"Lunch together?"

He Feng said this, Shi Liang with Shi Yong and other sales office people, one by one are stunned.

Zou Rong and Li Chen, including Jiang Youyou, who is standing behind Xia Menglu, also blinked. I don't know why he Feng suddenly said this to the policewoman.

If this makes the other party unhappy, the consequences are not very good.


Chu Yue is speechless.

She also wanted to pretend that she didn't know he Feng and expose this matter in silence.

But now, he Feng even says that he wants to have dinner with her. How can he play it?

"Yueyue beauty, don't you want to have dinner with me? If so, forget it. "

He Feng shrugged.

"Did I say no? Since you're going to invite me to dinner, I won't take advantage of you. Don't worry when you pay later. "

Since the performance can not go on, Chu Yue is also lazy to play.


When Shi Liang saw this, he couldn't help it any more. He quickly went forward and said.

Chu Yue doesn't want to be upset by Shi Liang. As soon as the latter opens her mouth, she immediately interrupts the other party's words, "today, I will investigate your fight. However, I think he is seriously injured. Let me arrange a police car to take you to the hospital. "

Smell speech, the face of stone bright a time ugliness matchless.

I didn't expect that the police called by the people on my side knew each other.

And it looks like a good relationship.

This is really a beep.

"What happened? Why is it so noisy that even the police are here? "

Just then, a middle-aged woman came down from the upstairs and asked with a frown.

This woman with a strong aura, even in the face of the police, are not nervous, a look to know that is the leader of the sales office.

"Sister Jing, just now this man maliciously attacked the staff of our sales office and injured everyone. Shi Yong's bones were broken. Now the police are here, but they don't arrest him right away. You have to decide for us. "

Shi Liang immediately went forward and pointed to He Feng and others.

At the same time, he said in a low voice: "sister Jing, the guy who beat people seems to be very familiar with the policewoman. He just invited the policewoman to dinner."


Zhang Jing frowned immediately.

She is the director of the sales office and is responsible for the sales of the real estate here. Now that the employees have been beaten, of course she has to stand out for them.

But if she's close to the police, she'll have to be careful.

"You mean, we police don't do anything? Did I say no arrest? Now things are not clear, how can I arrest people? Well

When Chu Yue heard Shi Liang's words, she was very dissatisfied and asked: "in the case of no evidence, just with your unilateral complaint, I have to arrest people?"


Shi Liang looks angry.

Seeing the police uniform on the other side and the word "Criminal Police" on the other side's chest, he did not dare to argue too much.

Criminal police, they are a group of unkind guys. If they annoy each other, they will not have any good fruit to eat.

"Hello, officer, you can't arrest people without evidence. But since the other party has seriously injured the person, no matter what, you have to control the person first, right? Otherwise, when he leaves, he directly chooses to escape, and the police can't find him. What will he do then? "

Zhang Jing went to Chu Yue and said with a smile.

She doesn't ask he Feng to be sentenced, but now she must let the police control him first. In this way, as a director, she has done her duty and won't let the staff chill.


In the face of her request, Chu Yue didn't know what to do for a while.

Although she holds the title of criminal police, what she usually does is the work of network management, and her experience in dealing with such cases alone is almost zero.

However, let her will he Feng catch up, she is very reluctant.

He Feng is her boyfriend. Is it hard for her to catch her boyfriend?

Shi Liang and others see Zhang Jing so strong, Chu Yue is also forced to do not know what to do, one by one excited.

It seems that the next step is to arrest people.

"Zhang Jing, it seems that you are now the leader of the sales office. Your attitude is really different. When you face the police, you dare to be so strong, instead of following the police's decision and letting the police handle the case."

Chu month is very difficult, he Feng ready to speak, a voice suddenly rang in the back.

This voice calls Zhang Jing a taboo, and the tone is also very impolite, "it seems that you are not the director now, but the leader of Xingyuan sales office."

"Who are you?"

Hearing the sound, Zhang Jing subconsciously looked at each other.

When she saw Jiang Youyou, she frowned a little. She felt like she had met him before, as if she had seen him somewhere.

But because the interval was too long, she couldn't think of it all at once.

"Who are you? Who allowed you to talk to our director like that? "

When Shi Liang sees Zhang Jing frowning, he thinks that Zhang Jing is not happy. He points to Jiang youyou and scolds him angrily.

Jiang youyou glanced at Shi Liang faintly, then his eyes fell back on Zhang Jing again and said indifferently: "Zhang Jing, I didn't expect that the managers under your hand are all people with no professional quality. It seems that I have to suggest to my cousin that he change the director. "

"Your brother?"

Zhang Jing pondered over the meaning of Jiang youyou's words, and then thought of her boss, and a face soon appeared in her mind.

"I remember, you are the second lady..."

