"Liu Bi, let's pack up and go."

In front of several leaders, Yang Cheng couldn't say anything more. He bowed his head and went to his office to clean up.

As for Liu Bi, he didn't dare to say anything when he saw Yang Chengdu, and he didn't dare to make another pit.

There is no way. In front of ordinary editors, Yang Cheng is a big man, but in front of these real big men, he is not even a fart. If he offends the other party, he may even be blocked by the whole industry. He dare not make fun of his future.

"Mr. Ling, let's do the final handover again. It won't take much time, just to give you a brief account of the last situation. For more detailed information, you can learn from Huang Tao later. "

Li Xuan said, looking at Huang Tao and saying, "Huang Tao, follow Ling Dong in the future. You should do well. Following her is more promising than following our cloud group. I'm afraid your career will usher in a real rising period. "

"What, what?"

Huang Tao was stunned when he heard this.

When he learned that Ling Weiyu had become the boss of honey Chinese, he was still worried about whether his future development would be limited, and whether he should plan other development, such as changing a company.

But now, as a senior member of the cloud group, Li Xuan actually said that with the development of Ling Weiyu, there will be more development potential than with the cloud group.

And look at the tone of his speech, he didn't mean to hold Ling Weiyu high.

But Li Xuan didn't say any more. He patted Huang Tao on the shoulder and made a respectful gesture to Ling Weiyu, "Ling Dong, this way, please!"

"All right!"

Ling Weiyu nodded, followed Li Xuan and Zhou Jin to an office, and Huang Tao, who had come back, quickly followed.

Next, Li Xuan and Zhou Jin told Ling Weiyu all about the situation in honey Chinese. They even talked about the future development plan and direction.

As for the more specific and more detailed, we are waiting for Huang Tao to tell us.

"Ling Dong, we have something to return to the company. If you have any questions, please call us at any time."

Li Xuan and Zhou Jin take out their business cards and hand them to Ling Weiyu.

"Thank you very much today!" Ling Weiyu takes the business card.

"It's our honor to serve Mr. Ling."

They laughed and turned to leave honey Chinese net.

"Ling Dong, why don't I take you to the editing place below and introduce your identity again?" Huang Tao looks at Ling Weiyu and asks.

"That's fine!"

Ling Weiyu pondered for a while, but there was no objection.

In any case, the matter of becoming the chairman of the board of directors, sooner or later, is to let everyone know, simply can not hide. And she felt that there was no need to hide.

Because she no longer plans to be an ordinary editor, she has more important and far-reaching things to do in the future

Operate works, sell copyright and build IP. Then, make a lot of money, so that the children of Jule welfare home can live a happy life.

"OK, this way, please."

Huang Tao respectfully led Ling Weiyu out of the office, first went to the operation Department and personnel department and other departments, announced Ling Weiyu's identity.

Finally, I came to the editorial department.

"Eh, isn't that Ling Weiyu? How did she come back? "

"I don't know. It seems that she is not the only one who doesn't come. It seems that our director Huang is following her."

"Damn, Ling Weiyu is walking with director Huang. What's the situation?"

"By the way, Liu bigang has just cleaned up the things on his desk. I heard that he seems to be leaving the company, and I don't know what the situation is."

"It's not only Liu Bi, I heard that even editor in chief Yang Cheng is cleaning up his office. It seems that something is going to happen to the website."

"Tut Tut, it seems that something big is going to happen to our website."

With curiosity on their faces, they all looked at Ling Weiyu and Huang Tao.

Weng Yiqin was also surprised, "how did Xiaoyu come back? Is there any chance of change? "

"Ladies and gentlemen, please pause your work first. I have an important announcement to make."

Huang Tao leads Ling Weiyu to the middle of the office area, and then he shouts at the crowd.

Everyone had already stopped their work and looked at him one after another, waiting for him.

Huang Tao also did not ink, continued: "some people may have heard about the background of honey Chinese network, that is, zhongyun group."

"Cloud group? It's true! Tut Tut, I didn't expect that the background of our website would be so big. "

"Now, I'm more motivated to work. Backed by zhongyun group, the development potential is huge. "

"That's reasonable. In the future, I will have more confidence in speaking in front of my relatives and friends."

