At the same time, in a villa in a villa area of Yule County, a middle-aged man was standing by the French window of his bedroom. He was only wearing a black underpants. On the bed behind him, there was a sexy girl with enchanting body and blushing face. It was obvious that not long ago, the two were going through a fierce battle.

"This group of silly people are really out of their mind. When they do this kind of thing, they don't even look around. They are even photographed by people, and the people who take the video are still the police."

This middle-aged man is Lu Yan of Yule County Public Security Bureau.

He was holding a cell phone and his face was very ugly.

But he was relieved to think that the other party only sent the video to himself, not to a second person.

"This matter really has a great impact. It must not be known to other police officers. Therefore, we have to let Xue Hao do it. "

Thinking of this, Lu Yan turned to the bedside, opened a drawer of the bedside table, took out another mobile phone from inside and dialed a number to go out.


Soon, there came a man's lazy voice, "what's the matter?"

"Don't sleep. Get up. Something's wrong!"

"What, what?" Xue Hao, who has just been woken up by the phone, is also getting a little more energetic.

"Your subordinate Zhou Jian said something he shouldn't have said outside the high-speed railway station, which was heard by two policemen hiding in the dark, and the video was also taken." Lu Yan's cold way.

"Video taken by the police?"

Xue Hao's tone suddenly changed, "what's the matter?"

"Now you don't care what's going on. I'll send the video to you in a moment. Now you take your people to the scene immediately, control the two policemen, rob their mobile phones, and make sure that the video he took is only sent to me."

Lu Yan said solemnly: "in addition, there is a pair of little lovers in the video. You also need to start all your relationships and find out these two people for me as soon as possible. Do you understand?"

To Xue Hao, the gang boss of Yule County, Lu Yan seems to be in the tone of a leader.

"I know the Lu Bureau. I'll arrange people to do things now."

Xue Hao also knows the seriousness of the matter.

After hanging up, Lu Yan took out another mobile phone and opened the video to watch.

"Young and powerful? Is it difficult that he is the legendary ancient warrior who has cultivated his inner strength? "

Lu Yan was a little worried, but soon his eyes were cold again. "However, even if you are an ancient warrior who has cultivated your inner strength, what? We can't beat you, but our bullets can easily take your life. "


After he Feng and Yuan Yashi left the station, they found a taxi nearby and went to live in the best hotel in Yule county.

Although Yule county is very poor, the construction of the county is not bad, at least there are several three-star hotels.

"Sister yuan, would you like to take a bath first or should I?" He Feng simply packed his luggage, and then said with a smile: "don't forget what you said before. Except for the last step in the evening, you can do anything for me..."

Yuan Yashi didn't understand he Feng's meaning. Her delicate face was flushed, "didn't I solve it for you this afternoon? Can you still come? You're not afraid of being too indulgent and ruining your body? Don't be too young to carry. "

"Sister yuan, you look down on brother Feng, don't you? Even if we let brother Feng fight with you for 300 rounds now, I promise you will surrender at last, believe it or not? " He Feng laughs.

"Yes, I believe you can't?"

Yuan Yashi is an understanding woman.

In her opinion, he Feng is sleeping in the same room with such gorgeous beauties as Wang Xiangyun these days, which must be quite uncomfortable.

In this case, it doesn't matter if I help him twice

After all, she has in mind he Feng as his own man.

"Hey, hey, what are we going to do next?" He Feng looked at the woman's mature body.

"Take a bath first. After a day's driving, you must have a smell. I'll make the travelling sheets I brought from home. I've washed the sheets. I usually use them in hotels. It's much cleaner. " Yuan Yashi said, "change the clothes, too. I'll wash them by hand later, and then put them on the balcony to dry them."

Although the hotel is only three-star, he Feng ordered an executive suite with a spacious balcony.

And now the temperature is very high, even at night, clothes on the balcony blowing a night can also do.

"Well, I'll take a shower first..."

He Feng immediately grinned, then picked up the towel and clean clothes prepared by Yuan Yashi and went into the bathroom.

"It's really hard for Wang Dong to sleep with him every day."

Seeing he Feng enter the bathroom, Yuan Yashi has some sympathy in her eyes.

When he Feng came out of the bathroom, Yuan Yashi had already laid the sheets.

"Lie down and have a rest. I'll take a shower, too."

Although he took a bath on his mouth, Yuan Yashi went into the bathroom to brush his teeth with toothpaste and toothbrush in his hand.

"All right!"

See yuan Yashi to brush teeth, he Feng where still don't understand the woman's meaning, face immediately appeared more happy smile.

Next, he Feng will lie on the bed to play mobile phone.

As soon as he turned on his mobile phone, he saw several messages coming from wechat.

