
Fortunately, he Feng seems to be aware of something, foot movement, body shaking, like a ghost forward, came to a haystack.

On the grass, Zhan Yu was lying there with bloodstains. Many parts of his body were burned. His face was black, and his mouth was full of blood. His breath was very low.

"Hoo Hoo

At this time, he Feng's ears moved and his eyes looked forward.

"Stab the moon, catch up and take the man."

He Feng said to the thorn moon.

"All right!"

In the dark came the response of the piercing moon, which quickly pursued ahead.

And he Feng is fast running Qi, treating Zhan Yu's body injury.

Zhan Yu not only suffered severe skin injury, but also suffered severe impact on the viscera.

"He Feng, Xiaoyu, he... Is he OK?"

At this moment, Wang Xiangyun has run over and asked anxiously.

"Don't worry. It won't hurt much."

He Feng returned a sentence, continue to treat.

Wang Xiangyun saw that although he was very nervous, he did not dare to disturb him any more.

About a minute later, he Feng frowned and looked up at the direction of the eye stabbing moon.

In that direction, he sensed a faint wave of energy.

Weak is a myth relative to He Feng. But for ordinary people, it is extremely powerful, because this energy fluctuation has reached the level of almost dark strength.

Thorn month, it seems to meet the opponent.

"This Jiangbin city is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon. Even the strong people at the top of Mingjin have appeared. Moreover, even the thorn month has not been able to win the other party all of a sudden

If it wasn't for the fact that it's more important to heal Zhan Yu now, he Feng must go forward and see who this so-called Mingjin peak strongman is. He actually hides in a city like Jiangbin, where there are few ancient warriors.

The two sides seemed to fight for a minute before the energy wave dissipated.

Two minutes later, ciyue came back to He Feng in some confusion, with a trace of shock and repentance on her face.

Thorn month said: "sorry Mr. He Feng, let them escape."

At this time, after he Feng's treatment, Zhan Yu's breath has stabilized, and his internal organs have been almost cured by He Feng.

And he Feng ignored some skin injuries on his body.

Anyway, as long as you let him rest for ten and a half days, he can basically recover.

"What's the matter?"

He Feng put away his true Qi and asked to stab the moon.

Thorn month also saw eye Zhan Yu's situation just now, and concluded that Zhan Yu must have suffered internal injury, because he obviously breathed more and breathed less.

But now, just a few minutes later, Zhan Yu's breath was even.

"This Mr. He Feng's medical skill, unexpectedly already so powerful?"

She was shocked in her heart, but she replied: "just now, when I was about to catch up with that man, a strong man was killed by me. This man's accomplishments are similar to mine. He is the best of Ming Jin. However, he is also good at the means of assassination, and also knows Japanese ninja. The means are weird. I almost fell into his hands if I was not careful. Because of his sudden intervention, another man with lower cultivation took the opportunity to escape. After fighting with me, he found that he couldn't kill me, so he ran away. He is proficient in Japanese Ninjutsu, and I can't keep him. "

"Japanese killers?"

Smell speech, he Feng's brow tightly wrinkled up.

He thought it was just an ordinary assassination, but he didn't expect that Japan was involved.

"He Feng, how is Xiaoyu? Is that all right? " Wang Xiangyun is still worried about Zhan Yu's physical condition.

He Feng said: "daughter in law, you can rest assured that Xiaoyu is in good health and will soon wake up."

"Hoo! That's good... "

Wang Xiangyun was relieved and said gratefully to He Feng, "thank you for saving Xiaoyu again."

"He's my brother-in-law, and of course I have to save him." He Feng said with a smile.

"I, I'm not dead?"

At this time, Zhan Yu opened his eyes, his face was full of pain, and he was surprised.

Just now, he felt that all his internal organs had been broken. He thought he would die.

Now, he's not dead.

"Xiaoyu, your brother-in-law saved you."

Seeing Zhan Yu wake up so soon, Wang Xiangyun is in a better mood.

"Brother in law?"

Zhan Yu sat up immediately.

However, his move immediately involved the wound on his body, which made him show his teeth.

"Xiaoyu, please slow down. You are injured everywhere. Don't make any big problems again."

Wang Xiangyun rushed forward to help Zhan Yu. Zhan Yu stood up reluctantly.

Zhan Yu said with a smile: "sister Yun, did you do something with your brother-in-law when you were in the car just now? He has admitted that he is my brother-in-law. "

"I... how can I admit it?"

Wang Xiangyun just reflected that he had just said something wrong and quickly quibbled, "I have nothing to do with him. You think too much."

"Well, don't explain. Anyway, you are both legal couples. Whatever you do is normal." Zhan Yu laughs.

