"What's going on? Why isn't sister yuan's phone answered? "

He Feng is a little puzzled.

Yuan Yashi is the assistant to the chairman of the board of directors. It is reasonable that there will not be no one answering the phone. After all, sometimes Wang Xiangyun may have something important to do with her. If suddenly no one answers the phone, isn't it a big delay?

Doodle doodle

Just wondering, his mobile phone vibrated, and it was yuan Yashi who called.

"Sister yuan, why didn't you answer the phone just now?"

He Feng pressed the answer key and asked suspiciously.

"I'm having a problem in a used car store now. What's the matter?" Yuan Yashi said.

"What's wrong?"

"There's something wrong with the price! Originally, the estimated price of my car was about 150000 yuan. But... The price is only 80000! "

"How come it's only 80000?" He Feng immediately wondered, "isn't this car shop introduced by Wei Wei? In principle, there should be no problem. You won't go to the wrong bus shop, will you? "

"That's right, but vivi doesn't know the situation. Why don't we go to another used car store and ask?" Yuan Yashi said.

He Feng thought about it and nodded: "well, since this family is unreliable, let's change it directly. Send me one of your positions, and I'll come to you now. "

"OK, I'll hang up first and send you the location on wechat."

After hanging up the phone, he Feng's wechat soon received a text message, which was exactly the location where yuan Yashi sent it.

He Feng stepped up the gas and headed for the store.


At the same time, Ling Weiyu has come to honey Chinese.

"Xiaoyu, why are you here again?"

Just walked to the front desk, a girl of the front desk, looked at her suspiciously.

Ling Weiyu has been fired now, and is still fired by the editor in chief in public. It's really not good to go back to the company now. If the editor in chief or editor in chief knows, he will be very unhappy.

Therefore, the sister did not want Ling Weiyu to go in.

In particular, just about ten minutes ago, there were two big figures in the company headquarters, and the front desk sister did not dare to let Ling Weiyu in.


Seeing this, Ling Weiyu didn't know how to explain for a while.

Do you directly say that you are the boss of honey Chinese now?

"Ling Weiyu, what are you doing in the company? You are no longer a member of our honey Chinese network. Don't leave soon. "

Just at this time, Liu Bi came out of the lounge from afar and saw Ling Weiyu standing at the front desk. He stepped forward and said unhappily.

Anyway, Ling Weiyu can't catch up with him. His attitude towards Ling Weiyu is naturally impolite.

"Liu Bi, although I'm not the editor of honey Chinese, if I have something to do, it seems that it's not your turn to drive me away?"

When Ling Weiyu saw Liu Bi's attitude towards him, his face was cold.

In this society, there are all kinds of people. Before Liu Bi, he just felt disgusted.

Now Liu Bi is disgusting.

"I'm the editor in chief of the website, and you were my subordinate before. Now you are fired by the editor in chief. It's normal for me to drive you away. Don't stay here any longer. Our website won't take you in any more. "

Liu Bi impatient way: "in a moment our website will come to a big man, you quickly get out for me, if you don't roll away, I will call security."

Ling Weiyu narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "if I guess correctly, the legal and financial person in charge of zhongyun group is here now?"

Liu Bi heard this, look not from a Leng, almost subconsciously asked: "you, how do you know?"

Ling Weiyu's words really shocked Liu Bi.

Zhongyun group is the big boss behind honey Chinese network.

Even if you come to any senior level of zhongyun group, its responsibilities are far higher than that of Yang Cheng, the editor in chief, let alone Liu Bi. As for the case of zhongyun group, only Yang Cheng knew about the whole editing circle of honeydew Chinese. Liu Bi just knew about it.

But now

Ling Weiyu, however, told the story of zhongyun group at once, and even knew that it was the legal and financial staff of zhongyun group.

How could she know so much?

"How do I know? You don't need to know."

Ling Weiyu is directly looking at the front desk and asked: "please contact the director and say I am Ling Weiyu."

Yang Cheng, the editor in chief of honey Chinese, is the most powerful editor. He also has great power in the operation of the website.

However, in honey Chinese, he is actually just a second in command. There is also a director with more power than him, who is responsible for the overall coordination of the website. But the director seldom appears, so that he is almost ignored.

But Ling Weiyu believes that at this time, the director should be on the website.

The front desk sister heard Ling Weiyu's words, and her face was full of doubts.

"Ling Weiyu, what do you mean by pretending to be a ghost here? Director, did you say you could see it? Who do you think you are? Are you the boss of the website? " Liu Bi stares at Ling Weiyu and says.

His voice is very loud, almost roaring out, which shows how upset he is now.

"What are you mumbling about here?"

Just at this time, a dense sound of footsteps suddenly came, and immediately saw a middle-aged man walking to the front desk, said unhappily.

"Mr. Huang!"

Liu Bi saw the comer and several people behind him. His face changed slightly. He quickly lowered his head and looked frightened.

This is Mr. Huang Tao, the director of honey Chinese. In addition to Yang Cheng, he is also the head of legal affairs and finance of zhongyun group, whose status is even higher than Huang Tao.