"He Feng, why didn't you come to work this afternoon?" This is from Gong Wei.

"Brother Feng, the man named Zheng Qian is very efficient. This evening, he has helped to recover a debt, and it's worth 20 million. Wang Dong has directly put the Commission on my card. Do you want me to share it with Zheng Qian? I feel a little sorry for his hard work, but I'll listen to you. " This is from Xia Menglu.

"Minister, I came to the company this afternoon. Why didn't I see you? When will you come to the company? " This is from Yang Ying.

"Well! It seems that there are still quite a lot of people who miss me when brother Feng leaves the company! "

He Feng hehe smiles, and then replies to the messages one by one.

"Weiwei, I've left Jiangbin city and will be back in two days. But I didn't let Wang Xiangyun know about it. Don't tell her, just don't know. You take care of yourself and wait for me... "

"Lulu, Zheng Qian must work hard to help you. I'm the boss of his boss. If he dares to fool around, he won't come to a good end, so don't feel sorry."

"Sister Yang, I'm leaving Jiangbin city temporarily. I'll go back to the company in two days. You should eat well and drink well and raise your strength. When brother Feng goes back, I'll fight with you again."

After the information was sent out, Gong Wei and Xia Menglu didn't return. They thought they were asleep.

Instead, Yang Ying quickly returned a message, "cluck, don't worry, my sister will have enough strength, waiting for you to come to my sister. By that time, my sister will have nothing left to eat... "

"Sister Yang, I think you are the one who has been eaten to the bone, right?"

"Yes? Then it depends on who is more fierce! Do not chat with you, my sister has just put on a good mask, ready to sleep, you have to rest early, take care of yourself outside, good night! "

"Well, you too!"

After sending the message, he Feng is ready to put away his mobile phone and go to bed. Another message comes from wechat. He opens it and sees that it's Yang Ying who sent a photo.

"Damn it! This goblin wants to harm brother Feng... "

Seeing the photo, he Feng's eyes are red.

The reason is very simple. This photo is taken by Yang Ying with her upper body bare. It instantly ignites the evil fire in her body. He wants to rush into the bathroom now and do something about yuan Yashi to vent the evil fire in her body.

But think of a woman just entered the bathroom to brush her teeth and take a bath, and the body is not convenient, he can only temporarily suppress this evil fire.

"Forget it, I can't talk to this goblin any more, or I will suffer from elder sister yuan in a moment..."

He Feng is still very distressed about the women around him. When he stops, he puts away his mobile phone and sits up with his knees crossed. He converges and lets himself enter the state of cultivation. He doesn't dare to have the slightest wishful thinking.

Under this kind of concentrated cultivation, the real Qi in his body runs fast, and the speed is unprecedented, like an invisible black hole, absorbing all the energy around him quickly.


I don't know how long it has passed. He Fengzhi feels that there is a slight sound in his body.

And the energy wave released from him is becoming more powerful.


He Feng slowly opened his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Unexpectedly, she broke through to the middle stage of the real Qi State unconsciously. Sister Yang is really my lucky star. She just sent me a picture, which can make me break through."

This breakthrough seems to be just a small improvement, but he Feng knows very well that his combat effectiveness has increased by at least 30% compared with the first one.

As soon as he broke through to the early stage of Qi level one, he had a conflict with an ancient warrior in the middle stage of Qi level one and started a life and death battle. At that time, he even launched the strongest attack, and he also suffered some injuries before killing the other.

If you let him fight with the other side now, let alone get hurt, he can kill the other side even if he doesn't use the strongest attack.

"Although the strength has improved a lot, my ranking in tianbang is estimated to have changed little. I can only move one or two places forward at most." He Feng said in his heart.

Every real Qi master who can be put into the heaven list is extremely powerful, not as simple as superficial cultivation.

For example, the Tomahawk, who is the last 36 in the front row, seems to have the same accomplishments as he Feng. It's just the beginning of the first phase of the true Qi, but he can confront the ancient warrior in the middle phase of the first phase of the true Qi, and even seriously injure him.

He Feng has also heard of one thing. A strong man ranked 30th in the heaven list, whose cultivation is clear, is in the middle stage of true Qi state. However, he killed an ordinary person who is in the peak of true Qi State and ancient martial arts, and he leaped two small levels to kill the enemy.

Tianbang is not only a list of the strong, but also a list of talents.

Some strong people, even if their accomplishments are high enough, will not be included in the Tianji Pavilion, the maker of tianbang, because their talents are much weaker.

"I have to ask the old man of he family when I have a chance. I have to be in the top of the list to rescue my parents."

He Feng pondered.

At least, you have to have a goal, and you can't do without a goal of cultivation, can you?

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