"Cousin, do you know he Feng?"

Jiang you asks curiously.

"Ha ha, Youyou, although I don't have much contact with the Hefeng brothers, I only met them twice, but every time I met, the Hefeng brothers always shocked me."

Jiang Yin said with a smile: "by the way, how do you know Mr. He Feng?"

"Didn't I tell you that I am now a second-hand landlord. I rent his girlfriend's house to her." Jiang youyou said.

"That's a coincidence." Jiang Yin looks at He Feng gratefully, "brother he Feng, today I really thank you. You are my lucky star“ Mr. He Feng, are you free at noon today? I'll treat you to dinner! " Jiang Yin said.

"Well, let's go together." Hefeng road.

"He Feng, Lulu, I won't go with Li Chen..."

Zou Rong said hesitantly.

She is just a small salesman. She always has a little psychological pressure when facing Zhang Jing. Now she is more uncomfortable in front of Jiang Yin.

"Rong Rong, why don't you go with Li Chen? You haven't eaten at noon, have you

Xia Menglu can see that Zou Rong and Jiang Yindai are under great pressure together. After all, when she first met Wang Xiangyun, she was also under great psychological pressure.

However, she and Zou Rong are friends after all. She always feels a little sorry if she doesn't bring Zou Rong to dinner at this time.

Fortunately, after seeing Zou Rong wearing the clothes of a salesman of their company, Jiang Yin guessed the general situation and said immediately, "Mr. He Feng, since it's not convenient for your friends to go, how about I let Zhang Jing invite them to have a meal?"

"Rongrong, how do you like this?" He Feng looks at Zou Rong and asks.

"All right!"

Zou Rong can't refuse any more, so he can only promise.

"Zhang Jing, please invite them to dinner at noon, and help me treat these two friends well."

Jiang Yin looks at Zhang Jing and orders.

"OK, Mr. Jiang, I see."

Zhang Jing respectfully agreed.

Originally, she would not be so polite to Zou Rong and Li Chen, but now after seeing Jiang Yin's warm attitude towards He Feng, her attitude has changed greatly.

She has decided that she must cultivate Li Chen and Zou Rong and have a good relationship with them, which may be of great help to her future development in zhongyun group.


Miyun hotel.

It's a hotel owned by zhongyun group. Although it's not a star hotel, the food here tastes very good and the business is very hot. The daily turnover is more than 20000.

There is an independent big box here. When Jiang Yin comes, the hotel manager immediately arranges the box and asks the chef to serve the food.

And not many people enter the box, except he Feng, Xia Menglu and Chu Yue, only Jiang youyou and Jiang Yin.

"Mr. He Feng, it's past the meal time. I see you are all hungry. Let's make do with it here first."

After several people take a seat, Jiang Yin says with a smile.

"It's OK. I never choose a restaurant to eat. I only care who I eat with." Hefeng road.

"Mr. He Feng, thank you very much today. If something happens to youYou, we don't know what to do. "

Jiang Yin thanks again.

He Feng waved his hand and said, "sister youyou has helped Lulu a lot before. She is in danger. Of course, I will save her. You don't have to say such grateful words again, Mr. Jiang."

"Brother he Feng, don't call me Jiang Dong. It's awkward. I'm older than you. If you don't mind, just call me brother Jiang. " Jiang yindao.

"All right!"

He Feng nodded and asked: "brother Jiang, you are more familiar with the three martial arts schools. I want to know something about the three martial arts schools in Jiangbin city. What's the situation now?"

Now he has almost integrated the underground world of Jiangbin City, so he wants to know as much as possible about the ancient martial arts.

The underground world is totally different from the ancient martial arts world.

People in the underground world mainly rely on some obscure industries to make money.

For them, making money is not a big deal. They pay more attention to improving their strength and reputation.

The real strength of Jiangbin city is mainly concentrated in the ancient WuJie.

Smell speech, Jiang Yin saw an eye to sit beside he Feng Chu Yue.

He believes in Xia Menglu. After all, Xia Menglu is He Feng's girlfriend.

Although he didn't know how many girlfriends He Feng had

"Brother Jiang, Chu Yue is a very good friend with me. In front of her, I don't have any secrets. It's OK for you to say anything about the martial arts school." He Feng said.

"All right!"

Jiang Yin nodded and said, "the three martial arts schools are almost famous in Jiangbin city. They all accept apprentices to teach martial arts. And their peak combat effectiveness is almost at the same level, just like that of Mingjin in the early days. "

At this time, Jiang youyou interposed and asked: "cousin, my brother, has he not broken through to the middle of Mingjin?"


Jiang Yin raised her eyebrows.

"With He Feng, you don't have to keep a secret."

Jiang youyou rolled his eyes and said: "even if my brother breaks through the middle of Mingjin, it's not necessarily the strength of He Feng. Moreover, if I guess correctly, Ni long of Qingfeng martial arts school and the commercial strength of Tengfei martial arts school should have broken through to the middle of Ming Dynasty, right

"The strength of He Feng brothers is really so strong?" Jiang Yin looks at He Feng in surprise.

He has seen the strength of He Feng, but the specific strength of He Feng is not very clear.

"Brother Jiang, no matter how strong my strength is, you've seen me do it, and you know that my strength is certainly not weak. At least, I can easily deal with the ancient martial arts in the middle of Ming Dynasty. " He Feng said with a smile.


Jiang youyou looked at Jiang Yin and said, "cousin, the plan I told you before, you can make a decision now."

"You you, are you sure we really want to do that? I'm afraid if I do that, big brother, he will not be happy! " Jiang Yin frowned.

"I'm not happy now!"

Jiang youyou said: "he knows how to practice all day long and doesn't pay attention to the improvement of the overall strength of the martial arts school. Don't you find that the overall strength of Qingfeng martial arts school and Tengfei martial arts school is much better than that of Zhengqi martial arts school. If there is a conflict between the two sides, which side of the attack do you think we can withstand? At that time, will there be Zhengqi martial arts school in Jiangbin city? At that time, I'll see if he can be happy. "

Smell speech, Jiang Yin not from silent down.

What Jiang youyou said is naturally clear to him.

The three martial arts schools in Jiangbin city are friendly on the surface, but there are many struggles in the dark. Before the emergence of their three major martial arts schools, there were many martial arts schools in Jiangbin city. In the end, they were annexed one by one because of more fighting, leaving only these three martial arts schools.

Because the curators of the three major martial arts schools have the same strength, they tend to be peaceful in the end.

But this peace is all appearances.

Once another martial arts school has enough strength to annex the other two martial arts schools, it will certainly annex the other two martial arts schools without hesitation.

At present, the strength of the three major martial arts schools is obviously that Zhengqi martial arts school is the weakest.

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