At the same time, in a building in Oro,

In Townsend's office.

Townsend is sitting in front of the computer, looking at the most prominent book on the screen, his face is gloomy.

"Dong Dong..."

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Don Sen light says.

His assistant, Jackson, opened the door and came in. "Boss, I've done almost all the information you asked me to investigate about honey Chinese."

"Tell me, which guy is doing our website." Townsend immediately looked at Jackson and asked in an angry voice.

"That website, called honey Chinese net, is now represented by a girl named Ling Weiyu."

"Ling Weiyu?"

Townsend frowned. "What's the matter?"

"She's nothing. She's just an ordinary person. Besides, he grew up in a welfare home and was an orphan. After graduating from University, he became an ordinary editor of honey Chinese. A few days ago, he was fired by the editor in chief of honey Chinese. But not long after, she didn't know where she got a lot of money and bought honey Chinese. Now she is the boss of honey Chinese. "

"Orphans? Suddenly got a lot of money, bought honey Chinese net Don Sen said unhappily: "what's the matter? She is an ordinary woman and an orphan. How can she suddenly get the money to buy a website? "

"Speaking of this, I have to mention another person. This person, named He Feng, is also a shareholder of honeydew. Com, and has as many shares as Ling Weiyu. He Feng is said to be the husband of a female chairman of Yuncheng group. My guess is that this person named He Feng took care of Ling Weiyu and gave her a large sum of money to buy honey Chinese net. "

Jackson guessed.

"What about the top hacker?" Townsend asked? Is He Feng the same person? "

"Well, I've inquired about it. It's really him."

Jackson nodded.

Hearing the speech, Tang Sen narrowed his eyes. A touch of murderous spirit flashed in his eyes. He immediately asked, "what's his energy in Jiangbin city? If you get rid of him, will it have any impact?"

"I made a little inquiry. He Feng doesn't have a strong background, but he has a little skill, but he shouldn't be very strong." Jackson said.

"In that case, have you found a way to get rid of him?" Asked Townsend, looking at Jackson.

"Yes, boss, I have made a simple survey of several forces in the underground world of Jiangbin city."

Jackson said with a smile: "according to the investigation, there were four forces in the underground world of Jiangbin City, but now one gang has been destroyed by another Gang, and only three forces are left. Among the three forces, there is a killer organization, which specializes in collecting money to kill people. The name of this organization is shadow group

"Shadow group?"

Smell speech, Tang Sen asks: "do you have to ask their contact information?"

"Yes, but I heard that their price seems to be very high. Shall we go to them directly?"

"Of course, give me the contact information. I'll contact them myself." Said Townsend.

"OK, this is the phone. Boss, you just need to say that you are introduced by a person named Liu Fang. "

Jackson quickly took out his cell phone and turned out a number.

"I see!"

Tang Sen took the cell phone and dialed it.

Doodle doodle

The phone soon got through. After the bell rang for a while, a middle-aged man's cold voice came out, "Hello!"

"Hello, is this the film crew?"

Tang Sen added, "I was introduced by Liu Fang."

"What mission do you want to send?"

"I'm going to kill a man!"

"Tell me the basic information first."

"His name is He Feng. He is the husband of the chairman of Yuncheng group in Jiangbin city."

"He Feng?"

Hearing the name, the middle-aged man said, "do you want to kill him?"


"How much does it cost to kill him?" asked Townsend

"Do you have the details of He Feng?" The middle-aged man asked faintly.

"Well... I don't know too well, but as far as I know, he is just the husband of the chairman of an ordinary listed group, and his strength is not strong. If you want to get rid of him, it should be no difficulty, right?" Said Townsend.

"Ha ha, it seems that you really don't know about He Feng. Let me tell you, he Feng is not an ordinary person. He is a horizontal practitioner of martial arts

"Do you have a heavy body? That's not very strong! "

Townsend sneered, scorning.

If he is in China now, he must go to Jiangbin city to get rid of He Feng.

With his strength, getting rid of He Feng is just a matter of waving.

"Well, just tell me. How much do you need to get rid of this He Feng?" Asked Townsend.

"Although the information I collected shows that he Feng is a horizontal practitioner of Yizhong, this information has not been confirmed. Therefore, if we want to kill him, our film crew will charge at least 30 million yuan. " Said the middle-aged man.

"Thirty million, right? OK, do you want me to make a deposit for you now? "

Townsend agreed without hesitation.

Thirty million is nothing to him.

"I'll report to our boss first, and I'll call you back when he agrees. It shouldn't be a big problem. You should prepare a deposit. The deposit is half of the price. "

"OK, I'll wait for your news."

After hanging up, Townsend looked cold.

He Feng?

How to refine your body?

World class hackers?

So what!

Before long, it will turn into a cold corpse.


At the same time, in a private manor in Hanye District, Jiangbin city.

In a dimly lit room, there stood a middle-aged man in a black vest with a big body.

At this time, his body is full of sweat, but he exudes a strong atmosphere, giving people a strong sense of crisis.

"This call seems to come from Oro. He Feng, who likes to offend people, even some people in Oro want to get rid of him. It's really interesting. However, he Feng's strength is not very sure, just a general judgment that he is a heavy exerciser. Therefore, it's better to report this task to the team leader before taking over. "

Li Lian put his cell phone in his pocket and walked out of the room.

Before long, Li Lian came to another room.

"Dong Dong..."

Li Lian knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

The voice of a middle-aged man came from the room.

