"Miss yuan, I have made it very clear about your car. Eighty thousand yuan is almost enough. If you don't want to sell it, just drive away. "

In the hall of Qijia second-hand car store, a young man in a blue shirt, looks dignified, but his eyes flash a hint of evil from time to time. He looks at Yuan Yashi with a smile and says, "but what I can tell you is that there is an internal group in the second-hand car store industry in Jiangbin city. I have entered the photos and information of your car. I will send them to the group later. Once I send it to the group, the highest price of your car will not exceed 80000 yuan in Jiangbin city. "

"What do you mean? Release my information at will. Do you want me to sue you? "

As soon as Yuan Yashi heard this, her familiar and pretty face suddenly became ugly and a look of sullen anger appeared.

"Yes? Do you have any evidence? If you have evidence, go and Sue, as if I'm scared? " Hu Xi, a young man, sneered. He didn't take yuan Yashi's words at ease. "However, although your car is old and the style has long been out of date, some of its parts are still valuable. If I give you a hundred thousand yuan, I won't lose money."

Hearing the speech, Yuan Yashi didn't answer.

Her reserve price is very clear, at least 150000, at least 140000 to sell.

After all, her car is also an Audi, and it's also a Q3, compact SUV. When I bought it, it was estimated that it would cost about 300000, and now it's only been driving for two or three years.

According to the market price, her car can sell for at least 150000 yuan, or even more. Now she is in a hurry and just wants to get the lowest price of 150000 yuan. It's reasonable to say that even if it's not introduced by acquaintances, it won't be difficult.

But I don't think this used car shop is a pit.

"Beauty, don't think I'm cheating you. It's just some hidden rules of our industry. But I can tell you that I like you very much. I can give you a little more price for your car. " Hu Xi said with a smile.

Although yuan Yashi felt that the other side's eyes were frivolous, she couldn't help asking, "what price can you give?"

"I'll give you 120000, OK?"

Hu Xi's eyes looked at Yuan Yashi's graceful figure, and her eyes became more and more lewd. "But tonight, you have to treat me to a meal and a little wine. Is that ok?"

"Dinner and drink in the evening?"

If Hu Xi speaks with a correct attitude, Yuan Yashi doesn't think it has anything to do with her. After all, it's normal for her as an assistant to the chairman of the board to go out for dinner and talk about work with someone occasionally.

But Hu Xi's tone and eyes when she spoke made her extremely disgusted.

This man is really disgusting.

"Thank you! But I don't think so! " Yuan Yashi lightly refused, but he didn't say it to death.

"Well? I gave you an extra 20000 yuan, but you didn't give me face? "

Hu Xi's brow slightly frowned, "if not, I will give you 150000 yuan directly, that is, 50000 yuan more. But for the next month, you'll have to be by my side, OK? "

"You mean you want to keep me for 50000 yuan for a month?" Yuan Yashi narrowed her eyes, and her heart was full of anger.

"To be exact, it's 70000 yuan!"

Since the words had been picked out by Yuan Yashi, Hu Xi was no longer reserved, and his tone became arrogant. "In addition, if you serve me comfortably in this month, you can stay with me for a long time. I don't think you are too young to drive a Q3. I guess the conditions are not much better. Now you are forced to sell the Q3. You must be short of money. If you follow me, not only can you easily make a lot of money in the future, but I can even let you drive a good car. "


The more he listened later, Yuan Yashi's face became more and more ugly, his breath became a little short, and the rising and falling frequency of xiongqian was gradually accelerated, obviously he was extremely angry.

"There is one thing I want to tell you. My boyfriend is coming here now. If you apologize to me now, I can regard what you just said as farting. Otherwise... "

Yuan Yashi tone slightly cold, "my boyfriend's temper is very bad, once let him know you just said these words, then I can't guarantee, you will come to what end."

"Bitch, are you threatening our boss? I'll tell you, our boss has a crush on you. It's a blessing you got in your last life. "

"Grass, smelly girl, do you know what our boss does? How dare you say that to our boss? Do you believe that you and your boyfriend don't know how to die? "

Hu Xi did not speak, with Hu Xi not far behind the two Valet, came over, not happy pointed to Yuan Yashi.

Hu Xi also sneered, "Yo, you already have a boyfriend? However, since you have been reduced to the point of selling cars, your boyfriend is also a loser. I don't want to waste saliva with him. However, since you have been played by other men, do you mind being played by my brother? "

"Shut up

Yuan Yashi's face turned white with anger.

"Why, you're such a bitch, are you still pretending to be pure in front of me? I tell you, I don't know how many women I've played with. I can see what women look like at a glance. Like you now, don't you think I'm too generous, so you want to kill me as a fool? "

Hu Xi looked up and down at Yuan Yashi's body, looked at the latter's graceful figure, and subconsciously swallowed his saliva, "but if you serve me comfortably, the price can be increased slowly in the future. For a woman like you who has been played a lot, the skills in bed should not be bad, right? You have to have some confidence in yourself. "

"You bastard..."

