The signing ceremony between Wang Xiangyun and robil took about an hour.

After the signing of the contract, many people immediately went to congratulate Wang Xiangyun, toasted him, and even proposed to cooperate with Yuncheng group, obviously hoping to climb the ship as soon as possible.

However, more people chose to wait and see for a while.

Because they know very well that the reason why Wang Xiangyun can cooperate with robil is probably because of an accident. It is still unknown whether he can really cooperate in the end.

Moreover, for their cooperation, song Yan and others are certainly not reconciled, and they may intervene. If song Yan and others are upset because of fawning on Wang Xiangyun, they won't come to a good end.

A full hour later, after Wang Xiangyun had a drink with those group managers, he walked back to He Feng with robil with a red face.

"Ms. Wang Xiangyun, I hope we can cooperate happily next. My assistant Berger, I will let him stay in Yuncheng group first and be responsible for some details of this cooperation. If there's anything else, you can call me at any time. " Said robil.

Becker, standing beside him, has a bitter face.

He took advantage of Wang Xiangyun before, but he didn't help Wang Xiangyun afterwards. See now robil's attitude to Wang Xiangyun, he can't wait to return those benefits to Wang Xiangyun, and apologize to Wang Xiangyun.

"Well, Mr. robil, go back and have a rest early."

Wang Xiangyun nodded.

Robil looked at He Feng and said, "Mr. He Feng, I will stay in China for another three days or so. In three days, I will return to the United States. "

"OK, I'll come to you tomorrow to help you cure your illness." He Feng said casually.

"Then I would like to thank Mr. He Feng very much."

Robil said excitedly.

Then he left with his bodyguard.

Lu Xixian and others rushed to see each other off.

"Daughter in law, let's go home, too."

He Feng looked at Wang Xiangyun and said with a wink.

With all the cooperation agreements signed, it's time for women to keep their promises.

Hearing he Feng's words, Wang Xiangyun's face turned red because he drank too much. It made people excited.

"Well, go back first. I'm very sleepy now."

However, Wang Xiangyun did not find any reason to refuse this time.

"He Feng, come on

Chu Yue said to He Feng with a thumbs up. Then she looked at Zhan Yu and said, "after a while, you remember driving another car. Keep away from them as far as possible. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Miss Chu Yue, why don't I take you home?"

Zhan Yu already had some kind of guess in his heart, but he was still not very reconciled.

"Ha ha, thank you for your kindness, but I don't need you to send me when I live in my sister Wenwen's house tonight."

Chu Yue politely smiles and ignores Zhan Yu.

"..." Zhan Yu suddenly felt that her heart had been severely scratched.

What a shock!

Immediately, the group left the hotel.

He Feng is driving a Lexus, carrying Wang Xiangyun, and Zhan Yu is driving a Mercedes Benz S-class business car of Wang Xiangyun company in the back.

However, Zhan Yu is still witty. He follows far behind and pulls the distance apart for fear that he Feng will be affected.

"Daughter in law, did you drink too much today?"

On the Lexus, he Feng, while driving, looked sideways and asked Wang Xiangyun.

"Well! Although I drink alcohol in social activities, I really drink a little more today, and I'm not prepared enough. Alcohol is a bit brain damaging. "

Wang Xiangyun frowned and nodded. At the same time, he raised his hand and rubbed some dizzy temples.

Seeing this, he Feng sighed: "daughter-in-law, let me help you knead your head. It will soon make you relaxed, and you won't be so tired any more."

"Don't you want me to fall asleep? According to my trend, I guess I'll fall asleep at any time. By then, your goal will have been achieved, won't it Wang Xiangyun looks at He Feng in surprise.

"Come on, you wang Xiangyun, a smart man, will fall asleep in my car? I guess when you find that you can't make it, you will definitely take Xiaoyu's car, right He Feng turned his eyes.

"Er... You even guessed that?"

"Of course! Don't think I didn't see the message you sent Xiaoyu before you got on the bus. "

He Feng said.

If Wang Xiangyun didn't send that message, he might think that Wang Xiangyun was acquiescent, and he might take action tonight.

But Wang Xiangyun sent the message to Zhan Yu, and he knew that Wang Xiangyun was still very resistant to him now.

In that case, he would not force.

"Eh, I can be seen by you when I send messages to Xiaoyu secretly. Your eyes are really thieves."

Wang Xiangyun understood why he Feng would offer to massage her to sober her up.

Love is because you already know your plan!

"Come closer to me, I'll give you a massage."

He Feng said.


Wang Xiangyun nodded gently, pondered for a while, and suddenly asked: "He Feng... I don't mean what I say today, will you be very angry?"

He Feng asked: "do you think I look angry now?"

Wang Xiangyun seriously looked at He Feng, want to see what kind of expression the latter is.

But now it's more than ten o'clock in the night, and they are in a relatively remote road. The street lights are sparse and dim. Wang Xiangyun can't see the man's expression clearly.

"Don't stare at me all the time. Brother Feng is so handsome. If you watch too much, you will like brother Feng." He Feng looked at Wang Xiangyun and said with a smile.

