"Qingyan, it's me, your second sister." Jiang Youdao.

"Second sister? Are you ok? "

Hearing Jiang You's words, the woman's tone on the opposite side became happy and asked with concern.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm having dinner with my cousin at the moment."

Jiang youyou said, "is it convenient for you to answer the phone now? I want to tell you something about the martial arts school."

"Well, it's convenient. I've just finished my meal. Now I'm walking outside."

"All right! I'll tell you straight away. I've got a helper to compete with my elder brother. If I win, I hope you can be a curator. "

"Compete with big brother..."

Smell speech, the other side murmured a, but then silence.

"Qingyan, there is something you may not know. Just this morning, I was almost captured by the people of Qingfeng martial arts school." Jiang you dignified way: "I guess with my cousin, Qingfeng martial arts school, should be ready to declare war on us."

"How dare they?"

Jiang Qingyan's tone immediately became cold.

"So now we are more eager to develop the strength of the martial arts school, but the elder brother's mind is on practicing and teaching martial arts, and he doesn't pay attention to the improvement of the individual strength of the apprentice."

Jiang youyou sighed, "Qingyan, you are very similar to elder brother, but I still hope you can consider the inheritance of the martial arts school. If the martial arts school is gone, the efforts of our brothers and sisters will be in vain. "


Jiang Qingyan was silent for a moment, then said: "second sister, I can promise you to be a curator. But when I became a curator, I would only do it when the martial arts school was in crisis. Usually, I don't care about the specific affairs of the martial arts school. "

"Of course, you just need to practice and study, and do what you like."

Seeing that Jiang Qingyan agreed to come down, Jiang youyou was relieved. "We are going to go to the martial arts school to find elder brother tonight. Do you have time to come over?"

Jiang youyou said, "I have classes tonight, but I'll ask for leave. Because, as far as I know, elder brother's cultivation has broken through to the middle of Mingjin. If the person you invite is not brother's opponent, I'll fight with brother myself. "

"That would be great! But I don't think you need to do it tonight. Just come and have a look. "

"Well, first of all, I'll go and practice."

With that, Jiang Qingyan hung up.

Jiang youyou is pleased to see to Jiang Yin with He Feng way: "green smoke promised, in the evening she will go to the martial arts school."

"That's good!"

Jiang Yin showed a smile on his face and immediately looked at He Feng, "brother he Feng, when do you have time in the evening? I'll say hello to my cousin first

"It's like 7:00 to 8:00 in the evening. At that time, it's time to finish dinner, and then go to exercise again."

He Feng said, "I'll go for a ride when I finish fighting with your big brother."

Jiang Yin immediately nodded: "OK, I'll say hello to my elder brother in a moment. Brother he Feng, thank you so much. "

"Ha ha, there's nothing to thank. After all, your Zhengqi martial arts school is not weak. If the real cards of Qingfeng martial arts school and Tengfei martial arts school are not much stronger than their superficial strength, they will not destroy you. "

He Feng looked at Jiang youyou and said with a smile: "after all, your sister's strength is not bad. Knowing that your elder brother has broken through to the middle of Mingjin, he dares to compete with him."

Jiang youyou said: "He Feng is modest. Although my cousin's strength has improved a little, she is much worse than he Feng. What's more, she's not sure how to deal with my elder brother. "

He Feng nodded, "well, anyway, you can rest assured that the position of the curator, I will certainly help you take down."

They ate the meal for more than an hour.

At the end of the dinner, Jiang Yin answers a phone call.

"Brother he Feng, Zhang Jing said that the procedures have almost gone. I can give you the key first. Do you want to go and get the key later?" Jiangyin looks at Hefeng road.

"Let's go. It's nothing in the afternoon anyway."

He Feng said: "Lulu, what do you say?"

"I'm fine, too. Let's go there together." Xia Menglu said that she would like to be with he fengni all day long.

He Feng looked at Chu Yue again, "Yue Yue, would you like to join us?"

Chu Yue said helplessly: "I still have some things to deal with in the afternoon. Now it's time to go back to the police station."

"OK, I'll call you when we're done with our business that night, and then we'll go to qiujingshan for a race."

"Then I'll go ahead and call in the evening."

Then Chu Yue stood up.

However, just as she was about to leave, her steps stopped again and said, "He Feng, there is one more thing I need to remind you."

"What's the matter?" He Feng asked.

"Director, he wanted to talk to you in person, but recently, a group of people in Jiangbin city were involved in drug trafficking. He was found by the director. He was searching with all his strength and had no spare energy, so I'll tell you on his behalf."

Chu Yue said: "considering that you are unifying the underground world of Jiangbin city in order to stabilize the situation of Jiangbin City, Zhao agrees with this very much. So, he has an idea, that is to let you unify the ancient martial world of Jiangbin city. "

"Unify the ancient martial arts? What do you mean, he? Be specific. " He Feng asked suspiciously.

