Jiang youyou ignored the attitude of those male salesmen below, looked directly at He Feng and asked, "He Feng, if you have any opinions, just tell sister Jing directly. Sister Jing will make you satisfied."

"All right!"

He Feng nodded with a smile and immediately looked at Zhang Jing and asked, "sister Jing, your company just fired a manager. Now you should be short of a manager, right? You see, let Rongrong take the position of the man just now, is that ok? "

"Let Rongrong be the manager?"

Zhang Jing subconsciously looked at Zou Rong, frowning slightly.

Although Zou Rong has a serious attitude and a good personality, she has only been in touch with the real estate industry for three months. It's really inappropriate for her to be a manager.

However, since he Feng all spoke, she naturally won't go against He Feng's face.

After all, Jiang you is still standing by.

"He Feng, thank you for your kindness. However, i... I'd better forget it. I know my weight. With my qualifications and performance, it's good to stay and be a salesman. I'm not qualified to be a manager. "

Zhang Jingzheng is ready to agree to He Feng's request, but Zou Rong says.

"Er... Rongrong, you can think about it clearly and then answer it. Anyway, it's just a manager. It won't have any impact on the company, but it will have a great impact on your future development." Jiang youYou can't help but pull her for a while and persuade her.

She personally supports He Feng's proposal.

Anyway, it's just the manager, not the director. Her brother Jiang Yin certainly has no problem. Even if Zou Rong is allowed to be the director, it's estimated that Jiang Yin doesn't matter.

However, being a manager will be of great help to Zou Rong's future development.

Zou Rong continued to shake her head. "Sister Youyou, I really can't do it. I can't even do ordinary business well. I still need Li Chen to teach me. Forget it. Although Shi Liang has been dismissed, you can find another better person to be the manager. "

"Well? So Li Chen is very experienced in the real estate industry. "

Then Jiang youyou looked at Li Chen and asked, "Li Chen, do you want to come to Xingyuan Sales Office for development? At the beginning, I'll be an ordinary manager for you first. Next time my brother opens a new building, how about you go to be the director directly? "

"Sister Youyou, is this... Not so good?"

Li Chen hesitated a little.

"There's nothing wrong with it. You just need to tell me if you want to or if you don't want to leave your company. If you don't want to come to Xingyuan, forget it. I'll let director Zhang recruit another person. " Jiang Youyi waved his hand.

"Well, I'd like to thank you for giving me such a chance!"

After a brief consideration, Li Chen made a decision.

He feels that he has not yet been able to afford the ability to run a company, so it's better to sharpen it.

With a big company like zhongyun group, you can definitely get better experience.

"Director Zhang, let Li Chen be the manager, don't you mind?"

Jiang youyou looks at Zhang Jing and asks.

"No problem! Li Chen is a senior real estate personage. I certainly welcome him to our Xingyuan sales office. "

Zhang Jing said with a smile, "welcome, Mr. Li Chen."

"Please take care of me in the future!"

Li Chen grinned and immediately went to He Feng. He Feng didn't say much, "brother he Feng, thank you!"

He is sincerely grateful to He Feng. Today, he not only helped them to solve a dilemma, but also gave him a huge opportunity. This is the person of his life.

You know, zhongyun group is not an ordinary real estate company. It's a little difficult to be an ordinary salesman in many times.

Their managerial positions require fierce competition.

But now he Feng let him have such an opportunity, how can he not appreciate He Feng?

"You're welcome. Just be nice to Rongrong in the future."

He Feng patted Li Chen on the shoulder and said.

Then he Feng said to Xia Menglu: "Lulu, do you want to buy the house here? If you buy them, I'll buy some too. "

"Ah? Brother Feng, do you want to buy it Xia Menglu asked in surprise.

Jiang youyou and others are also surprised to see he Feng.

"Yes, this property belongs to youyoujie's cousin. If we buy it, there will be a big discount. Of course, I have to take advantage of this opportunity to buy more sets to invest. Maybe in two years, we can sell them at a high price."

He Feng said with a smile.

Jiang youyou rolled his eyes and said, "He Feng, although this building belongs to my cousin, I'm not sure how much discount I can give you. Anyway, if you want to buy it, I'll let sister Jing give you the biggest discount. You can get as much discount as you can. "

"It's OK. No matter how much discount I get, I still earn it. If you give too much discount, I won't buy it. " He Feng chuckled and then said to Xia Menglu, "it's mainly about lulu. If she wants to buy it here, I'll buy it here."

"Lulu, what do you think? Do you want to buy it? "

Jiang you also asked.

Xia Menglu pondered for a while and said: "I... my problem is not too big. Anyway, it's just a balcony problem. It doesn't matter if I'm used to living."

Originally, if this property has nothing to do with Jiang Youyou, Xia Menglu would like to go to the next door's agency to have a look. Maybe she can buy a more favorite apartment.

But she has a good relationship with Jiang youyou. Jiang youyou has helped her a lot. She definitely can't buy the house of cousin Jiang youyou's competitor any more.

Jiang youyou continued: "how are you going to buy it? Full payment or loan? What kind of floor do you want? "

"I want a five story one. I'll buy it in full, hehe!" Xia Menglu said with a smile.

"This house has two households, so I want another one on the fifth floor. There are two sets for six floors. I'll take them, too. " He Feng said: "as for the payment method, I have all full payment."

"Wocao, what's the origin of these two people? Don't they say they can't afford to buy a house, but now they say they want to buy it in full?"

"Especially the man who looks like a loser, and even says he wants to buy three sets. Even if you give him a little discount, it will be tens of thousands of yuan. If you give him three full sets of money, you will get more than six million yuan. Can he take it out? "

"Ha ha, he's a character that even sister Jiang Dong knows. Maybe he can come out."

