"Ms. Wang Xiangyun, you are not joking with me, are you?"

Robil looked at Wang Xiangyun in disbelief.

She gave her so many benefits for nothing, but she didn't take them.

It's just money!

Hard to say, isn't that stupid?

"Sister Yun, you..."

Chu Yue and Zhan Yu are in a hurry. They don't understand why Wang Xiangyun suddenly makes such a decision.

Even he Feng was very surprised.

But immediately, he seemed to understand something, looking at Wang Xiangyun's eyes, but also showed a touch of appreciation.

"Mr. robil, I'm not kidding you. I'm serious about the terms. I know the strength of Yuncheng group very well. On behalf of Kenny Huafu group, I'm very happy to propose cooperation with Yuncheng group. It's also the honor of Yuncheng group. However, if I take the benefits of Kenny China clothing group for no reason, even if I really earn endless wealth, I will not be at ease. "

Wang Xiangyun said seriously: "so, if Mr. robil sincerely wants to cooperate with me, just follow what I said as a condition for cooperation."


Robil was hesitant.

He wants to promise immediately, but he's afraid he doesn't get enough benefits. He Feng is not happy.

So, he subconsciously looked at He Feng.

Aware of robil's eyes, he Feng just nodded gently.

"Yes! Now that Ms. Wang Xiangyun has spoken, let's take these three points as terms of cooperation. "

Seeing he Feng nodding, robil was relieved. He was very happy and said to his assistant, Beijie: "Beijie, go and draw up a cooperation agreement, and I will sign it with Ms. Wang Xiangyun in a moment."

"All right!"

Berger nodded respectfully, then took out his laptop and hit it quickly.

Wang Xiangyun looked at robil and said with a smile, "Mr. robil, why don't you sit down and have some tea and let's have a chat?"

Yuncheng group's three major industries are shopping mall operation, skin care products sales and foreign trade transportation, followed by clothing sales. In clothing, they have just done it for a short time and have no mature operation mode. They can take this opportunity to ask robil for some experience.

"Why don't I have a drink?"

Robil thought of Wang Xiangyun and he Fengjing's wine just now, but he didn't drink a mouthful of it. Suddenly, it was not very interesting.

"Mr. robil, you are in a bad condition. Have tea."

Wang Xiangyun smiles, looks at Zhan Yu and says, "Xiaoyu, go and help Mr. robil bring a cup of tea."

"Good sister Yun!" Zhan Yu immediately took the tea.

And Wang Xiangyun and robil are sitting on the sofa chatting.

In the whole process, no matter what questions Wang Xiangyun asked him, robil told him everything, even some confidential business models.

In just ten minutes, Wang Xiangyun benefited a lot.

In the process of the conversation, robil did not care much about Wang Xiangyun, a young woman, from the beginning, but became surprised and shocked at last.

This is just a strange woman in the business world!

Even if Kenny Huafu group does not compete with Yuncheng group this time, he also believes that in time, Yuncheng group will surely develop into a top international enterprise, and it will not be difficult to win the top 500.

"Brother song, do you know what this is? Why did Mr. robil suddenly change his mind and take the initiative to seek the cooperation of Wang Xiangyun? "

On the other hand, Xu Hongjie asked anxiously.

Yin Xian also looked gloomy and said, "yes, brother song, if Wang Xiangyun really cooperates with Kenny Huafu group, we won't be able to bring down Yuncheng group again."

"Since we can't bring down the Cloud City Group economically, then... Let's consider using some other means."

Song Yan's look is calm, but his heart is already full of murderous intention.

He will never watch the cloud city group grow bigger!

"Brother Yan, let's go first? The bodyguard of master robil is so strong. "

Aware of song Yan's intention to kill, Zhang Ziyan quickly pulled him and said.

Zhang Ziyan is afraid of song Yan's impulse. She can't suppress her intention to kill. She is noticed by robil's bodyguards. That's a big trouble.


Song Yan takes back the eyes staring at Wang Xiangyun and others and nods.

Since robil has decided to cooperate with Cloud City Group, it's OK for them to stay. On the contrary, they will become a joke of others.

"Brother Xu, brother Yin, I'll go first."

After greeting Xu Hongjie and Yin Xian, song Yan pulls Zhang Ziyan away.


Watching song Yan and others leave, Xu Hongjie frowned, "this song Yan, is really enough counsellor, unexpectedly gave up like this."

Yin Xian said with a bitter smile, "brother song, if you don't give up now, there's no other way!"

"Brother Yin, do you have a better way to deal with He Feng?"

Xu Hongjie asked with a smile.

"Me? What can I do? If there is a way, I can still discuss with you here? "

Yin Xian wanted to tell Xu Hongjie that he was ready to kill He Feng.

But thinking that Wang Xiangyun is a member of the Wang family, this time his father is in the United Ling family. The matter concerns the Ling family. He thinks it's better not to disclose it so as not to cause trouble.

