Yuan Yashi and his family ate the meal for more than an hour before they fell on the table in Yuan Kai.

"Xiao Feng, your drinking capacity is very good. It's estimated that your cousin will be embarrassed to talk to you when he wakes up."

Yuan Yu's drinking capacity is also good. Although he has drunk a lot of wine, his head is still sober. He is surprised to see he Feng. He thinks he Feng will fall down like yuan Kai, but he Feng has nothing to do with it.

"Ha ha, uncle, I usually drink a lot, and my body is immune to alcohol, so it's OK. But if I drink more, I think I will be the same as Uncle yuan kaitang." He Feng's modest way.

"Ha ha, OK. Let's drink again in the evening. I'll help Uncle yuan kaitang to sleep in his room first."

Yuan Yu laughed, and then called Liu Xin to help yuan Kai to the room.

"Xiaoshi, although Xiaofeng has nothing to do, he has drunk a lot. Go to your room to sleep. I've laid a new straw mat in your room."

Liu Xin helped yuan Kai and told yuan Yashi.

"I see, mom!"

Yuan Yashi nodded.

"Little poem, let's go to the room." He Feng holds yuan Yashi to stand up. Obviously, women seldom drink this kind of self-made wine. Their cheeks are flushed and their eyes are blurred. They look very charming. But he Feng knows that Yuan Yashi must be very tired at the moment, so he doesn't have any evil thoughts.


Yuan Yashi nodded cleverly.

After holding yuan Yashi into the room, he Feng closed the door and said, "you lie down first. I'll give you a massage to ensure that you will soon fall asleep."

"All right!" Yuan Yashi was really sleepy. After hearing he Feng's words, he didn't think much about it. He just lay on the bed and closed his eyes.

He Feng is sitting to the head of the bed, two hands on Yuan Yashi temple, help its massage.

Before long, the woman's breathing became even, apparently into a state of deep sleep.

He Feng stopped massage, then sat down at the foot of the bed, began to practice.

Although he has broken through to the middle stage of the true Qi realm, his realm is not very stable. He still needs more practice.

He Feng stopped practicing until two o'clock in the afternoon and looked at Yuan Yashi. He was still sleeping.

It seems that women are really tired these days.

He Feng doesn't disturb yuan Yashi either. He gets up and stretches, then walks out of the room.

"Xiao Feng, are you awake? Is Xiaoshi still sleeping? "

As soon as he got to the main room, he Feng saw Yuan Yu and Yuan Kai sitting in the shade at the door. Yuan Yu's drinking capacity was better, and he drank too much self brewed wine. He was in a good spirit. Yuan Kai was still a little dizzy and was smoking depressed.

"Uncle, uncle, Xiaoshi is still sleeping."

He Feng smiles to welcome up.

"Xiao Feng, would you like a cigarette?"

Yuan Kai took out a packet of unknown cigarettes from his pocket, "cheap cigarettes, only two yuan a packet, taste very strong, I don't know if you can get used to it."

"Don't take out your inferior cigarettes to Xiao Feng..." Yuan Yu stares at Yuan Kai. Why is his cousin so stupid? Xiao Feng is the social elite, the gold collar among the gold collars, or a native of Beijing. What's the meaning of taking a pack of cigarettes for more than one yuan?

"Uncle, I smoke this cigarette."

However, he Feng took the cigarette from Yuan Kai's hand and said with a smile: "in fact, I used to be very poor. When I was poor, I even smoked cigarettes. How uncomfortable the taste was, but I felt comfortable smoking. Now, although I have some bad money, I still don't smoke well. It's too good a cigarette. It's uncomfortable to smoke. "

Said, he Feng also from the pocket out of a package of soft gold saint, "Lo, seven yuan a package... Oh no, now the price has increased to eight yuan, eight yuan a package of soft gold saint, don't know uncle cousin you smoke?"

"Smoke, how can you not smoke? This cigarette is bad for you, Xiao Feng. But for us, it's a good cigarette that we can smoke only on New Year's day."

Yuan Kai was shocked to see that he Feng actually took out a few yuan a pack of cigarettes, but he Feng's eyes became more and more appreciative.

A man who never forgets his roots is rare!

While three men were smoking and chatting, Liu Xin suddenly came out of the room.

Seeing three people smoking, she said: "Yuan Yu, Kaizi, why do you two just smoke with Xiao Feng? How harmful is smoking? We don't have any watermelons at home. Go to the field and get some big watermelons for Xiao Feng. "

"Oh, yes, I forgot if you didn't say it."

Yuan Yu immediately said to He Feng, "Xiao Feng, you should have a rest at home. I'll go with Kaizi to get watermelon for you. Hey, hey, those of you who grew up in the city must have never eaten our delicious watermelon. "

"Uncle, shall I go with you?"

"No, it's not easy to walk in our field. It's easy to stain our clothes and shoes. Just sit at home."

With that, Yuan Yu took yuan Kai to the yard, picked up a shoulder pole, picked up two empty baskets and walked out.

"Xiao Feng, I haven't woken up yet. Why don't I make you some tea?" Asked Liu Xin.

"Don't worry, auntie. Wait until uncle and they come back."

He Feng laughed and said, "Auntie, I want to visit Yuanjia village, OK?"

Anyway, he Feng has nothing to do now. He Feng doesn't want to sit at home, so he wants to walk around to see how poor this so-called poor village is. He wants to make an on-the-spot investigation in advance to open a charity school here in the future.

"Are you alone? Why don't I show you around? " Liu Xindao.

"Auntie, you can stay at home with Xiaoshi, save her sleeping alone at home. If there's anything, you can let Xiaoshi call me, and I'll be back soon."