When they heard Huang Tao's words, they were as excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

"However, from today on, the boss behind our honey Chinese network is no longer zhongyun group." Huang Tao said.


Huang Tao's voice just fell, and the whole audience was in an uproar!

Everyone seems to have been poured a basin of cold water, just feel that the heart is cold.

"Because, from now on, the boss of honey Chinese net is Ling Weiyu and Ling Dong!" Huang Tao regardless of the people's face, respectfully pointed to Ling Weiyu said.

"What's the situation?"

"Ling Weiyu has become the old Dong of the website?"

"Did I hear you right?"

All the people were confused when they heard the words.

"Let's applaud and welcome Mr. Ling's guidance."

Huang Tao smiles bitterly when he sees people's faces.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa

As Huang Tao took the lead in clapping, the people below did not dare to watch and clapped one after another, but his face was still full of disbelief.

After all, just yesterday, just like them, Ling Weiyu was just an ordinary editor, the one at the bottom, and even was expelled in the end.

But now, their director tells them that Ling Weiyu has become the chairman of the website, and he bought honey Chinese from zhongyun group.

How did she do it?

"Thank you

Under the gaze of the public, Ling Weiyu slowly said: "I feel very honored to be the chairman of honey Chinese. Because in this big family, with you who have dreams and work hard, it's my greatest blessing to work with you. Of course, I will not let go of the cancer in the website. I will not let the cancer affect the operation of the whole website... "

Speaking of this, Ling Weiyu's eyes look at Yang Cheng and Liu Bi who come out of Yang Cheng's office not far away.

Yang Cheng and Liu Bi also subconsciously looked toward her side, their eyes were very gloomy.

However, with the eyes of all the people looking at them one after another, they were embarrassed to stay too much and walked out quickly.

"Next, I have three things to announce."

Looking at everyone, Ling Weiyu continued: "first, all the books that were closed and removed from the website yesterday are back on the shelves, informing the author to update as usual. In order to compensate and appease them, all sealed books will be recommended for compensation as appropriate. "

Although the books that were sealed yesterday were all in the name of Ling Weiyu, now Ling Weiyu said that he would recommend these books, but everyone had no opinion and nodded in support.

Let's not mention that Ling Weiyu is now the chairman of the board of directors. These little things are just a matter of her words. Her sealed books are also excellent books on the website, and it's normal to recommend them more than once.

"Second, because Liu Bi, editor in chief of male frequency, was dismissed, the post of editor in chief was vacant. Therefore, I want Weng Yiqin to take the post of editor in chief of male frequency. "

Ling Weiyu looks at Weng Yiqin and says.

"Xiao... Ling Dong, can't I? My qualifications are not enough. " Weng Yiqin even busy way.

"Yiqin, your qualifications won't be much different. When Liu bi was editor in chief, it was similar to you? You can't do worse than him But Ling Weiyu said with a smile, "unless you don't regard me as your sister and don't want to support my work."

"Now that you have said that, what else can I say?"

Weng Yiqin is relieved to see that Ling Weiyu has said so. It seems that Ling Weiyu doesn't deny her sister because she is the boss.

And people look at Ling Weiyu's eyes, are not envious.

Knowing this, when they learned that Ling Weiyu had offended Liu Bi, they went to pay more attention to it.

Ling Weiyu continued: "third, from now on, our website should also gradually develop towards film and television. In the future, when you receive contributions, you should try to receive more works suitable for film and television. Specifically, it's up to Yiqin to plan for the moment. When we find a new editor in chief, the job will be handed over to the new editor in chief


While Ling Weiyu is here to assign tasks to the editors, Yang Cheng and Liu Bi also leave honey Chinese and come outside the building.

"Brother Yang, can you swallow this breath?"

Liu Bi stops, takes out two cigarettes from his pocket and hands them to Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng took the cigarette and lit it skillfully? Ling Weiyu has become the old Dong of honey Chinese. Even if she doesn't quit me, I should be a grandson in front of her. Now I'm nothing. What else can you do for me? "

To tell you the truth, Yang Cheng hasn't come back completely.

