"This time, will you die?"

Looking at He Feng, who was surrounded by carp and others, lying on the ground, Zhou Jian stood up slowly, looking cruel.

He is quite confident about his subordinates. Even if he Feng is a fighting master, he will die today.

However, the cruelty on his face soon solidified.

Bang Bang Bang

Because, those strong men who rush to He Feng will fly out faster as soon as they get close to He Feng.

Click, click, click!!!

The sound of bone fracture, like playing firecrackers, makes people feel numb.

In less than a minute, the nearly 30 strong men who rushed to He Feng lay on the ground one after another, and no one could stand up. They all covered their chests and wailed. Many people even fainted directly.

"How, how possible?"

Zhou Jian was so stupid.

"How could he be so strong?"

Li Ling and Li Huang also look at He Feng as if they were looking at monsters.

Instead, Yuan Yashi quickly ran to He Feng and worried: "He Feng, are you ok?"

Just now he Feng was surrounded by a group of people, blocking her sight, she did not know whether he Feng was injured.

"Don't worry, sister yuan. I'm fine. Even if we fight another 300 rounds at night, we'll be fine." He Feng smiles.

"Screw you!"

Yuan Yashi waved his hand and patted He Feng's chest. "Since you are so powerful, why don't you tell me earlier? I was just so worried about you."

"I told you, didn't I tell you I was powerful?" He Feng a face of injustice.

"Where is it? You just told me not to worry about you, but you didn't tell me how many you could fight alone? "

"I told you that more than a dozen fighters can't kill me..."

"It can only prove that you run faster, but it can't prove how many people you can fight by yourself!"

"I was in that used car store this afternoon. Didn't I knock down more than a dozen by myself?"

"But there are nearly thirty here!"


He Feng really didn't know how to answer the question. The woman's mouth was too fierce. She was no worse than Wang Xiangyun. The black could be said to be white.

"Well, well, I'm joking with you. I'll be relieved if you're OK."

See he Feng make embarrassed, Yuan Yashi heart secretly happy, she is deliberately to tease the man.

As for the strength of He Feng, of course, she knows he Feng is very powerful, but when she sees that the other party is numerous and powerful, and each one of them is vicious, she is inevitably worried.

"Well, I'll get rid of the last one first."

He Feng nodded with a light smile, and then walked toward Zhou Jian, "just now, you mean to kill me, right?"

"I... I didn't!"

Now Zhou Jian's face was white.

I'm kidding. How powerful is it to knock down more than 30 people by one person? At least if the other party wants to solve themselves, it must be as easy as killing an ant.

"You didn't?" He Feng sneered: "do you mean that I am deaf? Can't understand what you're saying? "

"No, I didn't mean that..."

"That's what you mean!"

He Feng came to Zhou Jian step by step, "what I hate most is the people who scold me. So since you scolded me, you have to be prepared to pay the price. "


Zhou Jian also wants to say that he Feng has slapped him in the face and turned Zhou Jian around in the same place.

When Zhou Jian stopped, his eyes turned white, and then he fell to the ground.

"He Feng, you, you won't kill him directly, will you?"

Yuan Yashi saw that Zhou Jian was lying on the ground and there was no movement. She came over nervously and was extremely worried. She was afraid that he Feng would accidentally kill someone.

Murder is a big crime in China.

Besides, there are two policemen nearby.

Sure enough, as soon as Yuan Yashi said this, Li Ling and Li Huang subconsciously looked at He Feng, his face full of shock.

This guy doesn't really kill people, does he?

If he did kill, should he be arrested?

However, this guy is so powerful that if he really wants to arrest him, once he refuses to arrest him, or even kills someone, then

"Sister yuan, you look up to me too much. I'm just an ordinary person. How dare I kill people?"

He Feng speechless said: "I just slapped him, but he was too careless to slap and fainted. It seems that he is also a silver gun wax head, vulnerable."


Yuan Yashi didn't believe he Feng could speak so well. He just slapped Zhou Jian and let him go.

This slap is definitely not simple!

After all, when he Feng was in the car in the afternoon, he told her that he had killed countless people abroad, which showed that he was by no means a soft hearted person.

"Haha, of course it's true..."

He Feng laughed, then looked at Li Ling and Li Huang, "two police officers, now I've helped you with these people, can you handle the next things properly?"

"Yes! Of course

Li Ling went to He Feng and asked, "it's just that something so big happened tonight. I don't know if it's convenient for you to go to the police station with me, brother? Don't worry, I'll let you go to the police station, just make a simple record, and be a witness by the way, so that these people really have nothing to say. "

"Just go to the police station. You even sent the video. What else do you need me as a witness? In addition, if I go to your police station, I will be interrogated by your police. I don't have so much energy to deal with you. "

He Feng waved his hand and turned it down impolitely. "In a word, I think you're quite responsible. I'll leave these people to you to deal with. The police must do their best to investigate. Is that ok?"

