"Don't worry, I won't kill you today." Ji Xinyu can feel Yu's desperation and says faintly.

"Thank you, thank you, boss!"

Smell speech, more ruthless greatly relieved tone, have a kind of feeling after disaster.

At this moment, he is very lucky. He thought Ji Xinyu would directly let him go to Liuyue club to die.

Yu Hao is very clear. Now the scorpion gang has a huge influence in Jiangbin city. If Ji Xinyu wants him to die, he is afraid that he can't even get out of Jiangbin city.

"I don't kill you because he Feng doesn't like me to kill people. But not killing doesn't mean I'll let you go completely. "

As soon as Yu Hao was relieved, Ji Xinyu's cold voice rang again, "well, you can hurt yourself and waste your legs, so I can spare your life."

"Self mutilation?"

I glared.

"Yes, I don't want to, do I? OK, then I'll kill you. " Ji Xinyu said coldly.

"Boss, I..."

Yu Hao is about to cry.

"It's the greatest kindness to let you hurt yourself. Originally, according to my expectation, I would kill you, and then your whole family, so as not to leave trouble. And now, I just want you to hurt yourself. You can't accept it, can you? " Ji Xinyu has some impatience, "since you don't accept it, hang up, and then it's up to you and your family to escape."

"Don't, boss, I, I hurt myself, I'll hurt myself now..."

Hearing Ji Xinyu's cold voice, Yu Hao's heart leaps wildly and shouts out.

If you let Ji Xinyu do it by himself, let alone him at last, even his family will die.

Although Yu Hao has the nickname "ruthless", he knows that his own ruthlessness is not at the same level as Ji Xinyu's.

As he spoke, Yu took a deep breath and clenched his teeth.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Yu Qiao sees this scene, have a kind of not very good premonition, flustered ask a way.

At the beginning, the crowd around them didn't know why, but soon they reacted.

There is only one person in the world who can make Yu Hao fall to his knees in a panic, that is the boss of the scorpion gang.

Is the relationship between the boss of the scorpion gang and that young man better than that with Yu Hao?

This time, did Yu really kick the iron plate?


In the midst of all doubts, the dagger on Yu's hand slashed his ankle fiercely.

Blood gushing!

"Ah Yu Hao also let out a cry of pain.

"Brother..." Yu Qiao exclaimed.

The crowd around him was even more wide eyed.

"Pooh Hoo!"

However, Yu Hao didn't pay attention to him. He cut the tendon of the other leg with a knife.

Screams, again.

"Boss, is that ok?" Yu asked, biting his teeth. The severe pain made his forehead full of sweat, but he didn't care. He just wanted to know if Ji Xinyu's anger at him had dissipated.

If Ji Xinyu is still angry, he doesn't dare to hang up the phone easily, otherwise he may still lose his life.

"Congratulations, you made a good choice. Can you leave Jiangbin city with your brother in a week? " Ji Xinyu asked.

"Yes, certainly!"

See Ji new rain is willing to let go of oneself, more ruthless answer a way in a hurry.

"All right!"

Ji Xinyu was about to hang up, but suddenly remembered something and asked: "by the way, is He Feng going to the furniture city alone today? Or with someone else? "

"It's with a young girl..." Yu said without thinking.

"OK, I see."

With that, Ji Xinyu hung up directly.

And he Feng hears the reply of more ruthless, it is speechless.

It seems that if you don't go to find Ji Xinyu tonight, the woman will surely have a grudge against him.

"Brother, why are you doing this?"

At this time, Yu Qiao has come to Yu Hao's side, supports him, and asks confusedly.


Yu Hao slapped Yu Qiao's face and said: "NIMA, go down on your knees and apologize to Mr. He Feng. If Mr. He Feng doesn't forgive you, you can wait to sleep in the coffin. "

"Brother, this..."

Yu Qiao naturally guessed the general situation, but he was still reluctant to admit it.

The loser who is not paid attention to by him, really has such terrible energy?

"No matter what nonsense, I will kill you now!" Yu Hao was impatient and didn't answer Yu Qiao's question at all.

"Yes, I'm going to apologize to him."

Yu Qiao knew that Yu hen was not joking with himself. He ran to He Feng's body immediately. His legs softened and he fell on his knees in front of him. "Mr. He Feng, yes, I'm sorry..."

"Mr. He Feng, I'm really sorry about today's business. I have eyes and don't know Taishan. I bumped into you..."

With Yu Qiao apologizing, Yu Hao crawls to He Feng and apologizes the same way.

"Congratulations on seeing the sun tomorrow." He Feng light way.

"It's thanks to Mr. He Feng for his kindness that we saved our lives." Yu Hao lowered his head.

Based on Ji Xinyu's attention to He Feng and he Feng's intimate address to Ji Xinyu, Yu Hao has a certain guess about their relationship.

His heart is shocked and curious, don't understand he Feng is with how ability, incredibly can subdue their boss.

You know, their eldest brother is in the face of the four big CHILDES in Jiangbin City, they all have a lukewarm attitude.

Can't he Feng even compare with the four young masters of Jiangbin city?

"In that case, you should be good people in the future. In fact, it's good to be a human being. It's better than being a ghost, isn't it? " He Feng asked with a smile.

"Yes, it's good to be a man."

Yu Hao nodded: "after a few days, I asked my cousin to set up a furniture shop. We immediately left Jiangbin city and went back to the countryside to live an ordinary life."