Li Lian immediately opened the door and went in.

The room is much larger, but the light is also dim.

On the ground, there was a white carpet. Before Li Lian went in, he had taken off his shoes and put on a pair of wooden slippers.

A pair of clogs, to be exact.

In the room, a middle-aged man, about 50 years old, was sitting on the ground with his knees crossed.

His appearance is very ordinary, and he is only wearing an ordinary shirt. He looks like a village teacher.

Next to the middle-aged man sat a young man.

The young man, dressed in a shirt, looks like an executive.

If he Feng or Wang Xiangyun were here, he would be able to recognize the identity of the young man at a glance.

Lu Zhonghua.

Chairman of Dazhong group!

The leader of the young generation in Jiangbin city!

However, he has another identity, the son of the film group leader.

And the film group leader is the middle-aged man sitting next to him.

"Chief, young master!"

Li Lian went over and knelt down in front of them.

"Li Lian, what can I do for you when you come to me so late?" Lu Xiong, a middle-aged man, asked faintly.

However, what he said was not Chinese, but Japanese.

"Team leader, I just received a call from Oro. This person contacted me through Liu Fang. He said he wanted us to help him get rid of one person. This person is He Feng. For this reason, he is willing to offer 30 million yuan. But because we don't know very well about He Feng's information, I didn't take over the task. Instead, I'll report to the leader first to see if I want to take over the task. "

Li Lian reported respectfully.

"Kill He Feng?"

As soon as Lu Xiong heard this, he immediately twisted his eyebrows together.

Even Lu Zhonghua's face changed slightly.

"Li Lian, we can't take the task of killing He Feng." Lu Xiong said without hesitation.


Li Lian asked, "why can't I take it? The strength of He Feng, isn't it very general? According to our investigation information, he is just a heavy exerciser, which is equivalent to the beginning of Mingjin. If we want to get rid of him, shouldn't it be too difficult? "

"Refining the body?"

Lu Xiong shook his head and said: "He Feng's strength, I'm not sure if it's a heavy one. But there is a strong man at the top of his mind

"Mingjin peak?"

Li Lian's face changed greatly.


Lu Xiong said solemnly: "moreover, this person is not an ordinary bright peak strong person. She is a killer just like us. But her assassination methods are more mysterious and powerful than ours. "

Li Lian said in disbelief: "is it really so powerful?"

"Of course! Just about an hour ago, I had a fight with this man. If it's not because I'm proficient in Ninjutsu, I'm afraid I can't get away from her in a short time. "


Li Lian couldn't help but take a breath of air.

He is very clear about the strength of leader Lu Xiong. Although his superficial cultivation is only the peak of Mingjin, he succeeded in assassinating an ancient warrior in the later period of Yinjin about a year ago.

Although he also suffered some injuries at that time, the strong man in the later period of dark strength was actually killed by Lu Xiong.

But such a powerful assassin said that he was not the opponent.

You can imagine the strength of this man.

"If my guess is good, he Feng should not be an ordinary person. Before, we were all cheated by him. We thought he looked like a loser, but we thought he was just an ordinary person. "

Lu Xiong laughed at himself and felt very funny for his previous stupidity. "Now think about it, Wang Xiangyun is so smart, and she is also a princess of the Wang family. How can she marry an ordinary person? He Feng is probably the son of a great family in China, and the powerful assassin at the peak of Mingjin is his bodyguard, who is responsible for protecting his safety. "

"My God

After hearing this, Li Lian was sweating.

At this moment, his heart was full of happiness.

Fortunately, he did not directly agree to come down to the oro people, then assassinate He Feng task.

Otherwise, unless the group leader does it himself, they will send anyone to the film group. Basically, there is no return.

Even if the team leader is asked to do it, he Feng may not be able to solve the problem. Maybe there will be some kind of accident

The consequence is unimaginable!

"Then... The man of Oro, I'll just go and refuse him?" Li Lian asked.

"Yes, refuse."

Lu Xiong nodded, "at the same time, the next period of time, our film group will not take orders for the time being."

"No more orders?"

"Well! The underground world of Jiangbin city has been in turmoil recently. Let's keep a low profile so as not to attract the attention of outsiders. "

Lu Xiong nodded, "as for Liu Fang, go and get rid of him in person."

Li Lian nodded respectfully, "OK, I'll do it tonight."

With that, Li Lian respectfully walked out of the room and closed the door gently.

Seeing Li Lian leave, Lu Zhonghua, who has been sitting beside him in silence, just said, "father, should I focus on investigating the identity of He Feng next?"

"Well, you'd better investigate the identity of He Feng, but remember to keep a low profile and don't attract his attention. I always feel that he Feng's identity is not simple, and he is not simple either. " Lu xiongning takes the road seriously.

"I understand!"

Lu Zhonghua nodded, "what about Wang Xiangyun? Her Cloud City Group is about to cooperate with Kenny Huafu group, and the cooperation conditions are extremely favorable for her. Before long, China will have another top group company. "

"Zhonghua, don't worry. There will be people in Yuncheng group to deal with it. Don't forget song Yan and his friends. Will they watch Yuncheng group grow bigger because of their contradiction with He Feng? "

Lu Xiong said: "moreover, you can take advantage of their collision to investigate the situation of He Feng."

"OK, I'll sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight first."

"Well, when the right time comes, the talents of China will be cut off one by one."

Lu Xiong said coldly, "it's not so easy for his kingdom of China to be strong."


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