"Ms. Wang Xiangyun, I wonder if you can give us a chance? We, Kenny Huafu group, really want to cooperate with you. "

Seeing that Wang Xiangyun didn't speak, robil repeated, "as for the terms of cooperation, just mention them. We, Kenny Huafu group, will basically agree. "

Before the conditions were put forward, robil said that he would basically agree.

This attitude is quite obvious.

But because of his attitude, Wang Xiangyun was even more shocked and puzzled.

As for asking her to offer the terms of cooperation now, she really doesn't know how to do it.

It's not like an atmosphere of cooperation at all!

She couldn't help looking back at He Feng. Didn't this guy just say that robil "should" agree to cooperate?

Is that like it should be?

At the moment, people are obviously asking for cooperation, OK?

He Feng touched his nose and said: "well, Mr. robil, my daughter-in-law hasn't cooperated with foreign groups very much, so I don't know how to talk about the terms of cooperation. Why don't you tell us what kind of sincerity Kenny Huafu group can show? I believe that as long as you show enough sincerity, my daughter-in-law will agree to cooperate with you. "

"Well, I'll give you a few terms of cooperation. If Ms. Wang Xiangyun or Mr. He Feng feel dissatisfied, they can add another one. "

Robil nodded and said, "first, after we signed the cooperation agreement with Yuncheng group, all the profits created by both sides within three years belong to Yuncheng group, and we, Kenny Huafu group, take nothing."


As soon as he said this first condition, Wang Xiangyun was dumbfounded.

Not only was she stupid, but everyone in the room was stupid. She felt like she was hearing something.

"Ms. Wang Xiangyun, I wonder if you are satisfied with this condition? If we are not satisfied with it, we can extend the three-year period. Four or five years will be fine. You can rest assured that I am basically in charge of everything. "

Seeing Wang Xiangyun's expression, robil did not immediately say his second condition, but waited for Wang Xiangyun's reply with a smile.

"Yes, of course I can!"

Shocked, Wang Xiangyun also gradually recovered, immediately nodded.

"OK, then I'll start to make the second condition."

Robil then said: "my second condition is that during the cooperation period, the latest clothing styles and production technology designed by Kenny China clothing group will be used in Cloud City Group first. After the new clothing is made, it will be listed in Cloud City Group for three months, and then it will be sold in the United States and around the world."


Wang Xiangyun was deeply shocked again.

Kenny China clothing group launched a new clothing, in the first three months of the market, sales are the most ferocious.

It is said that the turnover of each batch of new clothes in the first three months can reach 10 billion.

This is only in the United States, where the population base is not too large

It can be predicted that if the new models launched by Kenny Huafu group are sold by Yuncheng group, and all the revenue is owned by Yuncheng group, it will only take half a year at most. Let alone the market value of Yuncheng group returning to 10 billion, its revenue will reach 10 billion.

It's not hard to break the market value of 100 billion.

"I, I have no problem..." Wang Xiangyun murmured.

"All right!"

Robil nodded and continued: "my third condition is that in the first three years of cooperation, in order to reward the employees of Yuncheng group, Kenny Huafu group will allocate one billion yuan to Yuncheng group every year. Oh, by the way, it's rice knife, not RMB! "

"Cough, cough..."

"Pooh Hoo!"

As soon as he said this, sharp coughs came out of the crowd.

And Wang Xiangyun's delicate body is also shaken, fortunately he Feng beside, helped her, otherwise it is bound to make a fool of herself.

Wang Xiangyun didn't care so much. He just looked at robil in shock. "Mr. robil, you... You are sending money to our Cloud City Group."

Although she also wanted to get more benefits, it was clear that they were giving her money, not just a little, which made her really unhappy.

"Ms. Wang Xiangyun, we are not giving money. After all, the people of China work hard. Since we have cooperated with Yuncheng group, we can't let our partners work in vain. This money is our hard work for the employees of Yuncheng group. " Robil said with a smile.

A billion meters a year is a big sum for some of the top 500.

But for Kenny China clothing group, it's just a month's net income in the world.

Although the money was given to Cloud City Group in vain, robil doesn't care at all now.

Because he just wants to succeed in winning the cooperation with Cloud City Group, and then restore the relationship with Moses.

This is his biggest and only wish now!

Perhaps, when Kenny China clothing group is informed of these conditions, the board of directors may raise strong objection, but robil still wants to do so. He felt that doing so would not bring any loss to Kenny Huafu group. Maybe he would soar to the sky because of climbing up to He Feng, a mysterious big man

"Ms. Wang Xiangyun, excuse me, I have probably come up with these three conditions. Excuse me, do you have anything else to add? "

Robil looks forward to Wang Xiangyun.

