Peng Zu felt that he Feng's smile was obviously killing, but he was not very afraid. He just said in a cold voice: "He Feng, do you dare to kill me? I tell you, I'm from the Ling family. If you kill me, you are beating the Ling family in the face. The Ling family will destroy you. "


As soon as he finished, he Feng kicked him in the arm.

A crisp crack of bone sounds in an instant.


Pengzu screamed and felt the pain and weakness in his right arm. He was sweating and glared at He Feng angrily. "You, how dare you abandon me?"

"Well? You haven't figured out the situation yet? "

He Feng's eyes narrowed, and then he kicked out.


Peng Zu's other arm also dropped down.


Peng Zu screamed again and fell to the ground in pain.

"Ha ha, Ling family? Are you really afraid of the Ling family? Oh no, it's not the Ling family that has to deal with brother Feng. It's just Ling Yi. I don't know if he is the core member of the Ling family

He Feng light smile, "and you, is a dog leg son of Ling Yi.". Even if I kill you, brother Feng won't have any psychological pressure. "

This time, Pengzu is really afraid, a word also dare not say, for fear he Feng start again, will directly to his own life.

And Yan Jun and others were all frightened, looking at He Feng's eyes full of fear.

What is the origin of He Feng? He Feng is not afraid of the Ling family?

Doesn't he know how terrible the Ling family's energy in Jiangshu province is?

If Lingjia wants to kill him, it is absolutely a matter of one sentence.

"Do you want to be the same as him, and you need brother Feng to use his hands and feet to know how to speak seriously?"

Seeing that Pengzu was silent, he Feng looked at Yan Jun and others.

"He Feng, I admit that your strength is very strong, we are not your opponent. Before the grudge, I can swallow, no longer with you for the enemy Yin Jun said.

After seeing the power of He Feng, Yin Jun had a deep understanding that relying on force alone, with his energy, he Feng was not his opponent.

After all, the only helpers he can call out are Huayin and Yan Cheng.

And they such a few people, in front of He Feng is not enough to see.

Now, he just wants to leave here first, and then wait for Peng Zu to return to the Ling family, so that the more powerful experts of the Ling family can deal with He Feng.


Just, he just finished speaking, he Feng kicked on his arm, directly abandoned his hand.


Yan Jun screamed in pain.

"He Feng, my father has said that he will not be your enemy any more. Why do you want to do this to him?" Yin Xian quickly went to help Yan Jun, staring at He Feng resentfully.

"Ha ha, are you all in the water? How can communication be so tiring? "

He Feng said with a cold smile: "you come to kill me. If I'm not strong enough, I'm afraid I'm dead now. But your strength is not as good as me. If you don't succeed in killing me, you just want to let it go? Do you think he Feng is easy to talk or bully? "

Hearing this, Yin Xian immediately understood the meaning of He Feng's words.

He Feng is ready to negotiate with them!

"OK, let's be frank. How can we let us go?" Yin Xian asked.

"Yin Dong is worthy of doing big business. He has a flexible mind and is much easier to communicate than these martial arts practitioners."

He Feng said with a smile, "what do you think you can talk to me about?"

Yin Xian frowned slightly, pondered a little, and said, "do you want me to buy my life with money?"

For Yin Xian, the biggest highlight of his body is the balance on the card.

After all, he is the boss of a large group with a market value of over 10 billion.

"It's still Yin Dong who knows me. He knows that brother Feng is a poor man and is in urgent need of money."

He Feng said with a laugh.

Originally, he wanted to get rid of Yin Xian and others, so that they would not bother themselves in the future.

But after thinking about it, killing so many important roles in China at one time may cause some unnecessary trouble, so he decided to spare a few lives.

But let them go, he Feng is not reconciled.

Therefore, he came up with such a plan to let Yin Xian buy his life with money.

After all, Wang Xiangyun called him in the morning to tell him that Yuncheng group is in urgent need of money. It would be great if we could get Yin Xian's "support" now.

"How much do you want to let us go?"

Yin Xian asked in a deep voice.

"How much is it?"

He Feng didn't know what kind of price to offer for a while, because he didn't know how much money Wang Xiangyun needed.

"Wait a moment, Yin Dong. I'll call my daughter-in-law first to see how much money she's still short."

He Feng said, and really felt out the mobile phone, in front of Yin Xian's face, directly dialed Wang Xiangyun's phone.

Yin Xian smoked, but he could only wait patiently.


After a while, Wang Xiangyun answered the phone.

"Daughter in law, aren't you busy now?" He Feng asked with a smile.