"Ha ha, I thought you would have a way." Xu Hongjie shrugged and said nothing.

However, he was already thinking that he had to call Gao Po.

He doesn't want to see cloud city group so powerful!

If the guess is good, the reason why robil wants to talk to Cloud City Group is that he Feng has agreed to help robil treat his illness.

But what if he Feng died suddenly?

Will the cooperation between robil and Cloud City Group continue?

"Does Yuncheng group want to be strong?" Xu Hongjie sneered in his heart, "it's a dream!"

Xu Hongjie and Yin Xian stayed here not long, then they left one after another.

This scene is naturally noticed by many group managers.

At that moment, people can't help but understand that song Yan and them have completely given up to fight for cooperation with Mr. robil.

Is Yuncheng group really going to rise?

"Brother, this cloud city group, will not really rise here?"

In the crowd, Lu Weihua stares at Wang Xiangyun coldly and says: "although Wang Xiangyun's words just sound good, who knows if she will secretly ask Kenny Huafu group for other conditions. Anyway, I think that once their cooperation is reached, Cloud City Group is bound to become the top enterprise of China in a very short time. "

"Don't worry, Yuncheng group, they can't rise."

Lu Zhonghua holds the wine glass and shakes the red wine in it. "Now, I don't know how many people have to deal with Yuncheng group."

"Brother, what you said is reasonable. Let's go to the theatre now?" Lu Weihua asked in a low voice.

"Not so much!"

Lu Zhonghua put down his wine glass and walked out of the hall. "You and Yanhua stay here. I'll go out first. There are still some things to deal with in the evening."


"Ms. Wang Xiangyun, this is a cooperation agreement. Let's see if there are any problems. If there's no problem, I'll let Mayor Lu preside over it in a moment. Let's sign in public. "

When Beijie handed the paper version of the cooperation agreement to robil, robil glanced at it and handed it to Wang Xiangyun.

Wang Xiangyun took over the agreement, looked at it casually, then nodded and said, "Mr. robil, I have no problem."

"OK, let's go to Mayor Lu."


They stood up and walked to Lu Xixian.

Seeing them leave, Chu Yue is still depressed. She can't help looking at He Feng and asks, "He Feng, why doesn't she agree to the favorable conditions that Mr. robil promised to Yun Jie? Although the current conditions are good, according to the cooperation conditions, it will take Yuncheng group at least two or three more years to become a top domestic enterprise? "

"Yes, cousin, she... Is her decision too much? What does she want to do with her money? "

Zhan Yu is also puzzled. He doesn't understand what Wang Xiangyun means.

Even Tang Wen is curious to see he Feng.

He Feng said with a smile, "the reason is very simple. My daughter-in-law doesn't want to be given alms."

"Ah? What do you mean Chu Yue and others still don't understand.

"It means that she relies on her own ability to lead the cloud city group to the top." He Feng looks at Wang Xiangyun, who is signing a contract on the stage, with a trace of tenderness in his eyes.

This woman does have something fascinating about her.

"Rely on their own ability to let the rise of Cloud City Group?"

Chu Yue rolled a white eye, "elder sister Yun, does she need to be so persistent?"

He Feng smiles, "Yueyue, don't you think it's easier for men to like persistent girls?"

Chu Yue glared at him, "yes, sister Yun is the most beautiful, so you like her the most, right?"


He Feng immediately realized that he had said something wrong, and even said: "Yueyue, you are also very beautiful. In particular, the suit you are wearing today shows your figure and temperament all at once. "


Hearing this, Chu Yue's face just showed a smile.

Vaguely, there is a touch of shame.


Seeing her look, Zhan Yu, standing on one side, was silly.

Nima, what's going on?

How can Chu Yue's look at her brother-in-law suddenly become like this?

Is it hard for them to

Zhan Yu didn't dare to think about it any more!

"Yueyue, have you found that song Yan and they have left?"

Tang Wensheng is afraid that Chu Yue may inadvertently expose her relationship with He Feng. He quickly shifts the topic. "They were originally prepared to join hands to deal with the cloud city group, but now Mr. robil wants to cooperate with the cloud city group. They should not deal with the Cloud City Group economically any more. So, will they use other means? "

"It should be!"

Chu Yue nodded and said solemnly: "not only song Yan, but also Xu Hongjie and Yin Xian are not like talkers. He Feng, in the next period of time, you have to protect sister Yun. "

"Don't worry. Yunyun will be fine."

He Feng didn't pay attention to it.

He also knows that song Yan and others will certainly find a way to deal with Wang Xiangyun, or find a way to deal with himself.

But he doesn't care!

He doesn't want to talk about it himself. Wang Xiangyun's side also arranges to stab the moon, the first-class killer of Mingjin peak. He can't hurt Wang Xiangyun unless the strong person of dark strength peak comes in person.

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