When talking to Ji Xinyu just now, he was a little worried that Ji Xinyu would kill him directly.

For Ji Xinyu's means, he knows very well that if Ji Xinyu wants his life, he will never survive today.

He Feng nodded, "well, the furniture here is not bad. Can you still sell the furniture I like? "

"Of course, of course it can be sold."

"Is that a 10% discount?"


Yu qiaozujiao smoked, head shaking like a rattle, "no, no, Mr. He Feng has a fancy to our furniture, that's our honor. I, I would like to give all the furniture to Mr. He Feng. He Feng, please accept these things. "

"Well, since you want to force it on me, I'll give you face."

He Feng just showed a smile.

According to the normal market price of that set of furniture, he Feng was in a good mood to save so much money.

Yu Qiao said, "thank you, Mr. He Feng. I'll arrange someone to deliver the furniture to your home later."

"That's not necessary. I'll just call someone to come and pull it now."

While talking, he Feng takes out his mobile phone and dials Chen Jian's phone.

"Hello, brother Feng."

Chen Jian answered the phone soon.

"Chen Jian, I have ordered a batch of solid wood furniture in Guangdong Province in Likou furniture city. You can arrange someone to pull it. I will send the delivery address to your mobile phone later." He Feng said.

"All right, brother Feng, I'll send someone over right now."

After hanging up the phone, he Feng doesn't pay any attention to Yu Hao and takes Xia Menglu to the outside of the furniture city.

But Yu Hao watched them leave, but his face was full of endless shock.

"Chen Jian? He, he can tell Chen Jian to do things. Oh, my God. What is he doing? How could I offend such a person? And now, I'm... Still alive? "

In addition to shock, Yu Hao is only left to celebrate.

"Brother, who is Chen Jian?"

See more ruthless face suddenly change, Yu Qiao curious inquiry asked.

"There's one thing you may not know. The boss of the Wolf Gang has changed. Now the new boss is Chen Jian. " Yu Hao took a deep breath and said.


Yu Qiao exclaimed in amazement, which was also extremely shocking.

"Brother, do we really want to leave Jiangbin city and go back to the countryside?"

A moment later, Yu Qiao asked somewhat reluctantly.

"Ha ha, if you really want to go underground to be a ghost, go ahead. I'll burn more money for you during the Qingming Festival." Yu Hao said coldly.


Smell speech, Yu Qiao although still unwilling, but more is regret.

Early know so, oneself should not hit the idea of He Feng at the beginning.


Jiangyue group, chairman's office.

At this time, Yin Xianzheng was sitting at the tea table, and his father, Yin Jun, was sitting beside him.

In addition to Yin Jun, two middle-aged men sat opposite them.

Both of them are quite ordinary in appearance and dress, but their eyes are bright and bright, which makes them palpitating.

They are thin, but their temples are bulging.

As you can see, these are two powerful practitioners.

"Uncle Hua and uncle Yan, thank you for your willingness to help me deal with He Feng."

Yin Xian picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for them.

Huayin said quickly, "you are very kind, Mr. Yin. If it were not for your financial support and collecting all kinds of valuable medicinal materials to help us gather our inner strength, we would still be half a warrior."

Yan Cheng even said: "yes, I can't get rid of the word" half step "in my life. Yin Dong and brother Yin, you are just like benefactor to us

"Ha ha, uncle Hua Yan, we are all from our own family. Let's not say these polite words. In a word, if you have anything to do in the future, please feel free to come to me. "

Yin Xian laughed, then took out two Shenzhou bank cards from his pocket and handed them to them, "this card, two uncles take it first, the password is six sixes, and the balance on the card is 10 million."

"We can't take this card, Yin Dong. We can cultivate our inner strength because of your help. Now that you are in trouble, we should have helped you. How can we collect the money? "

"Yes, yes, we can't take the money."

Huayin and Yan Cheng refuse again and again.

But their eyes were staring at the bank card in Yin Xian's hand, with obvious greed in their eyes.

Although they are all interested in practicing martial arts, they occasionally want to enjoy it. For example, they go to high-end clubs and spend more than 10000 yuan. This consumption is not affordable to them at present.

If they can get this card, they will not have to worry about money in the future.

Yan Xian said with a smile: "Uncle Hua and uncle Yan, I'm not a deal to give you this money. This money is just my heart. You usually practice more, but you should pay more attention to your health. Now I'm busy with my career and I don't have much time to buy supplements for you. You can take the money and buy your own supplements. "

"Well... Then, I'll have the cheek to work for you."

"Ha ha, Yin Dong is so kind to us."

Huayin and Yan Cheng smile and immediately take the bank card in Yin Xian's hand and put it into his pocket.

Most of all, they have better control, but they can still see a strong excitement in their eyes.

Yin Xian didn't mind. Any poor man who suddenly got 10 million would be so excited.

"By the way, brother Yin, will the Ling family send someone to come?"

In order to avoid embarrassment, Huayin asked and changed the topic.

"That's right. The Ling family is also an expert who has cultivated his inner strength. Moreover, as a bodyguard of an important member of the Ling family, he should have practiced advanced martial arts, and his combat effectiveness may not be weaker than mine. " Yin Xian nodded.

"Dong Dong..."

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Here, I'll open the door."

Yin Xian immediately stood up, his face full of excitement, and went forward to open the door.

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