"Brother Feng, what are those people doing outside? You've hurt them, so there won't be any trouble? "

After he Feng enters the room, Xia Menglu, who is dressed to win, comes to inquire.

"It's OK, just a few stronger flies. What's the trouble?" He Feng didn't care to wave his hand and said, "are you all right?"

"Of course, it's OK, otherwise I would not stand up and talk to you."

Xia Menglu said with a smile.

"OK, since it's OK, let's go to cook with brother Feng. After dinner, I'll take you out to play. " He Feng said.


Immediately, they went to the kitchen and began to cook.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

However, just entered the kitchen, he Feng's mobile phone vibrated.

Feel out a look, is the phone call from Chu Yue.

"Hello, Yueyue, what's the matter?" He Feng connected the phone, put his mobile phone in his ear with his head, and then continued to wash vegetables.

Chu Yue's voice soon spread, "He Feng, our police just received a number of alarm calls, saying that there was a fight on the 16th floor of Youzhan apartment, and there were still people with guns. If I remember correctly, does your girlfriend Lulu live in Youzhan apartment? "

"Yueyue, the man who fights and holds the gun is actually brother Feng..." He Feng said with a smile.


Chu month a Leng, speechless way: "is who to provoke you again?"

He Feng also didn't hide, will tour station apartment this side of things, told Chu Yue again.

"Asshole, that Yan Jun was so presumptuous that he dared to take people from martial arts association to deal with you. No wonder the Zhao bureau wants you to unify the ancient martial arts world in Jiangbin city. Without the control of their president, the martial arts association is in chaos. It's really time to straighten it out. "

Chu Yue was also a little angry, "don't worry, you station apartment side, our police will go to appease everyone's mood, there will be no negative impact."

"That's good. When I have a chance, I'll invite you to dinner. I'm sorry to trouble him all the time. "

"Are you sorry? I don't believe it. "

Chu Yue rolled a white eye way: "Zhao bureau is now busy to death, I'm afraid it will take a while to eat."

"Well, I'll talk about it later."

He Feng is not in a hurry. Anyway, Zhao Enlai is not a beauty. He Feng is not very eager to have dinner with him. He just wants to know about the Wushu Association by the way.

"Are you busy? If you're not busy, I'll pick you up at the police station later? Then, let's go to Zhengqi martial arts school together. How about that? " He Feng asked.

"I'll see later. Zhao bureau is very busy now. It's investigating a case. I don't know if there will be any action in the evening." Chu Yue said.

"OK, I'll get in touch later."

Soon after hanging up, he Feng's mobile phone vibrated again.

This time it wasn't a phone call, it was a message.

It's a reminder message from the bank, and it's worth 1.2 billion.

"Tut Tut, it's very reliable. It's coming so soon." He Feng raised a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Dong Dong..."

Yin Xian outside knocked on the door, "He Feng, the money has been transferred, have you received it?"

"Yes, you can go now. Please help me close the door." He Feng doesn't even bother to come out of the kitchen, and shouts from afar.

"All right!"

Yin Xian closed the door, and it was quiet outside.

Although the money has arrived, he Feng is not in a hurry to transfer the money to Wang Xiangyun. Anyway, the woman is not so anxious. He then wholeheartedly cooked a big dinner for Xia Menglu. After they finished eating happily, they cleaned up the house together and just drove Xia Menglu's Pamela out to Zhengqi martial arts school.

Now it's more than six o'clock in the evening. Jiang Yin sends the location of Zhengqi martial arts school to him on his mobile phone. He Feng directly drives the navigation and drives over.

On the way, he Feng calls Chu Yue again, but Chu Yue says she is still busy, so he Feng can only go to Zhengqi martial arts school with Xia Menglu.

Because today is the weekend, there are many pedestrians and vehicles on the way, and there are traffic jams from time to time. Originally, it only took half an hour to drive, but it took nearly an hour to walk.

It was past seven o'clock when they arrived at Zhengqi martial arts school.

Fortunately, the time he Feng told Jiang Yin was from 7:00 to 8:00, but he was not late.

Zhengqi martial arts school is different from the ordinary Sanda club and Taekwondo school. It just builds a field casually. His martial arts school was built in a relatively partial position in Jiangbin city.

Although the location is not very good, the parking lot, restaurants and so on are quite complete. The martial arts school has six floors, each floor has at least five or six hundred square meters, and the decoration is also quite magnificent.

Those who know the situation know that this is a martial arts school. Those who don't know the situation think that this is a large club.

"Hello, sir. What can I do for you?"

He Feng just stopped the car and walked outside the door, but was stopped by the security guard at the door.

There are not many students in Zhengqi martial arts school, hundreds of them. But the job of these security guards is to guard the door. They probably remember the face of each trainee. In addition, when the students enter the martial arts school, they will hang a student's sign around their necks, but he Feng has no sign, and his appearance is strange. Naturally, the security guard will stop him.