"It's OK. What's the matter?" Wang Xiangyun asked.

"I want to ask you something. Didn't you say today that the company is short of money? I'm making money now, so I want to ask you how much money you need. I'll see how much money I can make for you. " He Feng asked.

"Are you making money?"

Wang Xiangyun was stunned, but he Feng was not surprised when he thought of many ways to make money. He said directly: "at present, the company's working capital is about 400 million. If you can help the company earn 600 million and make up one billion, it should be enough."

"OK, I see. You can wait for my good news."

"All right!"

Hang up the phone, he Feng smilingly looked at Yin Xian, "Yin Dong, I finished the call."

"Well, you can make an offer." Yin Xiandao.

"Don't be nervous, Yin Dong. I'm not too greedy. I won't ask for too much money from Yin Dong. It's just that I really have some difficulties and need to use a lot of money, so I have the cheek to ask Yin Dong for some money. "

He Feng grinned, glanced at Yan Jun and others, and said: "however, their identities seem to be different. If the price is too low, they may think I look down on them, which is not good. So, how about one hundred million for each of you? "

If a person is 100 million, this is 600 million, which is just enough to make up one billion.

It has to be said that the number of people Yin Xian brought here today is really coincidental, and he just rounded it up.

"One hundred million? He Feng, are you robbing

Yin Xian's eyes immediately became round.

Good guy, I dare to open my mouth. If I open my mouth, it will be 600 million yuan. Does he really think that Jiangyue group is an ATM?

"You look down on me, don't you? If I want to rob, you think six hundred million will kill me? But since you think I'm robbing, I'm sorry if I don't do more. "

He Feng said with a smile: "well, I don't think Yin Dong is short of money. Let's double the price a little, 200 million per person."

"He Feng, you..."

"Why, Yin Dong wanted to keep the money, didn't he?"

Yin Xian was interrupted by He Feng's cold voice before he finished his words, and a cold and piercing sense of killing burst out from him, "then, you don't want this life, do you?"

"Take it! Take it! Take it! Let's take the money! "

Feeling the real killing intention of He Feng, Yin Jun was afraid that he Feng would attack Yin Xian, so he quickly grabbed Yin Xian and yelled: "He Feng, don't be impulsive, we are willing to take money, we are willing to!"

He had such a son, but he didn't want Yin Xian to come back from the gate of hell and be sent to hell.

Compared with my son, more than one billion yuan is nothing. Anyway, we can continue to earn money when we have no money.

"Dad, I don't have much money now. Even with the company's mobile capital, it's only $1 billion. If you give him all the money, there will be a big problem with the operation of the company Yin Xian said anxiously.

"Shut up

Yan Jun said angrily, "do you like money so much? Not even life? If you die, are you going to leave the money for me to buy a coffin? "


Although Yin Xian's heart was full of grievances and resentments, he was so scolded by Yan Jun that he also woke up.

Money is important, but if you lose your life, what's the use of more money.

Taking a deep breath, Yin Xian looked up at He Feng, "He Feng, give me your card number, and I'll transfer it to you now. However, because my money is not all on my card, it takes a little time to transfer. "

"This is my bank card. You can turn it slowly. I'll go back to the house to cook now. When you have finished the transfer, just call me. But I'll give you ten minutes at the most. In these ten minutes, you can also choose to run away. "

He Feng handed the bank card to Yin Xian and turned back to the house.


Yin Xian immediately looked at Yan Jun.

The meaning is very obvious, want to take advantage of He Feng to leave period, directly escape.

"Brother Yin, why don't we run away? As long as we run away, he Feng will never hurt us again. "

"Good! And after escaping, we can call the police immediately and let them deal with him. At that time, no matter how strong he is, will he dare to attack the police? "

Huayin and Yan Cheng whispered one after another.

Smell speech, Yan Jun brow pick pick, obviously some move.

He is very clear about how hard his son makes money. The more than ten billion yuan is his son's hard-earned money, so he naturally can't bear to give it to He Feng.

"Oh, run away? Didn't you see he Feng's speed just now? In front of his terrible speed, once you choose to escape, believe it or not, he Feng can rush out and kill you all? "

But at this time, Peng Zu suddenly said coldly.


The Yin army and others were speechless.

He Feng not only has strong strength, but also has more terrible speed.

If he Feng is cooking on the surface, but in fact he is secretly protecting them, they may not escape.

And once the escape fails, I'm afraid that the end is really only death.

"Yin Xian, you'd better transfer money."

With a sigh, Yin Jun said powerlessly.

Yin Xian was silent for a moment, and finally he took out his cell phone and called the company's finance.

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