
When Yin Xian opened the door, he saw his assistant Yang Qiang standing outside.

And in Yang Qiang's side, also stood an air indifferent middle-aged man.

Indifference, with a trace of pride.

"Sir, the one from the Ling family?" Yin Xian asked politely.

"Yes Pengzu light way, voice indifference.

Although Yin Xian is the chairman of Jiangyue group, Peng Zu was born in such a family as Ling family. In his eyes, Yin Xian, a 10 billion class rich man, is no different from the upstart.

"Inside, please!"

Although the other side's attitude made Yin Xian a little unhappy, he didn't dare to express his dissatisfaction when he thought that the other side was from the Ling family. He made a "please" gesture with his empty hand.

Peng Zu nodded and walked into the office, while Yang Qiang continued to guard outside.

When Peng Zu came in, Yan Jun, Huayin and Yan Cheng in the office also stood up.

"Hello, brother. My name is Yin Jun. I'm Yin Xian's father and vice president of Jiangbin Martial Arts Association. I'm glad to meet you."

Yan Jun stepped forward, hugged Peng Zu, pointed to Huayin and Yan Cheng, and said, "these two are Huayin and Yan Cheng, who were also ancient warriors in the early Ming Dynasty."

"Peng Zu!"

When facing the ancient warrior, Peng Zu just smiles, nods and says his name.

"Mr. Peng, I don't know how your state is adjusted now. Can you deal with He Feng at any time?" Yin Jun asked.

"I'm always in good shape and can do it at any time." Peng Zu replied and immediately asked, "I heard my master say that he Feng is just a horizontal practitioner of martial arts? It should be enough for the two of us to deal with him. Why did we call two more? "

"Well, we also learned one thing yesterday. There is a warrior who is not weaker than he Feng. So, just in case, I'm afraid that his friend will help him when we do it, so I asked two helpers to come

Yan Jun said confidently: "at that time, the four of us will join hands, and he Feng will surely die."

"Well! In fact, as long as you can hold on to his helper, I will be enough to kill the one who practices martial arts

Pengzu arrogantly said: "however, since these two friends have come, then we will go together to avoid accidents."

"That's what I mean, too." Yan Jun said with a smile.

"Where is He Feng now? Can you find someone else as soon as possible? " Peng Zu asked.

Yan Jun looked at Yin Xian.

Yin Xian said with a smile: "Mr. Peng, when you just got off the plane and called us, I had already arranged the staff to guard the place where he Feng often went in and out. Once he shows up, we will be able to get the news in the first place. I've arranged for three sports cars downstairs, and we'll be there as soon as we can. Mr. Peng, why don't you sit down and have a cup of tea first? "

"All right!"

Doodle doodle

Peng Zugang is about to sit down. Yin Xian's mobile phone on the coffee table suddenly vibrates.

Yin Xian picked up the phone, looked at the caller ID, and then directly pressed the answer key.

"Yin Dong, he Feng appears." There was a voice from his men on the phone.

"Where is it?"

Yin Xian asked immediately.

He has made a detailed investigation of He Feng's information and knows that he Feng has a close relationship with Gong Wei and Xia Menglu in addition to Wang Xiangyun.

As a result, he has deployed staff in Yuncheng group, Xinghui villa, outside the residential areas where Gong Wei and Xia Menglu live, and downstairs.

"Tour station apartment!"

The other party immediately reported: "He Feng has just entered the Youzhan apartment. He went in with Xia Menglu. They bought vegetables and it seems that they are going to have dinner here."

"Ha ha, I know how to live. Unfortunately, I'm afraid he can't swallow this last meal. Keep your eyes on me. If he comes out, please let me know as soon as possible. "

Hang up the phone, Yin Xian looked at Peng Zu, Yin Jun and other humanitarian: "Mr. Peng, Dad, he Feng appeared in the station apartment."

"Let's go straight ahead and solve He Feng." Peng Zu said coldly: "it's still in the afternoon. There shouldn't be many people in the apartment. This is the best time to start. Otherwise, in the evening, there must be a lot of people in the apartment. It's not very convenient to start at that time. "

Yin Jun said, "Mr. Peng is right. Yin Xian, let's go. Take Yang Qiang with us. His shooting is good."

Yin Xian said, "OK!"

Immediately, a group of people out of the office, came downstairs, driving three sports cars, such as wild animals rushed to the tour station apartment.


At the same time, you station apartment.

Xia Menglu and he Feng hand in hand came to the door, took out the key to open the door.

"Brother Feng, are you cooking tonight? I'll go and wash the dishes for you first

Stay He Feng into the room, Xia Menglu with the door, said with a smile.

She is now eager to taste the cooking of He Feng.