After recognizing the identity of the other party, Zhang Jing was shocked and walked quickly to Zhang Jing, "second miss, I'm sorry, I didn't recognize your identity just now."

"Do you recognize me? I thought you had completely forgotten me

Jiang You sneered.

"I'm sorry, miss. I didn't think of you just now. You, are you ok? " Zhang Jing asked with concern.

Aware of the other party's sincere concern, Jiang youyou was no longer angry and nodded, "well, I'm fine. Is this my cousin's new development

Zhang Jing nodded again and again, "well, this real estate was taken down by Jiang Dong. It was just opened last year, and it sold well when it opened. Miss two, where have you been all these days? Jiang Dong, he has been worried about you. He has sent for you many times. "

"It's OK. I'll call my brothers once in a while."

Jiang you casually replied.

She has been away from Zhengqi martial arts school for nearly two years. In these two years, she only cares about the martial arts school occasionally. For Jiang Yin's zhongyun group, she doesn't care much. She only knows that zhongyun group is involved in film and television culture, real estate and other industries, but she doesn't know which real estate she is selling.

"Sister Jing, she... Who is she?"

Shi Liang saw that director Zhang Jing's attitude towards Jiang youyou suddenly became polite. He had a bad feeling in his heart, but he still insisted on asking.

After all, it's about whether Zhang Jing will continue to force the police to arrest He Feng.

He heard Zhang Jing talking about Jiang Dong and the second young lady. He had a guess about Jiang youyou's identity.

Just don't hear Zhang Jing personally say Jiang youyou's identity, he still doesn't want to believe it.

"Shi Liang, shut up!"

Who knows, as soon as he opened his mouth, Zhang Jing angrily scolded, "from today on, you and your brother Shi Yong, no longer belong to the star garden."

"What, what?"

Shi Liang stares big eye bead son, did not expect Zhang Jing's attitude change, unexpectedly can be so big.

Is this not amazing looking woman really sister Jiang Dong?

Zhang Jing ignored him, but looked at another group of male salesmen and said, "in addition, all the people who moved today. This month's base salary will be deducted. "

"Ah? Sister Jing, don't... "

"Sister Jing, spare my life!"

All the male employees complained bitterly and regretted it.

Now they have guessed that Jiang youyou's identity is their boss's sister, and they dare to fight against the boss's sister's friend. Isn't that a death wish?

"If you are not happy or can't accept this punishment, you can choose to resign. Even if you resign collectively, I will approve it. " Zhang Jing said indifferently to the crowd.

Although Jiang youyou is just Jiang Yin's cousin, she is very clear about the importance Jiang Yin attaches to her cousin, so now it's about Zhang Jing. Naturally, she has to be tough and not let go of any punishment.

Wen Yan, those male salesmen dare not speak any more.

But they look at the eyes of Shi Liang and Shi Yong, but they become extremely bad.

But for these two people, they would not have lost so much.

"Shi Liang, take Shi Yong to pack up your things. I don't want to see you again." Zhang Jing looks at Shi Liang road again.

Shi Liang is extremely resentful, but he doesn't dare to show it now, so as not to offend Zhang Jing and make the latter block him in the whole real estate industry of Jiangbin city. It's very difficult for him to find a new job in this industry in the future.

However, what happened here today will be more or less spread, which will have a huge negative impact on his future job search.

To tell you the truth, he regretted it in his heart. If he had known that, he would have endured it today and would not offend He Feng and others.

Seeing Shi Liang and Shi Yong go to pack up, Zhang Jing takes back her eyes.

She looked at Jiang youyou and asked, "second lady, are you satisfied with the punishment? If not, I'll increase the punishment. "

As soon as people listen to her words, their hearts all hang up. They look at Jiang youyou pitifully, hoping that the latter can be merciful.

"Whether I'm satisfied or not doesn't mean anything. It mainly depends on whether my friends are angry or not."

Jiang youyou points to He Feng and says to Zou Rong and others.


Zhang Jing looks at He Feng and others suspiciously.

He Feng and Xia Menglu are dressed in ordinary clothes. They don't look like people with status.

Zou Rong and Li Chen, she knows each other. They are just ordinary sellers.

Why does the second lady care so much about what they think?

However, she is still waiting patiently for He Feng and others to answer, so as not to make Jiang you unhappy again.

"I, I have no opinion..."

Zou Rong saw the Director looking at himself and said.

Although she is not familiar with Zhang Jing, Zhang Jing has helped her once or twice in her work, so she naturally won't embarrass Zhang Jing.

"I don't mind either." Li Chen immediately said.

See two people all have no opinion, Zhang Jing looked at He Feng again.

"Ha ha, I still have a little opinion..."

He Feng grinned.

For a moment, all the people below were nervous.

This guy doesn't want to take advantage of revenge, does he?

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