He Feng shook his head and went out with a cigarette in his mouth.

He Feng has never visited the villages of China. Although he grew up in China as a child, he always lived in Jiangbin city.

Now, after a simple stroll, he found that there were some differences between the rural areas here and those on TV.

For example, almost all the villagers in Yuanjia village live in tile roofed houses. Most of the children can't even study in kindergarten. Even after primary school or junior high school, they help their families do farm work when they have free time, rather than devote all their time to study.

It's quite different from what is said on TV that most of the farmers have rushed to the propaganda of a well-off society.

Moreover, the roads in Yuanjia village are too bad. They are all mud roads, and many of them are still red soil. Once it rains, it will be very difficult to walk.

Along the way, he Feng wandered around Yuanjia village. Many villagers looked at him curiously. However, knowing that there was a big conflict between him and Yuanxi's family, they didn't dare to go near him for fear that it would make Yuanxi's family unhappy.

I don't know how long he Feng has been walking. He Feng suddenly stops and raises his eyebrows slightly. It seems that he sees something

"What was that yellow shadow?"

He Feng's curiosity rose in his heart.

In such an instant, he saw a movable shadow nearly one meter high inside a courtyard door he had just passed, and the moving speed was quite fast.

Driven by curiosity, he turned and walked towards the courtyard door, only to find that it was locked. Through the courtyard door, he could only see two-thirds of the yard at most, and another one-third was invisible.

He Feng stepped back two steps and looked around. Seeing that there was no one around, he quickly came to the wall of the yard and jumped up.

I don't know what happened. The courtyard wall of this family is much higher than that of other families. It's two meters and five meters high. This is the only one in the whole Yuanjia village.

However, don't say it's only 2.5 meters. Even if it's 25 meters, it's not too much pressure for He Feng.

When he Feng came to the courtyard wall, he saw the scene under the wall

"Lying trough!"

He Feng is a little silly.

In his sight, I saw a rhubarb dog playing with a ball alone, very happy.

However, this rhubarb dog is not an ordinary rhubarb dog, but a real rhubarb dog. The shoulder height is more than one meter, which is bigger than some normal wolf dogs. After all, the shoulder height of male wolf dogs is only 60-80 cm.

The rhubarb dog with a shoulder height of more than one meter, that is, the local dog, is simply unbelievable.

Even he Feng was shocked and opened his mouth wide.

Suddenly, the playing rhubarb dog seemed to notice something, and suddenly looked up at He Feng who was lying on the wall.

Originally very gentle eyes, suddenly become fierce.


Rhubarb dog issued a roar of fury, the next moment, it is directly jumping up in place, pounce on the wall is lying on He Feng.

"Shit! How can you jump so high? " He Feng was surprised again.

I saw the rhubarb dog jumped nearly two meters high, and finally fell down.

However, the two meters high it jumped, it was standing in place to take off, without the slightest run-up.

If you run up

Rhubarb dog is proving he Feng's conjecture with his actions. He turns around and runs back about 10 meters quickly. Then he rushes towards He Feng with the fastest speed. When he is about two meters away from the yard wall, his four legs stare at the ground and jump up.

He Feng can clearly see that rhubarb dog is galloping towards him at a very fast speed.

The two meter five high yard wall can't stop the rhubarb dog at all.

When rhubarb dog's eyes were about to bite He Feng, he Feng left the yard wall and landed on the ground. Rhubarb dog was lying on the wall steadily. A pair of dog's eyes were staring at He Feng. His foot movement didn't stop at all. He jumped down from the wall and rushed towards he Feng.

"Ma Dan, are all the dogs in Yuanjia village so fierce? Long high also calculate, unexpectedly jump of also so high, can still let Maple elder brother take a good walk? "

He Feng see rhubarb dog jumped down, without saying a word to run.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw that several villagers were obviously attracted by the barking of the dog and were staring at this side curiously.

At this time, if he Feng shows his terrible body method and speed, he will definitely scare bad people. No one will treat him as a human being.

"Oh, my God, who's that? It's shocking Dashui's ah Huang?"

"I know who he is. He is Yuan Yu's son-in-law. I've heard that he can beat more than ten people at once. I don't know whether it's true or not."

"If it's true, he should be able to solve the immediate crisis, but if it's false, he's in danger."

"Yes, this ah Huang of the Dashui family bit four or five strong adults a year ago. It's very powerful."

All the people are talking about it. They are worried and nervous about He Feng, but no one dares to help. They know very well that ah Huang is very dangerous. It's useless for them to rush up. They just add the wounded.

"It seems that brother Feng can only subdue this rhubarb dog first!"

He Feng saw that there were villagers all around him, so he had to stop and turn around.

As soon as I turned around, I saw the rhubarb dog rushing towards him. The rhubarb dog was very aggressive and wanted to bite He Feng to the ground.

"Damn, do you really think the tiger will be bullied by the dog? No matter how tall and strong your dog is, you are just a little beast in front of the real dragon. "

He Feng's mouth raised a faint smile, quietly waiting for Rhubarb dog to rush to himself.

"He's standing still, isn't he scared?"

"It's over. Yuan Yu's son-in-law is going to die."

"Well, I hope the flood comes out quickly. Ah Huang only listens to him, but don't bite people to death."

Everyone sighed, and some timid people turned their heads for fear of seeing the bloody and cruel picture.

But the next moment, these people were shocked.

Because in their eyes, powerful ah Huang was easily trampled on the ground by He Feng. He couldn't move and didn't have the slightest resistance.

In front of He Feng, ah Huang no longer seems to be the fierce beast that people are afraid of, but a little pet.

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