Sure enough, when he Feng came to Wang Xiangyun's room on the second floor, the door was open, not even closed.

When she walked in, the woman was cleaning her pajamas in the closet, ready to take a bath.

"Take a rest. I'll take a bath first."

While speaking, Wang Xiangyun has already entered the bathroom with his robe and towel.

"OK, daughter-in-law, just wash it. I won't peep."

See, he Feng naturally dare not say anything, honestly closed the door, and then sat next to play with the mobile phone.

As soon as the phone was unlocked, he saw a message coming from wechat.

Open a look, is Ling Weiyu hair.

"Brother Xiaofeng, what are you doing now?"

"I just accompanied Wang Xiangyun to a banquet, and now I'm home." He Feng replied.

I thought Ling Weiyu had fallen asleep, but I didn't expect that the woman would reply soon.

"Brother Xiaofeng, I have good news for you. The 24-hour daily sales of the books that listen to the wind at night have exceeded 80000, and the rising trend is still very strong, and it continues to increase. "

"That's necessary, and I haven't started to push it now. I'll make some recommendations for other channels in his book. It's possible that the daily sales will exceed one million."

"Millions? This, this is incredible, isn't it? "

"It's incredible. It's just a million dollars. It's not too difficult."

"However, I feel that this kind of website like Jiuku may cause us trouble..."

"No, you can rest assured. After all, they are just pirated websites. If they are looking for trouble, they will have trouble with themselves."

"What if they come to trouble in reality?"

"Looking for trouble in reality?"

He fengdun, "that's just right, but we can take the opportunity to buy it, and then introduce the traffic to our website."

"Ah? Can it be like this? " Ling Weiyu was surprised.

"Of course! I'm afraid they won't make trouble. In this case, I'll have to delay some time when we push books in the future. "

"Hee hee... Since brother Xiaofeng has a plan for a long time, I won't worry about it. You should go to bed early and try to get rid of your sister-in-law as soon as possible. You'd better have a northern nose as soon as possible. "

"Good news. I'm in your sister-in-law's room right now. She's taking a bath now."

"Wow, brother Feng, I'll wait for your good news. I won't disturb you. Don't go back, otherwise your sister-in-law will see you later and be unhappy with you. I'm afraid you can't achieve your goal tonight. "

"OK, you should have a rest early. I'll come to see you when I have time."

"Waiting for you, good night..."

Put down the mobile phone, he Feng's eyes looked at the door of the bathroom, listening to the sound of the water inside, there is an impulse to go in and have a look.

"Forget it, Wang Xiangyun asked me to come and sleep with her. Maybe I've figured it out. I'm going to build a North nose with He Feng. Brother Feng should be patient." He Feng takes back his eyes and depresses his agitation.

Wang Xiangyun took a bath five minutes more than usual.

About 20 minutes later, the bathroom door opened, and the woman in a white nightgown walked out like a lotus.

A delicate fragrance of Chu Zi suddenly penetrated into He Feng's nostrils.

The light make-up on her face was also removed in the bath. Although no makeup, but the whole person looks to give people a natural beauty, more charming.

He Feng was a little crazy for a moment!

"What are you looking at?! Hurry to take a bath and clean it up! " Wang Xiangyun's charming face is covered with a wisp of red glow, which is not a good way.

"OK, OK, I'm going to wash it now. I'm sure it will be clean."

He Feng quite some excited said, in the heart is not easy to press down the restless mood, rise again.

He quickly picked up a clean underpants and towel and rushed into the bathroom.

"What are you doing in a hurry? Take your pajamas. "

Wang Xiangyun said unhappily.

"Pajamas? Ok... "

Although reluctant, he Feng didn't dare to make a woman dissatisfied. He immediately picked up his pajamas and rushed into the bathroom.

Wang Xiangyun has said to let him clean up. He Feng naturally knows what a woman means. Even though he can't wait to get wet and dry his body, he washed it carefully.

Make sure that the body did not smell a little sweat, then dry the body, put on pajamas out of the bathroom.

At this moment, the light in the room has been put out, but the desk lamp by the window is on. Wang Xiangyun is sitting by the bed reading a book.

When she heard the bathroom door open, her eyelashes fluttered gently.

"Daughter in law, I've done it."

He Feng walks to the bedside, softly reminds a way.


Wang Xiangyun answered in a low voice.

"So... Is it time for us to go to bed?" He Feng tried to make his voice soft, careful, for fear of affecting women's emotions.

"It's OK. You go to bed first. I'll read the meeting book before I go to bed." Wang Xiangyun still looked down at his book, but he Feng didn't mean to look at it.


He Feng opened his mouth.

Fengge go to bed first?

She's still reading?

what do you mean?

Don't you want to build the North nose with brother Feng?

"What's the matter? Don't you think it's a surprise to have you next to me and sleep with me? "

See he Feng still standing beside the bed, no movement, Wang Xiangyun just raised his eyes, looking at He Feng.

Her eyes were rather flat

But he Feng can realize that women's insipidity is deliberately pretended, because it is also mixed with more bashful meaning.

"Daughter in law, isn't this the surprise you want to give me?" He Feng Shan Shan's smile.

Wang Xiangyun took a deep look at He Feng, with a strong struggle in his eyes.

For a moment, she clenched her teeth as if she had made a decision.

