At this time, in qiujingshan Lane above, more than a dozen sports cars, is rapidly toward the front.

At the front is a Ferrari F430.

It was originally driven by Lu Yanhua, but now it is Lu Weihua who is in the driver's seat.

He rode the dust and left behind more than a dozen sports cars.

However, although Lu Weihua is at the front, he has no pride and excitement on his face.

When racing with these people, he never fails to take the lead.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

Just then, Lu Weihua's mobile phone in his pocket vibrated.

It's Yang Jin.

"Yang Jin, don't you know I'm racing on it? Why do you call me at this time? "

In his heart, Lu Weihua was a little displeased, but he still controlled the speed and pressed the answer button, "Yang Jin, what's the matter?"

"Lu Shao, it's not good. He Feng is coming."

Yang Jin opened his mouth and yelled, "he... He wants you to come down."


On hearing the name of He Feng, Lu Weihua immediately stepped on the brake and parked the car on the side, "what do you say? Say it again

Yang Jin repeated: "He Feng, he came, he said let you down."

"What's the matter, brother?"

Lu Yanhua also parked the car to one side and ran to inquire.

Lu Weihua didn't pay attention to Lu Yanhua. He just squinted and asked, "besides he Feng, who else is coming?"

"And his girlfriend, who came with him last time." Yang Jin said.

"OK, you tell he Feng that I will come down soon and ask him to wait for me for a moment."

With that, Lu Weihua hung up.

"Brother, is He Feng here?" Lu Yanhua understood the general meaning and asked.

Lu Weihua nodded, "well, he's not only here, but also we need to go down now. It is estimated that he wants to drive us away as he did last time, and he and his girlfriend are dashing on it again. "

"What? Is He Feng too bullying? Do you really think we're afraid of him? "

Lu Yanhua said angrily.

"Lu Shao, with He Feng here, how can we survive in qiujingshan? It would be a shame if it were to get out. "

"Lu Shao, he Feng, we must find a way to get rid of him."

"Lu Shao, you have a wide way to go. Come and find a way to get rid of He Feng. As long as you can get rid of He Feng and let me pay a million, it's OK. "

"I'm willing to offer a million, too."

Some other second-generation childe brothers gathered around and said, expressing their anger.

Seeing this, Lu Weihua couldn't help frowning.

Of course he wants to get rid of He Feng!

However, yesterday, the Lu family suddenly ordered that he Feng should not be offended again, which made him feel quite unhappy and helpless.

It's too difficult for him to get rid of He Feng without relying on the energy of the Lu family.

After all, he has fought with He Feng twice, and probably knows some of He Feng's strength.

Build a strong body!

Such a powerful master, at least in the middle of Mingjin, can be sure to deal with it.

"Brother, even if you don't ask your family for help, you can ask other people to help you. There are many experts in the ancient martial arts of Jiangbin city. " Lu Yanhua reminds a way in the side.

"Ancient martial arts world?"

Lu Weihua's pupils contracted.

He is not willing to contact people in the ancient martial arts.

"Brother, is it hard for us to leave this time just like last time? After that, we might as well not come to qiujingshan and go to the school playground to drag racing. "

Lu Yanhua could not bear to see Lu Weihua hesitating.

"Shut up

Lu Weihua stares at Lu Yanhua.

Lu Yanhua immediately did not dare to say anything, but his eyes were very unwilling, and he Feng was also full of resentment.

"Yanhua, how much money do you have on you?"

Lu Weihua was silent for a moment, then he looked up at Lu Yanhua and asked.

"There's not much left now. It's only 10 million in all." Lu Yanhua said.

"Good! Give me your ten million yuan, and everyone present. Now give me one million yuan each. I'll invite someone to deal with He Feng. "

Lu Weihua said.

"OK, brother, I'll transfer the money to you now."

"Lu Shao, I'll transfer your bank card directly."

"Lu Shao, I transferred two million to you."

One by one, these childe brothers took out their mobile phones and began to transfer money.

Lu Weihua also took out his mobile phone.

However, instead of checking the information of the account, he made a phone call.

"Hello, Master Lu, can I help you?"

Soon, there came a middle-aged man's voice.

"Vice President Tan, I have a business to do with you. I wonder if you are interested?" Lu Weihua asked.

"Oh? What kind of business does Lu Shao want to introduce to me? " The middle-aged man inquired curiously.

"I don't know if you've ever heard of the name He Feng?"

"He Feng? Never heard of it

"Well, I'll tell you, he's a heavy exerciser."

"Refining the body?"

The middle-aged man asked: "Lu Shao suddenly mentioned he Feng. Is the business you want to introduce me related to He Feng?"

"Yes, I want you to help me get rid of him. Once you succeed, I'll give you 20 million. How about that? " Lu Weihua said directly.

"Twenty million?"

Smelling speech, the middle-aged man couldn't help but take a breath.

Lu Weihua could feel the middle-aged man's excitement, but said faintly: "Vice President Tan, he Feng is at the entrance of qiujingshan driveway now. If you want to do this business, please come here immediately. If you don't, I'll contact some other vice presidents now. I believe that there will always be people willing to take over the business. After all, I have cooperated with you occasionally, and you all believe in my character. "

"Since Lu Shao is in such a hurry, I'll get there now. I can get there in 20 minutes at most."

Tan Lin no longer hesitated, quickly agreed to come down.

After hanging up, Lu Weihua said to Lu Yanhua and others, "brothers, the person I asked will arrive in 20 minutes. As soon as he arrives, he Feng will be dead. "

"Brother, the man you are looking for is the one from the martial arts association?" Lu Yanhua asked curiously.

