"What's the situation?"

"How did he do it?"

"Does ah Huang not want to bite him, but want to be close to him?"

See this scene in front of us, we are all silly, incredible looking at He Feng.

"Brother, please don't hurt us

At this time, a man ran out of the yard and said nervously, "we ah Huang have collided with you. I'm really sorry. I'll take it back to teach you a good lesson. I'll go back to elder brother Yuan Yu's house to make an apology, and please don't hurt ah Huang..."

"Then you tie up your ah Huang first, and let him stop biting me."

Although he Feng occupied the advantage, he felt guilty. After all, the reason why ah Huang jumped out of the yard to chase him was that he was lying in the yard by himself.

Fortunately, this is a rural area, and there is no camera, so he won't say it himself. Otherwise, it would be too humiliating. People thought they wanted to steal.

"All right, all right, I'll tie it up."

Dashui, holding a rope in his hand, quickly tied ah Huang's neck and gently stroked his head, comforting him: "ah Huang, this brother is a guest of our Yuanjia village, not a bad man. Don't bite him any more. He is very powerful. If you do this again, he will teach you a lesson, OK?"

"Ouch!" Ah Huang seemed to understand the words of Dashui, made a slight low roar, and lowered his head.

"Brother, ah Huang won't collide with you any more. Look..." Dashui looks at He Feng.

He Feng will step on the feet of a Huang back, curious asked: "your home a Huang can understand you?"

"Ah Huang in our family is very spiritual and can understand us a little bit." Dashui nodded and said, then led ah Huang up, continued to stroke the hair on his body, comforted him, "are you He Feng? I've heard about you before. It's Yuan Yu's son-in-law who can fight several times at a time. It's spread in our village. It's really powerful. Even ah Huang in our family is easily subdued by you. "

After ah Huang was subdued, the villagers who were watching around were not afraid. They ran over one after another and began to praise.

"Brother he Feng, it's really powerful. Ah Huang is a hunting dog that can bite four or five adult men. Even the wolf is not his opponent, but you can easily subdue him. You are a bull!"

"Yes, usually we see a Huang walking around immediately."

"Isn't ah Huang locked up in the yard? How did he just come out? Big water, you have to solve this problem. In the future, there will be no dangerous things in the village. You can't let ah Huang leave the yard. "

"Yes, this time it's lucky that he Feng's brother is very powerful. If he changed his personality, something must have happened now."

Dashui naturally knew that the problem was all his own, and quickly admitted his mistake, "you can rest assured that from now on, I will lock ah Huang, so that he can no longer leave the yard."

"That's good!"

"If it's locked up, you can't leave the yard anymore."

We can rest assured.

Dashui looked at Hefeng, "brother Hefeng, I'm really sorry just now. Why don't you go to my house and I'll break a watermelon for you to taste? Our watermelon is sweeter than your father-in-law's

"Ha ha, good, just a little thirsty." He Feng nods with a smile. He is very curious about ah Huang and naturally wants to talk more with Dashui.

"Come on, come on, please."

Dashui quickly led He Feng to his home.

The conditions of his family are also very general. There is a courtyard of more than 200 square meters. The tile roofed house is a little newer than that of Yuan Yashi's family. It seems that it has only been built for more than ten years.

After entering the yard, the flood locked ah Huang in the kennel. The chain was made of iron. If ah Huang wanted to leave the yard now, he had to bite off the chain first, which was almost impossible.

But he Feng saw Ah Huang's sharp teeth, but he had an intuition that if ah Huang really tried his best to bite the iron chain, he could really break it.

"Brother Dashui, how many years has your family kept ahuang? Why do you grow so tall? Normally, an ordinary local dog can only grow forty or fifty centimeters at most? " He Feng asks curiously.

"Brother he Feng, you eat a piece of melon first..."

Dashui took a watermelon and handed it to He Feng. At the same time, he said, "I have forgotten how many years ah Huang has been keeping it, because I remember that it was just beside me when I was seven or eight years old."

"Seven or eight years old? Well, isn't he in his twenties now? " He Feng asked in surprise.

"Well, I'm thirty-five now. Ah Huang is twenty-six or twenty-seven now." Dashui nodded.

"Twenty six or seven?"

He Feng took a breath, "I remember that a normal local dog can only live for more than ten years?"

"Well, yes, this kind of potato can't live for more than 20 years."

Dashui nodded and said.

"How can your ah Huang live for so many years?" He Feng is curious.