However, sitting on the table, Jiang Yin and Jiang youyou's pupils shrink, and their eyes are full of shock.

"The meaning of Zhao bureau is very simple. In addition to the three major martial arts schools, it also includes the martial arts association of Jiangbin city. You'd better control it as well."

Chu Yue said with a smile: "after all, Zhao bureau is quite confident in your strength. He also said that if you are in any trouble during this period, he can help, you can contact him directly

"Well! That's a bit of fun. "

He Feng grinned, "then you tell Zhao Ju, I won't let him down."

"OK, I'll tell him."

Then Chu Yue looked at Jiang Yin and others, "Jiang Dong, sister Youyou, you have to help keep this secret. After all, it's very sensitive when it comes out

"I understand! We understand! Don't worry, Miss Chu. We'll take it as if we didn't hear it. "

Jiang Yin guarantees a way in a hurry.

"I'll go first. Goodbye."

Waving to the public, Chu Yue left directly.

Although she's gone, Jiang Yin and Jiang youyou's heart is beating. Looking at He Feng's eyes is also full of shock.

They didn't expect that he Feng was not only powerful, but also convinced the Wolf Gang, the scorpion gang and the Baiyun gang. Now he is so familiar with the director of Jiangbin public security bureau that even the director wants him to unify the ancient martial arts.

Isn't that to say that if he Feng wants to unify their Zhengqi martial arts school, isn't it just a matter of one sentence?

"He Feng, why do you want to unify the ancient martial arts world after unifying the underground world?"

Jiang youyou's personality is more direct, although shocked, but also confused, so she directly asked, "is it difficult, do you want to be a overlord, dominate Jiangbin city?"

"What hegemony? Brother Feng is not interested in such boring things as dominating. "

He Feng said casually: "I just don't want what happened to you this morning to happen to the woman beside me."

"That's it?"

Jiang youyou had some accidents.

"Of course!"

He Feng nodded, "because you are very familiar with Lulu, sister Youyou, and I can trust brother Jiang. That's why I want you to manage the martial arts school in Jiangbin city. As for the martial arts association, if you are interested in it, I don't care if it will be managed by you at that time. "

"Really?" Jiang youyou was immediately overjoyed.

"Sure, I'll be much more relaxed if you manage the martial arts association."

"Brother he Feng, you can rest assured that our Zhengqi martial arts school will help you build a solid Jiangbin city."

Jiang Yin is full of ambition.

At this moment, he has made a decision in his heart, and then he Feng will mix with him.

Only in this way can they really rise.

"Well, I believe in you, brother Jiang." He Feng said with a smile.

However, he had some doubts in his mind. He didn't understand why Zhao Enlai wanted to unify the ancient martial world of Jiangbin city.

Is it true that people from the martial arts association have also affected the public security of Jiangbin city?

It seems that when we have time, we have to talk to Zhao en.

After dinner, several people went back to the Xingyuan sales office, took the key of the house, and then, accompanied by Jiang Yin and others, went into the community to have a look at the real estate.

Although this community is a new one, the western style houses are finely decorated, and several of them have been handed over. In addition, the surrounding facilities are relatively complete, and there are schools outside the community, so some people have moved in.

Some investors, although they did not move in, but also to rent out the house, so the community is not so desolate.

"Brother Hefeng, are you satisfied with our community?"

Out of the gate of the community, Jiang Yin asked with a smile.

"It's OK. The environment of this community is very good. The greening rate is very high. It's also popular. Unfortunately, there is no supermarket or vegetable market in the community, otherwise it will be more convenient." He Feng said.

"Supermarkets and vegetable farms, right? No problem. I'll go back and say hello to the property and ask them to find someone to open a small supermarket. As for the vegetable market, it is very difficult to open a large vegetable market in the community, but I will also tell the property management that they should arrange people to sell vegetables and build a small vegetable market. "

He Feng's opinion is just casual, but Jiang Yin attaches great importance to it. "As for the large-scale vegetable market, I will try to communicate with the government and let them build a vegetable market outside the community, so as not to make it inconvenient for people living in the community to buy vegetables in the future."

He Feng took out his mobile phone, turned out a number and said, "brother Jiang, this is yuan Qian, vice mayor of the municipal government. Please save it. If you have any questions when applying, you can contact him directly. "

"Vice mayor?"

Jiang Yin eyebrows pick, heart shocked, did not expect he Feng mobile phone even Jiangbin City Vice Mayor's phone.

And listen to its tone, it seems that the vice mayor will give he Feng face very much.

How much energy does he Feng have?

"OK, Mr. He Feng, don't worry. I will solve the problem of building a vegetable farm as soon as possible." Jiang Yin quickly saved the phone, and then promised.

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