Yuan Yashi finally couldn't bear it any more. He waved his hand and pulled it out of Hu Xi's face.

However, Hu Xi is not an ordinary person. Although he is not a powerful master, he is also quick eyed and has extraordinary skills. He is not a weak woman like yuan Yashi.

When Yuan Yashi slapped him, Hu Xi subconsciously stepped back, and Yuan Yashi lost his breath, and almost fell over.

"Smelly girl, you dare to fight me. I think you are looking for a cigarette!"

Although he avoided yuan Yashi's slap, Hu Xi's face was extremely ugly.

Fortunately, I had a quick reaction just now. If I was a little slow, I was slapped by a woman in public?

If it gets out, it will become a joke of others.


Read to this, Hu Xi without hesitation is a slap in the past, heavy slap in Yuan Yashi that familiar rhyme sexy cheek.


Yuan Yashi let out a cry of pain, the whole person almost fell on the ground, with a red palm print on his face.

see the scene which is dreadful to one 's mind!

"Paralyzed, you little bitch, even our boss wants to fight? Believe it or not, I will take you to the room upstairs now? "

"Damn, I don't think we dare to do anything to you in broad daylight, do we?"

Hu Xi's two subordinates also hastened to teach yuan Yashi a lesson.


But just at this time, there was a boom at the door of the store.

As professionals in the auto business, they knew that it was the roar of the engine of the super luxury sports car.

"Boss?" Hu Xi's two men all looked at him, and they were too lazy to pay attention to Yuan Yashi.

"Don't pay any attention to such a woman. I'll go out to welcome the guests. Maybe I'm a big man."

Hu Xi didn't care about yuan Yashi. After finishing his collar, he went to the front of the car shop.

As soon as he got to the door, he saw the Lexus LFA parked outside.

"Hiss, it turned out to be Lexus LFA. It seems that there are few such cars in our whole Jiangbin city?"

"This license plate number seems familiar... Eh, I remember. Isn't this the car of Mr. Lu in Jiangbin? It's said that this is a super sports car given to him by his local tyrant uncle, isn't it

Hu Xi's two subordinates also saw some of the world, and soon saw the origin of the car.

Hearing the words of the two men, Hu Xi's pupils also shrunk, "is it difficult for the young master of the city to come to me? What's the matter with him coming to me? "

But soon, Hu Xi became even more confused, because he found that the person who came down from the Lexus driver's seat didn't seem to be Mr. Lu.

Because Master Lu is only a college student, and this young man is obviously older, and his temperament is totally different from what he imagined. He doesn't look like a boy at all.

"Who are you, please?"

Rao is so, Hu Xi or smile to welcome up, in case someone else is a friend of Master Lu or something?

"Get out of the way!"

However, he Feng is a direct hand Hu Xi to push away, there is no politeness to speak of.

The reason is very simple. He Feng has already seen yuan Yashi with a red face in the hall.

When he Feng passes by Hu Xi, Hu Xi can clearly feel that the temperature in the air seems to have decreased.

He Feng ignores Hu Xi and goes straight to Yuan Yashi.

Looking at the scarlet palmprint on the woman's face, he felt a strong anger in his heart.

Yesterday, Yuan Yashi was slapped by people in Yuanjia village, and he Feng was already very angry.

But unexpectedly, one day later, a palmprint of Ba appeared on Yuan Yashi's face.

Anger, burning wildly in his heart.

At the same time, there is a trace of self blame.

If I could accompany her earlier, women would not be bullied like this.

"I'm sorry, sister yuan! I let you be bullied again! " He Feng apologized.

"You fool, I don't blame you for apologizing."

Yuan Yashi didn't stare at He Feng angrily, "however, I look like this, isn't it too ugly?"

"Sister yuan, no matter when and where, you are always the most beautiful in my mind."

He Feng reaches out his hand and wants to touch the woman's cheek.

"Don't look, I must be ugly now!"

Yuan Yashi turned his head.

He Feng knew that women must be embarrassed now, and then he said, "sister yuan, wait for me here first. I'll help you teach these people a lesson first."

"It won't cause any trouble, will it?" Yuan Yashi worried.

"Trouble? Hehe, for the sake of sister yuan, even on this day, I dare to pierce it, not to mention just a few little thieves? "

He Feng chuckled, "don't worry, I won't have anything to do with it!"

Yuan Yashi nodded, "OK, but don't be too heavy. Just teach them a lesson."

"Well, I know!"

He Feng turns around and looks at Hu Xi who has returned to the interior of the car shop. He says indifferently: "just now, who moved his hand?"

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