Then, Wang Xiangyun opened his lips. "He Feng, since I promised you today, as long as you can win the cooperation with robil, I will do whatever you want. So... Come on. "

Voice down, Wang Xiangyun closed a book on psychology, put the book on the bedside table, and slowly lay down.

"I just hope you can be gentle."

Said, the woman has closed her eyes.

You can pick it up.


See, where can he Feng bear?

He only felt the evil fire in his body, as if it broke out in an instant.

Almost without the slightest hesitation, he Feng goes to bed and kisses the woman's fragrant lips.

At the moment when his lips collided, he Feng felt that Wang Xiangyun's lips were suddenly closed, and his whole body was in a tense state, even shaking faintly.

It can be seen how scared women are at this moment.

He Feng's action, also followed a pause.

The evil fire just rising in the body receded like the tide.

The rest is endless depression.

"Well? He Feng that bastard, how did not move? "

Also don't know how long, in the heart is full of nervous and afraid of Wang Xiangyun, just can't feel he Feng's action, not from doubt.

She slowly opened her eyes and found that he Feng's figure was gone.

At first glance, the man was lying on the bay window.

"You, how did you sleep in the bay window?" Wang Xiangyun asked subconsciously.

"Daughter in law, since you are not ready, I'd better sleep in the bay window."

He Feng chuckled and said: "anyway, it's good to sleep on the floating window. Open the window a little bit, I don't know how cool it is."

"You... Why did you stop all of a sudden? I'm ready for that, aren't I? "

Wang Xiangyun asked suspiciously.

"Don't deny it. You're not ready for it. Brother Feng just gives you a kiss, and you feel like someone is holding a knife rest around your neck. If you kiss more, how can you resist it? "

He Feng said with a smile: "daughter-in-law, if I guess correctly, the reason why you want me to do this to you tonight is not only because I helped you win the cooperation with robil, but also because you want to repay your kindness, right? You think I've saved your cousin twice, and I'm very kind to you. You want to repay your kindness, right? "


Hearing the speech, Wang Xiangyun could not help being silent.

Because he Feng is right, the reason why she wants to give her first time to He Feng is because she doesn't want to owe a man.

She knows little about He Feng, but from today's performance of robil, he Feng's identity must be extraordinary.

Take money to compensate, men may not like it at all.

And other, she really can't think of what can compensate He Feng.

At the same time, she also knew that what he Feng wanted to do was sleep.

So she came up with the idea.

Sleep with He Feng

From then on, gratitude and resentment disappeared.

Two people can also be strangers.

"Daughter-in-law, I believe you know my character very well. Brother Feng is really a romantic person, and there are many women outside. However, what you may not know is that although we haven't known each other for a long time, I do take you as my woman. So, I think no matter what I do for you, I should. Saving Xiaoyu is not a kindness to you. And for me, it's just what I should do. "

He Feng's voice continued to ring, "I guess, if I really put you to sleep today, maybe you will take me to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow to get a divorce certificate, right?"


Wang Xiangyun opened his mouth, did not expect that the man so quickly guessed his mind, "I just thought about it, but tomorrow in the end will pull you to get a divorce certificate, I have not fully considered."

Smell speech, he Feng corner of the mouth mercilessly smoked.

He just said so casually, but he didn't expect that Wang Xiangyun really had this idea.

He Feng has an impulse to curse!

How can women be so elusive.

I just slept with you today, and I want to divorce you tomorrow?

He Feng has never seen this kind of routine!

"Wang Xiangyun, let me tell you clearly, brother Feng, I'm in love with you now. So, you don't want to divorce brother Feng any more. Even if you want to divorce, brother Feng can't get a license with you. "

He Feng also no matter how the woman thinks, directly said his own voice, "Maple brother not only won't go with you to get a license, but also Maple brother will try his best to make you like me. Finally, she willingly becomes brother Feng's woman, sleeps with him, and then helps him to have a white and fat baby... "

"Like me?"

I don't know why, hearing he Feng's words, Wang Xiangyun has a strange feeling.

My heart seems to fluctuate.

However, at the thought of He Feng's last words, she was ashamed and angry.

This smelly hooligan, even if he dares to say this, is he not afraid to be driven to the first floor to sleep?

"He Feng, can you tell me first, what did you do before?"

After a long silence, Wang Xiangyun could not help asking.

He Feng said with a smile: "daughter in law, I think you'd better not understand my story. Otherwise, you'll definitely like me. Maybe you're going to make a nose with me tonight. "

"Oh! Then go to sleep... "

Wang Xiangyun is too lazy to ask.

She is really curious about the identity of He Feng.

Because she knew that with the identity of he family's son alone, robil could not cooperate with Cloud City Group.

What's more, this identity can't make robil respectful and cautious when he seeks to cooperate with her, for fear that there is something that makes her unhappy.

But since he Feng didn't want to tell her so much, she naturally stopped asking.

He Feng took a look at Wang Xiangyun, hesitated a little, and said: "daughter in law, actually I am..."

"Don't tell me now. You'll tell me when you think it over."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Wang Xiangyun, "in addition, I've given you a chance today. It's you who gave up. Therefore, I, Wang Xiangyun, don't mean what I say. Well, that's it. Go to sleep. Good night

With that, the woman turned off the lamp and went to bed.


He Feng looks a little depressed.

Is this woman too direct?

"All right, then go to sleep!"

He Feng helplessly takes back his eyes.

A moment later, he whispered: "daughter-in-law, your lips are so fragrant. Good night!"



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