"Hello, I'm looking for Jiang Yin. Please inform me. My name is He Feng." He Feng said directly.

"It turned out to be Mr. He Feng. We, Mr. Jiang Dong, have already said hello to us. If you come here, let's take you upstairs. Please come here."

On hearing he Feng's name, the security guard immediately made a respectful "please" gesture.

"All right!"

He Feng nodded, when even holding Xia Menglu, into the martial arts school.

The first floor of the martial arts school is the reception hall, with shower area, rest room and so on.

"Mr. Jiang and the curator are on the top floor now."

Security with He Feng and Xia Menglu into the elevator, then press the sixth floor.

On the sixth floor, he Feng followed the security out of the elevator.

Outside the elevator is a corridor with several rooms on both sides.

Ordinary people are not allowed to come up to the sixth floor. Only the top management of the martial arts school and the half step ancient martial arts practitioners who have developed a sense of Qi are qualified to go up to the sixth floor without asking for instructions.

"Mr. He Feng, Mr. Jiang Dong and the curator are in the training room at the end of the corridor. You can go there directly. Our security guards are not allowed to go there." The guard said with an apologetic smile.

"It's OK. Let's go by ourselves. Thank you."

He Feng smiles, and then goes to the front practice room with Xia Menglu.

The door of the training room is a glass door. Although there are many patterns on the glass, when he Feng comes to the door, he can see the situation inside at a glance.

The area of the training room is very large, with more than 100 square meters. In the middle of the room is a huge challenge arena with an area of 981 square meters. The surface of the challenge arena is completely made of fine steel, which is extremely strong. Ordinary means can't leave any impression on it.

On the edge of the challenge arena, there is also a tea table as a rest area.

At this time, there were four people sitting around the tea table.

Two men and two women, two of whom He Feng knows, are Jiang Yin and Jiang youyou.

The other couple were an older middle-aged man and a young woman in her early twenties.

The middle-aged man is about 40 years old. He is thin, wearing a gray shirt, black linen trousers and black canvas shoes. His face is also ordinary. No one wants to see him in the crowd.

"He should be the master of Zhengqi martial arts school, isn't he? However, this person is really different from his name. There is a word "Crazy" in his name, but he looks a bit mediocre. However, this kind of person with a calm mind may make great achievements in martial arts in the future. "

He Feng looked at the middle-aged man, and his eyes fell on the girl opposite him.

The girl looks in her early twenties, with elegant temperament and pure and beautiful appearance. She is wearing a white sportswear, and her feet are also stepping on white Nike net shoes. Her black hair is tied into a ponytail and slightly cocked up, which makes her look playful.

Beside them stood six men of different ages, four men and two women, with extraordinary temperament.

"Here comes the Hefeng brothers."

He Feng just stood for a while, and Jiang Yin in the training room noticed him. He quickly got up and came over and opened the door, "brother he Feng, are you here at last?"

"I'm sorry, there's a traffic jam on the road. I've kept you waiting."

He Feng grins and pulls Xia Menglu into the training room with Jiang Yin.

"Brother, Qingyan, let me introduce you. This is He Feng brothers."

With that, Jiang Yin introduced the middle-aged man and young woman to He Feng.

As he Feng expected, the middle-aged man was Jiang Kuangdao, and the young woman was Jiang Qingyan.

"Good curator Jiang, good sister Qingyan." He Feng said hello with a smile.

"Brother he Feng looks so young. I didn't expect that you were so young and strong in cultivation."

Jiang crazy knife and others also stood up and looked at He Feng.

"Well, brother Feng is old. After all, brother Feng is a post-90s. " He Feng sighed.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that he Feng brothers are still martial artists with humor cells." Jiang Kuangdao smiles.

One side of Jiang Qingyan suddenly asked: "I listen to my cousin say, you are a horizontal practitioner. But as far as I know, the body of horizontal practitioners is not very strong, a muscle? Why do you look so thin? You are not a fake martial arts practitioner, are you

He Feng shook his head seriously and said: "it's not fake, but I'm much more handsome than other horizontal practitioners, and I'm much better in shape. My practice method is different from that of other horizontal practitioners. The later they practice, the stronger their body will be and the uglier they will be. Brother Feng, I am on the contrary. The stronger my strength is, the better my figure will be and the more handsome my appearance will be. "

"Handsome? I don't think so... "Jiang Qingyan looks at He Feng.


He Feng smoked from the corner of his mouth.

This girl is too sincere, isn't she?

Jiang Qingyan said: "however, it doesn't matter whether you are handsome or not. I only care about your strength. First of all, are you sure you can defeat my elder brother? If you're not sure, you'd better not go on the stage, so that you won't be left in the challenge arena for a while

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