"Well! It's Tan Lin from the martial arts association. His cultivation is in the middle of Ming Dynasty. It's not a big problem to deal with He Feng, who plays an important role in physical training. " Lu Weihua looks relaxed.

"Tan Lin? Ha ha, this guy is a tough guy. He Feng is dead with his help. " Lu Yanhua was relieved.

"Well, let's continue to drag the car to the top of the mountain, and then go down the mountain. Today, I must see he Feng killed with my own eyes. "

Lu Weihua said.

"All right, brothers, get in the car."

Lu Yanhua called everyone back to the car.


At the entrance of Qiujing mountain, after listening to Yang Jin's phone call, he Feng turns around and goes back to the car. "Lulu, let's wait here. Lu Weihua and his group are racing on it. After they leave, I'll take you up."

"Well, let's wait for them to come down first."

It doesn't matter that Xia Menglu can stay with He Feng anyway. Even if she doesn't do anything or say anything, it's the happiest for her.

"Lulu, Lu Weihua, it will take them some time to get down. Why don't we do something else to pass the time

He Feng looked at the woman and asked with a smile.

"For what?" Xia Menglu asked subconsciously.

"Something we used to do when we were kids. Kiss... "

"Ah? Well... "

Xia Menglu just opened her mouth, and he Feng kisses her lips.

This kiss is more than ten minutes.

Xia Menglu has already been kissed by He Feng. She feels soft and hot. When she is ready to give him the strongest response, he Feng loosens her lips.

"Brother Feng, I..."

But Xia Menglu put her arms around He Feng's neck.

"Lulu, don't worry. It's not time yet. We'll come back when we get to the top of the mountain. There's no one there. We can let go. "

He Feng gently kisses the woman and says in a low voice.

"Brother Feng, you are too bad. When you tease me so much, you don't care about me. Hum, if you can't satisfy me later, I'll punish you. " Xia Menglu said with a small mouth.

"Don't worry, and you've tried brother Feng's skill once. You should know whether it's powerful or not." He Feng said with a smile.

"Of course I know that!"

Xia Menglu blushed and said, "but, didn't you come with me once during the day? Can you do that the second time? What's more, you didn't call your other girlfriend before, saying that you would go to find her at night. Don't look for her at that time. If you can't satisfy her, you will be disgraced. "

He Feng embarrassed way: "cough, what nonsense?"? Brother Feng has been in love for so many years. No woman can't satisfy him! "

"Hum, it seems that you are still very energetic, brother Feng. I'll squeeze you out hard later."

Xia Menglu snorted.

"Ha ha, I'll wait."

He Feng gave a big and small sound, and immediately looked at the qiujingshan driveway in front of him, "Lulu, you sit in the car for a while, I'll ask Lu Weihua why he hasn't come down. If he's going to be a long time, let's go straight up and wait for him. "

"Good!" Xia Menglu naturally has no problem.

She is now the body is He Feng kiss uncomfortable, wish now with He Feng arrived at the top of the mountain.

Push open the door, he Feng directly out of the car, to Yang Jin.

Just close to Audi TT, Yang Jin rolled down the window.

He Feng asked, "why hasn't Lu Weihua come down yet? You can call him again and ask where he is now."

"Ah? Oh, yes

Yang Jin feels bitter in his heart. He has been calling Lu Shao, and he will surely get Lu Shao's dissatisfaction.

But he Feng opened his mouth, and he didn't dare not fight.

So he took out his cell phone and dialed Lu Weihua.

"Well, I've come down. I'll be right there."

The phone was soon connected, and Lu Weihua's impatient voice came over.

"All right."

Hung up the phone, Yang Jin looked at He Feng and said, "Lu Shao said he will be there soon."

"Well, I see."

He Feng takes back his eyes to the darkness ahead. He has already vaguely seen the light of the car lights and the roar of the motor.

The speed of the sports car is very fast. After a while, he Feng saw more than a dozen sports cars coming down one after another and stopping at the roadside.

In the first Ferrari, Lu Weihua came down from it.

However, Lu Weihua did not go to He Feng. Instead, he stood by the car, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and looked at He Feng from a distance.

"Brother, is anyone here?"

Lu Yanhua went to Lu Weihua and asked.

"Don't worry, it's here."

Lu Weihua looked at the road down the mountain and said.

"That's good. He Feng dare to be arrogant." Lu Yanhua grimly said, looking at He Feng's eyes full of ridicule, "this little bastard, thought he had a little strength, like invincible in the world. When he meets vice president Tan, he will know that he is just a small role in the ancient martial arts world. "

"I said, why did Lu Weihua take so long to come down? It turned out that he called a helper to deal with me."

He Feng saw that Lu Weihua didn't come to his side after he got off the car. Instead, he stood beside the car and smoked. At first, he was still a little confused. But when he heard the roar of the car from the foot of the mountain, he immediately understood how it happened.

Before long, a blue Mercedes Benz glc260 coupe quickly drove over, steadily stopped at the roadside, and then came down a middle-aged man from the roadside.

The middle-aged man looks elegant and gentle, wearing a gray Tang suit and just a pair of black canvas shoes.

When he walked, his body was light, and it seemed that there was wind under his feet. It seemed that he was slow, but he came to He Feng in a few steps.

As for Lu Weihua and others, they were all ignored by him.

"Are you He Feng?"

Come to He Feng in front of, Tan Lin coldly stare at him to ask a way.

"It's me. What's up?"

"It's nothing. I just want to kill you because I don't like you very much."

Almost in the voice just fell of the moment, a leg shadow, quickly kicked to He Feng chest.

As fast as lightning.

The murderous spirit is surging.

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