If his performance just now caused the other party's dissatisfaction, then the other party wants to fire himself, it is absolutely a matter of words.

The more he thought about it later, Liu Bi became more and more afraid. He quickly put the responsibility on Ling Weiyu's head, pointed to her and said, "Mr. Huang, it's all this woman. She has been resigned by Mr. Yang, but now she's still coming to our company and even says that she wants to see the director. It's too presumptuous. That's why I drove her away, It's good for her to wake up and know who she is. "

"Ling Dong, you are here at last!"

"Ling Dong, we thought you'd be late. We're going to call you at the front desk."

As soon as Liu's words were finished, Li Xuan and Zhou Jin, the legal and financial directors of zhongyun group, walked quickly to Ling Weiyu and said hello to her politely.

"Ling Dong?"

Liu Bi and Huang Tao, as well as Yang Cheng, who followed them, heard Li Xuan and Zhou Jin's words, and their faces suddenly became wonderful.

Especially Huang Tao and Yang Cheng, who know a little bit about the situation, are even more unbelievable.

"Minister Li, did you just say that the owner of honey Chinese Netease is..." Huang Tao asked in shock.

"Not bad!"

Li Xuan nodded, "just about half an hour ago, Mr. Ling and Mr. Jiang of China Cloud Group signed a share transfer agreement, which is a successful wholly-owned acquisition of honey Chinese. From now on, Mr. Ling will be the new boss of honey Chinese

"New boss..."

When Yang Cheng and Liu Bi heard this, they kept shaking their heads. Their eyes were full of disbelief.

"Minister Li, are you kidding? She's just a pauper. Before, she was just a small editor of honey Chinese. With a meager salary of several thousand yuan a month, how can she afford honey Chinese? " Liu Bi stood up and said.

When Ling Weiyu was interviewing, he presided over the interview. He really knew too much about Ling Weiyu. He was a newcomer in the workplace, and he didn't have any background. How could he hold a huge sum of money to buy honey Chinese?

They are very clear about honey Chinese. If they want to buy honey Chinese, they can't think about it without two or three billion.

Can Ling Weiyu have two or three billion?

I don't believe it even if I kill them!

"Who are you? When will it be your turn to speak here? "

Seeing that Liu Bi questioned Ling Weiyu in public, Li Xuan immediately gave a displeased rebuke, "are you qualified to comment on Ling Dong's past? Why don't you apologize to Dong Ling? "

"If you don't apologize sincerely enough, you'll stop working on honeymoon."

Zhou Jin also said coldly.

In their opinion, Ling Weiyu is He Feng's woman, and he Feng, the chairman of the board of directors, has to find ways to make friends. Now they stay with Ling Weiyu in honey Chinese net, of course, to maintain the authority of Ling Weiyu.


When Liu Bi saw his casual words, he infuriated Li Xuan and Zhou Jin, and immediately became silly.

Not only him, but also Yang Cheng.

Even Huang Tao, the director of the company, has the same look of astonishment.

Obviously, they can't figure out why Ling Weiyu, who was still a little editor of honey Chinese before, suddenly changed into the boss of honey Chinese.

The jump in the middle is too big, isn't it?

"Director Huang, it seems that you are not very good at training your subordinates."

Seeing that Liu Bi didn't immediately apologize to Ling Weiyu, Li Xuan turned his eyes to Huang Tao.

"Hum!" Zhou Jin also gave a cold hum to express his extreme dissatisfaction.

"I..." Huang Tao opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

It's the first time he has met such an occasion.

"Two ministers, please don't embarrass Mr. Huang any more. In the future, I still expect him to help me with my work and manage honey Chinese net well."

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Ling Weiyu said, "as for Liu Bi and Yang Cheng, I don't think they are suitable to continue to be editors. Let them leave."

Let them go!

In a word, Liu Bi and Yang Cheng were shocked.

"It's a bit cheap for them to leave so easily." Li Xuan coldly glanced at Liu Bi and Yang Cheng.

As for Huang Tao, he also looked at the two people who were completely stupid and then said, "since Ling Dong wants to fire them, naturally I have no problem. I'll draw up a recruitment notice in a moment to see if I can re recruit a chief editor and male frequency editor in the shortest time, so as not to affect the normal operation of the website. "

"The chief editor really needs to recruit someone with a little ability, but the chief editor doesn't have to. I already have a candidate in my heart." Ling Weiyu said.

"Well, I see."

Huang Tao nodded his head.

Now, he also slowly accepted the fact that Ling Weiyu became the boss.

After all, this is something announced by two senior ministers of cloud group in person, and they both have documents in hand, so it's natural that they can't do it.

"Let's settle this month's salary for both of them, and then let them pack up and leave early."

Ling Weiyu looks at Liu Bi and Yang Cheng and speaks directly.

At first, she thought about whether to say something humiliating, but later, she thought that she didn't have to be the same.

But what she didn't know was that although she didn't humiliate Liu Bi and Yang Cheng, they felt unprecedented shame, and their faces were completely gloomy.

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