"Well, I'm not very clear. Actually, it should have something to do with the woods in our back mountain." Dashui said: "I remember about ten years ago, ah Huang was old and could hardly walk. He was about to die. Ah Huang has been with our family for more than ten years, especially with me. It can be said that he was my brother who played with me from childhood to adulthood. I couldn't bear to see him die with my own eyes. So I carried him to the woods in the back mountain, hoping that he would die there alone, and then turn into loess, disappear in this world and become our memory. But... "

Speaking of this, Dashui's eyes showed a look of surprise. "That night, ah Huang suddenly came back, not only in spirit, but also with blood on his mouth. When he came back, he took us to the back mountain woods, where we found the body of an adult male wolf. This adult male wolf was killed by ah Huang

"Hiss, so powerful?"

He Feng is really scared.

Normally speaking, the local dog raised at home is no different from the sheep in front of the wild wolf. Even if there are three or five local dogs, they can't kill the wild wolf. But it's unthinkable that ah Huang can kill an adult male wolf.

"Yes, ah Huang suddenly became very powerful, and in the next ten years, he will grow a few centimeters every year, and his appetite and strength will grow more and more."

Dashui said with a smile: "about ten years ago, a group of human traffickers suddenly walked into our village and wanted to capture my daughter. At that time, we were working in the field, and my daughter was almost captured, but ah Huang saved her. Ah Huang not only saved her, but also seriously injured the four or five peddlers with sticks. In the end, the police want to take ah Huang away. It's the whole village that keeps it. But in order not to let ah Huang hurt the villagers, we built a courtyard wall. "

Dashui pointed to the courtyard wall outside and said: "at first, our courtyard wall was only one meter and five meters high. At that time, ah Huang couldn't jump out. But in less than two years, it jumped out. Then I had to raise the courtyard wall to two meters. But after a few years, it can jump out again, so I can only raise it to 2.5 meters. I thought it could not jump again, but I don't want to jump out again today because of your appearance. "

"Ha ha, ah Huang's bouncing is really powerful. I think even if he is thirty or fifty centimeters tall, he can't stop it." He Feng joked: "brother Dashui, you have to raise the yard wall by about one meter to stop ah Huang."

Just now, he clearly saw that when ah Huang jumped on the wall of the yard, he could attack him at the same time. That means that ah Huang still has a lot of spare power. It's not too difficult for him to jump 50 centimeters more with these spare power.

"What, one meter higher?"

Dashui glared and looked melancholy. "Then how can we spend another one or two thousand? God, how can we have so much money now? My daughter is now studying in a high school in the county. Her annual tuition and living expenses are thousands of dollars. She will have to go to university soon, and she will have to spend at least 10000 yuan a year. These alone will soon make me breathless. "

"Why doesn't brother Dashui go out to work in the city?" He Feng asked.

"Well, I'd like to go to the city, too, but who would want me to work in the city for a man like me who has no skill but all his strength? And I'm not familiar with the city. I don't know where to work. What's more, if I go to the city, your sister-in-law can't do much farm work at home by herself. She probably wants to go out with me, but she's not as strong as me, and she hasn't learned any skills. What can she do in the city? "

The water sighed.

Smell speech, he Feng also don't know how to answer words.

The villagers in Yuanjia village are really poor.

Now in the rural areas of China, some villages are very rich. They can not only make money, but also get financial assistance from the government. They don't worry about food and clothing at all, and they live a natural life. But more rural areas are like Yuanjia village

Worry about food and clothing, but also worry about their children's education.


At this time, crawling in the yard, ah Huang made a slight low sound towards the flood, and his long tongue was also sticking out.

"This guy must be hungry again."

When the flood saw this, his face was even more sad, but because he Feng was here, it was not obvious, "brother he Feng, sit down and eat watermelon first, I'll get some food for ah Huang. A Huang is hungry. If no one at home makes food for him, he will be very upset, barking incessantly, which makes his neighbors afraid. Two times before, it went over the wall to look for food because we went to work in the field and no one gave it food. At that time, it scared a lot of villagers

"OK, brother Dashui, you can get food for ah Huang first." He Feng nodded and looked at ah Huang curiously.

This rhubarb dog is no different from the ordinary big loess dog in appearance, but it is much bigger and stronger, and its eyes are more sharp and agile.

It's hard to imagine that this is a dog at the age of 27 or 78.

"Twenty seven or eight years old, still so spirit, I don't know how old it can grow to finally..." He Feng was suddenly curious about this.

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