shy.

Doodle doodle!

At this time, he Feng's mobile phone on the desktop vibrated and a wechat came.

Take it up and have a look, this wechat is suddenly sent by Canglang, or a voice.

"Brother Xiaofeng, is that female colleague of your company looking for you again?" Ling Weiyu takes a look at He Feng's mobile phone.

"No, it's Canglang's wechat. It's supposed to be an apology. I'll open it and listen to it."

He Feng click on the voice, Canglang's voice immediately rang up, "brother Feng, in fact, I just deliberately called Miss Ling called sister-in-law, although you appear to be the same as brother and sister, but I can see that Miss Ling likes you so much. I just don't understand why Miss Ling likes you, but you don't tell her. It seems that it's not like brother Feng's style. So, I'm going to point it out for you. If you don't do it right, I'm here to apologize to you and Miss Ling. But now I think I should have done it right? After all, when I called Miss Ling's sister-in-law, I saw her eyes were sweet. Even brother Feng, you had a smile on the corner of your mouth. That... Brother Feng, I may be busy recently. There are many things. If you don't have anything important, don't contact me. "

"I grass, this what broken cell phone!"

When Canglang's first sentence just rang out, he Feng wanted to click stop, but the screen suddenly got stuck. After several clicks, there was no response, which made Canglang read the voice message word by word.

Ling Weiyu, standing opposite He Feng, has blushed like a ripe apple.

"Paralyzed, this wave is too much. When is it his turn to point out my boss?"

He Feng pretended to be angry: "besides, does he really think he is a saint of love? Even other people's eyes can understand? Hum, when I'm free later, I have to teach him a lesson. "

"Brother Xiaofeng, Canglang may just be impulsive. You'd better not punish him."

Ling Weiyu doesn't want to talk too much on this topic. It's too shameful.

If he Feng doesn't get married, he Feng is already married. "You can send me to the website first now. The people arranged by Jiang Dong may have been waiting for me there."

"All right!"

He Feng also felt embarrassed, so he took Ling Weiyu to leave the coffee shop and drove her to honey Chinese.

After that, he Feng called Yuan Yashi to ask her how the situation was.

However, although he made the call, no one answered it.

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