"Youyou, I have told you for a long time that if you can persuade Qingyan to be the curator, I can cooperate with you."

After a long silence, Jiang Yin finally looked up at Jiang youyou and said, "if I guess right, the reason why the people of Qingfeng martial arts school attack you is because of something we got some time ago."

"What is it?" Jiang you asked curiously.

Jiang Yin takes a look at He Feng and tells him what happened in antique street that day.

Jiang you asked pleasantly, "diamond jade? Oh, my God, it's diamond jade. Isn't the elder brother also armed with war weapons now? "

"Well, big brother has long had a way to build War soldiers, but he has been suffering from the lack of materials for refining War soldiers. Now that we have the materials, the soldiers can be refined smoothly. "

Jiang Yin nodded and said, "so, if Qingfeng martial arts school catches you, it may be that they want to use you to exchange corundum or soldiers with elder brother."

"Fortunately! If he Feng hadn't saved me, let them catch me and change the soldiers, their strength would have risen again. "

Jiang youyou happily patted his chest and immediately frowned: "however, since Qingfeng martial arts school dares to attack me, it means that they must be ready to declare war on us, and we have to speed up the development of martial arts school."

"Well, now we just need to convince Qingyan. As long as Qingyan agrees to be the curator, I have no problem. " Jiang yindao.

"There's no big problem with Qingyan. I don't even need her to do it. He Feng's brother has promised me to help me beat my elder brother once, and then let Qingyan become the curator. "

Jiang youyou said: "when Qingyan becomes the curator, we will control the development direction of the martial arts school. At that time, in one or two years at most, the strength of our martial arts school will certainly catch up with Qingfeng martial arts school and Tengfei martial arts school. "

Jiang Yin asked in surprise: "He Feng brother agreed to do it?"

"Well! Anyway, a fight won't take long. "

He Feng shrugged and said, "but I have a small request."

"What requirements?"

Jiang you and Jiang Yin are looking at He Feng.

"When I win you the position of curator, you have to do me a favor." Hefeng road.

"What's up, you say, as long as the difficulty is not too big, I can promise you."

"I don't mind!"

"Don't worry, it won't be very difficult."

Looking at the brother and sister, he Feng said with a smile, "I can accompany you to Zhengqi martial arts school today, defeat your elder brother, and let your elder brother give up the position of curator. But you have to go to Qingfeng martial arts school and Tengfei martial arts school in three days

"Go to Qingfeng martial arts school and Tengfei martial arts school?"

"What are you doing there?"

Jiang you and Jiang Yin are confused.

He Feng said, "what else can I do? Of course, I'm going to take these two martial arts schools. Can I have tea in the past? "

"Take it directly? This... "

Smell speech, two people all stare big eyes.

Instead, Chu Yue, who knew more about He Feng's influence, stood up and poured tea for several people. At the same time, he said with a smile, "don't be so surprised. Since he Feng said this, it shows that he has enough confidence. You should believe him."

For He Feng's these practices, Chu Yue is now very supportive.

At the same time, she probably guessed why he Feng did it.

No accident, it should be related to Zhan Yu's attack yesterday.

"Does he Feng brother want to cooperate with us?" Jiang Yin inquired.

"The strength of He Feng's little brother is very strong. If you are willing to cooperate with our Zhengqi martial arts school, it's not difficult to win Qingfeng martial arts school and Tengfei martial arts school." Jiang Youdao.

"No, I'm not going to fight with those shrimps. It's not interesting at all."

He Feng shook his head: "however, I will send one of my younger brothers to help you. He will also take some people to accept two martial arts schools. It's not difficult."

"Your little brother?"

Jiang Yin smoked from the corner of his mouth.

Can his younger brother be more powerful?

"He Feng little brother, who is your little brother?" Jiang youyou asked.

"I won't say his name, you probably haven't heard of it. However, now the main thing about the Wolf Gang and the scorpion Gang is that he is taking care of them. When you start, I'll let him lead the elite of the Wolf Gang and the scorpion gang in the past. Isn't it a big problem? " He Feng said softly.

"The Wolf Gang and the scorpion Gang?"

Smell speech, Jiang Yin and Jiang youyou brother and sister two people, pupil is shrink up.

"By the way, I heard that the white cloud Gang seems to have been destroyed by the Wolf Gang and the scorpion gang. Has the Wolf Gang and the scorpion Gang been unified?"

Jiang Yin suddenly thought of some news he just got, and could not help asking.

"Little brother he Feng, the unification of these two gangs and the destruction of Baiyun gang are not all about you, are they?" Jiang youyou inquired tentatively.

He Feng did not deny it and nodded: "I'm not afraid to tell you that the boss of the Wolf Gang is my little brother. And Ji Xinyu, the boss of scorpion Gang, is my woman. As for the white cloud gang... The woman who is far away from heaven and sea, and he set a trap to kill me, of course I will destroy them all. "

"Is the boss of the Wolf Gang your younger brother?"