"You are so beautiful!"

Wang Xiangyun didn't laugh angrily, "however, I'm really curious about you now."

"Oh? Why are you suddenly curious about me? "

"Because... I'd like to know who Mr. robil called today."

Wang Xiangyun stares at He Feng and asks, "you should know the person he called, too? Besides, this person's identity must be different, right? "

"Well? Did you even find this? "

"Why, can't you tell me?"


He Feng thought, "if you want to know, it's OK for me to tell you now."

With that, he Feng's eyes fell on Wang Xiangyun again.

However, he saw that Wang Xiangyun's eyes were half closed.

Obviously, women won't last long at all.

"Daughter in law, I'd better give you a massage first, or you'll sleep at any time." He Feng's helpless way.

"Well, all right!"

Wang Xiangyun nodded and put his head close to He Feng.

Her original range is relatively small, but the head is dizzy heavy of her, the whole person almost lean to He Feng body up.

"Daughter-in-law, just lie on my legs and have a rest. It's just so convenient for me to massage you."

He Feng helplessly looked at the woman, but there was no strange emotion in her heart. She just put her finger on Wang Xiangyun's temple and rubbed it gently.

Wang Xiangyun originally wanted to resist, but with He Feng's fingers rubbing, she immediately felt as if there was a clear flow, pouring into his head, which made his thinking recover obviously, and the whole person gradually became sober.

Shocked at the same time, she seems to forget that he Feng is lying on the leg.

This scene is quite harmonious.

About two minutes later, Wang Xiangyun sat up again, "He Feng, why is your massage so powerful? I feel that I will get drunk at any time after drinking so much alcohol. You can massage me casually, and it makes me recover. "

"Recovered? Don't you feel a little sick in your stomach? "

He Feng laughed and said: "although you are sober, the alcohol in your body is still there. Do you want me to massage your stomach? If I evaporate the alcohol in your body, you must be in a much better state than you are now. "

"Massage your stomach?"

Hearing this, Wang Xiangyun hesitated.

But when she thought that she was lying on He Feng's leg just now and was about to get drunk, he Feng didn't mess with her. Instead, she gave her a serious massage. After all, she was a little relieved.

"All right, press it for me."

Said, Wang Xiangyun adjusted the seat, let the back down, and then the body is lying down.

She is wearing a dress today, which is quite loose. As soon as she lies down, he Feng immediately sees the charming body. He Feng has an impulse to incarnate into a beast and jump on it directly.


He Feng subconsciously swallow saliva, pressure down the inner impulse.

"Smelly hooligan, I asked you to massage for me. That's my trust in you. If you dare to do something wrong with me, I won't believe you any more."

Seems to be aware of the He Feng swallow saliva action, the woman obviously alert some.

"Cough, daughter-in-law, don't worry. I'm a gentleman. I won't have any wrong ideas. I'm just a little thirsty. Haha..."

He Feng grinned.

For fear that Wang Xiangyun would suddenly change his mind, he quickly stretched out his hand to give a woman's stomach massage.


As soon as he reached into the air, he seemed to notice something, and his face suddenly changed.

"What's the matter?" Wang Xiangyun asked suspiciously.


He Feng suddenly stepped on the brake under his feet, and the tire and the ground made a harsh braking sound.

Lexus is like a beast that suddenly stops in a sprint.

"Stab the moon, protect my daughter-in-law!"

He Feng opened the door, jumped down for the first time, and yelled at the void at the same time.

Then, he ran quickly to the back.


But he just ran two steps, and a violent explosion suddenly sounded more than 100 meters behind.

The fire is burning!

The Mercedes Benz S-class car Zhan Yu was driving turned over several times and flew to the side of the road. It was engulfed by the thick flame.


At this moment, Wang Xiangyun also unfastened the safety belt and got out of the car. When she saw the Mercedes Benz submerged by the fire, a panic appeared on her face and cried out.


He Feng did not dare to stop for a moment and rushed to the Mercedes Benz at the fastest speed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, more than 100 meters away, he was shuttling by.

"Well? This speed is too... Too fast, isn't it? "

At the moment, the female killer named ciyue no longer conceals her figure and appears behind Wang Xiangyun.

See he Feng exposed terror speed, she look crazy shock.

This kind of speed, is by no means she can compare, at least reached the dark strength level.

"This He Feng, he is a powerful dark force, isn't he?"

The moon was full of shock.

At first, they all thought he Feng was just an ordinary loser. Later, although he Feng also showed some strength, they didn't know how strong He Feng's fighting power was. They thought he Feng was just a top martial artist with the same strength as them.

But now it seems that he Feng's cultivation is obviously stronger than them, and he is already a strong man at the level of dark strength.

He Feng can't manage so much. As soon as he comes to the Mercedes Benz, he releases his mental energy and searches for the situation in the Mercedes Benz.

"Not in the car?"

In the Mercedes Benz, he Feng didn't feel Zhan Yu's body.

Can't it be that after such a short meeting, Zhan Yu was blown up to the bone?

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