"Smelly boy, you think you are hurt, so I dare not beat you, right?"

Wang Xiangyun slapped Zhan Yu on the shoulder.

"Oh, sister Yun, are you trying to murder?"

Zhan Yu said bitterly.

"Well! Anyway, with He Feng here, you can't die. " Wang Xiangyun snorted and said.

"Haha, it's reasonable. My brother-in-law is a miracle doctor. Of course I can't die."

Zhan Yu laughed and looked at He Feng, "brother-in-law, what happened just now? Somebody's trying to kill me. Fortunately, I had a quick reaction. When I felt the danger, I unfastened my seat belt and jumped out of the car. Otherwise, I would be killed in the fire. "

"You're quick, kid."

He Feng's expression coagulates heavy way: "this time, the other side really wants to put you to death, even the rocket launcher directly used."

Zhan Yu said with a depressed face: "which son of a bitch wants to kill labor and capital? Labor and capital have never offended anyone."

He Feng said, "didn't my aunt offend anyone? I was assassinated last time in Jiangbin city? "

Zhan Yuhan said in a voice, "brother-in-law, do you mean that the person who assassinated me this time is the same person who assassinated my mother last time?"

"I can't confirm that, but I guess it should be. This time, however, it was not one person, but two. On the other hand, the strength is much stronger than last time. If it was this man who assassinated my aunt last time, I'm afraid she would have suffered this misfortune. And if you do, you will only be buried with me. "

"What? So strong? "

He Feng didn't speak, just looked at the thorn moon.

Ciyue said: "the cultivation of this killer has reached the peak of Mingjin. Moreover, this person is proficient in Japanese Ninjutsu. Even if he is a strong man at the top of dark strength, he may die in his hands if he is not careful. "


Wen Yan, Zhan Yu can't help but take a breath.

I didn't expect that the strength of the other side was so strong.

"Japan! They are really brave enough to arrange for killers to hide in Jiangbin city and specially assassinate the Government Talents of China. "

Zhan Yu's face was gloomy and said, "these thorns, I must pull them out."

"The enemy is in the dark and I am in the light. You'd better take it easy first."

He Feng shook his head and said: "since these people dare to fight, they don't worry about the ending at all. If my guess is right, they may have another identity in China to cover up their identity. It's not going to happen overnight if you want to find them out. "

"Brother in law, do you have any good ideas?" Zhan Yu inquired.

"Of course not. I don't understand the situation of China!"

He Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "but you'd better go to the hospital to treat these skin injuries. By the way, call the Jiangbin city military division and ask them to send someone to protect you, so that they won't attack you again. As for these Japanese killers, I will find a way to find them out. "

Zhan Yu also knows that her strength is a little weak. Without any clues, it's very difficult to find the Dragon guards to help investigate.

But now he Feng said he would help, he is not too worried.

"In that case, I'll ask my brother-in-law for this task." Zhan Yu's solemn way.

"Don't worry, Japanese killers wantonly assassinate our talents in China. I will find a way to find them out."

He Feng nodded and said, and immediately looked at Wang Xiangyun, "yunyun, now you call Yueyue and ask them to drive over and take Xiaoyu to the hospital."

"Looking for Miss Chu Yue? Why not? "

Zhan Yu said with a gloomy face.

He is so embarrassed to see Chu Yue now.

"Cut the crap. Do you want to infect the wound?"

Wang Xiangyun naturally saw Zhan Yu's idea and immediately glared at him.

Chu Yue and Tang Wen didn't leave for a long time. After Wang Xiangyun called, Tang Wen arrived here in a car only ten minutes later.

In addition to them, a team of police cars arrived to deal with the scene.

After telling Tang Wen about what happened at the scene, he Feng takes Wang Xiangyun back to Lexus and drives to Xinghui villa.

About twenty minutes later, the two returned home.

Because Wang Xiangyun has already told aunt Zhan that she will come back later tonight, so aunt Zhan has gone to bed now.

After he Feng entered the room, he was ready to go directly to his room.

Wang Xiangyun, on the other hand, went straight to the second floor.

However, as soon as she got to the top of the stairs, her figure suddenly stopped and looked tangled.

A few seconds later, when she heard the sound of He Feng's door being opened, she whispered a word.

"Tonight, go upstairs and sleep."

"Ah? Daughter in law, what do you say? "

He Feng thought he had heard wrong, so he looked at Wang Xiangyun and asked.

"If you don't hear clearly..."

With that, the woman sped up and trotted toward the second floor.

"Damn, I don't think brother Feng really heard me clearly?"

Looking at the woman twisting the back, he Feng heart evil fire save move, did not hesitate to follow up.

"This evening, is brother Feng finally able to achieve his wish and start to build the North nose?"

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