"Is the boss of the scorpion Gang your woman?"

As soon as the news came out, Jiang youyou and Jiang Yin immediately opened their eyes.

He Feng is ignore them, just smile, looking to the side of the mouth of Xia Menglu, said: "Lulu, if nothing at night, let's go racing?"


Xia Menglu just laughed.

She doesn't mind how many women he Feng has around her. She only cares if men care about themselves.

"Of course it's true. When did I cheat you?" Hefeng road.

"Good!" Xia Menglu immediately agreed to come down.


A rather discontented hum suddenly rang out nearby.

"Yueyue, should you not work overtime at night? Let's go together at that time. There are more people and more people. " He Feng immediately looks at Chu Yue.

At this moment, he also has a headache. There are many women around him, which is also a troublesome thing. He doesn't even have time to practice. If only brother Feng had a separate body.

"That's about the same!" The corner of Chu Yue's mouth rises slightly.

After pacifying the two women, he Feng looked at Jiang Yin's brother and sister and said, "how are you, brother Jiang, sister youyou? With the help of wolf and scorpion, you don't need to worry any more? "

"He Feng, you may not know much about Jiangbin martial arts school. We can't use hot weapons in the fight between martial arts schools. Otherwise, people from the martial arts association will definitely step in. Even if we are lucky enough to swallow other martial arts schools, the martial arts association will destroy this martial arts school in the name of justice. So, if you ask the Wolf Gang and the scorpion Gang to help us, you can only invite a few half step ancient martial artists who have cultivated their sense of Qi. "

Jiang Yin said awkwardly, "but as far as I know, few people, whether they are the Wolf Gang or the scorpion Gang, cultivate their sense of breath?"

"Well, there are not many people who practice the sense of Qi."

He Feng nodded, "but, my little brother, his combat power now, it's no problem to deal with the ancient warrior in the middle of Ming Dynasty."

"Er... Can your younger brother deal with the ancient warriors in the middle of Ming Dynasty?"

On hearing this, Jiang Yin was stunned.

He is not very clear about the strength of He Feng, but he thinks that he Feng is very strong, his younger brother's strength should be very general, right?

But now he Feng tells him that his younger brother can defeat Gu wuzhe in the middle of Ming Dynasty.

"Well, there must be no problem in the middle of Mingjin." He Feng nods again and confirms.


After getting He Feng's affirmative reply, Jiang Yin can't help but take a breath.

"He Feng little brother, you are really hidden. Not only are there many beauties around you, but also your younger brother is so outstanding."

Jiang youyou said with a smile.

"Sister Youyou, I can treat you as if you are praising me?" He Feng said.

"I was just praising you..."

Jiang youyou shrugged.

She has now understood, he Feng's depth is not what she can explore.

At this time, Jiang Yin continued: "little brother he Feng, there's something you don't know. You can use weapons in the ancient martial arts competition in the martial arts school. As far as I know, whether it's Qingfeng martial arts school or Tengfei martial arts school, they seem to have a low-level soldier. If soldiers are used, their combat effectiveness will be greatly increased, and it is possible for them to play a higher level of combat effectiveness. So, if your younger brother is only equivalent to the middle of Mingjin, I'm afraid it's a little worse... "

"Ha ha, I said that my little brother had no problem with the middle Mingjin period. It doesn't mean that his fighting power is the middle Mingjin period."

He Feng chuckled, "even if they use soldiers, they can play the strength equivalent to Mingjin's later stage, my little brother can also deal with it. You can rest assured of that. "

Now with Chen Jian's strength, it is probably equivalent to the appearance of Mingjin in the later period.

But he Feng has taught him a set of sword techniques now. If he can make it to a small level, his combat effectiveness will surely be greatly improved, at least equivalent to the peak level of Mingjin.


Smell speech, Jiang Yin with Jiang You priority is Leng Leng, immediately also can only be wry smile to wait.

Even my younger brother is so powerful, how powerful is he?

Mingjin peak?


Dark energy?

Whether it's Mingjin peak or dark strength level, they are now very clear that he Feng and them are not at the same level at all.

Gradually, a heroic spirit rose from Jiang Yin's heart.

He Feng is so powerful. If they can get on with him Feng, maybe their Zhengqi martial arts school will develop into a very well-known existence in the whole Jiangshu province in the future.

After understanding this, Jiang Yin no longer hesitated and said, "brother he Feng, I promise you that when you defeat my elder brother, my sister will become an ancient martial artist. I will try my best to annex Qingfeng martial arts school and Tengfei martial arts school."

"Cousin, I'll call Qingyan now."

Jiang youyou took out his mobile phone and made a call.


Soon, a beautiful soft voice came out of the voice, but the tone was a little cold.

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