"Paralyzed, it turns out that they are not simple characters. We were really killed by Shi Liang and Shi Yong."

Many salesmen are stupid.

At first, they thought he Feng and Xia Menglu were losers.

But just now when they said "buy all the money" and "buy three sets", their tone was too casual. It was like buying vegetables in a vegetable market.

Only last year, when the real estate market was booming, could we occasionally see such extravagance.

"Well! You two millionaires are really rich. You can buy all the money at any time. You've bought four sets. "

Jiang you said with a smile.

"Hee hee, I don't have much money. It's brother Feng who helps me earn it."

Xia Menglu said with a smile.

"Sister Jing, they buy four sets at a time. You can give them the biggest discount."

Jiang You looks at Zhang Jingdao.

"Second miss, you can rest assured that I will give you a satisfactory price." Zhang Jing nodded.

Later, she looked at He Feng and Xia Menglu and confirmed, "ladies and gentlemen, I want to confirm to you that you are going to buy two sets on the fifth floor and the sixth floor of building 7, right? Miss, which one do you want on the fifth floor

"I'll do whatever I want."

Xia Menglu doesn't ask for this.

"Good! Please give me your ID card and telephone number. I'll fill in the contract now. " Zhang Jingdao.

"All right!"

After getting their ID cards and phone numbers, Zhang Jing goes upstairs and greets the salesmen below. Be sure to treat Jiang Youyou, he Feng and others well.

"He Feng, how can you buy three houses at one time? Just for investment? Now the real estate market, it seems not very good

When Zhang Jing left, Zou Rong couldn't help saying.

Xia Menglu and Jiang youYou are also curious to see he Feng.

"Investment? Hehe, I'll just talk about it casually. Brother Feng wants to make money. He never depends on buying a house to invest. How slow is it to make money like this? "

He Feng chuckled, "I buy these houses for others."

"For someone else?"

Jiang youyou and others don't understand what he Feng means.

It's Xia Menglu who knows a lot about He Feng. As soon as he Feng says this, she immediately guesses, "brother Feng, you buy these three houses for the children in the welfare home."

He Feng nodded and said, "well, the place where the children live now is too shabby. It happens that the fine decoration here and the lighting on the fifth and sixth floors are good. It will be much more comfortable for them to live here."

Last time he talked with Ling Weiyu, there are about a dozen children in the welfare home, and they can live in three houses.

"Er... You bought three houses just for the people in the welfare home?"

See he Feng nod to admit, Jiang youyou and others are very shocked.

You know, this house is not cheap. A flat is less than 90 square meters, the average price is about 23 thousand, and three flats cost more than 6 million.

In addition, it will cost hundreds of thousands to buy furniture and household appliances.

Is this young man in ordinary clothes so rich?

"Of course!"

He Feng sighed: "at first, I wanted to buy a villa. But later I thought about it. Although it's convenient to live in the villa, because it's on the lower floor, there must be a lot of mosquitoes, and the ground will be very humid. It's not as comfortable as this western style house. "


Jiang youyou and others don't know what to say.

This guy is still thinking about buying a villa?

The villas in Jiangbin City, even if they are ordinary, are close to ten million.

And villa decoration, quite expensive, often over a million.

"He Feng, I'm a little curious now. What are you doing? Don't tell me that you are really just the Department Director of Cloud City Group. A small department head, but not as strong as you Jiang you asks curiously.

"Me? I sell arms and collect protection fees from many of the top 500 companies in the world. " He Feng said with a smile.

"Just blow hard!"

Jiang you rolled a white eye and didn't believe what he Feng said at all.

He Feng shrugged and did not explain too much.

Brother Feng doesn't believe the truth. What else can I do?

And Xia Menglu is smiling, because she knows what he Feng said is true.

"Lulu, tell me what he Feng is for?" Jiang youyou sees that he Feng can't find anything, and looks at Xia Menglu.

"Sister Youyou, brother Feng, he didn't lie." Xia Menglu said.

"You two, you're really a man and a woman. Men lie, and women help. Forget it, I'm too lazy to ask. "

Jiang youyou stares at Xia Menglu and doesn't ask again.

She's just a little curious about He Feng, but since he Feng doesn't say, she won't go after him to ask.

However, from their relaxed attitude, she can see that he Feng and Xia Menglu will not have any pressure to buy these four houses.

Originally, she was going to find out if he Feng and Xia Menglu would have pressure to buy a house. If there was pressure, she would call Jiang Yin again and ask Jiang Yin to give her the lowest price.

Since they don't have pressure, there's no need for them to call again.

"He Feng, since your side of the matter has been solved, then I?"

At this time, Chu Yue, who was sitting on one side, inquired.

She knows he Feng's relationship with Xia Menglu, but she doesn't know whether Xia Menglu knows her relationship with He Feng.

In addition to Xia Menglu, there are Jiang youyou and others beside her now, so she is more embarrassed at the moment.

"Yueyue, if you are not busy, just wait here. It should be very fast to sign a contract. When the contract is signed, you can stay and have dinner together. " He Feng said with a smile.


Chu Yue agreed without hesitation.

Seeing Chu Yue's joyful expression, although Xia Menglu doesn't notice anything strange, the shrewd Jiang youyou is acutely aware of it.

So, she quickly gently pulled Xia Menglu, and whispered in the latter's ear: "Lulu, the wolf is coming. It's going to rob you of the meat in your mouth."

"Ah? Sister Youyou, what are you talking about? Here comes the wolf

Pure Xia Menglu doesn't understand the meaning of Jiang youyou's words, so she asks directly.


Jiang youyou said, "no, nothing..."


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