Seeing this, he Feng and Xia Menglu walk into the kitchen together.

After entering the kitchen, he Feng didn't help wash the dishes, just washed his hands.

"Brother Feng, are you going to help me wash the dishes? I don't need your help. I can do the dishes by myself. Go to the living room and have a rest. " Xia Menglu thinks he Feng is going to help him wash vegetables.

"Lulu, wash your hands first. Here, I'll wash it for you... "

He Feng takes Xia Menglu and goes to the sink to help her clean her hands and then dry them with a paper towel.

"Brother Feng, what are you doing?"

Xia Menglu guessed something, and her heart began to pop up.

"Lulu, I'm not very hungry now. I don't want to eat so much. Before dinner, I... "

He Feng put Xia Menglu in his arms, smelling the unique body fragrance of the woman. He approached the woman's ear and said affectionately, "I want to eat you first!"

At first in the furniture city, he Feng was aroused by Xia Menglu.

Then he was teased by Ji Xinyu, and he couldn't stand it any more.

Even though he may have to go to the Liuyue club tonight, he Feng has to release himself first.

However, if Xia Menglu has not made enough psychological preparation, he Feng will also choose to continue to endure.

Now, he wants to see what kind of attitude Xia Menglu has.

Although he Feng is very familiar with her, Xia Menglu is still very shy. A thick blush appears on her pretty face and spreads to her white neck.

"Brother Feng, if you want to eat me, I, I have no opinion."

Xia Menglu raised her head. Although she was a little shy, her eyes were firm. "In fact, I've been psychologically prepared to be your woman. I know, brother Feng, you must not be an ordinary person. I'm not very clear about your real identity now, but what I think is very clear. No matter what kind of person you are, you are the man in my heart. With you, I will not regret, after the wind and rain, I want to spend with you. As long as you don't leave, I won't give up. "

A woman's words are like a breeze blowing in He Feng's heart, which makes him feel more comfortable, warm and moved

He Feng did not hesitate to open his mouth and said: "Lulu, I He Feng swear here that I will not leave you unless I die in the future."

"Don't say that!"

Xia Menglu raised her hand and stood in the way of He Feng's mouth. "Now, let's not say anything. I just want to enjoy brother Feng's love for me."

Finish saying, the woman doesn't wait for He Feng's reaction, directly stand on tiptoe, Fang lip fell on He Feng's mouth.


He Feng only felt his brain was crazy. He immediately hugged the woman's body and began to kiss her.

A few minutes later, he Feng picked up the woman and came to the narrow but fresh bedroom. One by one, he stripped off the woman's clothes and began to cherish her.

Because Xia Menglu doesn't have this experience, and he Feng's attack is very swift and aggressive. In less than 20 minutes, Xia Menglu can't stand it.

He Feng slightly accelerated the speed, after waiting for the complete release, then lay aside for the woman massage.

"Brother Feng, your massage technique is really amazing. After such a short meeting, I feel no pain at all."

Xia Menglu had some pain in that part, but when he Feng massaged her, the pain disappeared immediately.

"Of course, brother Feng is one of the most powerful ancient martial artists in the world. Of course, the means are amazing." He Feng complacent way.

"Brother Feng, the most powerful ancient warrior in the world is like you. How powerful is it?" Xia Menglu asks curiously.

"Our means, not to mention the sky, at least ordinary means can't deal with us."

He Feng thought about it and said, "for example, you should know the power of super bombs, right?"

"Of course, it's a terrible weapon that can destroy a city. There are only a few countries with super bombs in the world. Because of its terrible power, the federal organization no longer allows ordinary countries to develop such weapons."

For the super bomb, although Xia Menglu is not very familiar with it, she has seen a lot of terrible things about it on the Internet, "can you bear the power of the super bomb, brother Feng?"

"In fact, superbombs are classified. The ordinary super bomb really can't hurt me. But the most powerful super bomb, I can't carry it at present. "

He Feng grinned: "however, super bombs can't be dropped casually. After all, its power is too terrible. A country has not encountered the crisis of national annihilation, and basically will not consider the use of super bombs. "

The implication is that as long as brother Feng is not stupid enough to destroy a superpower, his life will not be in danger.

"So, brother Feng, aren't you close to invincible?"

Xia Menglu's eyes widened.

She only knows that he Feng is very powerful, and her identity must be mysterious and powerful, but she can't imagine that he Feng is so powerful.

"Invincible, there are still some people in the world who are stronger than brother Feng. However, as long as brother Feng doesn't provoke them, it's basically nothing

He Feng complacent way: "so, as long as there is maple elder brother in the future, no one can bully you."

Xia Menglu said with a smile: "hee hee, please go to the kitchen and help me cook. I'm hungry."

"All right, yes!"


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