Moreover, on his face, he was nervous and worried, as if he was worried that Wang Xiangyun would not agree to his cooperation.

"Mr. robil, I have nothing more to add to your terms."

Wang Xiangyun forced his inner shock and said with a bitter smile.

"It doesn't matter. Don't worry, Ms. Wang Xiangyun. The three conditions I mentioned can be written into the cooperation agreement first. If you are interested, we'd like to sign a cooperation agreement first. As for the details, we can sign a supplementary agreement later. What do you think? "

Robil just wants to sign a cooperation agreement with Wang Xiangyun.

Only by signing a cooperation agreement can he be assured.


Wang Xiangyun naturally wanted to agree.

But at the thought of robil's conditions, she had an unreal feeling, as if she were in a dream.

Because she is very clear that once this cooperation agreement is signed, Yuncheng group will definitely soar to the sky and become the first-class enterprise group of China, and its market value will exceed 100 billion.

The pie from the sky has completely knocked her out.

He Feng's energy, how can it be so big? Just because he promised to help robil cure, robil is willing to take out such huge benefits?

Subconsciously, she turned to see he Feng, want to see he Feng is what opinion.

"Daughter in law, you can decide for yourself. If you want to cooperate with Kenny, you can agree with him. If you don't want to cooperate with them, it doesn't matter if you don't agree. " He Feng is shrugged, indifferent appearance.

Wang Xiangyun rolled his eyes!

How could she not want to agree?

This is a good opportunity for the rise of Yuncheng group!

It's just

I don't know why, she always felt that she didn't have the slightest sense of achievement after she agreed.

"Sister Yun, what are you hesitating about? Promise to sign a cooperation agreement with Mr. robil. "

See Wang Xiangyun is still hesitating, more anxious Chu month quickly came forward to pull her.

Robil, who was standing in front of her, was also very nervous!

As for the rich businessmen around them, they are completely stupid now. When they come back, they look at Wang Xiangyun with envy and hatred.

She, Wang Xiangyun, is not lucky enough to be so popular with Mr. robil.

They are the cloud city group. How can they be?

At this moment, almost everyone thinks that Wang Xiangyun will lead the cloud city group to rise, and may become the first woman rich in China in one or two years.

"Mr. robil, if you want to cooperate with me, I can promise, because I also hope that cloud city group can cooperate with Kenny Huafu group, a top company in the industry. However, I hope you can correct these three conditions. If you insist on these three conditions, then... I can't promise to cooperate with you. "

After pondering for a moment, Wang Xiangyun suddenly raised his head and gave an unexpected answer.

"These three conditions are not agreed to cooperate?"

"Well, Wang Xiangyun's heart is too big, isn't it? Can't even satisfy her? "

"Too much! That's too much! "

"How can Mr. robil take a fancy to such a greedy man? If he cooperates with me, even if I give him 90% of the company's shares, I will be willing to. "

"Alas! I hope Mr. robil will give up his cooperation with her for this reason! "

After hearing Wang Xiangyun's reply, everyone was filled with righteous indignation and felt that Wang Xiangyun had gone too far.

"Sister Yun..." Chu Yue and others are also silly.

Even he Feng was surprised.

Wang Xiangyun's answer was so unexpected that even he Feng didn't expect it.

As for robil, he frowned subconsciously.

He almost subconsciously felt that Wang Xiangyun was not satisfied with the three conditions he put forward.

I don't know. I know something, so I'm ready to open my mouth to get the most benefit from him.

Although he has a big appetite, he can only recognize the identity of He Feng. Anyway, as long as he can regain the recognition of his teacher, it doesn't matter if half of his wealth is plundered.

"Ms. Wang Xiangyun, do you have any dissatisfaction with these three conditions? If you want to add or modify something, just bring it up. "

Robil said with a smile.

"There is no content added, but there are some contents modified and deleted."

Wang Xiangyun said with a smile: "your first item must be revised. For example, the income created by the cooperation between the two sides is divided into five parts. The second one can be retained. As for the third item, it's not a big problem to keep it. However, it's too much for Yuncheng group's employees to be rewarded with a billion yuan a year. I can't accept so much money from Kenny Huafu group for no reason. However, since Mr. robil has this idea, I would like to collect some on behalf of all the staff of Cloud City Group. As for the amount, it will be RMB 100 million a year. "

"What, what?"

After hearing what Wang Xiangyun said, robil was completely stunned.

The whole audience was stunned.

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