"Absolutely no problem, I can promise you that. Abducting and trafficking in human beings, and the number has reached hundreds, which is already a very serious case. Even our director will attach great importance to it. "

Li said solemnly: "in addition, the police will try to find the people who abduct and sell, so that they can reunite with their families as soon as possible."

"OK, your police are better than me in these matters. Let them handle them."

Li zero so guaranteed, he Feng nature is nothing to worry about.

"Brother, can you tell me your name?" Li Ling asked expectantly.

"My name is Zhen Shuai!"

He Feng chuckles and pulls up his luggage again. He takes yuan Yashi and leaves.

"Zhen Shuai?"

Looking at He Feng and Yuan Yashi disappearing into the night, Li Ling frowned and felt that the name was not right.

"Small zero, hurry to call the director, let him take people to come, so as not to produce what unexpected." Li Huang urges a way in the side.

"OK, but the director went to Jiangbin city on a business trip. I'd better call Lu Bureau directly. I also sent the video to him just now."

Li Ling immediately took out his mobile phone and was ready to call the Lu Bureau.

But as soon as he opened the screen of his mobile phone, he saw that there were many missed calls on it.

When he opened it, he found that it was all from Lu Bureau.

Li Ling didn't want to, so he immediately called back. After all, Lu Bureau was the leader of his leadership.

"Hello, are you Li Ling?"

Before long, the phone was connected there, and the voice of Lu bureau also came over, with the smell of the superior.

"Lu Bureau, I'm Li Ling!" When Li Ling heard the familiar leader's voice, he immediately became respectful.

If he has any small cases, he can talk to the team leader at most, and discuss with the criminal police team leader at most. As for the Lu Bureau, this is the first time he has had a dialogue with the police since he entered the police station.

However, when he entered the police station, he adored the deputy director for a long time. Therefore, when he talked with him now, his heart was excited.

"Li Ling, I have seen the video you just sent me. The plot is very serious. What I want to know now is, where are you now? Is it safe? " Lu asked seriously and with concern.

Hearing that the leader of the Public Security Bureau cared about himself, Li Ling was even more excited and said, "Lu Bureau, I'm safe now, but I'm not sure how long this safety can last, because something special happened just now."

"What's the special situation?"

Lu Bureau smell speech, tone suddenly slightly changed.

"It's like this..."

Li Ling said in detail what happened just now without any reservation.


Vaguely, Li Ling seemed to hear Lu Bureau take a breath.

"Lu Bureau, the situation is like this. Now Zhou Jian and others are lying on the ground, but I'm worried that his accomplices will suddenly appear and rescue them, so I ask Lu bureau to send someone to come and take them to the police station first." Li Ling said anxiously.

He also knows about Zhou Jian. There are still people on this guy. Even he may not be the main culprit of human trafficking. The main culprit is someone else, so the police have to do their best at this time.

"OK, I'll start to arrange the staff now. Li Ling, you are particularly outstanding in this case. I will certainly remember you a great achievement afterwards. "

Lu Bureau praised.

"Lu Bureau, this is what I should do, I just did my duty!"

Li Ling's excited face is almost red.

Lu Bureau nodded and said, "tell me first, who have you sent this video to so far?"

"Because the time was tight just now, and the case was really serious, I only sent the video to you alone, not even my two captains." Li Ling said truthfully.

"That's good. I'll keep it for future evidence. However, this case has a great impact. The video can't be transmitted to the public for the time being, otherwise it will certainly attract the attention of the media. I'm afraid it will affect the reputation of Yule county. Do you understand? " Lu Bureau's solemn way.

"Lu Bureau rest assured, I understand, I will not send this video to anyone."

"Well, just wait outside the high-speed railway station, and I'll send someone over."

Hung up the phone, Li Ling's face is still excited color hard to dissipate.

"Uncle Huang, I just talked to Lu Bureau. He said that someone would be arranged to come here soon. Let's wait here." Li Ling said.

"Well, good! But are you really not going to send another copy of this video to the captain and the captain? "

The captain Li Huang said is the boss of the criminal police team.

"Lu Bureau told us not to send it. We'd better listen to him? After all, this case really matters. " Li Ling thought, "what's more, this week's sword is a Chinese youth gang. The Chinese youth gang has put a line in our police station. This video must not be messy, so as to avoid any accident."

"Well, you have a point. Let's wait here for the people arranged by Shandong Bureau to come."

Li Huang is just an ordinary old policeman. He has no opinion. Seeing Li Ling's insistence, he doesn't say much.

And the carp lying not far away from them, after hearing the conversation, subconsciously raised a touch of cold in the corner of his mouth.

"What a fool. You'll die."

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