This morning, he was still very satisfied and thought that the leaders attached great importance to him. Even the chairman of zhongyun group praised his side and asked him to do well.

But how long did it take?

Honey Chinese network no longer belongs to the cloud group, but belongs to the little editor she opened yesterday.

And he, the editor in chief, is going to leave now.

All this makes Yang Cheng feel like he is in a nightmare.

"Brother Yang, I know you can't swallow this breath. I can't swallow it either." Liu Bi's face was cold. "How can Ling Weiyu become the old Dong of honey Chinese net? Honey Chinese network under her leadership, will certainly decline, sooner or later to close down. And honey Chinese net, that was founded by you in those years. "

"Well, what can it be? Now the situation is stronger than others, we have to admit it. " Yang Cheng sighed and said helplessly.

Smell speech, Liu pen mouth slightly twitch.

He can see that although Yang Cheng is a little angry, he is not as embarrassed as he is.

Because Yang Cheng was one of the founders of honeydew Chinese. At that time, he held a lot of shares. Finally, after honey Chinese network was acquired by zhongyun group, Yang Cheng took millions of cash in his hand.

With this money, Yang Cheng's life in the future, let alone more comfortable, where can he be compared with Liu Bi?

"Brother Yang, I think if honey Chinese can continue to let you lead, it will certainly move towards greater brilliance in the future, and it is not impossible to become an industry giant comparable to Yuewen group. Because of this, I don't know how many people in the whole industry adore you and regard you as their idol. "

Liu Bi said in a low voice: "if the news that you were swept out by Ling Weiyu, and you didn't respond and act, your fans will be extremely disappointed with you and your prestige in the circle will disappear completely. Even a joke

Sure enough, hearing what Liu Bi said, Yang Cheng's pupils shrank.

He allowed himself to disappear and live like a local tyrant, but never allowed his reputation to be slandered or even become a laughing stock in the industry.

If you become a joke, what's the use of the money?

"Liu Bi, what do you think we should do next?" Yang Cheng asked lightly.

Smell speech, Liu pen heart move, it seems that this Yang Cheng really care about his name.

"It's very simple to treat people in their own way. If Ling Weiyu sweeps us out of the house, we'll kill her honey Chinese net." Liu Bi coldly said: "we are both senior editors in the industry, especially brother Yang. You can be said to be a great master of Internet literature. Honey Chinese network is run by you. As long as you shake your arms and stand on your own, there will be many people in the industry. And there are many of our confidants in honey Chinese. If we talk to them and give them a little higher salary, it's not easy to dig them up? There are also the authors of honey Chinese. It's easy for us to dig them. "

Yang Cheng's eyes lit up gradually. "The plan you said is feasible. However, in the process of digging, we must be absolutely confidential. Moreover, it's not our turn to dig out the authors. We only need to dig out the following editors first, and then dig out the following authors, so that we can be quiet. Finally, we'd better find a powerful platform to use as the background. Only in this way can we find more people and grasp them more easily. "

"Brother Yang, do you have a plan?" Liu Bi swallowed.

He suddenly found that compared with Yang Cheng, he was too young. Yang Cheng was an old fox.

"I don't have a detailed plan, but I have a general idea. Before, when I was editor in chief of honey Chinese net, I didn't know how many websites wanted to dig me. Before, I refused everything because I wanted to be safe. Now... I can choose a more powerful platform to rely on, quickly set up a new website, and then use the shortest time to empty the honeydew Chinese network, so as to catch them by surprise. "

Yang Cheng said coldly.

Liu Bi's previous words also aroused his anger.

A yellow haired girl actually rode on his head and ran wild. If this spread, it would really make him lose face and become a joke.


Liu Bi swallowed his saliva again, but he was more and more excited in his heart.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that it was not a bad thing that he was expelled by Ling Weiyu. Because of this, Yang Cheng's fighting spirit has been thoroughly stimulated. It's just a lion waking up.

Being expelled by Ling Weiyu may be a turning point in his career and he will go to the peak of his life.

"Ha ha, Ling Weiyu, you should be very proud now, aren't you? And let you be proud first, before long, you look at the honey Chinese net that has become an empty shell, you wait to cry. " Liu Bi's eyes are full of morbid ridicule.


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